108 research outputs found

    Satellite cells attract monocytes and use macrophages as a support to escape apoptosis and enhance muscle growth

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    Once escaped from the quiescence niche, precursor cells interact with stromal components that support their survival, proliferation, and differentiation. We examined interplays between human myogenic precursor cells (mpc) and monocyte/macrophages (MP), the main stromal cell type observed at site of muscle regeneration. mpc selectively and specifically attracted monocytes in vitro after their release from quiescence, chemotaxis declining with differentiation. A DNA macroarray–based strategy identified five chemotactic factors accounting for 77% of chemotaxis: MP-derived chemokine, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, fractalkine, VEGF, and the urokinase system. MP showed lower constitutive chemotactic activity than mpc, but attracted monocytes much strongly than mpc upon cross-stimulation, suggesting mpc-induced and predominantly MP-supported amplification of monocyte recruitment. Determination of [3H]thymidine incorporation, oligosomal DNA levels and annexin-V binding showed that MP stimulate mpc proliferation by soluble factors, and rescue mpc from apoptosis by direct contacts. We conclude that once activated, mpc, which are located close by capillaries, initiate monocyte recruitment and interplay with MP to amplify chemotaxis and enhance muscle growth

    JDM treatment with rituximab Personal non-commercial use only

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    ABSTRACT. Objective. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of rituximab (RTX) in juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) in off-trial patients. Methods. We conducted a multicenter prospective study of patients with JDM included in the French Autoimmunity and Rituximab (AIR) registry. Results. Nine patients with severe JDM were studied. The main indication for RTX treatment was severe and/or refractory muscle involvement (7 patients), severe calcinosis (1 patient), or severe chronic abdominal pain associated with abdominal lipomatosis (1 patient). RTX was associated with corticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs, and plasma exchange therapy in 9/9, 5/9, and 2/9 patients, respectively. Mild infections of the calcinosis sites occurred in 2 patients and an infusion-related event in 1. Complete clinical response was achieved in 3/6 patients treated with RTX for muscle involvement. In these responders steroid therapy was stopped or tapered to < 15% of the baseline dosage, with no relapse, with a followup ranging from 1.3 to 3 years. Calcinosis did not improve in the 6 affected patients. Conclusion. This small series suggests that rituximab may be effective for treating muscle and skin involvement in a small subset of children with severe JDM, and that its safety profile was satisfactory. Further studies are needed to identify predictive factors of response to RTX in patients with sever

    Clinical Heterogeneity of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD): Definition of Sub-Phenotypes and Predictive Criteria by Long-Term Follow-Up

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: To explore clinical heterogeneity of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), viewed as a major obstacle to the interpretation of therapeutic trials METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A retrospective single institution long-term follow-up study was carried out in DMD patients with both complete lack of muscle dystrophin and genotyping. An exploratory series (series 1) was used to assess phenotypic heterogeneity and to identify early criteria predicting future outcome; it included 75 consecutive steroid-free patients, longitudinally evaluated for motor, respiratory, cardiac and cognitive functions (median follow-up: 10.5 yrs). A validation series (series 2) was used to test robustness of the selected predictive criteria; it included 34 more routinely evaluated patients (age>12 yrs). Multivariate analysis of series 1 classified 70/75 patients into 4 clusters with distinctive intellectual and motor outcomes: A (early infantile DMD, 20%): severe intellectual and motor outcomes; B (classical DMD, 28%): intermediate intellectual and poor motor outcome; C (moderate pure motor DMD, 22%): normal intelligence and delayed motor impairment; and D (severe pure motor DMD, 30%): normal intelligence and poor motor outcome. Group A patients had the most severe respiratory and cardiac involvement. Frequency of mutations upstream to exon 30 increased from group A to D, but genotype/phenotype correlations were restricted to cognition (IQ>71: OR 7.7, 95%CI 1.6-20.4, p6 at 8 yrs" with "normal or borderline mental status" reliably assigned patients to group C (sensitivity: 1, specificity: 0.94). These criteria were also predictive of "early infantile DMD" and "moderate pure motor DMD" in series 2. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: DMD can be divided into 4 sub-phenotypes differing by severity of muscle and brain dysfunction. Simple early criteria can be used to include patients with similar outcomes in future therapeutic trials

    Expanding the clinical spectrum of hereditary fibrosing poikiloderma with tendon contractures, myopathy and pulmonary fibrosis due to <i>FAM111B </i>mutations

