55 research outputs found

    Girl-Centered Program Design: A Toolkit to Develop, Strengthen and Expand Adolescent Girls Programs

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    Girl-Centered Program Design: A Toolkit to Develop, Strengthen and Expand Adolescent Girls Programs is a set of tools and guidelines for strengthening programs for adolescent girls in urban Kenya. Based on discussions from a 2010 meeting of the Kenya Adolescent Girls’ Brain Trust, hosted by the Binti Pamoja Center and the Population Council, the toolkit is written for those interested in working with adolescent girls ages 10–24. It can be used by anyone who is designing or running a program, writing a proposal to work with girls, or seeking innovative ideas on how to strengthen program activities. The toolkit has three main sections: the first focuses on structure, the second on content, and the third on monitoring and evaluation. Each chapter contains an introduction to the topic, examples from existing programs for girls, and practical, user-friendly tools


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran POGIL terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas IV. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan desain Nonequivalent Control Grup Design. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan lembar observasi pada hasil belajar afektif dan hasil belajar psikomotor serta tes hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Hasil observasi pada hasil belajar ranah afektif dan psikomotor memperoleh rata – rata 90%, sedangkan pada posttest 87,50% siswa dinyatakan tuntas. Nilai N-Gain hasil belajar adalah 0,52 yang termasuk kategori sedang. Uji t-test hasil belajar siswa diperoleh thitung > ttabel (7,965 > 2,042). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar IPA siswa antara pembelajaran yang menggunakan model pembelajaran POGIL dan pembelajaran konvensional dengan nilai sig (2-tailed) yang didapat sebesar 0,000 < 0,05. Kata Kunci: model pembelajaran POGIL, Hasil belajar IPA

    Critical analysis of the insider trading framework of Tanzania

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    Magister Legum - LLMThis study is on the insider trading framework of Tanzania. The researcher has made enquiries whether the Tanzania legal framework governing insider trading provides strong enough enforcement mechanisms, including remedies and measures against malpractices found on the securities market to attract investor confidence. Critical analysis is done of the Capital Markets and Securities Act, 79 of 1994 (RE 2002) in conjunction with an investigation into the Capital Markets and Securities Authority (CMSA) a body corporate charged with the duties among others, of protecting the integrity of the securities market and maintaining surveillance over securities to ensure orderly, fair and equitable dealings in securities. The researcher uses a comparative approach from other jurisdictions considered as international best standards of the English and South African insider trading legislation. Discussions on the study are presented in chapters. Chapter one is the general introduction to the Study. It is the reproduction of the research proposal. Chapter Two is on the overview of insider trading framework of Tanzania. An analysis is made on the provisions of the Capital Market and Securities Act, 79 of 1994 (RE 2002). It is revealed that the enforcement mechanisms are inadequate and ineffective. The Capital Market and Securities Act, 79 of 1994, (RE 2002) neither defines nor provides the interpretation to legal concepts such as insider, inside information and publication. Civil remedies and criminal penalties provided in the Tanzania Capital Market and Securities Act, 79 of 1994, (RE 2002) are inadequate for deterrent purposes to combat insider trading practices. In chapter three the researcher examines the Capital Market and Securities Authority (CMSA) in terms of fulfillments of its roles, functions, and powers. It is submitted that the CMSA and the DSE have never contributed much to resolving the problem of securities market abuses. Chapter four extend the study to the English and South Africa insider trading legislation considered as international best practice and therefore comparable. The researcher has observed that flaws in areas of prohibition, enforcements, defences and the lacuna on identified concepts of insider trading make the Tanzanian insider trading legislation remain more symbolic than real in terms of its efficiency to combating insider trading practices. Chapter five provides the conclusions and recommendations on the study. The researcher has provided recommendations on curbing the problem of insider trading in Tanzania, including repealing and enacting a new strong and effective insider trading legislation


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    This research was purposed for knowing Students Respon Characteristic in Problem Based Learning Model based on SOLO Taxonomy. We know that, taxonomy was able to help teacher and students on the learning process. It was used for facilitating mental process, and reach out the aims of learning process. This research is qualitative, which has three steps of analyses. The first step is data reduction, the second is data presentation, the last is data verification. This researchment proves that elementary school student’s cognitive are in multistruktural level. It is proved by ten of twelve student’s answer that stop on the third question, eventhough, two of them are in higher level. SOLO taxonomy is easy to do in learning process, it can help teachers to know students cognitive level, so that they are able to choice the best strategy that fit in to learning process

