9 research outputs found

    The "moretti": slavery and missions between Africa and Europe (1824-1947)

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    L’obiettivo di questa tesi dottorale è ricostruire il fenomeno storico dei “moretti”, bambine e bambini d’origine subsahariana riscattati dalla schiavitù da missionari cattolici principalmente nel diciannovesimo secolo ed educati in Europa, spesso con lo scopo di rimandarli in Africa come missionari a loro volta. La prima parte cercherà di tratteggiare il contesto storico, in particolare in riferimento ai macrotemi della schiavitù e delle missioni. Seguirà l’analisi delle principali fasi di sviluppo del fenomeno, a partire anche dalla sua dimensione istituzionale. Si è optato per datarne l’inizio nel 1824, con l’azione della missionaria Anne-Marie Javouhey, che portò alcuni bambini senegalesi in Francia; la data indicativamente scelta per la fine, invece, benché esso fosse in declino già da tempo, è il 1947, anno di morte di Giuseppina Bakhita, una bambina schiava sudanese divenuta suora e la più nota tra le “morette”. Nella terza ed ultima parte della tesi si presenteranno alcuni ritratti biografici di “moretti”, al fine di illustrare esemplarmente l’ampia casistica di vite e vicende che danno corpo a un fenomeno unitario ma diversificato. Chiude l’elaborato un’appendice iconografica. La ricerca vuole riportare alla luce una storia rimasta finora pressoché sommersa, focalizzando non solo le traiettorie dei missionari europei, ma specialmente quelle dei “moretti” e, così facendo, inserirsi nella corrente di studi volta a ripensare la storia delle missioni in chiave non più esclusivamente eurocentrica. I “moretti”, infatti, non furono solo vittime di una serie di processi volti a relegarli ad un ruolo di secondo piano, ma individui dotati di una loro agency, che contribuirono a plasmare la missione stessa.The aim of this doctoral thesis is to reconstruct the historical phenomenon of the "moretti". They were generally girls and boys of sub-Saharan origin rescued from slavery by Catholic missionaries during the Nineteenth century. Once in Europe, they were often educated to become missionaries, to be later sent back to Africa to continue the christianization of the continent. In the first part of my work, I will attempt to outline the historical context, highlighting the references to the macro-themes of slavery and missions. Hence, I will also analyze the main stages of its development from its institutional dimension. I have decided to date the beginning of the phenomenon in 1824 when missionary Anne-Marie Javouhey brought some Senegalese children to France. Although it had already been in decline for several decades, I have chosen to consider 1947 as an ending point: this is when Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese slave girl turned nun and canonized after death, died. In the third and final part of the thesis I will present some biographical portraits of "moretti", in order to illustrate the wide case history of lives and events that make up to such a unitary but diversified phenomenon. An elaborate iconographic appendix closes the work. This research aims to bring to light a history that has so far been almost neglected, focusing not only on the trajectories of European missionaries, but especially on those of the "moretti". By doing so, it will fit into that field of studies that tries to rethink the history of missions abandoning a strictly Eurocentric approach. This research also wants to emphasize that "moretti" were not simply victims of a system which only classified them as second-rate roles, but rather individuals with their own agency, who directly contributed to shaping the mission itself

