96 research outputs found

    Pre-explosive conduit conditions of the 1997 Vulcanian explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat: II. Overpressure and depth distributions

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    International audienceA type example of Vulcanian eruptive dynamics is the series of 88 explosions that occurred between August and October 1997 at Soufrière Hills volcano on Montserrat Island. These explosions are interpreted to be caused by the pressurization of a conduit by a shallow highly crystalline and degassed magma plug. We test such an interpretation by combining the pressures and porosities of the pre-explosive magma column proposed by Burgisser et al. (2010, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.04.008) into a physical model that reconstructs a depth-referenced density profile of the column for four mechanisms of pressure buildup. Each mechanism yields a different overpressure profile: 1) gas accumulation, 2) conduit wall elasticity, 3) microlite crystallization, and 4) magma flowage. For the first three mechanisms, the three-part vertical layering of the conduit prior to explosion was spatially distributed as a dense cap atop the conduit with a thickness of a few tens of meters, a transition zone of 400–700 m with heterogeneous vesicularities, and, at greater depth, a more homogeneous, low-porosity zone that brings the total column length to ~ 3.5 km. A shorter column can be obtained with mechanism 4: a dense cap of less than a few meters, a heterogeneous zone of 200–500 m, and a total column length as low as 2.5 km. Inflation/deflation cycles linked to a periodic overpressure source offer a dataset that we use to constrain the four overpressure mechanisms. Magma flowage is sufficient to cause periodic edifice deformation through semi-rigid conduit walls and build overpressures able to trigger explosions. Gas accumulation below a shallow plug is also able to build such overpressures and can occur regardless of magma flowage. The concurrence of these three mechanisms offers the highest likelihood of building overpressures leading to the 1997 explosion series. We also explore the consequences of sudden (eruptive) overpressure release on our magmatic columns to assess the role of syn-explosive vesiculation and pre-fragmentation column expansion. We find that large shallow overpressures and efficient syn-explosive vesiculation cause the most dramatic pre-fragmentation expansion. This leads us to depict two end-member pictures of a Vulcanian explosion. The first case corresponds to the widely accepted view that the downward motion of a fragmentation front controls column evacuation. In the second case, syn-explosive column expansion just after overpressure release brings foamed-up magma up towards an essentially stationary and shallow fragmentation front

    Using Eruption Source Parameters and High-Resolution Grain-Size Distributions of the 7.7 ka Cleetwood Eruption of Mount Mazama (Oregon, United States) to Reveal Primary and Secondary Eruptive Processes

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    Numerical simulations of real-time volcanic ash dispersal forecasts and ensuing tephra hazard assessments rely on field-derived Eruption Source Parameters (ESPs) such as plume height, erupted volume, mass eruption rate and the Total Grain-Size Distribution (TGSD) of particles ejected from a volcano into the atmosphere. Here we calculate ESPs for the ∼7.7 ka Cleetwood eruption of Mount Mazama (Crater Lake/giiwas, Oregon, United States) that immediately preceded the caldera-forming eruption. We also introduce a novel approach to produce high-resolution grain-size distributions (GSDs) of individual samples over a wide range of particle sizes (0.00035–35 mm) by combining laser diffraction with dynamic image analysis. Detailed field analysis allows us to divide the Cleetwood eruptive sequence into a series of two distinct and consecutive VEI 4 eruptions: the lower (~0.98 km3) and upper (∼0.20 km3) Cleetwood units. The lower Cleetwood was the most intense with a plume height of ∼19 km and an average mass discharge rate of ∼3.1 × 107 kg s−1. Its TGSD yields a fractal dimension D∼3.1, like other similar eruptions. All twelve high-resolution GSDs produced in this study exhibit two systematic breaks in slope from a power-law relationship at ∼0.125 and ∼0.510 mm. These breaks in slope create three segments: S1 (<0.125 mm), S2 (0.125–0.510 mm), and S3 (>0.510 mm) that can be fit by power-law relationships with fractal dimensions of D1 = 2.5 ± 0.2, D2 = 0.5 ± 0.1, and D3 = 3.6 ± 1.1, respectively. Together with ESPs and detailed componentry, D values at various locations give insight into magma fragmentation and tephra transport. We find that D1 values are positively correlated with the median grain-size and are similar to values found in rapid decompression magma fragmentation experiments. We infer that D1 values reflect the size distribution of the primary products of magma fragmentation and could thus be used to infer the potential energy at fragmentation. We interpret the relatively low values of D2 to an increase in dense components due to particle rafting. Our work shows that comparing high-resolution GSDs at several locations on the dispersal axis can further constrain primary and secondary eruptive processes, which prove crucial to improving tephra hazard assessments and dispersal forecasting

