734 research outputs found

    Frequency distribution of Penaeus semisulcatus and Penaeus merguiensis in the catch of breeder shrimp trawlers in Jask and Sirik area, Oman Sea

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    Collection of breeder shrimps in important fishing grounds of Hormozgan province was started in 1994. In this research which was carried out in March, April, June and July 2001 and 2002, we aimed at identifying shrimp species, determining frequency distribution of the species in the catch and evaluating caught maturity stages. We collected data on the catch of artisanal shrimp trawlers on a biweekly basis. Result showed that Penaeus indicus was dominant in the catch while P. semisulcatus and P. merguiensis comprised 20.5-20% and 13.5-19.5% of the catch in Jask and Sirik areas respectively. A Tukey test showed that average carapace length in P. merguiensis and P. semisulcatus caught in Jask were significantly larger than those from Sirik area (p<0.05). Maximum abundance of P. semisulcatus and P. merguiensis spawners was found during March to June in Jask and June to July in Sirik fishing grounds

    Stray Cats Gastrointestinal Parasites and its Association With Public Health in Ahvaz City, South Western of Iran

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    Background: Cats are the hosts for some zoonotic parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii and Toxocara spp. which are important in medicine and veterinary. Studies on the prevalence of intestinal parasites of cats have received little attention in south west of Iran. Objectives: The current study aimed to investigate the prevalence of parasites in stray cats in Ahvaz. Materials and Methods: Random sampling was carried out from January to May 2012. One hundred and forty fecal samples from stray cats were examined using sucrose flotation method. Results: Gastrointestinal parasites were found in 121 of the 140 (86.4%) examined samples. The parasites detected in stray cats were Toxocara spp. (45%, 63/140), Isospora spp. (21.4%, 30/140), nematode larvae (21.4%, 30/140), Taenia spp. (18.6%, 26/140), Sarcocystis spp. (17.1%, 24/140), Eimeria spp. (15%, 21/140), Blastocystis spp. (14.3%, 20/140), Giardia spp, (10.7%, 15/140), Physaloptera spp. (7.1%, 10/140), and amoeba cyst (5.7%, 8/140) respectively. The prevalence of infection by Joyexiella spp. and hook worms (4.3%, 6/140), for example, Dipylidium caninum (2.9%, 4/140) was similar; and the prevalence of infection by T. gondii and Dicrocoelium dendriticum was similar (1.4%, 2/140). Conclusions: Since the prevalence of zoonotic gastrointestinal parasites such as Toxocara spp. in stray cats is high, there is a need to plan adequate programs to control these zoonotic parasites

    Asynchronous Bilateral Testicular Cancer in A Patient with Bilateral Undescended Testicle: A Case Report

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Testicular cancer is almost the only common genitourinary tract cancer at a young age. One of the risk factors for testicular tumors is undescended testicles. If testicular fixation is corrected in the normal position, the probability of testicular cancer decreases in the undescended testicle before puberty, but it does not disappear, and the patient should be examined for a long time. The purpose of this case report is to introduce a patient who, despite undergoing orchidopexy, has developed asynchronous bilateral testicular cancer, which shows the importance of long-term follow-up in people with a history of undescended testicles. CASE REPORT: The patient was a 54-year-old man with a history of congenital bilateral undescended testicles, infertile, and orchidopexy surgery in childhood and a history of classic seminoma in the left testicle four years ago. Again, in periodic follow-ups and examination of the right testicle, a mass in the right testicle was touched, which showed malignant changes in the ultrasound. Serum levels of testicular markers were normal. According to the sonographic findings, examinations and patient records, the patient underwent radical right testicular orchidectomy. Classic seminoma was reported in the results of right testicle pathology, and in further examinations, no evidence of metastasis was seen. The patient is currently undergoing follow-up and postoperative chemotherapy. CONCLUSION: According to the results of this case reported in patients with intangible testicles, especially bilateral, long-term follow-up is necessary for asynchronous bilateral testicular cancer

