51 research outputs found

    La discriminación por discapacidad en el ámbito contractual en Argentina

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    El presente trabajo indaga sobre las prácticas discriminatorias que enfrentan las personas con discapacidad al intentar celebrar un contrato en Argentina. Se examina mediante un diseño no experimental de alcance descriptivo cómo los estereotipos y prejuicios pueden influir en las decisiones de los contratistas, la legislación aplicable en relación a la prohibición de discriminación por motivos de discapacidad y algunas decisiones jurisprudenciales que dan cuenta del estado de la cuestión actual

    RUEDA: la cooperación interuniversitaria en la Educación a Distancia Entrevista a Ignacio Aranciaga

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    Ignacio Aranciaga, actual Co coordinador de la Red Universitaria de Educación a Distancia Argentina (RUEDA)  -Débora Schneider es la coordinadora-, se refirió a los logros y desafíos de la Red que impulsa y promueve las discusiones sobre la Educación a Distancia (EaD) en las Universidades Nacionales de Argentina desde hace 22 años. A su vez, Aranciaga desarrolla algunos aspectos relevantes en torno al funcionamiento e implementación de propuestas académicas de EaD. Aranciaga es Licenciado en Trabajo Social y Magíster en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad Actualmente, se desempeña como co director de la Maestría en Educación en Entornos Virtuales de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral (UNPA) y docente en otras carreras de grado y posgrado

    Arquivologia computacional : uma análise das disciplinas dos cursos de Arquivologia no Brasil

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    Arquivologia Computacional é uma interseção disciplinar entre a Arquivologia e Ciência da Computação. Trata-se de uma abordagem interdisciplinar que se preocupa com gerenciamento de documentos e informações no meio digital a Arquivologia Computacional visa otimizar os processos de gestão atrelados aos documentos arquivísticos, para que estas se tornem acessíveis, de modo que elas possam ser facilmente recuperadas e utilizadas quando necessárias nos meios computacionais e, por conseguinte digitais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma análise com enfoque na matriz curricular dos cursos de Graduação de Arquivologia no Brasil e verificar as disciplinas que envolvem a Arquivologia e a Ciência da Computação. Metodologicamente buscou-se analisar a Arquivologia como ciência em paralelo ao advento da Ciência da Computação, foi possível também analisar disciplinas obrigatórias na formação em Arquivologia no Brasil relacionadas a Arquivologia Computacional que estuda a gestão, acesso e preservação dos documentos em formato digital. Na formação superior brasileira em Arquivologia, após análise curricular dos cursos de Arquivologia no Brasil, concluiu-se que embora presente a Arquivologia e a Ciência da Computação como uma interdisciplinaridade, como um campo cientifico, não se encontra explicitada e com percentual ainda a desejar na formação dos futuros arquivistas. Refletir sobre a formação em Arquivologia no Brasil traz a possibilidade de aumentar a aderência dos discentes a realidade profissional cada vez mais conectada as novas tecnologias globalmente.Computational Archival Science is a disciplinary intersection between Archivology and Computer Science. It is an interdisciplinary approach that is concerned with managing documents and information in the digital environment, Computational Archiving aims to optimize the management processes linked to archival documents, so that they become accessible, so that they can be easily retrieved and used when necessary in computational and therefore digital means. The aim of this work was to carry out an analysis focusing on the curricular matrix of Undergraduate Archivology courses in Brazil and to verify the disciplines that involve Archivology and Computer Science. Methodologically, we sought to analyze Archival Science as a science in parallel with the advent of Computer Science, it was also possible to analyze mandatory disciplines in training in Archival Science in Brazil related to Computational Archival Science, which studies the management, access and preservation of documents in digital format. In Brazilian higher education in Archivology, after analyzing the curriculum of Archivology courses in Brazil, it was concluded that although Archivology and Computer Science are present as an interdisciplinarity, as a scientific field, it is not explicit and with a percentage still to be desired in the training of future archivists. Reflecting on training in Archivology in Brazil brings the possibility of increasing students' adherence to the professional reality that is increasingly connected to new technologies globally

    Las reglas de la capacidad jurídica frente al derecho de seguros

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    Este trabajo se propone analizar de qué manera las reglas de la capacidad jurídica previstas en el Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación y en la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad impactan en la ley de seguros. Específicamente se reflexiona sobre la autonomía de las personas con discapacidad intelectual o psicosocial en la suscripción de contratos de seguro de vida

