587 research outputs found

    Diritti in conflitto. Tra scelte "tragiche" e moltiplicazione dei livelli di tutela

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    In passato, l’affermazione e la tutela dei diritti fondamentali erano viste, oltre che come una conquista di civiltà, come un terreno condiviso su cui porre le fondamenta dell’ordinamento giuridico e, più in generale, dell’intera società (nazionale e non solo). Al giorno d’oggi, tale concezione non è certamente venuta meno, ma è cambiato il modo di approcciarsi al sistema dei diritti, che è caratterizzato da numerose situazioni di conflitto, frutto di una tensione tra universi valoriali contrastanti e, spesso, apparentemente inconciliabili. Tale contesa si sviluppa su differenti piani. In particolare, in un’ottica strettamente applicativa, essa riguarda due aspetti: da una parte, quello che attiene al rapporto che si viene a creare tra i singoli diritti tutelati dalla legge – e, ancor prima, dalla Costituzione – i quali si pongono, tra di loro, in rapporto conflittuale; dall’altra, invece, si fa riferimento alla contrapposizione tra i vari livelli ordinamentali di tutela, in ognuno dei quali ciascun diritto, sebbene identificato sotto una stessa “etichetta”, può essere inteso in modo non univoco e ricevere un diverso grado di protezione. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di esaminare entrambi i suddetti profili di conflittualità e di mettere in luce i problemi che essi pongono in concreto, ovvero nell’ambito dell’attività di applicazione del diritto. Per far ciò, lo studio è stato svolto attraverso l’analisi di alcuni casi paradigmatici in cui il conflitto, nell’una o nell’altra versione, si è manifestato in maniera più evidente. Da una parte, per quanto riguarda le situazioni di conflitto tra diritti, le ragioni di tale disputa sono da ricercare nella connotazione pluralistica del nostro ordinamento costituzionale e nel mutamento che essa ha subito rispetto all’epoca dell’entrata in vigore della Costituzione repubblicana, dovuto principalmente all’evoluzione sociale e culturale in atto nel nostro (e non solo nel nostro) Paese, ma anche allo sviluppo in campo tecnico e scientifico, che rendono tale conflittualità ancora più accesa ed estremizzata di quanto non fosse in passato. Circostanza, questa, che emerge in tutta la sua evidenza in quelle situazioni conflittuali in cui l’inconciliabilità tra gli interessi in contesa appare irrisolvibile, anche facendo ricorso alla tecnica del bilanciamento (che, in siffatte ipotesi, sembra entrare in crisi). Dall’altra parte, invece, con riferimento alle situazioni di conflittualità che derivano dalla moltiplicazione dei cataloghi dei diritti che si affiancano a quello contenuto nella Carta costituzionale, i contrasti hanno origine dal fatto che, in ciascuno dei diversi livelli ordinamentali di tutela, ogni diritto ha un suo specifico regime giuridico ed un suo standard di protezione. Tale problema si pone con particolare evidenza nei rapporti tra l’ordinamento nazionale e la Cedu, rispetto ai quali la contrapposizione tra le diverse letture di un medesimo diritto è emersa in maniera sistematica. A ciò si aggiunga che l’ormai consolidato obbligo di interpretazione convenzionalmente conforme (espressivo della tendenza del nostro ordinamento ad adeguarsi passivamente alle soluzioni fornite dalla giurisprudenza di Strasburgo), unito all’uso improprio che si è fatto anche dell’istituto della disapplicazione delle norme interne contrastanti con la Cedu, ha comportato, altresì, uno svilimento della lettura costituzionale dei diritti, a tutto vantaggio, invece, della concezione (spesso differente) di stampo europeistico

    Thermal characterisation of Bio Based Building Materials

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    The characterisation of indigenous renewable biomass sources applicable for making bio-based building (BBB) materials is crucial as it can significantly affect the cost of production and the quality of material. Nowadays in any specific area, wide ranges of biomass sources are usually available but only a few sources may be suitable for making BBB material. Therefore the suited sources should be determined. In this paper, the use of BBB materials is focused on Insulation Materials which are widely used in the buildings. Compared with currently used materials, these materials are bio-degradable. Insulation material with a good energy-adsorbing property and binder material have been developed as a mixture of renewable biomass and concrete under certain of reaction conditions. In detail, the BBB material can contribute to energy saving in terms of consumption of low energy during its production process, as well as of degradability. The experimental assessment of non steady-state thermal characteristics of a BBB material is presented here. The results will be useful to develop a database of the physical properties available for the building industry

    Ponte ciclopedonale sul Fiume Serio a Nembro

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    Progetto realizzato di ponte ciclopedonale sul fiume Serio, comune di Nembro (Bergamo)

