1,089 research outputs found

    Bimagnon studies in cuprates with Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering at the O K edge. II - The doping effect in La2-xSrxCuO4

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    We present RIXS data at O K edge from La2-xSrxCuO4 vs. doping between x=0.10 and x=0.22 with attention to the magnetic excitations in the Mid-Infrared region. The sampling done by RIXS is the same as in the undoped cuprates provided the excitation is at the first pre-peak induced by doping. Note that this excitation energy is about 1.5 eV lower than that needed to see bimagnons in the parent compound. This approach allows the study of the upper region of the bimagnon continuum around 450 meV within about one third of the Brilluoin Zone around \Gamma. The results show the presence of damped bimagnons and of higher even order spin excitations with almost constant spectral weight at all the dopings explored here. The implications on high Tc studies are briefly addressed

    Inelastic X-ray scattering from valence electrons near absorption edges of FeTe and TiSe2_2

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    We study resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) peaks corresponding to low energy particle-hole excited states of metallic FeTe and semi-metallic TiSe2_2 for photon incident energy tuned near the L3L_{3} absorption edge of Fe and Ti respectively. We show that the cross section amplitudes are well described within a renormalization group theory where the effect of the core electrons is captured by effective dielectric functions expressed in terms of the the atomic scattering parameters f1f_1 of Fe and Ti. This method can be used to extract the dynamical structure factor from experimental RIXS spectra in metallic systems.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Exchange Splitting and Charge Carrier Spin Polarization in EuO

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    High quality thin films of the ferromagnetic semiconductor EuO have been prepared and were studied using a new form of spin-resolved spectroscopy. We observed large changes in the electronic structure across the Curie and metal-insulator transition temperature. We found that these are caused by the exchange splitting of the conduction band in the ferromagnetic state, which is as large as 0.6 eV. We also present strong evidence that the bottom of the conduction band consists mainly of majority spins. This implies that doped charge carriers in EuO are practically fully spin polarized.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    High-energy magnetic excitations in overdoped La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4} studied by neutron and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering

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    We have performed neutron inelastic scattering and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Cu-L3L_3 edge to study high-energy magnetic excitations at energy transfers of more than 100 meV for overdoped La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4} with x=0.25x=0.25 (Tc=15T_c=15 K) and x=0.30x=0.30 (non-superconducting) using identical single crystal samples for the two techniques. From constant-energy slices of neutron scattering cross-sections, we have identified magnetic excitations up to ~250 meV for x=0.25x=0.25. Although the width in the momentum direction is large, the peak positions along the (pi, pi) direction agree with the dispersion relation of the spin-wave in the non-doped La2_{2}CuO4_{4} (LCO), which is consistent with the previous RIXS results of cuprate superconductors. Using RIXS at the Cu-L3L_3 edge, we have measured the dispersion relations of the so-called paramagnon mode along both (pi, pi) and (pi, 0) directions. Although in both directions the neutron and RIXS data connect with each other and the paramagnon along (pi, 0) agrees well with the LCO spin-wave dispersion, the paramagnon in the (pi, pi) direction probed by RIXS appears to be less dispersive and the excitation energy is lower than the spin-wave of LCO near (pi/2, pi/2). Thus, our results indicate consistency between neutron inelastic scattering and RIXS, and elucidate the entire magnetic excitation in the (pi, pi) direction by the complementary use of two probes. The polarization dependence of the RIXS profiles indicates that appreciable charge excitations exist in the same energy range of magnetic excitations, reflecting the itinerant character of the overdoped sample. A possible anisotropy in the charge excitation intensity might explain the apparent differences in the paramagnon dispersion in the (pi, pi) direction as detected by the X-ray scattering.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Combining immunotherapy and anticancer agents: the right path to achieve cancer cure?

