378 research outputs found

    How Baloch Women Make Decisions About the Risks Associated With Different Childbirth Settings in Southeast Iran

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    Background: In Zahedan City in Southeast Iran, some women prefer to give birth at home despite the availability of the equipped hospitals and expert advice that hospital births are safer. Objectives: This study explains how Baloch women make decisions regarding the risks associated with childbirth at home versus a hospital. This study identifies and defines the factors that influence the choice of the place of delivery by Baloch women. Materials and Methods: The article draws on data from a grounded theory. In particular, on in-depth interviews with 25 Baloch women, 21 of whom had planned home births and 4 planned hospital births in their most recent childbirth. Results: Six categories emerged from the data as follows: 1) deliberation and risk assessment; 2) obstacles to hospital births; 3) preference for hospital births; 4) obstacles to homebirth; 5) preference for homebirth; and 6) risk management. The core category was deliberation and risk assessment. Our interviews showed that Baloch woman weighed the negative and positive aspects of each option when deciding on a childbirth setting. In this process, their assessment of risk included physical wellbeing and social-cultural values. Furthermore, their assessment of risk can, in some circumstances, result in delays or avoidance of having hospital childbirth. Conclusions: Managers and service providers need to know an ordinary woman’s perception of risk to address the gap between current and desired childbirth services and encourage women to use current hospital services

    The Cholesterol Lowering Effects of Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) Root Extract in Male Rats

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    Background: To investigate the effect of Eurycoma longifolia Jack root extract on serum lipids in rats. Methods: Twenty-six mature male albino Wistar rats were used in this study. A group of 18 rats were fed a high fat and high cholesterol diet for 4 weeks, after which their lipid profile was compared to the control group, who were kept on a normal diet. The rats were then further divided into three groups, the Cf group that continued to feed on a high fat and cholesterol diet only, and group A and group B who continued on a high fat diet with the addition of 5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg of Eurycoma longifolia Jack root extract respectively for 4 weeks. After the 4 week period, the rat's lipid profiles were analysed again. Results: Group A and B showed significant total cholesterol reduction when compared to the Cf group, 140 ± 7.23, 139.63 ± 7.95, 192.14 ± 8.96 mg/dL respectively (p < 0.001). The total cholesterol/HDL ratio in group A was 5 however there was a sharp increase in group B to a high-risk level of 9.2 indicating a significant drop in HDL levels. The LDL level increased significantly in both group A and B compared to the Cf group. Conclusions: Eurycoma longifolia Jack root extract is effective in lowering total cholesterol, however the dose needs to be adjusted to prevent an excessive decrease in HDL levels


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    One of the key causes of disharmony on a global scale, throughout human history, has been the disregard for the protection of religious expression. This goes some way to explaining why the international community in the post-war era, particularly after World War II, have enacted legal instruments and implemented policies aimed at promoting religious freedoms at global and regional levels. Regionally, the ECHR with implementation mechanisms has led the way in terms of upholding the protection of religious rights and freedoms. Having progressive and effective mechanisms to protect human rights does not mean that decisions of the ECtHR as a judicial body are free of criticism. For example, the ECtHR has ruled in the number of cases against the practice of religious expression, particularly in cases relating to the wearing of the headscarf. These decisions, the ECtHR argues, were taken on the grounds of secularism and prevention of fundamentalism and intolerance. This research, unlike others written on the subject, examines the concepts of fundamentalism and tolerance through a historical and philosophical approach, which will be used to argue that a restriction on the headscarf cannot legally or logically be justified as the bases used by the court to provide a rationale for the rulings are undefined, ambiguous and often in conflict with the principle of religious expression. The ECtHR often prioritises national policies and political considerations such as secularism over the personal right to freedom of religious expression. Notably, recent polices in Turkey which now allow and encourage the wearing of headscarf in public places call into question the validity of previous judgments of the ECtHR supporting the ban on wearing of the headscarf. As a part of the qualitative methodology the researcher has chosen three methods to conduct this research including black-letter, historical and comparative themes. This thesis is critically analysis ECtHR cases relating to freedom of religious expression in the context of the wearing of the headscarf. In doing this thesis further explores the relationship between Article 9 ECHR, the wearing of the headscarf, and the concepts of fundamentalism and intolerance. The researcher argues that the link between the wearing of the headscarf and intolerant or fundamentalist behaviour is a difficult one to prove, and that by supporting the ban on wearing of the headscarf on grounds including intolerance, the ECtHR’s decisions are in effect validating intolerance of religious expression