    Survey on stocks of Caspian Sea mullets (Liza aurata; Liza saliens ) in Iranian coastal waters of the Caspian Sea

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    This study was conducted to determine growth parameters, catch and fishing effort trends, stock assessment of Caspian Sea mullets in the Iranian coastal waters of Caspian Sea in the fishing season of 2013-2014. For gathering of data on biometry and catch statistics, 5 mobile working group in the regions of Anzali, Kiashahr, Noshahr, Babolsar and Torkmen were involved from the start to the end of fishing season.Gathered data Were entered to the computer. For data analysis, common methods were undertaken for estimation of growth parameters, mortality rates, biomass and Maximum Sustainable yield (MSY) as well. According to the result, the number of beach seines cooperatives was 124 and fishing efforts were 44688 beach seining haul. The catch per unit of effort CPUE) was calculated 53 kg/haul during this fishing season. The total catches of Caspian Sea mullets (including illegal fishing estimated as 2373 mt. Growth parameters of golden gray mullet (Liza aurata) were estimated as K=0.16/yr, L_∞=57.4 cm, t_0=-0.45/yr. Based on catch-at-age data, in the fishing season of 2013-2014, the total biomass, from the biomass-based cohort analysis were estimated 12473.3. mt. Based on these results, the fishing mortality rate in fishing season of 2013-2014 were 0.575/yr. In this survey, the Maximum sustainable yield were estimated as 2558.6 mt respectively. Generally from three Northern Province’s cooperatives 3406 samples collected. Results of biometry of golden gray mullet (Liza auratus) showed that the mean length and weight and age of this species were 32.3±6.1 cm and 383.5±74.823.4 g and 1.2±5.6 y respectively and leaping gray mullet (Liza saliens) showed that the mean length and weight and age of this species were 24.8±3.3 cm and 119±25.5 g and 2.5±0.6 y respectively. The biometric results showed that, 97.5% of the samples belonged to golden gray mullet and population of leaping gray mullet was sever declined. Also, the fishing of the mullet was increased over the last year by 10.3 % from 2151 tons to 2373 tons per year during 1391-92 and 1392-93, respectively

    Study of some biological characteristics (Tiger tooth croacher, Silver pomfert, Yellow fin seabream, Hilsa shad, Indo-pacific king mackerel, Narrow-bared Spanish mackerel) in the coastal waters of the Persian Gulf

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    The present study was carried out in the fishing landing center in khozestan using the commercial catch data. The data of total cutch of fishes and effort were prepared from the deputy of statistic office. Based on the pre data, the effort of gill-net fishery was being decreased from 1996 to 2000 and then had a trend to increase from 2001. The maximum and minimum of trap fishery of dhows ware observed 2005 and 1996 respectively. The maximum and minimum of total catch were observed in 2005 in Hilsha shad and Spanish mackerel with 4174.95 tones and 73.33 tons respectively. In this year the total catch of silvery pomfret and tiger tooth croaher species were recorded 323.6 tones and 1700.44 tons respectively. The growth parameters of Hilsha shad were estimated from 10071 specimens in Abadan and 4032 specimens of length frequencies from Hendijan, statistic program of t-test was used for the mean total length and the results showed the significantly different (p < 0.05) in the two areas during 12 months. The Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated from the FISAT II and ELEFAN.The asymptotic length (L) was estimated using the Powell – Vetheral method in Abadan and Hendijan, 42.74 cm and 37.02 cm respectively. Growth coefficient or K for both areas were 0.77 and 0.71 per year respectively. The instantaneous rotes of total mortalities (Z) were estimated from length-converted catch curves and the values were at 2.55 year^-1 for Abadan and 2.81 year^-1 for Hendijan. The instantaneous rate of natural mortalities (M) and fishing mortalities (F) for both areas, Abadan and Hendijan were 0.75 year^-1, 0.732 year^-1 and 1.8 year^-1, 2.078 year^-1 respectively. The exploitation rates (E) for both populations were 0.7 year^-1 in Abadan and 0.73 year^-1 in Hendijan. However the optimum level of E should be 0.5 and the estimated valves of E is more than 0.5 and shows the pressure of fishing effort and overexploited on the population of this stock. The instantaneous rate of total mortalities of Tiger tooth croacker was 1.95 year^-1 the instantaneous rate of natural mortality using Pauly empirical formula was estimated 0.7 year^-1 and fishing mortality were 1.52 year^-1. The exploitation rate for this species was calculated 0.62 year^-1. The values of M and F for silvery pumfret were obtained 0.91 year^-1 and 1.47 year^-1 respectively. The exploitation rate was estimated 0.61 year^-1