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    This article summarizes the immune mediated effect of chemotherapies, the biological and clinical features of new immunotherapies like checkpoint blockers and the rational to use these treatment in combinatio

    Surface-induced crystallization in supercooled tetrahedral liquids

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    Freezing is a fundamental physical phenomenon that has been studied over many decades; yet the role played by surfaces in determining nucleation has remained elusive. Here we report direct computational evidence of surface induced nucleation in supercooled systems with a negative slope of their melting line (dP/dT < 0). This unexpected result is related to the density decrease occurring upon crystallization, and to surface tension facilitating the initial nucleus formation. Our findings support the hypothesis of surface induced crystallization of ice in the atmosphere, and provide insight, at the atomistic level, into nucleation mechanisms of widely used semiconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Evidence of orbital reconstruction at interfaces in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 films

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    Electronic properties of transition metal oxides at interfaces are influenced by strain, electric polarization and oxygen diffusion. Linear dichroism (LD) x-ray absorption, diffraction, transport and magnetization on thin La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films, allow identification of a peculiar universal interface effect. We report the LD signature of preferential 3d-eg(3z2-r2) occupation at the interface, suppressing the double exchange mechanism. This surface orbital reconstruction is opposite of that favored by residual strain and independent of dipolar fields, chemical nature of the substrate and capping.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    High-resolution resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering as a probe of the crystal electrical field in lanthanides demonstrated for the case of CeRh2Si2

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    The magnetic properties of rare earth compounds are usually well captured by assuming a fully localized f shell and only considering the Hund's rule ground state multiplet split by a crystal electrical field (CEF). Currently, the standard technique for probing CEF excitations in lanthanides is inelastic neutron scattering. Here we show that with the recent leap in energy resolution, resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering has become a serious alternative for looking at CEF excitations with some distinct advantages compared to INS. As an example we study the CEF scheme in CeRh2Si2, a system that has been intensely studied for more than two decades now but for which no consensus has been reached yet as to its CEF scheme. We used two new features that have only become available very recently in RIXS, high energy resolution of about 30 meV as well as polarization analysis in the scattered beam, to find a unique CEF description for CeRh2Si2. The result agrees well with previous INS and magnetic susceptibility measurements. Due to its strong resonant character, RIXS is applicable to very small samples, presents very high cross sections for all lanthanides, and further benefits from the very weak coupling to phonon excitation. The rapid progress in energy resolution of RIXS spectrometers is making this technique increasingly attractive for the investigation of the CEF scheme in lanthanides

    Evolution of magnetic phases and orbital occupation in (SrMnO3)n/(LaMnO3)2n superlattices

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    The magnetic and electronic modifications induced at the interfaces in (SrMnO3_{3})n_{n}/(LaMnO3_{3})2n_{2n} superlattices have been investigated by linear and circular magnetic dichroism in the Mn L2,3_{2,3} x-ray absorption spectra. Together with theoretical calculations, our data demonstrate that the charge redistribution across interfaces favors in-plane ferromagnetic (FM) order and eg(x2−y2)e_{g}(x^{2}-y^{2}) orbital occupation, in agreement with the average strain. Far from interfaces, inside LaMnO3_3, electron localization and local strain favor antiferromagnetism (AFM) and eg(3z2−r2)e_{g}(3z^{2}-r^{2}) orbital occupation. For n=1n=1 the high density of interfacial planes ultimately leads to dominant FM order forcing the residual AFM phase to be in-plane too, while for n≥5n \geq 5 the FM layers are separated by AFM regions having out-of-plane spin orientation.Comment: accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review

    Multiple double-exchange mechanism by Mn2+^{2+}-doping in manganite compounds

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    Double-exchange mechanisms in RE1−x_{1-x}AEx_{x}MnO3_{3} manganites (where RE is a trivalent rare-earth ion and AE is a divalent alkali-earth ion) relies on the strong exchange interaction between two Mn3+^{3+} and Mn4+^{4+} ions through interfiling oxygen 2p states. Nevertheless, the role of RE and AE ions has ever been considered "silent" with respect to the DE conducting mechanisms. Here we show that a new path for DE-mechanism is indeed possible by partially replacing the RE-AE elements by Mn2+^{2+}-ions, in La-deficient Lax_{x}MnO3−δ_{3-\delta} thin films. X-ray absorption spectroscopy demonstrated the relevant presence of Mn2+^{2+} ions, which is unambiguously proved to be substituted at La-site by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering. Mn2+^{2+} is proved to be directly correlated to the enhanced magneto-transport properties because of an additional hopping mechanism trough interfiling Mn2+^{2+}-ions, theoretically confirmed by calculations within the effective single band model. The very idea to use Mn2+^{2+} both as a doping element and an ions electronically involved in the conduction mechanism, has never been foreseen, revealing a new phenomena in transport properties of manganites. More important, such a strategy might be also pursed in other strongly correlated materials.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
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