15 research outputs found

    SME’s perspective on psychosocial risks: From identifying to intervening in four countries

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    Introduction: Certain aspects of the work design or the organization as well as the social context of work may lead to negative physical, psychological and social outcomes. These aspects are considered psychosocial risks. Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece are facing the biggest consequences of the economic crisis with psychosocial risks being exacerbated. In these countries, small and medium enterprises play an important role in the economy. This paper presents the quantitative data from the project, collected in those four countries. The main goal of the survey was to determine the SMEs’ perspective about emergent psychosocial risks, difficulties and concerns related to its prevention as well as to assess their knowledge and existing practices regarding psychosocial risks prevention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distance sujective et performance de s\ue9curit\ue9 dans des contextes multiculturels : le r\uf4le de la mod\ue9ration dans le climat de s\ue9curit\ue9

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    L'objectif de notre recherche est d'\ue9valuer la relation existante entre la distance subjective qui s\ue9pare les membres d'un m\ueame groupe de travail et la performance de s\ue9curit\ue9. La distance subjective est d\ue9finie et \ue9tudi\ue9e en consid\ue9rant trois formes possibles de dispersion (King et Frost, 2002): la dispersion sociale (\ue0 partir des diff\ue9rences d\ue9mographiques et culturelles), la dispersion temporelle (\ue0 partir de la diff\ue9rence entre les cr\ue9neaux horaires des membres d'un groupe qui travaillent en rotations d'\ue9quipes) et la dispersion spatiale (dans le sens physico-spatial). La performance de s\ue9curit\ue9 peut \ueatre mesur\ue9e selon deux dimensions : la conformit\ue9 en mati\ue8re de s\ue9curit\ue9 et la participation \ue0 la s\ue9curit\ue9 (Griffin e Neal, 2000). Notre recherche a pour but de v\ue9rifier, d'une part si la distance subjective a un effet sur la performance de s\ue9curit\ue9 et, d'autre part, si le climat de s\ue9curit\ue9 (Zohar, 2008) joue un r\uf4le de mod\ue9ration dans la relation entre la distance subjective et la performance de s\ue9curit\ue9. Le mod\ue8le ici propos\ue9 consid\ue8re la distance subjective comme pr\ue9dictive de la performance de s\ue9curit\ue9 et le climat de s\ue9curit\ue9 comme variable de mod\ue9ration. La recherche, encore en cours, se d\ue9roule dans le d\ue9partement de V\ue9rone, la partie de la V\ue9n\ue9tie la plus touch\ue9e par les accidents du travail en 2009, celle o\uf9 se trouve le plus grand nombre de travailleurs \ue9trangers touch\ue9s par des accidents du travail. Environ deux cents employ\ue9s, dont 30% de travailleurs \ue9trangers, sont pr\ue9vus pour cette \ue9tude. Des questionnaires d'auto-\ue9valuation sont propos\ue9s pour mesurer les construits de l'\ue9tude. La performance de s\ue9curit\ue9 est \uab\ue9valu\ue9e \ue0 partir de l'\ue9chelle Griffin et Neal (2000) qui mesure les deux dimensions de performance, \ue0 partir de 4 item chacune. L'analyse des donn\ue9es sera effectu\ue9e en utilisant des mod\ue8les d'\ue9quations structurales. Les premiers r\ue9sultats semblent indiquer un effet de la distance subjective sur la performance de s\ue9curit\ue9 : plus la distance augmente, plus la performance diminue. En outre, ils semblent confirmer que le climat de s\ue9curit\ue9 joue un r\uf4le strat\ue9gique pour am\ue9liorer la performance de s\ue9curit\ue9

    Le buone pratiche viste dalle aziende coinvolte nella ricerca

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    Repertorio di buone pratiche organizzative per il benessere delle risorse uman

    Fluorimetric Assay of FAAH Activity

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    : Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is the enzyme responsible for the degradation of anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine, AEA) to arachidonic acid (AA) and ethanolamine. The method described here measures FAAH activity through the fluorometric arachidonoyl-7-amino-4-methyl-coumarin amide (AAMCA) substrate, which allows a simple and sensitive assay suitable for high-throughput screening tests. FAAH catalyzes the hydrolysis of AAMCA producing AA and the highly fluorescent compound 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (AMC)

