364 research outputs found

    X-raying the Star Formation History of the Universe

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    The current models of early star and galaxy formation are based upon the hierarchical growth of dark matter halos, within which the baryons condense into stars after cooling down from a hot diffuse phase. The latter is replenished by infall of outer gas into the halo potential wells; this includes a fraction previously expelled and preheated, due to momentum and energy fed back by the SNe which follow the star formation. We identify such an implied hot phase with the medium known to radiate powerful X-rays in clusters and in groups of galaxies. We show that the amount of the hot component required by the current star formation models is enough to be observable out to redshifts z≈1.5z \approx 1.5 in forthcoming deep surveys from {\it Chandra} and {\it XMM}, especially in case the star formation rate is high at such and earlier zz. These X-ray emissions constitute a necessary counterpart, and will provide a much wanted probe of the SF process itself (in particular, of the SN feedback), to parallel and complement the currently debated data from optical and IR observations of the young stars.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publicatin in ApJ

    Deep ROSAT Surveys & the contribution of AGNs to the soft X-ray background

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    The ROSAT Deep Surveys in the Lockman Hole have revealed that AGNs are the main contributors (~75%) to the soft X-ray background in the 1–2 keV band. Using new optical/infrared and radio observations we have obtained a nearly complete identification (93%) of the 91 X-ray sources down to a limiting flux of 1.2·10^(–15) erg cm^(–2) s^(–1) in the 0.5–2.0 keV band. We present the optical colors and the emission line properties of our AGNs in comparison with other X-ray selected AGN samples. Furthermore we discuss the fraction of red AGNs found in the ROSAT Deep Surveys. From the ROSAT Deep Surveys we see no evidence for a new class of X-ray bright galaxies, which significantly contributes to the soft X-ray background

    The IRAC Dark Field; Far- Infrared to X-ray Data

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    We present 20 band photometry from the far-IR to X-ray in the Spitzer IRAC dark field. The bias for the near-IR camera on Spitzer is calibrated by observing a ~20 arcminute diameter "dark" field near the north ecliptic pole roughly every two-to-three weeks throughout the mission duration of Spitzer. The field is unique for its extreme depth, low background, high quality imaging, time-series information, and accompanying photometry including data taken with Akari, Palomar, MMT, KPNO, Hubble, and Chandra. This serendipitous survey contains the deepest mid-IR data taken to date. This dataset is well suited for studies of intermediate redshift galaxy clusters, high redshift galaxies, the first generation of stars, and the lowest mass brown dwarfs, among others. This paper provides a summary of the data characteristics and catalog generation from all bands collected to date as well as a discussion of photometric redshifts and initial and expected science results and goals. To illustrate the scientific potential of this unique dataset, we also present here IRAC color color diagrams.Comment: 12 pages, ApJS accepte

    The quantum Hall effect in graphene samples and the relativistic Dirac effective action

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    We study the Euclidean effective action per unit area and the charge density for a Dirac field in a two--dimensional spatial region, in the presence of a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the 2D--plane, at finite temperature and density. In the limit of zero temperature we reproduce, after performing an adequate Lorentz boost, the Hall conductivity measured for different kinds of graphene samples, depending upon the phase choice in the fermionic determinant.Comment: Conclusions extended. References added. 9 pages. 1 figur

    On the scattering amplitude in the Aharonov-Bohm gauge field

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    A general expression for the scattering amplitude of nonrelativistic spinless particles in the Aharonov-Bohm gauge potential is obtained within the time independent formalism. The result is valid also in the backward and forward directions as well as for any choice of the boundary conditions on the wave function at the flux tube position.Comment: 18 pages, plain TE

    Updating the orbital ephemeris of Her X-1; rate of decay and eccentricity of the orbit

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    We present an update of the orbital ephemeris of the binary X-ray pulsar Her X-1 and determine an improved value for the rate of orbital decay. In addition, we report the first measurement of the orbital eccentricity. We have analyzed pulse timing data of Her X-1 from X-ray observations by RXTE (Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer) and INTEGRAL over the period 1996-2007. Accurate pulse arrival times were determined from solar system bary-centered photon arrival times by generating pulse profiles averaged over appropriately short integration times. Applying pulse phase connection techniques, it was possible to determine sufficiently accurate local ephemeris data for seven observation periods distributed over 12 years. Combining the new local T90 values with historical values from the literature we update the orbital ephemeris of Her X-1 to T90 = MJD 46359.871940(6) and Porb = 1.700167590(2) d and measure a continuous change of the orbital period of dPorb/dt = -(4.85 +/- 0.13) x 10-11 s/s. For the first time, a value for the eccentricity of the orbit of Her X-1 is measured to be e = (4.2 +/- 0.8) x 10-4.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted by A&A on 30.03.200

    Calculation of the Aharonov-Bohm wave function

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    A calculation of the Aharonov-Bohm wave function is presented. The result is a series of confluent hypergeometric functions which is finite at the forward direction.Comment: 12 pages in LaTeX, and 3 PostScript figure

    No apparent accretion mode changes detected in Cen X-3

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    The presence of two distinct spectral states has previously been reported for Cen X-3 on the basis of RXTE/ASM observations. Triggered by this result, we investigated the spectral properties of the source using the larger amount of X-ray data now available with the aim to clarify and interpret the reported behavior. To check the reported results we used the same data set and followed the same analysis procedures as in the work reporting the two spectral states. Additionally, we repeated the analysis using the enlarged data sample including the newest RXTE/ASM observations as well as the data from the MAXI monitor and from the INTEGRAL/JEM-X and ISGRI instruments. We could not confirm the reported presence of the two spectral states in Cen X-3 either inComment: 4 pages, 6 figures, article is accepted for Astronomy & Astrophysic
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