    Umberto Pietrogrande: il gesuita che costruiva ponti

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    The author presents the first researched excursus on the life, works and thought of Father Umberto Pietrogrande (1930-2015), based on the consultation of published as well as unpublished sources. Born in Padua to a Catholic and prosperous family, he graduated in Law and occupied leader positions in the context of local associations until the time of his religious call. He was sent to Brazil by his fellow Jesuits to deal with the relocation of metropolises from the countryside to the suburban areas. He championed practical and innovative solutions such as the rural family schools and the pedagogy of alternation, which were adopted throughout the country. Thanks to his pro-jects, he managed to create an important basis for the international cooperation and he succeeded in the realisation of Aes-Ccc, Mepes and Funaci.El autor presenta, a la luz del uso de fuentes no publicadas y directas, una primera visión general sobre la vida, la obra y el pensamiento del padre Umberto Pietrogrande (1930-2015). Nació en Padua en una familia católica y adinerada, se graduó en derecho desenvolviendo varios cargos de responsabilidad en el asociacionismo local; y luego su vocación. Siendo jesuita, fue enviado a Brasil. El padre Umberto hizo frente al éxodo rural hacia las periferias de las grandes ciudades, proponiendo soluciones concretas e inovadoras. Sus escuelas familia agrícolas y el método pedagógico sobre la alternación se difunden por todo el País. Con sus proyectos crea puentes de cooperación internacional y funda la Aes-Ccc, el Mepes y la Funaci.L'autore propone, alla luce di fonti inedite e dirette, un primo excursus su vita, opera e pensiero di padre Umberto Pietrogrande (1930-2015). Nato a Padova in una famiglia cattolica e benestante, si laurea in giurisprudenza e ricopre incarichi di responsabilità nell’associazionismo locale; poi, la vocazione. Gesuita, è inviato in Brasile. Affronta la fuga dalle campagne verso le periferie delle grandi città proponendo soluzioni concrete e innovative. Le sue scuole famiglia agricole e il metodo pedagogico dell’alternanza si diffondono in tutto il Paese. Con i suoi progetti crea ponti di cooperazione internaziona-le e fonda l’Aes-Ccc, il Mepes e la Funaci

    Da schiavo a missionario. Tra Africa ed Europa, vita e scritti di Daniele Sorur Pharim Den (1860-1900)

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    Daniele Sorur (1860ca.-1900) fu uno schiavo divenuto prete e missionario. Il libro ne è una biografia e contiene una prima edizione di un suo testo finora inedito

    Sociologia promozionale e cooperazione internazionale Italia-Brasile. Il contributo di Giuliano Giorio

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    Giuliano Giorio has been a sociologist of the University of Trieste with multifaceted interests both in terms of operational commitment as well as scientific, political, social and ecclesial. A theoretical scholar but also a man of action, always attentive to the person, to the community and to promotional sociology, he has practiced participation in the social intervention. Among his main fields of study and action there was Latin America and, specifically, Brazil, for which he promoted the Pedagogy of alternation, rural family schools, a sociology of community and a genuinely person-oriented social service. He has created initiatives and associations including Aes-Ccc, Mepes, Csal, etc.Giuliano Giorio ha sido sociólogo de la Universidad de Trieste con intereses multifacéticos tanto en términos de compromiso operativo como científico, político, social y eclesial. Un erudito teórico pero también un hombre de acción, siempre atento a la persona, la comunidad y la sociología promocional, ha promovido la participación en la intervención social. Entre sus principales campos de estudio y acción se encuentra América Latina y, específicamente, Brasil, para lo cual promovió la Pedagogía de la alternancia, escuelas familiares rurales, una sociología de la comunidad y un servicio social genuinamente orientado a la persona. Ha creado iniciativas y asociaciones como Aes-Ccc, Mepes, Csal, y otras.Giuliano Giorio è stato sociologo dell’Università di Trieste dagli interessi poliedrici tanto sul piano dell'impegno operativo quanto su quello scientifico, politico, sociale ed ecclesiale. Studioso teorico ma anche uomo d'azione, sempre attento alla persona, alla comunità e alla sociologia promozionale, ha praticato la partecipazione nell'intervento sociale. Tra i suoi principali campi di studio e d’azione ci fu l’America Latina e, nello specifico, il Brasile, per i quali si fece promotore della Pedagogia dell'alternanza, delle scuole famiglia rurali, di una sociologia di comunità e di un servizio sociale autenticamente orientato alla persona. Ha dato vita a iniziative e associazioni tra cui l’Aes-Ccc, il Mepes, il Csal, etc

