22 research outputs found

    Targeting of alpha(v) integrin identifies a core molecular pathway that regulates fibrosis in several organs

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    Myofibroblasts are the major source of extracellular matrix components that accumulate during tissue fibrosis, and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are the major source of myofibroblasts in the liver. To date, robust systems to genetically manipulate these cells have not existed. We report that Pdgfrb-Cre inactivates genes in murine HSCs with high efficiency. We used this system to delete the αv integrin subunit because of the suggested role of multiple αv integrins as central mediators of fibrosis in multiple organs. Depletion of the αv integrin subunit in HSCs protected mice from CCl(4)-induced hepatic fibrosis, whereas global loss of αvβ3, αvβ5 or αvβ6 or conditional loss of αvβ8 on HSCs did not. Pdgfrb-Cre effectively targeted myofibroblasts in multiple organs, and depletion of αv integrins using this system was also protective in models of pulmonary and renal fibrosis. Critically, pharmacological blockade of αv integrins by a novel small molecule (CWHM 12) attenuated both liver and lung fibrosis, even when administered after fibrosis was established. These data identify a core pathway that regulates fibrosis, and suggest that pharmacological targeting of all αv integrins may have clinical utility in the treatment of patients with a broad range of fibrotic diseases

    Epithelial cells utilize cortical actin/myosin to activate latent TGF-β through integrin α vβ 6-dependent physical force

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    Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-β) is involved in regulating many biological processes and disease states. Cells secrete the cytokine as a latent complex that must be activated for it to exert its biological functions. We previously discovered that the epithelial-restricted integrin α(v)β(6) activates TGF-β and that this process is important in a number of in vivo models of disease. Here, we show agonists of G-protein coupled receptors (Sphingosine-1-Phosphate and Lysophosphatidic Acid) that are ligated under conditions of epithelial injury directly stimulate primary airway epithelial cells to activate latent TGF-β through a pathway that involves Rho Kinase, non-muscle myosin, the α(v)β(6) integrin, and the generation of mechanical tension. Interestingly, lung epithelial cells appear to exert force on latent TGF-β using sub-cortical actin/myosin rather than the stress fibers utilized by fibroblasts and other traditionally “contractile” cells. These findings extend recent evidence suggesting TGF-β can be activated by integrin-mediated mechanical force and suggest that this mechanism is important for an integrin (α(v)β(6)) and a cell type (epithelial cells) that have important roles in biologically relevant TGF-β activation in vivo

    Organic Anion Transporter Polypeptide 1B1 Polymorphism Modulates the Extent of Drug–Drug Interaction and Associated Biomarker Levels in Healthy Volunteers

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    Understanding transporter-mediated drug-drug interactions is an integral part of risk assessment in drug development. Recent studies support the use of hexadecanedioate (HDA), tetradecanedioate (TDA), coproporphyrin (CP)-I, and CP-III as clinical biomarkers for evaluating organic anion-transporting polypeptide (OATP)1B1 (SLCO1B1) inhibition. The current study investigated the effect of OATP1B1 genotype c.521T>C (OATP1B1-Val174Ala) on the extent of interaction between cyclosporin A (CsA) and pravastatin, and associated endogenous biomarkers of the transporter (HDA, TDA, CP-I, and CP-III), in 20 healthy volunteers. The results show that the levels of each clinical biomarker and pravastatin were significantly increased in plasma samples of the volunteers following administration of pravastatin plus CsA compared with pravastatin plus placebo. The overall fold change in the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) and maximum plasma concentration (Cmax ) was similar among the four biomarkers (1.8-2.5-fold, paired t-test P value < 0.05) in individuals who were homozygotes or heterozygotes of the major allele, c.521T. However, the fold change in AUC and Cmax for HDA and TDA was significantly abolished in the subjects who were c.521-CC, whereas the respective fold change in AUC and Cmax for pravastatin and CP-I and CP-III were slightly weaker in individuals who were c.521-CC compared with c.521-TT/TC genotypes. In addition, this study provides the first evidence that SLCO1B1 c.521T>C genotype is significantly associated with CP-I but not CP-III levels. Overall, these results suggest that OATP1B1 genotype can modulate the effects of CsA on biomarker levels; the extent of modulation differs among the biomarkers

    Metformin Is a Substrate and Inhibitor of the Human Thiamine Transporter, THTR‑2 (SLC19A3)

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    The biguanide metformin is widely used as first-line therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Predominately a cation at physiological pH’s, metformin is transported by membrane transporters, which play major roles in its absorption and disposition. Recently, our laboratory demonstrated that organic cation transporter 1, OCT1, the major hepatic uptake transporter for metformin, was also the primary hepatic uptake transporter for thiamine, vitamin B1. In this study, we tested the reverse, i.e., that metformin is a substrate of thiamine transporters (THTR-1, SLC19A2, and THTR-2, SLC19A3). Our study demonstrated that human THTR-2 (hTHTR-2), SLC19A3, which is highly expressed in the small intestine, but not hTHTR-1, transports metformin (<i>K</i><sub>m</sub> = 1.15 ± 0.2 mM) and other cationic compounds (MPP<sup>+</sup> and famotidine). The uptake mechanism for hTHTR-2 was pH and electrochemical gradient sensitive. Furthermore, metformin as well as other drugs including phenformin, chloroquine, verapamil, famotidine, and amprolium inhibited hTHTR-2 mediated uptake of both thiamine and metformin. Species differences in the substrate specificity of THTR-2 between human and mouse orthologues were observed. Taken together, our data suggest that hTHTR-2 may play a role in the intestinal absorption and tissue distribution of metformin and other organic cations and that the transporter may be a target for drug–drug and drug–nutrient interactions

    Breakpoint Analysis of Transcriptional and Genomic Profiles Uncovers Novel Gene Fusions Spanning Multiple Human Cancer Types

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    <div><p>Gene fusions, like <i>BCR/ABL1</i> in chronic myelogenous leukemia, have long been recognized in hematologic and mesenchymal malignancies. The recent finding of gene fusions in prostate and lung cancers has motivated the search for pathogenic gene fusions in other malignancies. Here, we developed a “breakpoint analysis” pipeline to discover candidate gene fusions by tell-tale transcript level or genomic DNA copy number transitions occurring within genes. Mining data from 974 diverse cancer samples, we identified 198 candidate fusions involving annotated cancer genes. From these, we validated and further characterized novel gene fusions involving <i>ROS1</i> tyrosine kinase in angiosarcoma (<i>CEP85L/ROS1</i>), <i>SLC1A2</i> glutamate transporter in colon cancer (<i>APIP/SLC1A2</i>), <i>RAF1</i> kinase in pancreatic cancer (<i>ATG7/RAF1</i>) and anaplastic astrocytoma (<i>BCL6/RAF1</i>), <i>EWSR1</i> in melanoma (<i>EWSR1/CREM</i>), <i>CDK6</i> kinase in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (<i>FAM133B/CDK6</i>), and <i>CLTC</i> in breast cancer (<i>CLTC/VMP1</i>). Notably, while these fusions involved known cancer genes, all occurred with novel fusion partners and in previously unreported cancer types. Moreover, several constituted druggable targets (including kinases), with therapeutic implications for their respective malignancies. Lastly, breakpoint analysis identified new cell line models for known rearrangements, including <i>EGFRvIII</i> and <i>FIP1L1/PDGFRA</i>. Taken together, we provide a robust approach for gene fusion discovery, and our results highlight a more widespread role of fusion genes in cancer pathogenesis.</p></div