48 research outputs found

    Wytwarzanie ślepoty i jej organizacyjne konstruowanie w szkole podstawowej

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    Niniejszy artykuł jest oparty na studium przypadku przeprowadzonym we włoskiej szkole podstawowej, w której obserwowano interakcje pomiędzy niewidomą dziewczynką (o imieniu Jasmine, w wieku lat 8) a jej kolegami i koleżankami z klasy. Początkowym celem badań było zrozumienie i opis problemów, z którymi spotyka się niewidoma uczennica, działająca w społecznym, organizacyjnym i fizycznym otoczeniu, które nie było zaprojektowane dla osób niepełnosprawnych. Jednak w trakcie badań wyłoniły się inne kwestie. Głównym odkryciem było to, że bycie niewidomym wydaje się być społecznie i organizacyjnie skonstruowane zanim stanie się biologiczną czy fizyczną ułomnością. Ten właśnie organizacyjny proces, poprzez który „bycie niewidomym” jest powoli i rutynowo konstruowane został dogłębnie i szeroko opisany

    Early Home Therapies against Covid-19. An Italian Case of Politicisation of Science?

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    Since February 2020, strategies aimed at containing and managing the Covid-19 syndemic have been developed by the governments of European countries. Among these measures, the possibility of an early treatment of the disease has been considered of fundamental importance, both for curing the disease and governing the syndemic. Despite their potential, early therapies received a somehow unexpected treatment in Italy and the debate around them gave rise to a very evident conflict between proponents and opponents of those treatments, to the point that some of the former organised a properly political movement in order to promote the integration of early home therapies in the official health protocols. Not surprisingly, the issue of early therapies has been considered an exemplary case of politicisation of science. However, the assimilation of the early therapy controversy to the frame of politicisation of science cannot fully explain why these protocols were discarded by political and health authorities. Rather, the consideration of health protocols as socio-technical objects shifts the attention on the vast range of cultural, political and economic factors that contributed to the general resistance towards those treatments. Therefore, we aim to analyse the media coverage of the phenomenon, and investigate the protocols of home treatment of Covid-19, paying attention to the interaction of the factors that contributed to the exclusion of home therapies into national guidelines

    Politics During and After Covid-19: Science, Health and Social Protest

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    Covid-19 represented a total social fact, especially for that part of the world (the so-called Global North and in particular its wealthier component) which is less used to face dramatic crises able to affect fundamental rights and provoke health threats on a daily basis. While acknowledging its enormous impact on individual biographies, political systems and socio-economic equilibria around the planet, however we contrast those interpretations that have tended to naturalize the pandemic event, reading it as unpredictable, unique, disconnected from the dynamics that guide the (mainstream) Western lifestyle and mode of production. On the contrary, the genesis and above all the management of Covid-19 are the result and the mirror of broader dynamics linked to modernity, colonialism, capitalism, in one word of the Capitalocene. For this reason, it is even more correct to speak of a syndemic, to underline the environmental determinants of health, and the social and economic inequalities (re)produced by Covid-19. We therefore consider that interpreting the pandemic/syndemic (and its governance) as a state of exception is at least partial, being instead more useful to identify its unveiling function, able to make some latent or less visible dynamics manifest. Based on such premises, we focus on some nodes of the syndemic governance, highlighting how this contributed to give continuity and accelerate typical dynamics of a neoliberal governance and worldvision. We deal in particular with four key issues: the treatment of "science" by the media; the political history of "public health" and its relationship to the modern state; the construction of legitimate dissent vs. the constructed irrationality of "conspiracy theory"; the outcomes of social protests and in particular their pathologization in the mediatic and public debate. These are also among the main topics which are critically discussed in the thirteen papers that compose this Special Issue, from a variety of disciplinary fields, and with diverse epistemological perspectives and methodological tools

    Early Home Therapies against Covid-19. An Italian Case of Politicisation of Science?

