2,020 research outputs found

    Vision-Based Fuzzy 2D Motion Control of a Model Helicopter

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    ©2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.Presented at NAFIPS 2006 : 2006 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society : Montréal, Canada, 3-6 June 2006.DOI: 10.1109/NAFIPS.2006.365497In this paper the 2D motion of a model helicopter is studied. The position control of a 2D model helicopter falls into complex nonlinear problems domain which makes it rather hard. In this paper a fuzzy controller is proposed to stabilize the helicopter on a designated target. The 3D model of the helicopter is simplified to derive a 2D model and all the states are assumed to be measurable. Based on the model, it was possible to decouple the position and orientation control of the helicopter. However the two parts are related through a fuzzy rule base. To verify the proposed method a simulation program is written in C++ which takes advantages of OpenGL to enable having 3D features. The response graphs are then presented       

    Juxtaposition of Women, Culture, and Nature in Alice Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy

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    The present paper focuses on the tradition of women's circumsicion in the African tribe of Olinkan in Alice Walker's Possesing the Secret of Joy. The Olinkans are asked by the white settlers to stop women's mutilation, but Olinkan men continue this custom stealthily to ensure their patriarchial dominance. This novel is a complicated juxtaposition of two different types of oppression: one by White male colonizers over an African native land, and the other one by the native Olinkan men over native women. In this juxtaposition women and land are both victims exploited and manipulated by men, no matter Black or White. This novel is also seen as a fertile ground to analyze the dual domination of both nature and women by the Olinkan men and White colonizers who are both trying to impose their androcentric rules that are created to dominate women and land, respectively

    On Maximum Signless Laplacian Estrada Indices of Graphs with Given Parameters

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    Signless Laplacian Estrada index of a graph GG, defined as SLEE(G)=∑i=1neqiSLEE(G)=\sum^{n}_{i=1}e^{q_i}, where q1,q2,⋯ ,qnq_1, q_2, \cdots, q_n are the eigenvalues of the matrix Q(G)=D(G)+A(G)\mathbf{Q}(G)=\mathbf{D}(G)+\mathbf{A}(G). We determine the unique graphs with maximum signless Laplacian Estrada indices among the set of graphs with given number of cut edges, pendent vertices, (vertex) connectivity and edge connectivity.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Modelling peri-perceptual brain processes in a deep learning spiking neural network architecture

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    Familiarity of marketing stimuli may affect consumer behaviour at a peri-perceptual processing level. The current study introduces a method for deep learning of electroencephalogram (EEG) data using a spiking neural network (SNN) approach that reveals the complexity of peri-perceptual processes of familiarity. The method is applied to data from 20 participants viewing familiar and unfamiliar logos. The results support the potential of SNN models as novel tools in the exploration of peri-perceptual mechanisms that respond differentially to familiar and unfamiliar stimuli. Specifically, the activation pattern of the time-locked response identified by the proposed SNN model at approximately 200 milliseconds post-stimulus suggests greater connectivity and more widespread dynamic spatio-temporal patterns for familiar than unfamiliar logos. The proposed SNN approach can be applied to study other peri-perceptual or perceptual brain processes in cognitive and computational neuroscience

    Optimum Scheme for Insulation System in HV Generator Based on Electromagnetic Analysis

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    Electrical insulations are one of the basic parts of electrical machinery in any sizes and characteristics. Focusing on insulating, studies on the operation of industrial-electrical machinery came to the fact that the most important part of a machine is the Stator. This fact reveals the requirement for inspection of the electrical machine insulation along with the electromagnetic tensions. Therefore with respect to insulation system improvement of stator, the HV generator can be optimized. Dielectric parameters such as insulation thickness, spacing, material types, geometry of winding and slot are major design consideration. A very powerful method available to analyze electromagnetic performance is Finite Element Method (FEM) which is used in this paper. The analysis of various stator coil and slot configurations are used to design the better dielectric system to reduce electrical stresses in order to increase the power of generator in the same volume of core. These processes of optimization have been done according the proposed algorithm. In this algorithm the technical constraints have been considered. This paper describes the process used to perform classical design and improvement analysis of stator slot’s insulation with respect to objective function and constraints
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