    Che cosa sono i negri? L’ouvrage censuré de Daniele Sorur

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    Che cosa sono i negri? est un manuscrit de 1889, inédit, qui dénonce les théories racistes de l’Europe de l’époque et analyse les causes historiques du retard du développement du continent africain. Il propose un renouveau des sociétés africaines à travers la conversion au christianisme effectuée par les Africains eux‑mêmes. Daniele Sorur Pharim Den (v. 1859‑1900), Dinka du sud Soudan, en est l’auteur. Réduit en esclavage par des marchands arabes, affranchi par le missionnaire Daniele Comboni, séminariste à Rome et à Beyrouth, il est ordonné prêtre en 1887 au Caire et sera missionnaire en Afrique toute sa vie. Son ouvrage tire son inspiration de ses voyages en Europe entre 1889 et 1891. Africain et prêtre, séminariste en Europe, mais missionnaire en Afrique, Sorur dans son récit se présente en tant que pont entre les deux continents, en proposant une vision originale de la régénération de l’Afrique par les Africains.Che cosa sono i negri? is an unpublished manuscript from 1889 denouncing racist theories in Europe and analysing the historical causes of Africa's underdevelopment. The author, a former African slave called Daniele Sorur Pharim Den (ca. 1859‑1900), suggests converting the society to Christianity as a possible solution. After his liberation from slavery by missionary Daniele Comboni, Sorur attended Propaganda Fidei collegium in Italy, then moved to Beirut to study at the University Saint Joseph. After being ordained in Cairo in 1887, he was finally relocated to Africa where he spent the rest of his life as a missionary. Inspired to write by his commitment against slavery and for missions, Sorur created an unprecedented document thanks to his unique position as both a native African and a Catholic priest. In it, he proposed an original vision of regeneration of Africa by Africa.Che cosa sono i negri? è un manoscritto del 1889, ancora inedito, di denuncia contro le teorie razziste diffuse in Europa nonché di analisi delle cause storiche alla base del ritardo di sviluppo delle società dell’Africa nera rispetto a quelle europee e di proposta per un loro rinnovamento tramite la conversione al cristianesimo del continente per mano degli stessi africani. L’autore è un Dinka del Sudan del Sud, Daniele Sorur Pharim Den (1859ca.‑1900), fatto schiavo da dei mercanti arabi e liberato a 13‑14 anni dal noto missionario Daniele Comboni, seminarista in Italia presso il collegio Urbano de Propaganda Fide e poi a Beirut all’Université Saint Joseph, ordinato sacerdote nel 1887 al Cairo e missionario in Africa per il resto della sua vita. Lo spunto per la sua opera viene a Sorur dalla raccolta fondi contro la schiavitù e per le missioni africane che sta compiendo tra il 1889 e il 1891 per alcune città del centro Europa. Nella duplice veste di africano e prete cattolico, seminarista in Europa ma missionario in Africa, Sorur in questo scritto si pone a ponte tra i due continenti e propone una propria originale via di rigenerazione dell’Africa con l’Africa

    Consensus Report by the Italian Academy of Osseointegration on the Use of Graft Materials in Postextraction Sites

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    Purpose: After tooth extraction, a modeling and remodeling phase of bone and soft tissues occurs. It has been fully demonstrated that bone resorption as high as 50% can take place regarding ridge width and a variable amount concerning ridge height, making it difficult to perform implant surgery. Materials and Methods: Active members of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO) participated in this Consensus Conference, and three systematic reviews were conducted before the meeting to provide guidelines on alveolar ridge preservation procedures. The systematic reviews covered the following topics: (1) What material best preserves the dimensions of the ridge horizontally and vertically?; (2) what material favors the formation of the highest quantity of new bone?; (3) which technique would best seal the socket?; and (4) what effect does alveolar ridge preservation have on soft tissues? Results: The main conclusions reached by the assembly were that alveolar ridge preservation is advisable after dental extraction, particularly in esthetic areas, in proximity of anatomical structures (ie, maxillary sinus, inferior alveolar nerve, and mental foramen), whenever the treatment plan requires delayed placement, and whenever patients ask to postpone implant insertion for various reasons. Socket debridement is advised before the use of a "regenerative material," and xenograft is considered the gold standard material to maintain ridge dimensions. Another indication is antibiotic therapy, which is recommended in the case of alveolar ridge preservation (amoxicillin 2 g 1 hour before the intervention and 1 g every 12 hours for 6 days). A membrane or autologous soft tissue should be used to seal the socket and protect the regenerative material, and the indicated reentry time (implant insertion) is 4 to 6 months. Conclusion: This Consensus Conference agreed that the adoption of alveolar ridge preservation can effectively prevent physiologic bone loss, especially in esthetic areas. It is recommended to cover the xenograft material with a membrane or autologous soft tissue, and antibiotic therapy is advisable