    Survey on identification and abundance of fishes in the Chitgar Lake

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    This study focused on population structure, biodiversity, and abundance of the Chitgar Lake fishes in October 2014. Based on the lake location fishes samples were collected at 34 stations in water body. In this study identified 8 family belong to 18 species comprised of Cyprinidae (11 species), Cichlidae (one species), Loricariidae (one species), Pangasiidae (one species), Serrasalmidae (one species), Poeciliidea (one species), Salmonidae (one species), and Scaridae (one species) were Identified. Among the fishes just one native fish from Capoeta bohsei species observed during the study. The dominant lake fishes were invasive species Hemiculter leucisculus, Alburnus hohenackeri, Carassius auratus, Carassius gibelio and Pseudorasbora parva. The highest abundance of fishes were H. leucisculus 62 % and A. hohenackeri 35 % by Seine net. Furthermore, those were dominant abundance (69 and 12 % respectively) in Gill net method. Finally in Cast net method A. hohenackeri 38 %, Pseudorasbora parva 21 % and H. leucisculus 17 % were dominated in the shore region. The lowest fishes abundance were P. hypophthalmus and Parrotfish. Overall more than 90 % of the fishes population were invasive and alien species. Thus, the present of invasive fishes and predator fishes luck in the Chitgar lake might be reason for ecosystem ruin, algae bloom, feed competitive, fish disease and trophy level rises

    Age, growth, feeding regime reproduction and sexual maturity of Rutilus frisii Kutum in Iranian coastal waters of Caspian Sea

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    The project of Age, growth, feeding regime and fecundity of Kutum (Rutilus frisii Kutum) survey started in south of the Caspian Sea from 2006 to 2007. The aim of project was related to determination of length maturity (Lm50%), identification of feeding animals, and investigation some of biological aspects uncluded in sex ratio, growth and age structure in southern of the Caspian Sea. Total 2706 specimens of Kutum were surveyed. The age structure of Kutum has nine age groups that included in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 years. The result showed that maximum frequency was about 39.3 % and were belong to 4 years and minimum frequency which was about o.1 % were belong to 9 years. The maximum and minimum fork length and weight were 58 and 21cm with mean (±SD) 38.4 (± 6.4) cm; 2450 and 104g with mean (±SD) 784.2 (± 383.30) g , respectively. There are significant different between fork length and weight in male and female of Kutum at difference months (ANOVA, P<0.05). The sex ratio of males to female was 0.65: 1 (males: females). The least and high condition factor was 1.5 in January and 2.17 in October, respectively. Length maturity (Lm50%) was 39.07cm. Minimum and maximum absolute fecundity was varied from 15713 to 130737 eggs with mean (±SD) 69961.7 (± 3836.4). Significant different was between absolute fecundity with fork length and weight (p<0.05). Gonadosomatic index (GSI) mean for females were 2.5±0.2 (autumn) and 17± 0.2 (spring); 1.2± 0.1 (autumn) and 4.1± 0.2 (spring) for males, respectively wich coincided to spawning period. The highest feeding intensity (Gastrosomatic index) for females was 313.9 ± 65.9 in October and 119.4 ±59.2 in March; 350.7 ±103.7 in October and 144.1±85.04 in March for males, respectively. There are significant different between GSI with male anfemale in difference months (ANOVA, p<0.05). The Bertalanffy growth equation for all populations of Kutum was L (t) = 63.92[1-e ^0.19 (t (-1.00)]. Main prey mature of Kutum was Cerastoderma lamarki; Gastropoda and Balanus were subordinate, and Crab, Hypanis, Fish (Neogobous sp.) Algae, egg, and scale were random preys. Planktone groups comprise to Exuviaella, Nitzchia, Osillatoria, Synedra, Nematoda, Navicolla, Diatoma, Rholcosphenia were preys juvenile of Kutum. Based on ISI (Important species index), Cerastoderma lamarki and Balanus were dominant species in feeding of Kutum. As a result, growth, fecundity and length maturity of Kutum declined which may due to loss natural breeding area, overfishing (overlapping between fishing and spawning period) and artificial breeding that commenced since 1982. Hopefully, this information can be used in fisheries management

