157 research outputs found

    Dialogical mediation as an instrument to promote health and social cohesion: results and directions

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    One of the main challenges in Europe is to focus attention on public policies capable of promoting and maintaining social cohesion. We can see how the interaction between different cultural systems can radicalize the differences. Since those differences are assumed to characterize and identify elements of the specific social groups, they can cause conflicts in the community. This paper aims to describe the elements that allow the implementation of mediation in public policies. An operating model for both emergency use and in anticipation of conflict will be proposed for all the levels at which conflict itself may be generated or has developed: this model will be called “Dialogical Mediation” (Turchi & Gherardini, 2014). This model operates on the interested parties not only in a direct way, but also through all the “voices” that may be involved in repercussions that the conflict may generate (the whole community as a consequence). This is when mediation can be offered as an instrument of public policy, for the management of dialogical interaction between the “migrant community” and the “hosting community”, anticipating conflicts and sustaining interactions as a “single community”

    Per uno sviluppo di competenze degli operatori UEPE: la proposta della Mediazione Dialogica come strumento operativo

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    Il corso "Diapason", organizzato dall'Istituto FDE di Mantova e rivolto agli operatori dell'UEPE di Mantova e Cremona, ha consentito di poter erogare una formazione in merito alla mediazione come strumento per la gestione dei conflitti e delle controversie. Questo, in modo da (1) definire le competenze che - oggi pi\uf9 di ieri, se facciamo riferimento al Regolamento di organizzazione del Ministero, con il quale viene istituito il Dipartimento per la Giustizia minorile e di comunit\ue0 (D.P.C.M. 15 giugno 2015, n. 84) - richiedono un'applicazione da parte degli operatori sopra citati e (2) definire delle linee operative che possano consentire l'applicazione di dette competenze. Pertanto, il presente contributo, partendo dall'esplicitazione degli assunti teorico-epistemologici della Mediazione Dialogica (Turchi e Gherardini, 2014), arriver\ue0 a descrivere quali sono le competenze che \ue8 possibile impiegare per l'attivit\ue0 degli operatori UEPE. Non ultimo, riferirsi a uno sviluppo professionale in grado di promuovere una maggiore aderenza dell'operato al mandato istituzionale

    A mediação dialógica como instrumento para promover a saúde e coesão sociais: resultados e direções

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    Um dos principais desafios na Europa é focar a atenção nas políticas públicas capazes de promover e manter a coesão social. Podemos ver como a interação entre diferentes sistemas culturais pode erradicar as diferenças. Uma vez que essas diferenças são assumidas como a caracterização e a identificação dos elementos de grupos sociais específicos, elas também podem causar conflitos na comunidade. Este artigo visa descrever os elementos que permitem a implementação da mediação nas políticas sociais. Será proposto um modelo operacional, tanto para usar em situações de emergência, como de antecipação de conflitos, em todos os níveis nos quais o conflito possa, por si, ser gerado ou desenvolvido: este modelo será denominado “Mediação dialógica” (Turchi & Gherardini, 2014). Este modelo trabalha com as partes interessadas não só de forma direta, mas também através de todas as “vozes” que possam estar envolvidas nas repercussões que o conflito possa gerar (e, como consequência, com toda a comunidade). É aqui que a mediação pode ser oferecida como um instrumento de política pública para a gestão da interação dialógica entre a “comunidade imigrante” e a “comunidade de acolhimento”, antecipando os conflitos e apoiando uma interação como “comunidade única”

    La construcción de la identidad de la mujer consumidora de sustancias consideradas ilegales y el rol de madre

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    De acuerdo con los temas del paradigma Narrativista, según el cual la realidad es generada por las prácticas cognoscitivas que las describen como tal, la presente contribución se plantea como objetivo describir las modalidades cognoscitivas que contribuyen a la construcción de la identidad de la mujer consumidora de sustancias ilegales, en particular pretende describir si y cómo tales modalidades cognoscitivas cambian en el momento en el cual la mujer decide de transformarse en madre. En relación a este objetivo la investigación se avala de cuestionarios y preguntas abiertas suministradas al grupo objeto de indagación, compuesto de 80 mujeres categorizadas de acuerdo a dos variables: el consumo de sustancias ilegales y de embarazo. De los resultados de la investigación emerge cómo el estado de embarazo no influye de manera significativa sobre las modalidades de construcción de la realidad generada por las mujeres consumidoras de sustancias consideradas ilegale

    L\u2019Aquila, 6 aprile 2009: la gestione dell\u2019emergenza, la promozione della coesione e della salute sociale

