34 research outputs found

    Heritability estimation of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) harvest traits using microsatellite based parentage assignment

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    Silver carp accounts for the largest biomass production of any finfish aquaculture species in the world. In spite of its great importance as an aquacultural species, very little is known about the genetic parameters of its commercially important traits. As an initial step towards developing a selective breeding programme, heritability of harvest weight and length was estimated for a silver carp stock maintained in the NFRDMP (North West Fisheries Resource Development and Management Project) hatchery in Bangladesh. Three sets of partial factorial matings were performed (12 sires and 12 dams in each set) to produce full and half-sib families for this study. Offspring from all families produced in a set were reared communally for six months and then weighed and measured upon harvesting. Ten silver carp microsatellite markers were included in two multiplex PCR systems and were used to assign parentage to the individuals. Out of 331 offspring, 96.3% could be assigned to a single family. Statistical analyses to partition the variance components for weight and length data were carried out by the REML (Restricted Maximum Likelihood) method. Heritability for harvest weight was estimated to be 0.67 (confidence interval: 0.42-0.93) and for harvest length 0.51 (confidence interval: 0.29-0.78). Despite the limited sample size, the moderate to high heritability estimates suggest that this population should respond rapidly to selective breeding for increased harvest size. In addition to this first report of quantitative genetic parameters in silver carp, this paper also describes two novel multiplexes of silver carp microsatellite markers for parentage assignment and discusses the effects of the partial factorial mating design in maintaining effective population size in this species

    Genomic analysis of Nigerian indigenous chickens reveals their genetic diversity and adaptation to heat-stress

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    Indigenous poultry breeds from Africa can survive in harsh tropical environments (such as long arid seasons, excessive rain and humidity, and extreme heat) and are resilient to disease challenges, but they are not productive compared to their commercial counterparts. Their adaptive characteristics are in response to natural selection or to artificial selection for production traits that have left selection signatures in the genome. Identifying these signatures of positive selection can provide insight into the genetic bases of tropical adaptations observed in indigenous poultry and thereby help to develop robust and high-performing breeds for extreme tropical climates. Here, we present the first large-scale whole-genome sequencing analysis of Nigerian indigenous chickens from different agro-climatic conditions, investigating their genetic diversity and adaptation to tropical hot climates (extreme arid and extreme humid conditions). The study shows a large extant genetic diversity but low level of population differentiation. Using different selection signature analyses, several candidate genes for adaptation were detected, especially in relation to thermotolerance and immune response (e.g., cytochrome P450 2B4-like, TSHR, HSF1, CDC37, SFTPB, HIF3A, SLC44A2, and ILF3 genes). These results have important implications for conserving valuable genetic resources and breeding improvement of chickens for thermotolerance

    Reviving rare chicken breeds using genetically engineered sterility in surrogate host birds

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    In macrolecithal species, cryopreservation of the oocyte and zygote is not possible due to the large size and quantity of lipid deposited within the egg. For birds, this signifies that cryopreserving and regenerating a species from frozen cellular material are currently technically unfeasible. Diploid primordial germ cells (PGCs) are a potential means to freeze down the entire genome and reconstitute an avian species from frozen material. Here, we examine the use of genetically engineered (GE) sterile female layer chicken as surrogate hosts for the transplantation of cryopreserved avian PGCs from rare heritage breeds of chicken. We first amplified PGC numbers in culture before cryopreservation and subsequent transplantation into host GE embryos. We found that all hatched offspring from the chimera GE hens were derived from the donor rare heritage breed broiler PGCs, and using cryopreserved semen, we were able to produce pure offspring. Measurement of the mutation rate of PGCs in culture revealed that 2.7 × 10-10 de novo single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) were generated per cell division, which is comparable with other stem cell lineages. We also found that endogenous avian leukosis virus (ALV) retroviral insertions were not mobilized during in vitro propagation. Taken together, these results show that mutation rates are no higher than normal stem cells, essential if we are to conserve avian breeds. Thus, GE sterile avian surrogate hosts provide a viable platform to conserve and regenerate avian species using cryopreserved PGCs

    Functional evolution of the colony‐stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) and its ligands in birds