    Encyclopédie des historiographies : Afriques, Amériques, Asies

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    Quels rapports les sociétés humaines entretiennent-elles avec leur passé et quels récits font-elles du temps révolu ? Pour ce premier volume de l’Encyclopédie des historiographies. Afriques, Amériques, Asies, 157 spécialistes représentant 88 institutions académiques en France et dans le monde explorent l’univers des productions humaines qui constituent des sources pour l’historien et déchiffrent les nombreuses modalités (« scientifiques », littéraires, artistiques, monumentales…) de l’écriture du passé. Évoquant tour à tour l’Afrique, l’Amérique latine, l’Asie, l’Océanie, les 216 notices de l’ouvrage présentent des matériaux historiques de toute nature, issus de toutes les époques, souvent méconnus, ainsi que l’histoire de leurs usages. L’entreprise collective qu’est l’Encyclopédie se veut novatrice : il s’agit de susciter une réflexion historiographique résolument non-occidentalo-centrée qui complète utilement les démarches épistémologiques traditionnelles. Nouvel outil de connaissance historique forgé à l’heure de la mondialisation, l’Encyclopédie des historiographies est aussi une véritable invitation au voyage.What are the different types of relations that non-Western societies upkeep with their past and how are narratives about the past produced by them? In this first volume of the Encyclopaedia of Historiography: Africa, America, Asia, 157 specialists from 88 international academic institutions explore the wealth of evidence that constitutes source material for historians. They also examine the immensely diverse modes or genres of narrated history: “scientific”, literary, artistic, architectural, etc. 216 entries dealing with Africa, Latin America, Oceania, and Asia, cover a large variety of sources, including many which are unfamiliar to the Western or non-Western reader, along with the history of how they have been exploited. By bringing together for the first time such an abundance of material the reader is offered the possibility of exploring continents and building meaningful connections across space and time. In addition to being a new tool for historical enquiry in an era of globalization, this encyclopaedia is also an invitation to travel the world

    Breakthrough Cancer Pain: Preliminary Data of The Italian Oncologic Pain Multisetting Multicentric Survey (IOPS-MS)

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    Introduction: An ongoing national multicenter survey [Italian Oncologic Pain multiSetting Multicentric Survey (IOPS-MS)] is evaluating the characteristics of breakthrough cancer pain (BTP) in different clinical settings. Preliminary data from the first 1500 cancer patients with BTP enrolled in this study are presented here. Methods: Thirty-two clinical centers are involved in the survey. A diagnosis of BTP was performed by a standard algorithm. Epidemiological data, Karnofsky index, stage of disease, presence and sites of metastases, ongoing oncologic treatment, and characteristics of background pain and BTP and their treatments were recorded. Background pain and BTP intensity were measured. Patients were also questioned about BTP predictability, BTP onset (≤10 or >10 min), BTP duration, background and BTP medications and their doses, time to meaningful pain relief after BTP medication, and satisfaction with BTP medication. The occurrence of adverse reactions was also assessed, as well as mucosal toxicity. Results: Background pain was well controlled with opioid treatment (numerical rating scale 3.0 ± 1.1). Patients reported 2.5 ± 1.6 BTP episodes/day with a mean intensity of 7.5 ± 1.4 and duration of 43 ± 40 min; 977 patients (65.1%) reported non-predictable BTP, and 1076 patients (71.7%) reported a rapid onset of BTP (≤10 min). Higher patient satisfaction was reported by patients treated with fast onset opioids. Conclusions: These preliminary data underline that the standard algorithm used is a valid tool for a proper diagnosis of BTP in cancer patients. Moreover, rapid relief of pain is crucial for patients’ satisfaction. The final IOPS-MS data are necessary to understand relationships between BTP characteristics and other clinical variables in oncologic patients. Funding: Molteni Farmaceutici, Italy