    Seismic stratigraphy study of the East Razzaza in Jurassic- Cretaceous succession- Central Iraq

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    This study is deal with seismic structural and stratigraphic interpretation that applied on the East Razzaza (central of Iraq) area, by using 2D seismic data from Oil Exploration Company. Three main seismic reflectors were picked. These reflectors are Zubair, Yamama and Gotnia Formations, which were used to define petrophysical well logs and synthetic seismograms , that are calculated from sonic-logs of the wells of East Baghdad-1 (Eb-1) and West Kifl-1(Wk-1) by Geoframe program, to interpret the Yamama basin and the boundaries of the basin (Zubair and Gotnia Formations), and suggest a stratigraphic model for the study area. Structural maps are prepared for each reflector in addition to analyze stratigraphic features on the seismic sections to obtain the location and direction of the sedimentary basin and shoreline. It is concluded that the basin lies in the east and south east of the area. Seismic stratigraphic interpretation of the area approves the presence of some stratigraphic features in the studied formations. Some distributary buildup mound and carbonate platform are determined. Yamama Formation is interpreted to represent a carbonate platform, and it is divided into three sequences; they represent progradational seismic facies (sigmoid). Maximum flooding surface (MFS) is recognized on top of Yamama Formation and system tracts are determined on the basis of seismic and log data. Seismic attributes technique was used to predict the physical properties distribution of Yamama Formation succession

    3D Reservoir Study for Yamama Formation in Nasirya Oil field in Southern of Iraq

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    Nasriya oil field is located at the Southern part of Iraq, this field is a giant and prolific, so it take a special are from the Oil Exploration Company for development purposes by using 3D seismic reflection. The primary objective of this thesis is to obtain reservoir properties and enhance the method of getting precise information about subsurface reservoir characterizations by improving the estimation of petrophysical properties (effective porosity, P-wave, water saturation and poisson's ratio). There are five wells in the study area penetrated the required reservoirs within Yammam Formation. The Synthetic seismogram of Nasriya wells were created to conduct well tie with seismic data. These well tie was very good matching with seismic section using best average statistical wavelet. Five main horizons were picked from the reflectors by using synthetic seismogram for wells then converted to structural maps in depth domain by using average velocity of five wells. By using petrel program TWT maps have been constructed from the picked horizons, Average velocity maps calculated from the wells velocities survey data and the sonic log information and Depth maps construction was drawn using Direct time-depth conversion and the general trend of these map was NW-SE. The model of low frequency was created from the low frequency contents from well data and the five main horizons were picked. The seismic inversion technique was performed on post-stack three dimensions (3D) seismic data in Nasriya oil field

    Structural and Stratigraphic 3D Seismic Study of NahrUmr and Zubair Formations in Kifl oil field _ center of Iraq

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    This research is a reflection seismic study (structural and stratigraphic) of a 268.7 km2 area located in the central Iraq within the Karbala province (Kifl area). The study area was interpreted by using 3-D seismic data from Oil Exploration Company. Synthetic traces are prepared by using available data of the four wells (Kf-1), (Kf-2), (Kf-3) and (Kf-4), in order to define and piking the reflector on seismic section, These reflector are: (NahrUmr, Shuaiba, Zubair and Ratawi Formations) which are deposited during the lower cretaceous age. Faults were picked using instantaneous phase attribute of seismic section across 3D seismic volume of the studied reflectors. The study area affected by a major fault and minor normal faults, Two faults system has been observed in the study area; the major normal fault of (NW-SE) trending and minor normal faults of (NE-SW) trending, with a small displacement are influenced the studied reflectors. The time slices were studied across 3D seismic volume of the studied reflector, they proved the presence the structural anticline at lower cretaceous reflection level. Time, velocity and depth maps are prepared depending on the structural interpretation of the picked reflectors, the structural interpretation of these reflectors shows a structural anticline extending in NW-SE trend and plunges to the south east, and the general dip towards the east. Using seismic attribute techniques including (instantaneous frequency, RMS amplitude maps and reflection strength section), these attributes showed decreasing in frequency, amplitude and strength values. These reflect rocks of low velocity and indicate the presence of hydrocarbon accumulation area. The study of seismic facies of the picked reflectors distinction parallel seismic configuration. The results shows the Zubair and NahrUmrfacies are clastic depositional system deposited on delta platform, Zubair represents delta platform facies consisting of shallow- water, high-energy marine (delta sandstone, channel-fill sandstones).Pinch out are picked and interpreted by using cosine instantaneous phase attributes, these phenomena can be regarded as Pinch out stratigraphical traps. It's the main factor to explain the difference in thickness of the oil column between well Kf-4 and well Kf-1. Mound and Flat spot phenomenon has been observed within Zubair reflector by using the seismic composite attributes (Band bass filter on an instantaneousphase attributes, as mound stratigraphic traps and flat spot which is represent of Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators (DHI) that refers to the presence of hydrocarbons. Where the use of this techniques has helped to identify the (DHI) for hydrocarbon accumulation and have not been previously identified.Finally 3D seismic model for Kifl field show the extension of structural anticline and its plunge and the distribution of hydrocarbons accumulations in the Kifl field

    Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of seeds oils and fruit juice of Opuntia Ficus Indica and Opuntia Dillenii from Morocco

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    peer reviewedThis study provides basic information on the mineral composition of the seeds and antioxidant activity in seeds oils and fruit juices of cactus belonging to two species Opuntia ficus indica and Opuntia dillenii, from Morocco (Oujda), in order to evaluate the nutritional value of the Opuntia extracts. Minerals determined from dry seeds of Opuntia ficus indica and Opuntia dillenii were: calcium 480.93 and 408.28; phosphorus 1417.59 and 970.15; potassium 304.51 and 201.96; magnesium: 316.59 and 240.30; sodium: 48.33 and 18.18; zinc: 70.77 and 78.26 mg/100g respectively. The main fatty acids of Opuntia ficus indica and Opuntia dillenii seed oil were respectively: linoleic acid: 58.79 and 79.83%, Palmitic acid: 11.18 and 13.52%. The antioxidant activity of Opuntia ficus indica and Opuntia dillenii seed oils and fruit juices were assessed by means of 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging assay and ascorbic acid test. The results showed that the antioxidant activities of Opuntia ficus indica and Opuntia dillenii seed oil (IC50 = 19.79 ± 0.023 and 27.21 ± 0.075 μL/mL) are higher than that of the reference ascorbic acid (IC50 = 16.56 ± 0.019 μg/mL). However, the Opuntia dillenii juice presents antioxidant activity more important than this of Opuntia seed oil and ascorbic acid. It possessed strong antioxidant activity (IC50 = 8.18 μL/mL). The antioxidant activity of the seed oil and juice were also found to be concentration-dependent

    Distribution of KRAS, DDR2, and TP53 gene mutations in lung cancer: An analysis of Iranian patients

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    Purpose Lung cancer is the deadliest known cancer in the world, with the highest number of mutations in proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the status of hotspot regions in DDR2 and KRAS genes for the first time, as well as in TP53 gene, in lung cancer patients within the Iranian population. Experimental design The mutations in exon 2 of KRAS, exon 18 of DDR2, and exons 5�6 of TP53 genes were screened in lung cancer samples, including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) using PCR and sequencing techniques. Results Analysis of the KRAS gene showed only a G12C variation in one large cell carcinoma (LCC) patient, whereas variants were not found in adenocarcinoma (ADC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cases. The Q808H variation in the DDR2 gene was detected in one SCC sample, while no variant was seen in the ADC and LCC subtypes. Variations in the TP53 gene were seen in all NSCLC subtypes, including six ADC (13.63), seven SCC (15.9) and two LCC (4.54). Forty-eight variants were found in the TP53 gene. Of these, 15 variants were found in coding regions V147A, V157F, Q167Q, D186G, H193R, T211T, F212L and P222P, 33 variants in intronic regions rs1625895 (HGVS: c.672+62A>G), rs766856111 (HGVS: c.672+6G>A) and two new variants (c.560-12A>G and c.672+86T>C). Conclusions In conclusion, KRAS, DDR2, and TP53 variants were detected in 2, 2.17 and 79.54 of all cases, respectively. The frequency of DDR2 mutation is nearly close to other studies, while KRAS and TP53 mutation frequencies are lower and higher than other populations, respectively. Three new putative pathogenic variants, for the first time, have been detected © 2018 Fathi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Evaluation of Abelmoschus moschatus extracts for antioxidant, free radical scavenging, antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities using in vitro assays

