98 research outputs found

    Giant resonances in exotic spherical nuclei within the RPA approach with the Gogny force

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    Theoretical results for giant resonances in the three doubly magic exotic nuclei 78^{78}Ni, 100^{100}Sn and 132^{132}Sn are obtained from Hartree-Fock (HF) plus Random Phase Approximation (RPA) calculations using the D1S parametrization of the Gogny two-body effective interaction. Special attention is paid to full consistency between the HF field and the RPA particle-hole residual interaction. The results for the exotic nuclei, on average, appear similar to those of stable ones, especially for quadrupole and octupole states. More exotic systems have to be studied in order to confirm such a trend. The low energy of the monopole resonance in 78^{78}Ni suggests that the compression modulus in this neutron rich nucleus is lower than the one of stable ones.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Plaque echolucency and stroke risk in asymptomatic carotid stenosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Ultrasonographic plaque echolucency has been studied as a stroke risk marker in carotid atherosclerotic disease. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to summarize the association between ultrasound-determined carotid plaque echolucency and future ipsilateral stroke risk. METHODS: We searched the medical literature for studies evaluating the association between carotid plaque echolucency and future stroke in asymptomatic patients. We included prospective observational studies with stroke outcome ascertainment after baseline carotid plaque echolucency assessment. We performed a meta-analysis and assessed study heterogeneity and publication bias. We also performed subgroup analyses limited to patients with stenosis \u3e/=50%, studies in which plaque echolucency was determined via subjective visual interpretation, studies with a relatively lower risk of bias, and studies published after the year 2000. RESULTS: We analyzed data from 7 studies on 7557 subjects with a mean follow-up of 37.2 months. We found a significant positive relationship between predominantly echolucent (compared with predominantly echogenic) plaques and the risk of future ipsilateral stroke across all stenosis severities (0% to 99%; relative risk, 2.31; 95% confidence interval, 1.58-3.39; P/=50% stenosis (relative risk, 2.61; 95% confidence interval, 1.47-4.63; P=0.001). A statistically significant increased relative risk for future stroke was preserved in all additional subgroup analyses. No statistically significant heterogeneity or publication bias was present in any of the meta-analyses. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of ultrasound-determined carotid plaque echolucency provides predictive information in asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis beyond luminal stenosis. However, the magnitude of the increased risk is not sufficient on its own to iden tify patients likely to benefit from surgical revascularization

    Linear Responses in Time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Method with Gogny Interaction

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    A numerical method to integrate the time-dependent Hartree-Fock Bogoliubov (TDHFB) equations with Gogny interaction is proposed. The feasibility of the TDHFB code is illustrated by the conservation of the energy, particle numbers, and center-of-mass in the small amplitude vibrations of oxygen 20. The TDHFB code is applied to the isoscalar quadrupole and/or isovector dipole vibrations in the linear (small amplitude) region in oxygen isotopes (masses A = 18,20,22 and 24), titanium isotopes (A = 44,50,52 and 54), neon isotope (A = 26), and magnesium isotopes (A = 24 and 34). The isoscalar quadrupole and isovector dipole strength functions are calculated from the expectation values of the isoscalar quadrupole and isovector dipole moments.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure

    Barriers to primary care responsiveness to poverty as a risk factor for health

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Poverty is widely recognized as a major determinant of poor health, and this link has been extensively studied and verified. Despite the strong evidentiary link, little work has been done to determine what primary care health providers can do to address their patients' income as a risk to their health. This qualitative study explores the barriers to primary care responsiveness to poverty as a health issue in a well-resourced jurisdiction with near-universal health care insurance coverage.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>One to one interviews were conducted with twelve experts on poverty and health in primary care in Ontario, Canada. Participants included family physicians, specialist physicians, nurse practitioners, community workers, advocates, policy experts and researchers. The interviews were analysed for anticipated and emergent themes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This study reveals provider- and patient-centred structural, attitudinal, and knowledge-based barriers to addressing poverty as a risk to health. While many of its findings reinforce previous work in this area, this study's findings point to a number of areas front line primary care providers could target to address their patients' poverty. These include a lack of provider understanding of the lived reality of poverty, leading to a failure to collect adequate data about patients' social circumstances, and to the development of inappropriate care plans. Participants also pointed to prejudicial attitudes among providers, a failure of primary care disciplines to incorporate approaches to poverty as a standard of care, and a lack of knowledge of concrete steps providers can take to address patients' poverty.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>While this study reinforces, in a well-resourced jurisdiction such as Ontario, the previously reported existence of significant barriers to addressing income as a health issue within primary care, the findings point to the possibility of front line primary care providers taking direct steps to address the health risks posed by poverty. The consistent direction and replicability of these findings point to a refocusing of the research agenda toward an examination of interventions to decrease the health impacts of poverty.</p

    Evaluating Permeability Surface-Area Product as a Measure of Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in a Murine Model

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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Permeability surface-area product has been suggested as a marker for BBB permeability with potential applications in clinical care and research. However, few studies have demonstrated its correlation with actual quantitative measurements of BBB permeability. Our aim was to demonstrate the correlation of quantitative permeability surface-area product and BBB permeability in a murine model by histologic confirmation

    Toward a science of other minds: Escaping the argument by analogy

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    Since Darwin, the idea of psychological continuity between humans and other animals has dominated theory and research in investigating the minds of other species. Indeed, the field of comparative psychology was founded on two assumptions. First, it was assumed that introspection could provide humans with reliable knowledge about the causal connection between specific mental states and specific behaviors. Second, it was assumed that in those cases in which other species exhibited behaviors similar to our own, similar psychological causes were at work. In this paper. we show how this argument by analogy is flawed with respect to the case of second-order mental states. As a test case, we focus on the question of how other species conceive of visual attention, and in particular whether chimpanzees interpret seeing as a mentalistic event involving internal states of perception, attention, and belief. We conclude that chimpanzees do not reason about seeing in this manner, and indeed, there is considerable reason to suppose that they do not harbor representations of mental states in general. We propose a reinterpretation model in which the majority of the rich social behaviors that humans and other primates share in common emerged long before the human lineage evolved the psychological means of interpreting those behaviors in mentalistic terms. Although humans, chimpanzees, and most other species may be said to possess mental states, humans alone may have evolved a cognitive specialization for reasoning about such states
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