    Relating vesicle shapes in pyroclasts to eruption styles

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    Vesicles in pyroclasts provide a direct record of conduit conditions during explosive volcanic eruptions. Although their numbers and sizes are used routinely to infer aspects of eruption dynamics, vesicle shape remains an underutilized parameter. We have quantified vesicle shapes in pyroclasts from fall deposits of seven explosive eruptions of different styles, using the dimensionless shape factor , a measure of the degree of complexity of the bounding surface of an object. For each of the seven eruptions, we have also estimated the capillary number, Ca, from the magma expansion velocity through coupled diffusive bubble growth and conduit flow modeling. We find that Ω is smaller for eruptions with Ca 1 than for eruptions with Ca 1. Consistent with previous studies, we interpret these results as an expression of the relative importance of structural changes during magma decompression and bubble growth, such as coalescence and shape relaxation of bubbles by capillary stresses. Among the samples analyzed, Strombolian and Hawaiian fire-fountain eruptions have Ca 1, in contrast to Vulcanian, Plinian, and ultraplinian eruptions. Interestingly, the basaltic Plinian eruptions of Tarawera volcano, New Zealand in 1886 and Mt. Etna, Italy in 122 BC, for which the cause of intense explosive activity has been controversial, are also characterized by Ca 1 and larger values of Ω than Strombolian and Hawaiian style (fire fountain) eruptions. We interpret this to be the consequence of syn-eruptive magma crystallization, resulting in high magma viscosity and reduced rates of bubble growth. Our model results indicate that during these basaltic Plinian eruptions, buildup of bubble overpressure resulted in brittle magma fragmentation.National Science Foundation EAR-1019872National Science Foundation EAR-081033

    Quantitative textural analysis of Vulcanian pyroclasts (Montserrat) using multi-scale X-ray computed microtomography: comparison with results from 2D image analysis

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    International audienceX-ray computed microtomography (μCT) was carried out on four pyroclasts from the 1997 Vulcanian explosions of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Three-dimensional data from multiple image stacks with different spatial resolutions (0.37, 4-8, and 17.4 μm px−1) were combined to generate size distributions of vesicles, inter-vesicle throats, crystals, and Fe-Ti oxides over a 3.4-860-μm size range, and to compare the results with those obtained by 2D image analysis on the same samples. Qualitative textural observations are in good agreement with those made in 2D, but μCT provides better resolution of textural features and spatial relationships. Calculation of size distributions requires automated decoalescence of the connected vesicle network. Problems related to this process, in part due to the high porosity of pumice, result in potential artefacts in the calculated size distributions, which are discussed in detail. The main modes of the 3D vesicle volume distributions are systematically shifted to larger sizes compared with those of the 2D distributions. Sample total vesicularities obtained in 3D are within 13 vol.% of those found in 2D, and within 10 vol.% of those measured by He-pycnometry. Total number densities of vesicles and Fe-Ti oxides from the two methods are consistent only to the first order, 3D values ranging from 37% to 309% of those in 2D. Vesicle coalescence, investigated by examining inter-vesicle throat size distributions, occurred in all pyroclasts between neighbouring vesicles of many sizes. The larger the vesicle, the more connected it is

    Bubble nucleation, growth and coalescence during the 1997 Vulcanian explosions of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat

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    International audienceSoufrière Hills Volcano had two periods of repetitive Vulcanian activity in 1997. Each explosion discharged the contents of the upper 0.5–2 km of the conduit as pyroclastic flows and fallout: frothy pumices from a deep, gas-rich zone, lava and breadcrust bombs from a degassed lava plug, and dense pumices from a transition zone. Vesicles constitute 1–66 vol.% of breadcrust bombs and 24–79% of pumices, all those larger than a few tens of µm being interconnected. Small vesicles ( few hundreds of µm) in pumices are interpreted as pre-dating explosion, implying pre-explosive conduit porosities up to 55%. About a sixth of large vesicles in pumices, and all those in breadcrust bombs, are angular voids formed by syn-explosive fracturing of amphibole phenocrysts. An intermediate-sized vesicle population formed by coalescence of the small syn-explosive bubbles. Bubble nucleation took place heterogeneously on titanomagnetite, number densities of which greatly exceed those of vesicles, and growth took place mainly by decompression. Development of pyroclast vesicle textures was controlled by the time interval between the onset of explosion–decompression and surface quench in contact with air. Lava-plug fragments entered the air quickly after fragmentation (not, vert, similar 10 s), so the interiors continued to vesiculate once the rinds had quenched, forming breadcrust bombs. Deeper, gas-rich magma took longer (not, vert, similar 50 s) to reach the surface, and vesiculation of resulting pumice clasts was essentially complete prior to surface quench. This accounts for the absence of breadcrusting on pumice clasts, and for the textural similarity between pyroclastic flow and fallout pumices, despite different thermal histories after leaving the vent. It also allowed syn-explosive coalescence to proceed further in the pumices than in the breadcrust bombs. Uniaxial boudinage of amphibole phenocrysts in pumices implies significant syn-explosive vesiculation even prior to magma fragmentation, probably in a zone of steep pressure gradient beneath the descending fragmentation front. Syn-explosive decompression rates estimated from vesicle number densities (> 0.3–6.5 MPa s− 1) are consistent with those predicted by previously published numerical models

    Pre-explosive conduit conditions of the 1997 Vulcanian explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat: I. Pressure and vesicularity distributions

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    International audienceAn authoritative case of Vulcanian eruptive dynamics is the series of 88 explosions that occurred between August and October 1997 at Soufrière Hills volcano on Montserrat Island. The state of the magmatic column just before a Vulcanian explosion is still poorly understood, but conditions the eruptive style. This study establishes such a pre-explosive stratigraphy by 1) documenting the textures covering the range of the 1997 products, 2) quantitative analysis of H2O content in interstitial glass measured by Karl–Fischer Titration, and 3) combining these data with a simple model linking pre- and post-explosive vesicularities. The model shows that syn-explosive degassing affects greatly the way porosity evolves by decompression during an explosion. The stratigraphy reconstruction shows a three-part vertical layering of the conduit prior to explosion with overall denser values than those previously suggested. A dense and strongly degassed plug caps the column. It is underlain by a shallow transition zone featuring complex mingling between vesicular and dense magma up to 10 MPa. At higher pressure, up to 80 MPa, lies a more homogeneous zone of relatively dense (10–20 vol.%) magma, which was emplaced under partly open-system degassing. This conduit stratigraphy gives the vision of a strongly heterogeneous magma column immediately prior to its disruption. Our analysis suggests that fragmenting such a composite magma cannot happen in a single coherent pulse, but rather as stages. The transition zone contains heterogeneous amounts of exsolved gas that could explain the pulsatory nature of the Vulcanian jets at the beginning of the explosions. This contrasts with the nearly constant vesicularities of the deeper part of the pre-explosive magma column, which are propitious to a general, short-lived disruption

    Integration of decision support systems to improve decision support performance

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    Decision support system (DSS) is a well-established research and development area. Traditional isolated, stand-alone DSS has been recently facing new challenges. In order to improve the performance of DSS to meet the challenges, research has been actively carried out to develop integrated decision support systems (IDSS). This paper reviews the current research efforts with regard to the development of IDSS. The focus of the paper is on the integration aspect for IDSS through multiple perspectives, and the technologies that support this integration. More than 100 papers and software systems are discussed. Current research efforts and the development status of IDSS are explained, compared and classified. In addition, future trends and challenges in integration are outlined. The paper concludes that by addressing integration, better support will be provided to decision makers, with the expectation of both better decisions and improved decision making processes

    Mega-tsunami conglomerates and flank collapses of ocean island volcanoes

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    Co-auteur étrangerInternational audienceMarine conglomerates at high elevation on the flanks of ocean islands are usually interpreted as evidence of mega-tsunamis generated by volcano flank collapses, although their origin is sometimes debated (elevated littorals vs. tsunami). In this review, we introduce case studies of well-documented examples of tsunami conglomerates in Hawaii (Pacific Ocean), the Canary and Cape Verde Islands (Atlantic Ocean), and Mauritius Island (Indian Ocean). Other less-documented marine conglomerates are also presented as tsunami candidates. Then, we build a comprehensive picture of the general characteristics of these conglomerates and the different methods that can be applied to date them. Different perspectives of research are proposed, especially on the use of tsunami conglomerates as proxies for better constraining numerical models of ocean island flank collapses and associated tsunamis. We also discuss the possible links between volcano growth, flank instability, and climate