    The impact of supervisor's safety profile on worker\u2019s safety performance

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    Safety climate (SC) has been one of the most frequently studied antecedents of safety performance since nineties. Many studies highlight the importance to analyse safety climate at group level but at group level no studies tried to compare the impact of the agreement degree about safety climate between supervisor and his group on workers' safety performance.Safety climate and safety outcomes were measured on a sample of 868 blue-collars of 11 Italian manufacturing companies. SC was measured at the organizational (OSC) and the group level. Group level SC consisted of two measures, one related to the supervisor (SSC) and one related to the co-workers in the work-group (CSC). The same measures were gathered also on 40 supervisors of each work-group (SSC consisted in a self-evaluation). A cluster analysis was conducted on supervisors, considering their perceptions about OSC, SSC and CSC, and four profiles were identified: the Judge (low OSC and CSC scores, and high SSC scores); the Easy-going (high scores for all the scales); the Pro-management (higher OSC scores, similar but lower SSC scores and low CSC scores); the Realist (similar medium size OSC, SSC and CSC scores). A significant relation was found between supervisor profile and safety outcomes, i.e. safety behaviour (compliance and participation). One-way ANOVA, with profile as the independent variable and behaviours as the dependent variable, showed higher values of safety participation for workers with a Realist supervisor. The lowest safety participation values were found for workers with Easy-going supervisor

    I risultati delle interviste semistrutturate

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    Analisi delle interviste ai rappresentanti sindacali Cisl di Verona e delle interviste ai rappresentanti aziendali coinvolti nella ricerca sulla percezione del benessere organizzativo, mobbing e stres

    The Relationship between Leader-member exchange and Different Perceptions on Safety Climate in the Work Group

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    From the end of nineties leader \u2013 member exchange theory has been considered one of the most useful approaches for studying links between leadership and organizational outcomes and particularly with safety outcomes (Zohar, 2002; Hofmann and Morgenson, 1999). The studies of Zohar and Hofmann & Morgenson suggested to integrate leadership, and in particular leader \u2013 member exchange, and safety climate (SC) as crucial factors of occupational safety. In this study leadership style is connected with the organizational-level safety climate (OSC), i.e. shared perceptions about management priorities about safety, and with group-level safety climate, considering group\u2019s supervisor as a climate agent (supervisor safety climate, SSC), i.e. shared perceptions about supervisor\u2019s priorities about safety. OSC and SSC are considered from two different points of view: supervisor\u2019s perceptions, and his/her group members\u2019 perceptions. Agreement degree about level of OSC/SSC perceived from group members and level of OSC/SSC perceived from supervisor (i.e. his/her psychological OSC, and self-evaluation of his/her safety commitment in the case of SSC) depends on LMX level, and can mediate the effect of LMX level on safety behaviours. The aim of the present work is to study the relationship between LMX level and safety behaviours, specifically safety compliance, and the mediation role of agreement degree about OSC/SSC among supervisor and his/her group members. Data collection involved 508 blue-collars belonging to 3 Italian manufacturing companies. Safety climate was measured at the organizational level (OSC) and at the group level (SSC). The same measures were gathered also on their supervisors (22 team managers). The agreement degree was computed as the difference between supervisors' and their workers' scores. Results confirmed the hypothesis of the relationship between LMX scores and safety compliance: the higher the LMX scores, the higher the safety compliance. Furthermore, the mediation role of agreement degree has been verified showing a total mediation. This means that the impact of LMX on safety compliance depends on the distance between supervisor's and his/her members\u2019 perceptions about the real importance of safety, at the organizational and at the group level. An important implication of this result is that organizations should develop effective exchange relationships between supervisor and work group, to improve safety at work

    I risultati dei focus group

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    Analisi testuale attraverso spad-t di 3 focus group al fine di capire la rappresentazione del benessere organizzativoa partire dalla variabile "ruolo aziendale", declinata in sindacalista, lavoratore, manager