    Kuchunguza Dhima ya Methali za Jamii ya Wasimbiti wa Rorya Mkoani Mara

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    Mada ya utafiti huu ilikuwa ni kuchunguza dhima ya methali za jamii ya Wasimbiti wa Rorya mkoani Mara. Ili kufanikisha mada hii utafiti ulikuwa na madhumuni mahususi matatu ambayo ni kubainisha dhima ya methali ya jamii ya Wasimbiti wa wilaya ya Rorya mkoani Mara, kuelezea uhalisia wa dhima za methali za jamii ya Wasimbiti kwa jamii ya leo na kubainisha mbinu za kisanaa zilizotumika kujenga dhima za methali za jamii ya Wasimbiti. Madhumuni haya matatu yamefanyiwa kazi na matokeo ya utafiti yamepatikana. Data za utafiti zilikusanywa kwa kutumia mbinu za usaili na upitiaji wa nyaraka na kuchambuliwa kwa kutumia mkabala wa kimaelezo na nadharia za Sosholojia na Simiotiki. Matokeo ya utafiti yanaonyesha kuwa methali za jamii ya Wasimbiti zina dhima za kuhamasisha jamii kuepuka tamaa , kuwa na subira, kuelimisha jamii juu ya maisha, kufanya kazi kwa juhudi na maarifa, kuhimiza umoja na mshikamano katika jamii na umuhimu wa malezi kwa vijana katika jamii. Pia, matokeo ya utafiti yanaonyesha kuwa methali za jamii ya Wasimbiti zinaundwa na mbinu za kisanaa za mafumbo, takriri, taswira na muundo. Mbinu hizi za kisanaa zimesaidia sana katika kuwasilisha dhima za methali za jamii ya Wasimbiti wanaoishi wilaya ya Rorya mkoani Mara

    The Impact of Promotion on Merit and Education Level Bases to Performance of the Tanzania Police Force

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    The main purpose of this study was to determine the Impact of Promotion on Merit and Education Level bases to performance of the Tanzania Police Force. The objectives involved to determine whether promotion on merit and education level bases satisfies the employee’s desire of being recognized, valued and assigned duties which they perform best; motivates employees to offer their loyalty to the force; helps the force to retain the skilled workforce; if it motivates other employees to study to high education levels, and exploring possible challenges related to promotion on merit and education level bases and ways of addressing them. The study employed mainly qualitative approach using the case study design. A total of 65 participants were involved in the study including 40 rank and file soldiers, soldiers studying in high education institutions, 20 soldiers of inspectorate rank and 5 senior Police officers who were selected through stratified random sampling and purposive sampling. Data were sought through interviews, documentary review and observation; and were analyzed mainly through content analysis. The findings of the study indicated that promoting soldiers on merit and education level bases has a positive impact on the forces’ performance; it satisfies soldiers’ desire of being recognized and valued; it builds soldiers’ loyalty to the force; it enables the force to retain its skilled workforce; it motivates other soldiers to acquire high education and it faces a number of challenges. In the light of the finding the study recommends that the force has to continue using these qualifications for promotion since it encourages soldiers to improve their performance and hence an efficient and effective police organization. And it has to work on the challenges identified using the suggested ways to make the practice fair and acceptable by soldiers

    Adsorption of Congo Red Dye from Aqueous Solution onto Natural and Modified Bauxite Clays

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    The adsorption behavior of congo red dye from its aqueous solutions was investigated onto natural and modified bauxite clays. Both bauxite and modified bauxite are primarily characterized by using, FTIR, SEM, AFM, and XRD. Several variables are studied as a function of adsorption including contact time, adsorbent weight, pH, ionic strength, particle size and temperature under batch adsorption technique. The absorbance of the solution before and after adsorption was measured spectrophotometrically. The equilibrium data fit with Langmuir model of adsorption and the linear regression coefficient R2 is found to be 0.9832 and 0.9630 for natural and modified bauxite respectively at 37.5°C which elucidate the best fitting isotherm model. The general shape of the adsorption isotherm of congo red on natural and modified bauxite is consistent with (H-type) on the Giles classification. Different thermodynamic parameters such as Gibb's free energy, enthalpy and entropy of the on-going adsorption process have also been evaluated. The thermodynamic analyses of the congo red adsorption on natural and modified bauxite indicate that the systems are endothermic in natur