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    Since February 2020, strategies aimed at containing and managing the Covid-19 syndemic have been developed by the governments of European countries. Among these measures, the possibility of an early treatment of the disease has been considered of fundamental importance, both for curing the disease and governing the syndemic. Despite their potential, early therapies received a somehow unexpected treatment in Italy and the debate around them gave rise to a very evident conflict between proponents and opponents of those treatments, to the point that some of the former organised a properly political movement in order to promote the integration of early home therapies in the official health protocols. Not surprisingly, the issue of early therapies has been considered an exemplary case of politicisation of science. However, the assimilation of the early therapy controversy to the frame of politicisation of science cannot fully explain why these protocols were discarded by political and health authorities. Rather, the consideration of health protocols as socio-technical objects shifts the attention on the vast range of cultural, political and economic factors that contributed to the general resistance towards those treatments. Therefore, we aim to analyse the media coverage of the phenomenon, and investigate the protocols of home treatment of Covid-19, paying attention to the interaction of the factors that contributed to the exclusion of home therapies into national guidelines

    Politics During and After Covid-19: Science, Health and Social Protest

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    Covid-19 represented a total social fact, especially for that part of the world (the so-called Global North and in particular its wealthier component) which is less used to face dramatic crises able to affect fundamental rights and provoke health threats on a daily basis. While acknowledging its enormous impact on individual biographies, political systems and socio-economic equilibria around the planet, however we contrast those interpretations that have tended to naturalize the pandemic event, reading it as unpredictable, unique, disconnected from the dynamics that guide the (mainstream) Western lifestyle and mode of production. On the contrary, the genesis and above all the management of Covid-19 are the result and the mirror of broader dynamics linked to modernity, colonialism, capitalism, in one word of the Capitalocene. For this reason, it is even more correct to speak of a syndemic, to underline the environmental determinants of health, and the social and economic inequalities (re)produced by Covid-19. We therefore consider that interpreting the pandemic/syndemic (and its governance) as a state of exception is at least partial, being instead more useful to identify its unveiling function, able to make some latent or less visible dynamics manifest. Based on such premises, we focus on some nodes of the syndemic governance, highlighting how this contributed to give continuity and accelerate typical dynamics of a neoliberal governance and worldvision. We deal in particular with four key issues: the treatment of "science" by the media; the political history of "public health" and its relationship to the modern state; the construction of legitimate dissent vs. the constructed irrationality of "conspiracy theory"; the outcomes of social protests and in particular their pathologization in the mediatic and public debate. These are also among the main topics which are critically discussed in the thirteen papers that compose this Special Issue, from a variety of disciplinary fields, and with diverse epistemological perspectives and methodological tools

    I metodi qualitativi tra localismo e globalizzazione

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    L’ultimo decennio ha regalato ai metodologi e ricercatori che utilizzano i cosiddetti metodi qualitativi una serie di opere (alcune addirittura monumentali, dato che superano le mille pagine) che hanno l’obiettivo di fare una sintesi del sapere metodologico qualitativo in ciascun suo settore. Sono opere importanti perché permettono di raccogliere conoscenze, esperienze, saperi che storicamente sono spesso rimasti dispersi. Infatti nonostante la ricerca qualitativa abbia più di un secolo di st..

    Le note etnografiche: raccolta e analisi

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    In sociologia l’osservazione partecipante e, più in generale, i metodi etnografici, non hanno mai avuto un diffuso utilizzo. Essi sono stati spesso considerati dei metodi poco rigorosi, non sistematici e troppo sensibili alle inclinazioni del ricercatore. Le loro principali debolezze risiederebbero nella «scarza ispezionabilità dei dati» (Ricolfi, 1997) e nella «facile manipolazione delle informazioni raccolte» (Ciacci, 1983, 15). Da tempo però sono disponibili diverse tecniche rigorose e sis..

    Responsabile unità di ricerca di PRIN 2004-2006

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    ricerca sulla lavoro cooperativo mediato da computer, in due 118 della Lombardia