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    BACKGROUND: Hereditary Fibrosing Poikiloderma (HFP) with tendon contractures, myopathy and pulmonary fibrosis (POIKTMP [MIM 615704]) is a very recently described entity of syndromic inherited poikiloderma. Previously by using whole exome sequencing in five families, we identified the causative gene, FAM111B (NM_198947.3), the function of which is still unknown. Our objective in this study was to better define the specific features of POIKTMP through a larger series of patients. METHODS: Clinical and molecular data of two families and eight independent sporadic cases, including six new cases, were collected. RESULTS: Key features consist of: (i) early-onset poikiloderma, hypotrichosis and hypohidrosis; (ii) multiple contractures, in particular triceps surae muscle contractures; (iii) diffuse progressive muscular weakness; (iv) pulmonary fibrosis in adulthood and (v) other features including exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, liver impairment and growth retardation. Muscle magnetic resonance imaging was informative and showed muscle atrophy and fatty infiltration. Histological examination of skeletal muscle revealed extensive fibroadipose tissue infiltration. Microscopy of the skin showed a scleroderma-like aspect with fibrosis and alterations of the elastic network. FAM111B gene analysis identified five different missense variants (two recurrent mutations were found respectively in three and four independent families). All the mutations were predicted to localize in the trypsin-like cysteine/serine peptidase domain of the protein. We suggest gain-of-function or dominant-negative mutations resulting in FAM111B enzymatic activity changes. CONCLUSIONS: HFP with tendon contractures, myopathy and pulmonary fibrosis, is a multisystemic disorder due to autosomal dominant FAM111B mutations. Future functional studies will help in understanding the specific pathological process of this fibrosing disorder


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    PARIS12-CRETEIL BU Multidisc. (940282102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Macrophagic myofasciitis: characterization and pathophysiology.

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    International audienceAluminium oxyhydroxide (alum), a nanocrystalline compound forming agglomerates, has been used in vaccines for its immunological adjuvant effect since 1927. Alum is the most commonly used adjuvant in human and veterinary vaccines, but the mechanisms by which it stimulates immune responses remain incompletely understood. Although generally well tolerated, alum may occasionally cause disabling health problems in presumably susceptible individuals. A small proportion of vaccinated people present with delayed onset of diffuse myalgia, chronic fatigue and cognitive dysfunction, and exhibit very long-term persistence of alum-loaded macrophages at the site of previous intramuscular (i.m.) immunization, forming a granulomatous lesion called macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF). Clinical symptoms associated with MMF are paradigmatic of the recently delineated 'autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants' (ASIA). The stereotyped cognitive dysfunction is reminiscent of cognitive deficits described in foundry workers exposed to inhaled Al particles. Alum safety concerns will largely depend on whether the compound remains localized at the site of injection or diffuses and accumulates in distant organs. Animal experiments indicate that biopersistent nanomaterials taken up by monocyte-lineage cells in tissues, such as fluorescent alum surrogates, can first translocate to draining lymph nodes, and thereafter circulate in blood within phagocytes and reach the spleen, and, eventually, slowly accumulate in the brain

    Les cellules souches musculaires dérivées de la moelle osseuse (mise en évidence et étude de l'impact thérapeutique)

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    Nous avons utilisé un modèle murin de reconstitution médullaire à l'aide de moelle osseuse de souris transgéniques exprimant la protéine GFP " green fluorescent protein ". La protéine fluorescente GFP sert de marqueur pour les cellules du donneur dans les tissus du receveur. Grâce à ce modèle, nous avons montré qu'il existe des cellules, provenant de la moelle osseuse, (i) en position interstitielle exprimant des marqueurs de cellules souches (ii) en position satellite exprimant des marqueurs canoniques de cellules satellites et capables de fusionner pour donner des fibres musculaires. Ces fibres GFP+ sont plus nombreuses, après la greffe, chez les souris mdx, déficientes en dystrophine. L'expression de la dystrophine, dans ces fibres GFP+, reste limitée au site de fusion alors que la GFP diffuse loin de celui Ces résultats suggèrent que les thérapies cellulaires pourraient, plus volontiers, être adaptées aux corrections de déficit en protéines solubles plutôt que membranaires.We used transplantation of green fluorescent bone marrow to irradiated mice. The green fluorescent protein serves as an unambiguous marker of donor cell in the recipient tissues. Using this procedure, we demonstrate bone marrow-derived cells (i) in interstitial location expressing stem cell markers (ii) in satellite cell niche expressing canonical markers of satellite cells and able to fuse to form muscle fibers. These GFP+ fibers are more numerous after bone-marrow transplantation, in mdx mice with dystrophin deficiency. Dystrophin expression, in GFP+ fibers, is restricted to the site of fusion whereas GFP diffuse far from it. These results suggest that cell therapy could be, in the future, more appropriate to correct soluble protein deficiency than membrane associated protein.PARIS12-CRETEIL BU Multidisc. (940282102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Subphénotypes de la maladie de Duchenne et caractérisation de la myofibrose dystrophique humaine et expérimentale