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    Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF1 or M-CSF) and interleukin 34 (IL34) are secreted cytokines that control macrophage survival and differentiation. Both act through the CSF1 receptor (CSF1R), a type III transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase. The functions of CSF1R and both ligands are conserved in birds. We have analyzed protein-coding sequence divergence among avian species. The intracellular tyrosine kinase domain of CSF1R was highly conserved in bird species as in mammals but the extracellular domain of avian CSF1R was more divergent in birds with multiple positively selected amino acids. Based upon crystal structures of the mammalian CSF1/IL34 receptor-ligand interfaces and structure-based alignments, we identified amino acids involved in avian receptor-ligand interactions. The contact amino acids in both CSF1 and CSF1R diverged among avian species. Ligand-binding domain swaps between chicken and zebra finch CSF1 confirmed the function of variants that confer species specificity on the interaction of CSF1 with CSF1R. Based upon genomic sequence analysis, we identified prevalent amino acid changes in the extracellular domain of CSF1R even within the chicken species that distinguished commercial broilers and layers and tropically adapted breeds. The rapid evolution in the extracellular domain of avian CSF1R suggests that at least in birds this ligand-receptor interaction is subjected to pathogen selection. We discuss this finding in the context of expression of CSF1R in antigen-sampling and antigen-presenting cells

    Functional evolution of the colony‐stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) and its ligands in birds

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    Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF1 or M-CSF) and interleukin 34 (IL34) are secreted cytokines that control macrophage survival and differentiation. Both act through the CSF1 receptor (CSF1R), a type III transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase. The functions of CSF1R and both ligands are conserved in birds. We have analyzed protein-coding sequence divergence among avian species. The intracellular tyrosine kinase domain of CSF1R was highly conserved in bird species as in mammals but the extracellular domain of avian CSF1R was more divergent in birds with multiple positively selected amino acids. Based upon crystal structures of the mammalian CSF1/IL34 receptor-ligand interfaces and structure-based alignments, we identified amino acids involved in avian receptor-ligand interactions. The contact amino acids in both CSF1 and CSF1R diverged among avian species. Ligand-binding domain swaps between chicken and zebra finch CSF1 confirmed the function of variants that confer species specificity on the interaction of CSF1 with CSF1R. Based upon genomic sequence analysis, we identified prevalent amino acid changes in the extracellular domain of CSF1R even within the chicken species that distinguished commercial broilers and layers and tropically adapted breeds. The rapid evolution in the extracellular domain of avian CSF1R suggests that at least in birds this ligand-receptor interaction is subjected to pathogen selection. We discuss this finding in the context of expression of CSF1R in antigen-sampling and antigen-presenting cells

    Development of a high density 600K SNP genotyping array for chicken

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    Background: High density (HD) SNP genotyping arrays are an important tool for genetic analyses of animals and plants. Although the chicken is one of the most important farm animals, no HD array is yet available for high resolution genetic analysis of this species.Results: We report here the development of a 600 K AffymetrixÂź AxiomÂź HD genotyping array designed using SNPs segregating in a wide variety of chicken populations. In order to generate a large catalogue of segregating SNPs, we re-sequenced 243 chickens from 24 chicken lines derived from diverse sources (experimental, commercial broiler and layer lines) by pooling 10-15 samples within each line. About 139 million (M) putative SNPs were detected by mapping sequence reads to the new reference genome (Gallus_gallus_4.0) of which ~78 M appeared to be segregating in different lines. Using criteria such as high SNP-quality score, acceptable design scores predicting high conversion performance in the final array and uniformity of distribution across the genome, we selected ~1.8 M SNPs for validation through genotyping on an independent set of samples (n = 282). About 64% of the SNPs were polymorphic with high call rates (>98%), good cluster separation and stable Mendelian inheritance. Polymorphic SNPs were further analysed for their population characteristics and genomic effects. SNPs with extreme breach of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P < 0.00001) were excluded from the panel. The final array, designed on the basis of these analyses, consists of 580,954 SNPs and includes 21,534 coding variants. SNPs were selected to achieve an essentially uniform distribution based on genetic map distance for both broiler and layer lines. Due to a lower extent of LD in broilers compared to layers, as reported in previous studies, the ratio of broiler and layer SNPs in the array was kept as 3:2. The final panel was shown to genotype a wide range of samples including broilers and layers with over 100 K to 450 K informative SNPs per line. A principal component analysis was used to demonstrate the ability of the array to detect the expected population structure which is an important pre-investigation step for many genome-wide analyses.Conclusions: This AffymetrixÂź AxiomÂź array is the first SNP genotyping array for chicken that has been made commercially available to the public as a product. This array is expected to find widespread usage both in research and commercial application such as in genomic selection, genome-wide association studies, selection signature analyses, fine mapping of QTLs and detection of copy number variants

