530 research outputs found
The Love/Hate Relationship with the C Preprocessor: An Interview Study
The C preprocessor has received strong criticism in academia, among others regarding separation of concerns, error proneness, and code obfuscation, but is widely used in practice. Many (mostly academic) alternatives to the preprocessor exist, but have not been adopted in practice. Since developers continue to use the preprocessor despite all criticism and research, we ask how practitioners perceive the C preprocessor. We performed interviews with 40 developers, used grounded theory to analyze the data, and cross-validated the results with data from a survey among 202 developers, repository mining, and results from previous studies. In particular, we investigated four research questions related to why the preprocessor is still widely used in practice, common problems, alternatives, and the impact of undisciplined annotations. Our study shows that developers are aware of the criticism the C preprocessor receives, but use it nonetheless, mainly for portability and variability. Many developers indicate that they regularly face preprocessor-related problems and preprocessor-related bugs. The majority of our interviewees do not see any current C-native technologies that can entirely replace the C preprocessor. However, developers tend to mitigate problems with guidelines, even though those guidelines are not enforced consistently. We report the key insights gained from our study and discuss implications for practitioners and researchers on how to better use the C preprocessor to minimize its negative impact
Refactoring Alloy Specifications
This paper proposes modeling laws for Alloy, a formal object-oriented modeling language. These laws are important not only to define the axiomatic semantics of Alloy but also to guide and formalize popular software development practices. In particular, these laws can be used to formaly refactor specifications. As an example, we formally refactor a specification for Java types
Emergence and growth of corn and soybean under saline stress.
Emergence and seedling growth may be severely affected by salinity, mainly for sensitive crops. The objective of the present study was to verify the tolerance of corn and soybean to the irrigation water salinity (ECi) during the emergence and initial development stages. Seeds of corn, hybrid ?AG-6690?, and soybean, cv. ?Conquista?, were sown in pots containing material from a sandyloam soil and irrigated with water of increasing salinity levels, from 0.3 to 5.9 dS m-1, giving nine levels of ECi obtained by the addition of an equivalent proportion of sodium and calcium chloride, except for ECi = 0.3 dS m-1 (tap water). Emergence of corn was not affected by salinity but seedling development was reduced for ECi above 1.5 dS m-1. Emergence and growth of soybean were reduced by water salinity and the crop was more tolerant during the emergence (ECi = 2.7 dS m-1) than in the initial development (ECi = 1.0 dS m-1) stage. Salinity of soil solution (ECs) was linearly correlated to ECi and affected the growth of corn and soybean for ECs higher than 3 and 2 dS m-1, respectively
Crescimento e produção do milho irrigadocom água salina
Corn (Zea mays L.) is an important crop in Brazil and is cultivated in all regions, including the semi-arid area of Brazil, where the occurrence of irrigation water with high concentration of salts is common. Evaluating the growth and yield of the maize hybrid 'AG 6690' irrigated with water of different salinity levels was the objective of this experiment. Sowing was performed in pots with 12 seeds on May 23, 2003, and seedlings were thinned to two plants per pot. Irrigation was accomplished when the mean soil matric potential of each treatment was approximately -30 kPa using water with seven different electrical conductivities (ECi), varying from 0.3 to 4.5 dS m-1, which were obtained by addition of NaCl and CaCl2 in the equivalent proportion of 1:1. The dry weights of all parts of the corn plants as well as their evapotranspiration and water use efficiency were reduced by salinity. Grain yield decreased by 21 and 20% for each unit increase of ECi and electrical conductivity of soil solution (ECs) above the respective threshold values of 1.7 and 4.3 dS m-1, respectivelly. Plants were able to maintain the leaf area index unaltered under moderate saline conditions.O milho (Zea mays L.) é uma importante cultura no Brasil, sendo cultivado em todas as regiões, incluindo a região do semi-árido, onde é comum a ocorrência de águas com alta concentração de sais. Avaliar o crescimento e a produção do milho, híbrido 'AG 6690', irrigado com águas de diferentes níveis de salinidade foi o objetivo deste trabalho. O plantio foi realizado em vasos com 12 sementes por vaso, em 23 de maio de 2003, e realizado o desbaste deixando-se apenas duas plantas por vaso. A irrigação foi realizada sempre que o potencial mátrico médio do solo de cada tratamento aproximava-se de -30 kPa, utilizando-se águas com sete diferentes condutividades elétricas (ECi) variando entre 0,3 e 4,5 dS m-1, as quais foram alcançadas pela adição de NaCl e CaCl2 na proporção equivalente de 1:1. O peso seco de todas as partes da planta foi reduzido pela salinidade, assim como a evapotranspiração e a eficiência de uso de água. A produção reduziu por 21 e 20% para cada aumento unitário de ECi e ECs (condutividade elétrica da solução do solo) acima dos valores limiares de 1,7 e 4,3 dS m-1, respectivamente. As plantas foram capazes de manter a área foliar constante sob condições de salinidade moderada
Efeito da aplicação de água salina do desenvolvimetno e comportamento fisiológico do coqueiro.
Tomato growth and dry matter partitioning as a function of the irrigation water quality.