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh defisit anggaran, inflasi dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap utang luar negeri Indonesia tahun 2010-2019 secara parsial dan simultan serta ditinjau dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam. Objek penelitian ini adalah utang luar negeri Indonesia sebagai variabel dependen, dan tiga variabel independen yaitu defisit anggaran, inflasi dan nilai tukar rupiah dari tahun 2010 sampai dengan 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder time series dari tahun 2010-2019 yang diperoleh dari website resmi Bank Indonesia, Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia dan Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh data utang luar negeri Indonesia, defisit anggaran, inflasi dan nilai tukar rupiah. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah data utang luar negeri Indonesia, defisit anggaran, inflasi dan nilai tukar rupiah tahun 2010-2019. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dalam OLS (Ordinary Least Square) dengan menggunakan program komputer E-views 9. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial defisit anggaran tidak berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap utang luar negeri Indonesia. Inflasi tidak berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap utang luar negeri Indonesia. Nilai tukar rupiah berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap utang luar negeri Indonesia. Selanjutnya, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa defisit anggaran, inflasi dan nilai tukar rupiah secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap utang luar negeri Indonesia tahun 2010-2019. Utang luar negeri sebenarnya diperbolehkan dalam Islam, tetapi tidak dianjurkan, external financing (dana yang bersumber dari luar) diperbolehkan selama mekanismenya dimodifikasi sesuai syariat Islam. Kata kunci: Defisit Anggaran, Inflasi, Nilai Tukar Rupiah, Utang Luar Negeri, Perspektif Ekonomi Isla

    Pusat terapi dan rehabilitasi mental remaja di Surabaya

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    Abstrak: Kesehatan sering kali dipersepsikan dari segi fisik saja. Namun sebenarnya sehat juga berarti tentang kesehatan jiwa. Akan tetapi, masalah kesehatan jiwa sering kali dianggap kalah penting dibandingkan dengan kesehatan fisik. Masih banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang memiliki gangguan mental yang masih memilih untuk tidak berobat dikarenakan banyaknya alasan dan mentalitas masyarakat terhadap gangguan mental di Indonesia. Alasannya antara lain tidak yakin dimana harus meminta bantuan, masalah biaya, stigma masyarakat, komitmen waktu, dll. Kehidupan kota besar seperti Surabaya yang terus berkembang pesat dapat menciptakan tekanan yang dapat mempengaruhi mental remaja dengan ekspetasi gaya hidup yang kadang tidak realistis dan sangat menuntut. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk mewadahi kegiatan terapi dan rehabilitasi mental untuk remaja di Surabaya. Dengan penerapan healing environment sebagai pendekatan utama untuk perancangan yang mendukung kegiatan terapi dan rehabilitasi. Sehingga, desain arsitektur pada healing environment juga berpengaruh pada proses penyembuhan pengguna remaja. Desain arsitektur dapat mendukung pengguna dari segi kesehatan jasmani maupun rohani. ` Abstract: Health is often perceived solely in terms of physical well-being. However, in reality, being healthy also means having good mental health. Nevertheless, mental health issues are often considered less important than physical health. There are still many people in Indonesia who have mental disorders but choose not to seek treatment due to various reasons and societal attitudes towards mental health issues in the country. Some reasons include uncertainty about where to seek help, financial constraints, societal stigma, time commitments, and more. The fast-paced development and high expectations of urban life in cities like Surabaya can create pressures that affect the mental well-being of teenagers, with unrealistic and demanding lifestyles. This design aims to provide a space for therapy and mental rehabilitation activities for teenagers in Surabaya. The implementation of a healing environment as the primary approach in the design supports therapeutic and rehabilitation activities. As a result, the architectural design in the healing environment also plays a role in the healing process for teenage users. The architectural design can support users' physical and spiritual health. ملخص: غالبًا ما يُفهم الصحة من حيث الرفاهية الجسدية فقط. ومع ذلك، في الواقع، يعني أن تكون صحيًا أيضًا أن يكون لديك صحة نفسية جيدة. ومع ذلك، يُعتبر قضايا الصحة النفسية في كثير من الأحيان أقل أهمية من الصحة الجسدية. لا يزال هناك العديد من الأشخاص في إندونيسيا الذين يعانون من اضطرابات نفسية ولكنهم يختارون عدم السعي للعلاج بسبب أسباب مختلفة والمواقف الاجتماعية تجاه قضايا الصحة النفسية في البلاد. تشمل بعض الأسباب عدم اليقين في أين يمكن الحصول على المساعدة، وقيود مالية، والتحريم الاجتماعي، والتزامات الوقت، وما إلى ذلك. يمكن أن يؤدي التطور السريع والتوقعات العالية للحياة الحضرية في مدن مثل سورابايا إلى وجود ضغوط تؤثر على الرفاهية النفسية للمراهقين، مع نمط حياة غير واقعي ومطالبة مرهقة. يهدف هذا التصميم إلى توفير مساحة لأنشطة العلاج وإعادة التأهيل النفسي للمراهقين في سورابايا. تطبيق بيئة الشفاء كنهج رئيسي في التصميم يدعم الأنشطة العلاجية وإعادة التأهيل. نتيجة لذلك، يلعب التصميم المعماري في بيئة الشفاء أيضًا دورًا في عملية الشفاء للمستخدمين المراهقين. يمكن أن يدعم التصميم المعماري الصحة الجسدية والروحية للمستخدمي