    A correlation linking the predicted mean vote and the mean thermal vote based on an investigation on the human thermal comfort in short-haul domestic flights

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    The results of an experimental investigation on the human thermal comfort inside the cabin of some Airbus A319 aircrafts during 14 short-haul domestic flights, linking various Italian cities, are presented and used to define a correlation among the predicted mean vote (PMV), a procedure which is commonly used to assess the thermal comfort in inhabited environments, and the equivalent temperature and mean thermal vote (MTV), which are the parameters suggested by the European Standard EN ISO 14505- 2 for the evaluation of the thermal environment in vehicles. The measurements of the radiant temperature, air temperature and relative humidity during flights were performed. The air temperature varied between 22.2 °C and 26.0 ° C; the relative humidity ranged from 8.7% to 59.2%. The calculated values of the PMV varied from 0.16 to 0.90 and were confirmed by the answers of the passengers. The equivalent temperature was evaluated using the equations of Fanger or on the basis of the values of the skin temperature measured on some volunteers. The correlation linking the thermal sensation scales and zones used by the PMV and the MTV resulted quite accurate because the minimum value of the absolute difference between such environmental indexes equalled 0.0073 and the maximum difference did not exceed the value of 0.0589. Even though the equivalent temperature and the MTV were specifically proposed to evaluate the thermal sensation in vehicles, their use may be effectively extended to the assessment of the thermal comfort in airplanes or other occupied places

    Air quality and relative humidity in commercial aircrafts: an experimental investigation on short-haul domestic flights

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    Nowadays the achievement of a comfortable environment in aircraft cabins is a factor of paramount importance in air travel business competition; on the other hand, the need of reducing the propulsion fuel cost has driven the airline companies to adopt air handling systems that may reduce the levels of thermal comfort and air quality inside the cabins of commercial airliners. With the aim of contributing to a better knowledge of this matter, this paper reports the results of an experimental study upon the indoor air quality aboard commercial aircrafts for 14 domestic flights less than 1 h and half long. The parameters monitored were temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration; the measurements were performed during the whole flight from the take-off to the landing. The relative humidity inside the cabin was also calculated using the rates of outside air and the carbon dioxide as a ventilation tracer; the theoretical results were compared with the measured data. The relationship between relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration during fights was highlighted in order to define the environmental conditions that may provide acceptable levels of both the air quality and hygrometric comfort to the crew and passengers. The results of calculations confirmed the possibility of improving the hygrometric conditions in aircraft cabins without the need of using humidification systems

    An experimental investigation on air quality inside WindJet aircraft

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    ABSTRACT In order to improve the passengers and crew comfort during the flight, the aim of the present paper is a study of the cabin air quality through experimental measures on randomly selected flight segments of an Italian airline company, WindJet. Carbon dioxide, ultrafine particles, temperature and relative humidity have been measured by using low cost high efficiency instrumental equipments. Exploring ways to improve aircraft cabin air quality, WindJet and University of Palermo are investigating equipment, filters and components of the ventilation system. In this paper, after description of both ventilation systems for aircrafts of WindJet and the instrumental equipments used to measure environmental characteristics on board, obtained results are shown

    An embedded diagnostic system for wheelchairs brushless drives monitoring

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    The implementation of a microcontroller based monitoring system for the diagnosis of a brushless synchronous motor drives is presented. It finds its primarily interest on motorized wheelchair for disabled people. The embedded system mainly controls all the principal parameters of the electrical drives together with the power supply system. Pre-failure and failure conditions are routinely logged and, depending on the malfunction severity, alarm messages are created and sent to a remote base station by using the GSM wireless network

    “Look, Son, This Is Your Country:” Spacializing Influence On Perceptions Of Indigeneity

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    AMUKISHMI, an indigenous women-led ecotourism cooperative in Amazonian Ecuador, caters to tourists while pursuing goals of cultural valorization. In AMUKISHMI, and all other ecotourism operations, space is a critical mediator through which audiences interpret performances of indigeneity. By analyzing case studies of performances in the cooperative and in a Quito mall, I demonstrate how the control of space (or lack thereof) is critical in shaping how audiences perceive indigeneity, as well as impacting the women’s pursuit of their strategic goals

    An FPGA-Based Software Defined Radio Platform for the 2.4GHz ISM Band

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    A prototype of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform has been successfully designed and tested implementing a reconfigurable IEEE 802.11 and ZigBee receiver. The system exploits the reconfiguration capability of an FPGA for implementing a number of receiver configurations that share the same RF front-end. Configurations can be switched at run time, or can share the available logic and radio resource
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