Neste estudo, foram avaliados o crescimento e a partição de matéria seca do tomateiro industrial cv IPA 6, cultivado sob irrigação com águas de diferentes condutividades elétricas (ECw) e proporções de sódio, em um delineamento fatorial 5x2, inteiramente casualizado. As mudas foram transplantadas para rizotrons e irrigadas diariamente, sendo as matérias secas da haste, ramos, inflorescências e frutos determinadas no final do ciclo da cultura. O solo foi retirado dos rizotrons em intervalos de 15 cm de profundidade, lavado e peneirado para determinação da matéria seca das raízes em camada do solo. A matéria seca da parte aérea foi reduzida em 6,9% por incremento unitário da salinidade
Emergência e crescimento do milho e da soja sob estresse salino
Emergence and seedling growth may be severely affected by salinity, mainly for sensitive crops. The objective of the present study was to verify the tolerance of corn and soybean to the irrigation water salinity (ECi) during the emergence and initial development stages. Seeds of corn, hybrid 'AG-6690', and soybean, cv. 'Conquista', were sown in pots containing material from a sandy-loam soil and irrigated with water of increasing salinity levels, from 0.3 to 5.9 dS m-1, giving nine levels of ECi obtained by the addition of an equivalent proportion of sodium and calcium chloride, except for ECi = 0.3 dS m-1 (tap water). Emergence of corn was not affected by salinity but seedling development was reduced for ECi above 1.5 dS m-1. Emergence and growth of soybean were reduced by water salinity and the crop was more tolerant during the emergence (ECi = 2.7 dS m-1) than in the initial development (ECi = 1.0 dS m-1) stage. Salinity of soil solution (ECs) was linearly correlated to ECi and affected the growth of corn and soybean for ECs higher than 3 and 2 dS m-1, respectively.A emergência e o crescimento inicial podem ser severamente afetados pela salinidade, principalmente para culturas sensíveis. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a tolerância do milho e da soja à salinidade da água de irrigação (CEi) nas fases de emergência e desenvolvimento inicial das plantas. Sementes de milho, híbrido 'AG-6690', e soja, cv. 'Conquista', foram semeadas em vasos contendo material de solo franco-arenoso e irrigadas com água de níveis crescentes de salinidade, variando de 0,3 a 5,9 dS m-1, totalizando nove níveis de CEi obtidos pela adição de cloreto de sódio e de cálcio em proporções equivalentes, exceto para CEi = 0,3 dS m-1 (água de torneira). A emergência do milho não foi afetada pela salinidade da água, mas o desenvolvimento das plantas foi reduzido para CEi acima de 1,5 dS m-1. A emergência e o crescimento da soja foram reduzidos pela salinidade, sendo mais tolerante na fase de emergência (CEi = 2,7 dS m-1) do que no desenvolvimento inicial das plantas (CEi = 1.0 dS m-1). A salinidade da solução do solo (CEs) foi linearmente correlacionada à CEi e afetou o crescimento do milho e da soja para CEs acima de 3 e 2 dS m-1, respectivamente
A Comparative Study of Randomized Constraint Solvers for Random-Symbolic Testing
The complexity of constraints is a major obstacle for constraint-based software verification. Automatic constraint solvers are fundamentally incomplete: input constraints often build on some undecidable theory or some theory the solver does not support. This paper proposes and evaluates several randomized solvers to address this issue. We compare the effectiveness of a symbolic solver (CVC3), a random solver, three hybrid solvers (i.e., mix of random and symbolic), and two heuristic search solvers. We evaluate the solvers on two benchmarks: one consisting of manually generated constraints and another generated with a concolic execution of 8 subjects. In addition to fully decidable constraints, the benchmarks include constraints with non-linear integer arithmetic, integer modulo and division, bitwise arithmetic, and floating-point arithmetic. As expected symbolic solving (in particular, CVC3) subsumes the other solvers for the concolic execution of subjects that only generate decidable constraints. For the remaining subjects the solvers are complementary
Variação da qualidade da água de irrigação da microrregião homogênea de Catole do Rocha, PB
The objective of this research was to study the water quality variations in the municipalities of the microregion CatoIé do Rocha, PB, Brazil. One hundred and sixty water samples were collected at two occasions: the first in November 1980 (dry season); and the second in May 1981 (just after the rainy season). These samples were analysed and classified as to risks of salinity, sodicity, residual sodium carbonate and boron. The results showed that after the rains there was an increase of about 7,6% in the good quality water for irrigation (C1S1 and C2S1), and in 8% of the water samples the boron level was above 1.25 ppm. According to these results, it may be concluded that the irrigation water commonly found has good quality (CE < 750 µmhos/cm), and can be used for irrigation of the majority of soils and crops, with little probability of salinity and/or sodicity risks.O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar a variação da qualidade da água de irrigação, nos municípios da microrregião de Catolé do Rocha, PB. Foram efetuadas duas coletas de 160 amostras de água; a primeira foi feita no mês de novembro de 1980 (período seco), e a segunda, durante o mês de maio de 1981 (após o período chuvoso). As água foram analisadas e classificadas quanto ao perigo de salinidade, sodicidade, carbonato de sódio residual e boro. Os resultados mostraram que após as chuvas, houve um aumento de 7,6% nas classes de boa qualidade (C1S1 e C2S1) e que 8% das amostras apresentaram teor de boto acima de 1.25 ppm. De uma maneira geral, de acordo com os fatores levantados, conclui-se que as águas estudadas são de boa qualidade (CE < 750 µmhos/cm), podendo ser utilizadas para irrigação da maioria dos solos e culturas, com pouca probabilidade de ocasionar risco de salinidade e/ou sodicidade
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