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    La dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD) est la maladie neuromusculaire la plus fréquente de l'enfant. Son évolution progressive inexorable conduit habituellement au décès dans la troisième décade. La DMD constitue cependant une affection hétérogène pour la sévérité de l'atteinte musculaire, cognitive et cardiaque, et cette hétérogénéité n'est pas totalement expliquée par la localisation des mutations dans le gène de la dystrophine. Ma thèse comporte trois volets: (1) une analyse clinique multivariée d'une cohorte de DMD suivie à long terme qui nous a permis de définir 4 phénotypes distincts de DMD; (2) une étude de corrélation clinico-pathologique qui a identifié la fibrose endomysiale précoce comme seul facteur histologique prédictif de sévérité motrice; (3) la mise au point d'un modèle murin original de myofibrose dystrophique chez la souris mdx déficiente en dystrophine. 1- Étude multiparamétrique clinique. La saisie par la même équipe des données fonctionnelles musculaires, cardiaques, respiratoires et cognitives de 75 patients atteints de DMD (tous génotypés et présentant une absence complète de dystrophine musculaire), suivis pendant >10 ans, a permis d'établir un modèle multiparamétrique satisfaisant à deux dimensions principales, cognitive et motrice, et de définir 4 clusters phénotypiques : (i) DMD cognitive et motrice congénitale (20%), (ii) DMD classique (28%), (iii) DMD motrice pure modérée (22%), (iv) DMD motrice pure sévère (30%). La corrélation génotypephénotype était restreinte à la seule atteinte cognitive. Des indicateurs pronostics précoce ont été identifiés et validés sur une 2ème série de 34 patients. 2- Étude histopathologique. Les variations de sévérité de l'atteinte musculaire n'étant pas expliquées par la génétique moléculaire, nous avons cherché à corréler les paramètres moteurs et la biopsie musculaire prélevée dans le quadriceps à un stade précoce (3-7 ans) chez 25 patients (analyse stéréologique des images numérisées pour les paramètres élémentaires: nécrose/régénération, fibres hypercontractées, adipocytes, fibrose endomysiale et périmysiale). Seule la fibrose endomysiale était associée à un pronostic moteur défavorable (p6 at 8yrs" with "normal or borderline mental status" reliably assigned patients to group C (sensitivity: 1, specificity: 0.94). These early criteria were also predictive of "congenital DMD" and "moderate pure motor DMD" in series 2. In a second part, we included 25 steroid-free DMD patients in a multiparametric analysis plotting initial histological alterations in quadriceps muscle with 13 relevant clinical data collected by the same team over a long-term follow-up (mean>10yrs). Elementary histological parameters (fiber size, hypercontracted fibers, necrotic/basophilic fibers, edema, endomysial and perimysial fibrosis, and fatty degeneration) were assessed by morphometry. Endomysial fibrosis was the sole myopathological parameter significantly correlated with poor motor outcome, assessed by quadriceps muscle strength, manual muscle testing of upper and lower limbs at 10yrs, and age at ambulation loss (all p<0.002). Motor outcome and fibrosis were not correlated with genotype. Myofibers exhibited oxidative stress-induced protein alterations and became separated from capillaries by fibrosis, which was associated with both increase of CD206+ alternatively activated macrophages and relative decrease of CD56+ satellite cells (both p<0.0001). This study provides firm basis for antifibrotic therapeutic strategies in DMD, and supports the view that alternatively activated macrophages, known to inhibit myogenesis while promoting collagen-producing cell formation, play a key role in myofibrosis. In the third experimental part, experiments were conducted on mdx mice at 6-8 weeks of age. Fifteen micropunctures were made daily in the right tibialis anterior (TA) muscle with micropins used for entomology (150 m diameter) during 2 weeks. Our data suggest that repeated microinjuries of muscle deficient in dystrophin protein triggers a endomysial fibrotic process that stabilizes with time well associated with muscle strenght decrease. Endomysial fibrosis seems to be one of the target of therapy in DMD. This satisfactory model will be usefull to study the mechanisms of fibrosis process in dystrophin deficient muscle and to evaluate antifibrotic treatment.PARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocPARIS12-Bib. électronique (940280011) / SudocSudocFranceF
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