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    Il presente lavoro nasce nell\u2019ambito del Progetto Vela, che si pone come obiettivo generale "la promozione della salute\u201d in comunit\ue0 colpite da emergenza sia naturale che umanitaria. Il Progetto \ue8 un\u2019iniziativa elaborata da un gruppo di ricercato- ri afferenti all\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Padova (dipartimento FISPPA \u2013 Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata), nato nell\u2019ottobre 2011 con l\u2019obietti- vo di indagare quali siano state le ricadute negli assetti interattivi della comunit\ue0 aquilana, ossia come essa configuri la propria realt\ue0 sociale, in seguito al sisma del 6 aprile 2009. L\u2019incipit dell\u2019articolo consiste in una riflessione teorico-conoscitiva sulla relazione tra \u201ccatastrofe\u201d, \u201csalute\u201d ed \u201cemergenza\u201d, che ha porta-to ad assumere la rilevanza di indagarli per come sono configurati dai membri della comunit\ue0, anzich\ue9 considerarli entit\ue0 statiche di per s\ue9. Coerentemente con questi assunti, attraverso appositi protocolli di indagine, sono state indagate le modalit\ue0 discorsive che configurano la "salute" del territorio aquilano prima del sisma, nelle ore di urgenza del post-sisma, allo stato attuale e in proiezione futura. I protocolli sono stati somministrati a diversi ruoli (cittadini, commercianti, insegnanti, forze dell\u2019ordine, operatori della protezione civile, medici e psicologi), in modo da raccogliere il testo di tutte le voci della comunit\ue0 aquilana. Quanto emerso ha mostrato che gli aquilani tuttora configurano la loro comunit\ue0 come "catastrofica" e dunque associata all\u2019evento sismico; dunque quest\u2019ultimo ha pervaso, e pervade, la biografia della comunit\ue0 aquilana (sia in prospettiva passata, che presente, che futura) con alto tasso di potenziale disgregazione sociale

    Machine Learning and MADIT methodology for the fake news identification: the persuasion index

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    [EN] The phenomenon of fake news has grown concurrently with the rise of social networks that allow people to directly access news without the mediation of reliable sources. Recognizing news as fake is a difficult task for humans, and even tougher for a machine. This proposal aims to redesign the problem: from a check of truthfulness of news content, to the analysis of texts’ persuasion level. That is how information is introduced to the reader, assuming that fake news is aimed at persuading towards the reality of sense they intend to convey. M.A.D.I.T. methodology has been chosen. It is useful to describe how texts are built, overcoming the content/structure analysis level and stressing the study of Discursive Repertories: discursive modalities of reality of sense building, classified into real and fake news categories thanks to the Machine learning application. For the dataset building 7,387 news have been analysed. The results highlight different profiles of text building between the two groups: the different and typical discursive repertories allow to validate the methodological approach as a good predictor of the persuasion level of texts, not only of news, but also of information in domains such as the economic financial one (e.g. GameStop event).Orrù, L.; Moro, C.; Cuccarini, M.; Paita, M.; Dalla Riva, MS.; Bassi, D.; Da San Martino, G.... (2022). Machine Learning and MADIT methodology for the fake news identification: the persuasion index. En 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 165-172. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2022.2022.1508116517

    Critical Competences for the Management of Post-Operative Course in Patients with Digestive Tract Cancer: The Contribution of MADIT Methodology for a Nine-Month Longitudinal Study

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    There is a high postoperative morbidity rate after cancer surgery, that impairs patients' self-management, job condition and economic strength. This paper describes the results of a peculiar psychological intervention on patients undergoing surgery for esophageal, gastric and colorectal cancer. The intervention aimed to enhance patients' competences in the management of postoperative daily life. A narrative approach (M.A.D.I.T.-Methodology for the Analysis of Computerised Text Data) was used to create a questionnaire, Health and Employment after Gastro-Intestinal Surgery-Dialogical Questionnaire, HEAGIS-DQ, that assesses four competences. It was administered to 48 participants. Results were used as guidance for specific intervention, structured on patients' competence profiles. The intervention lasted nine months after surgery and was structured in weekly to monthly therapeutic sessions. Quality of Life questionnaires were administered too. At the end of the intervention, 94% of patients maintained their job and only 10% of patients asked for financial support. The mean self-perception of health-related quality of life was 71.2. The distribution of three of four competences increased after nine months (p < 0.05). Despite economic difficulties due to lasting symptoms after surgery, and to the current pandemic scenario, a structured intervention with patients let them to resume their jobs and continue activities after surgery

    Managing the Consequences of Oncological Major Surgery: A Short- and Medium-Term Skills Assessment Proposal for Patient and Caregiver through M.A.D.I.T. Methodology

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    The effects of cancer surgery and treatment harm patients' life and working ability: major causes of this can be intensified by the postoperative symptoms. This study, the first part of the HEAGIS project (Health and Employment after Gastrointestinal Surgery), proposes a method to assess patients and caregivers' competences in dealing with postoperative course and the related needs to improve the adequate competences. In this observational study, an ad hoc structured interview was conducted with 47 patients and 15 caregivers between the third and fifteenth postoperative day. Oesophageal (38%), esophagogastric junction (13%), gastric (30%), colon (8%) and rectum (11%) cancer patients were considered. Computerized textual data analysis methodology was used to identify levels of competences. Text analysis highlighted three different levels (low, medium and high) of four specific types of patients and caregivers' competences. In particular, the overall trend of the preview of future scenarios and use of resource competences was low. Less critical were situation evaluation and preview repercussion of own actions' competences. Caregivers' trends were similar. The Kruskal-Wallis test did not distinguish any differences in the level of competences related to the characteristics of the participants. Patients and caregivers are not accurate in planning the future after surgery, using personal beliefs rather than referring to physicians, and not recognizing adequate resources. The medium-low competences' trend leads to unexpected critical situations, and patients could not deal with them in a maximally effective way. Both patients and caregivers should be taken over by healthcare professionals to improve patients' competences and make the curative surgery effective in daily life