    Exploiting the Shapley Value in the Estimation of the Position of a Point of Interest for a Group of Individuals

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    Concepts and tools from cooperative game theory are exploited to quantify the role played by each member of a team in estimating the position of an observed point of interest. The measure of importance known as “Shapley value” is used to this end. From the theoretical point view, we propose a specific form of the characteristic function for the class of cooperative games under investigation. In the numerical analysis, different configurations of a group of individuals are considered: all individuals looking at a mobile point of interest, one of them replaced with an artificially-generated one who looks exactly toward the point of interest, and directions of the heads replaced with randomly-generated directions. The corresponding experimental outcomes are compared

    Towards a multimodal repository of expressive movement qualities in dance

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    In this paper, we present a new multimodal repository for the analysis of expressive movement qualities in dance. First, we discuss guidelines and methodology that we applied to create this repository. Next, the technical setup of recordings and the platform for capturing the synchronized audio-visual, physiological, and motion capture data are presented. The initial content of the repository consists of about 90 minutes of short dance performances movement sequences, and improvisations performed by four dancers, displaying three expressive qualities: Fluidity, Impulsivity, and Rigidity

    Designing multimodal interactive systems using EyesWeb XMI

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    This paper introduces the EyesWeb XMI platform (for eXtended Multimodal Interaction) as a tool for fast prototyping of multimodal systems, including interconnection of multiple smart devices, e.g., smartphones. EyesWeb is endowed with a visual programming language enabling users to compose modules into applications. Modules are collected in several libraries and include support of many input devices (e.g., video, audio, motion capture, accelerometers, and physiological sensors), output devices (e.g., video, audio, 2D and 3D graphics), and synchronized multimodal data processing. Specific libraries are devoted to real-time analysis of nonverbal expressive motor and social behavior. The EyesWeb platform encompasses further tools such EyesWeb Mobile supporting the development of customized Graphical User Interfaces for specific classes of users. The paper will review the EyesWeb platform and its components, starting from its historical origins, and with a particular focus on the Human-Computer Interaction aspects

    An Open Platform for Full Body Interactive Sonification Exergames

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    This paper addresses the use of a remote interactive platform to support home-based rehabilitation for children with motor and cognitive impairment. The interaction between user and platform is achieved on customizable full-body interactive serious games (exergames). These exergames perform real-time analysis of multimodal signals to quantify movement qualities and postural attitudes. Interactive sonification of movement is then applied for providing a real-time feedback based on "aesthetic resonance" and engagement of the children. The games also provide log file recordings therapists can use to assess the performance of the children and the effectiveness of the games. The platform allows the customization of the games to address the children's needs. The platform is based on the EyesWeb XMI software, and the games are designed for home usage, based on Kinect for Xbox One and simple sensors including 3-axis accelerometers available in low-cost Android smartphones

    Development and validation of an art-inspired multimodal interactive technology system for a multi-component intervention for older people: a pilot study

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    IntroductionThe World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges the presence of a significant body of research on the positive effects of the arts on health, considering a variety of factors including physical well-being, quality of life, and social and community impact. The model that underlies cultural welfare puts the performing arts, visual arts, and cultural heritage at the service of people personal and societal well-being. The potential connections between movements of the body and artistic content have been extensively studied over time, considering movement as a non-verbal language with a universal character.MethodsThis pilot study presents the results of the validation of an innovative multimodal system, the DanzArTe-Emotional Wellbeing Technology, designed to support active and participative experience of older people providing physical and cognitive activation through a full-body physical interaction with a traditional visual work of art of religious subject. DanzArTe supports a replicable treatment protocol for multidimensional frailty, administered through a low cost and scalable technological platform capable of generating real-time visual and auditory feedback (interactive sonification) from the automated analysis of individual as well as joint movement expressive qualities. The study involved 45 participants, 23 of whom participated in the DanzArTe program and 22 who were included in the control group.ResultsThe two groups were similar in terms of age (p = 0.465) and gender (p = 0.683). The results showed that the DanzArTe program had a positive impact on participants' self-perceived psychological health and well-being (Mean Psychological General Well-Being Index—Short T1 = 19.6 ± 4.3 Vs. T2 = 20.8 ± 4.9; p = 0.029). The same trend was not observed in the control group (p = 0.389).DiscussionThe findings suggest that such programs may have a significant impact particularly on the mental and social well-being of older adults and could be a valuable tool for promoting healthy aging and improving quality of life