    Feasibility study of developing puffed snack from trimmed part of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)

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    Incorporation of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) meat in extruded puffed corn-fish snack was studied. Fish protein concentrate (FPC) was produced by liquid-solid extraction. Ethanol and isopropanol were used as the solvents. FPC extraction efficiency of 19.5% and 9.5% (w/w) were obtained based on fish meat and whole fish respectively. Protein content of isopropanol extracted FPC (93.3%±0.4) significantly (P<0.05) was higher than ethanol extracted (92.5%±0.3) FPC. On the contrary fat contents were 0.17%±0.4 and 0.65%±0.11 respectively. Puffed corn-fish snack with 2 and 4% FPC as well as 5, 10, 15, and 20% minced fish meat in corn grits was extruded by a single screw extruder. The best formula was evaluated at 15% fish meat and 85% corn grits in the snack base, considering higher protein content, higher consumer acceptability, higher expansion ratio and lower fish smell. Six month storage stability “same as control” was obtained considering chemical, microbial and sensory evaluation according to standard of Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran; when Metalized Biaxillary-Oriented Poly Propylene was used as the packaging material. Incorporation of abdominal muscles (8% of whole fish body which obtained from trimming of fish fillets) on corn-fish snack was not feasible due to low-protein (11.7±0.1 i.e. 34% less than fish meat) and high-fat (14.2±0.1 i.e. 550% higher than fish meat) contents

    Ecological study in ponds of Litopenaeus vannamei

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    This study has carried out on five earth ponds of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimps investigation and Mahan Siraf farm s which located at Helleh site in the Bushehr province from may 2007. main objectives’ were: (1) Measurements of quality factors in water and sediment, Planktons and benthoses, (2) quality factors’ effects on growth and survival of Litopenaeus vannamei. With respect the time of shrimp stocking and harvesting, the frequencies of water and sediment sampling were done per 10 day and once per month, respectively. both sediment sampling of the pond beds have done before and after harvesting. The measured factors in the water ponds were: pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, transparency, temperature (Twice a day in the morning and the afternoon), chlorophyll-a, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate, iron, biochemical oxygen demand, TSS, TDS, Planktons. The parameters (pH, total organic matter, iron) were measured in sediment. The measurement of grain size has done in two times (before and after harvesting). Independent variables including nitrate, Ammonia, orthophosphate, iron and chlorophyll-a had significant correlations with shrimp weights as dependent variable. Nitrate showed the highest correlation with the shrimp weights (r=0.921). overall correlation of fifth most important factors with the shrimp weights, namely nitrate, orthophosphate, Ammonia, iron and chlorophyll-a was estimated to r=0.999. The results show low concentration of the essential nutrient such as phosphate and nitrate, high concentration of ammonia, undesirable’s transparency, and a great amount of clay in pond beds. On the basis of above description, required to renewing management in fertilizing, feedings, liming qualities of the bed