    Development of a high density 600K SNP genotyping array for chicken

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    Background High density (HD) SNP genotyping arrays are an important tool for genetic analyses of animals and plants. Although the chicken is one of the most important farm animals, no HD array is yet available for high resolution genetic analysis of this species. Results We report here the development of a 600 K Affymetrix¼ Axiom¼ HD genotyping array designed using SNPs segregating in a wide variety of chicken populations. In order to generate a large catalogue of segregating SNPs, we re-sequenced 243 chickens from 24 chicken lines derived from diverse sources (experimental, commercial broiler and layer lines) by pooling 10–15 samples within each line. About 139 million (M) putative SNPs were detected by mapping sequence reads to the new reference genome (Gallus_gallus_4.0) of which ~78 M appeared to be segregating in different lines. Using criteria such as high SNP-quality score, acceptable design scores predicting high conversion performance in the final array and uniformity of distribution across the genome, we selected ~1.8 M SNPs for validation through genotyping on an independent set of samples (n = 282). About 64% of the SNPs were polymorphic with high call rates (>98%), good cluster separation and stable Mendelian inheritance. Polymorphic SNPs were further analysed for their population characteristics and genomic effects. SNPs with extreme breach of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P < 0.00001) were excluded from the panel. The final array, designed on the basis of these analyses, consists of 580,954 SNPs and includes 21,534 coding variants. SNPs were selected to achieve an essentially uniform distribution based on genetic map distance for both broiler and layer lines. Due to a lower extent of LD in broilers compared to layers, as reported in previous studies, the ratio of broiler and layer SNPs in the array was kept as 3:2. The final panel was shown to genotype a wide range of samples including broilers and layers with over 100 K to 450 K informative SNPs per line. A principal component analysis was used to demonstrate the ability of the array to detect the expected population structure which is an important pre-investigation step for many genome-wide analyses. Conclusions This Affymetrix¼ Axiom¼ array is the first SNP genotyping array for chicken that has been made commercially available to the public as a product. This array is expected to find widespread usage both in research and commercial application such as in genomic selection, genome-wide association studies, selection signature analyses, fine mapping of QTLs and detection of copy number variants.Additional co-authors: Georg Haberer, Steffen Weigend, Rudolf Preisinger, Mahmood Gholami, Saber Qanbari, Henner Simianer, Kellie A Watson, John A Woolliams & David W Bur

    A high resolution genome-wide scan for significant selective sweeps: an application to pooled sequence data in laying chickens

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    In most studies aimed at localizing footprints of past selection, outliers at tails of the empirical distribution of a given test statistic are assumed to reflect locus-specific selective forces. Significance cutoffs are subjectively determined, rather than being related to a clear set of hypotheses. Here, we define an empirical p-value for the summary statistic by means of a permutation method that uses the observed SNP structure in the real data. To illustrate the methodology, we applied our approach to a panel of 2.9 million autosomal SNPs identified from re-sequencing a pool of 15 individuals from a brown egg layer line. We scanned the genome for local reductions in heterozygosity, suggestive of selective sweeps. We also employed a modified sliding window approach that accounts for gaps in the sequence and increases scanning resolution by moving the overlapping windows by steps of one SNP only, and suggest to call this a "creeping window" strategy. The approach confirmed selective sweeps in the region of previously described candidate genes, i.e. TSHR, PRL, PRLHR, INSR, LEPR, IGF1, and NRAMP1 when used as positive controls. The genome scan revealed 82 distinct regions with strong evidence of selection (genome-wide p-value<0.001), including genes known to be associated with eggshell structure and immune system such as CALB1 and GAL cluster, respectively. A substantial proportion of signals was found in poor gene content regions including the most extreme signal on chromosome 1. The observation of multiple signals in a highly selected layer line of chicken is consistent with the hypothesis that egg production is a complex trait controlled by many genes