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Abelmoschus moschatus </it>Medik. leaves and seeds are considered as valuable traditional medicine. The aromatic seeds of this plant are aphrodisiac, ophthalmic, cardio tonic, antispasmodic and used in the treatment of intestinal complaints and check queasiness. To give a scientific basis for traditional usage of this medicinal plant, the seed and leaf extracts were evaluated for their antioxidant, free radical scavenging, antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities of <it>A. moschatus </it>extracts were evaluated in a series of <it>in vitro </it>assay involving free radicals, reactive oxygen species and their IC<sub>50 </sub>values were also determined. The antioxidant activities of the seed and leaf extracts of <it>A. moschatus </it>were determined by total antioxidant, DPPH, and ferrous reducing antioxidant property (FRAP) methods. In addition, the antiproliferative activity was also evaluated using colorectal adenocarcinoma and retinoblastoma human cancer cell lines. Moreover, six bacterial reference strains, two gram-positive (<it>Bacillus subtilis </it>and <it>Staphylococcus aureus</it>), four gram-negative (<it>Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris </it>and <it>Salmonella enterica paratyphi</it>) and one fungal strain (<it>Candida albicans</it>) were used to evaluate its antimicrobial activity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results from this study showed that the antioxidant activities of <it>A. moschatus </it>as determined by the total phenol, flavonoids, total antioxidant and FRAP methods were higher in leaf than that of the seed extracts. On the other hand, the aqueous overnight seed extract (AMS-I) has shown significant radical scavenging activity as in 1, 1- Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, superoxide and lipid peroxidation as compared to other seed and leaf extracts. The AMS-I and AML-IV have shown activity against six and seven microorganisms respectively. Simulteneously, AMS-IV and AML-IV have demonstrated potential antiproliferative activity against two human cell lines - Colorectal adenocarcinoma (COLO-205) and retinoblastoma (Y79).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The seed and leaf extracts of <it>A. moschatus </it>possess significant antioxidant activity and could serve as free radical inhibitors or scavenger, or substitute, probably as primary antioxidants. The plant possesses moderate antibacterial activity against bacterial strains used in this study. Hydroalcoholic seed and leaf extracts also exhibited antiproliferative activity against two human cancer cell lines. <it>A. moschatus </it>may therefore, be a good candidate for functional foods as well as pharmaceutics.</p

    Antennas Performance Comparison of Multi-Bands for Optimal Outdoor and Indoor Environments Wireless Coverage

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    This paper aims to implement a wireless Wi-Fi network (Indoor and Outdoor) in order to cover the environment of the Oxford Institute (to learn languages and computer skills) in the best methods and lowest cost in order to provide Wi-Fi service for faculty members and all members of the administrative board and students. The realistic three-floor indoor and outdoor environments of the Institute were designed with Wireless InSite Package (WIP). In addition, emphasis was focus on the use of two types of transmitting devices (Directional and Omni-Directional). The aim of using these two devices is to determine which device is better to cover the Institute's environment well. In this work, a different frequency bands scenario was used to determine which band is suitable for coverage and stability of the wireless network. These bands are S-Band (2.4GHz), C-Band (5GHz), C-Band (10GHz), Ku-Band (15GHz), Ka-Band (28GHz), and MmWave (39GHz). Moreover, the focus has been on the most important basic parameters to determine the performance level of the two devices (Directional and Omni-Directional) as well as to determine the performance level of the wireless network. The most important of these parameters are Path Losses (LPath), Path Gain (GPath), Received Signal Strength (RSS), Strongest Received Power, Coverage Ratio (CR), and Received Signal Quality Ratio (RSQR). According to the results that emerged, it was observed that Omni-Directional antennas are much better than Directional antennas, especially in NLOS (None-Line-of-Sight) regions. It was also noted that CR, LPath, and RSS at S-Band (2.4GHz) are much better than the rest of the bands, so that the CR and the RSQR at this band reach 83.2184% and 95.7383%, respectively. While at the MmWave-Band (39GHz), it reaches 31.0345% and 70.7937% respectively