143 research outputs found

    Head and thorax elevation prevents the rise of intracranial pressure during extracorporeal resuscitation in swine

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    Aim: Head and thorax elevation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation improves cerebral hemodynamics and ultimate neurological outcome after cardiac arrest. Its effect during extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (E-CPR) is unknown. We tested whether this procedure could improve hemodynamics in swine treated by E-CPR. Methods and Results: Pigs were anesthetized and submitted to 15 minutes of untreated ventricular fibrillation followed by E-CPR. Animals randomly remained in flat position (flat group) or underwent head and thorax elevation since E-CPR institution (head-up group). Electric shocks were delivered after 30 minutes until the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). They were followed during 120 minutes after ROSC. After 30 minutes of E-CPR, ROSC was achieved in all animals, with no difference regarding blood pressure, heart rate, and extracorporeal membrane of oxygenation flow among groups. The head-up group had an attenuated increase in ICP as compared with the flat group after cardiac arrest (13 ± 1 vs. 26 ± 2 mm Hg at the end of the follow-up, respectively). Cerebral perfusion pressure tended to be higher in the head-up versus flat group despite not achieving statistical difference (66 ± 1 vs 46 ± 1 mm Hg at the end of the follow-up). Carotid blood flow and cerebral oxygen saturation were not significantly different among groups. Conclusion: During E-CPR, head and thorax elevation prevents ICP increase. Whether it could improve the ultimate neurological outcome in this situation deserves further investigation.The study was supported by grants LIVE-RESP and AREG-SHOCK from Agence Nationale pour la Recherche. Y. Levy was supported by ADEREMVeterinari

    Evaluation of lung recovery after static administration of three different perfluorocarbons in pigs.

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    International audienceBackground: The respiratory properties of perfluorocarbons (PFC) have been widely studied for liquid ventilation inhumans and animals. Several PFC were tested but their tolerance may depend on the species. Here, the effects of asingle administration of liquid PFC into pig lungs were assessed and compared. Three different PFC having distinctevaporative and spreading coefficient properties were evaluated (Perfluorooctyl bromide [PFOB], perfluorodecalin[PFD] and perfluoro-N-octane [PFOC]).Methods: Pigs were anesthetized and submitted to mechanical ventilation. They randomly received an intra-trachealadministration of 15 ml/kg of either PFOB, PFD or PFOC with 12 h of mechanical ventilation before awakening andweaning from ventilation. A Control group was submitted to mechanical ventilation with no PFC administration. Allanimals were followed during 4 days after the initial PFC administration to investigate gas exchanges and clinicalrecovery. They were ultimately euthanized for histological analyses and assessment of PFC residual concentrationswithin the lungs using dual nuclei fluorine and hydrogen Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Sixteen animals wereincluded (4/group).Results: In the PFD group, animals tended to be hypoxemic after awakening. In PFOB and PFOC groups, blood gaseswere not significantly different from the Control group after awakening. The poor tolerance of PFD was likely related toa large amount of residual PFC, as observed using MRI in all lung samples (≈10% of lung volume). This percentage waslower in the PFOB group (≈1%) but remained significantly greater than in the Control group. In the PFOC group, thepercentage of residual PFC was not significantly different from that of the Control group (≈0.1%). Histologically, themost striking feature was an alveolar infiltration with foam macrophages, especially in the groups treated by PFD orPFOB.Conclusions: Of the three tested perfluorocarbons, PFOC offered the best tolerance in terms of lung function, gasexchanges and residuum in the lung. PFOC was rapidly cleared from the lungs and virtually disappeared after 4 dayswhereas PFOB persisted at significant levels and led to foam macrophage infiltration. PFOC could be relevant for shortterm total liquid ventilation with a rapid weaning

    La fonction contractile régionale du myocarde post-ischémique (adaptations physiopathologiques et pharmacologiques)

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    La contractilitĂ© rĂ©gionale du myocarde est altĂ©rĂ©e au cours de la sidĂ©ration : l'Ă©paississement systolique est rĂ©duit et un Ă©paississement postsystolique paradoxal apparaĂźt. Sur un modĂšle de chien Ă©veillĂ©, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que l'Ă©paississement postsystolique est la rĂ©sultante d'une asynchronie ventriculaire et que ctte anomalie est corrigĂ©e par le prĂ©conditionnement tardif ou la cardioprotection pharmacologique. Ainsi, l'ivabradine qui rĂ©duit sĂ©lectivement la frĂ©quence cardiaque, convertit l'Ă©paississement postsystolique inefficace en une contractilitĂ© Ă©jectionnelle. De mĂȘme, le prĂ©conditionnement tardif rĂ©duit l'Ă©paississement postsystolique. Cette adaptation contractile est concomitante d'une modification de l'homĂ©ostasie calcique via une Ă©lĂ©vation de FKBP 12.6, une protĂ©ine rĂ©gulatrice du rĂ©cepteur de la ryanodine. Ces rĂ©sultats permettent d'identifier de nouvelles cibles pharmacologiques pour le dĂ©veloppement de stratĂ©gies protectrices contre les lĂ©sions d'ischĂ©mie/reperfusion.Myocardial stunning is characterised by a reduced systolic wall thickening and a pardoxical postsystolic wall tickening. Using a model of chronically instrumented dogs, we demonstrated that postsystolic wall thickening is the consequence of a ventricular asynchrony. This abnormality was corrected using late preconditioning or pharmacological cardioprotection. Indeed, selective heart rate reduction with ivabradine converted postsystolic wall tickening into ejectionnal wall tickening during myocardial stunning. Such a beneficial adaptation was also achieved with late preconditioning and was concomitant of a change in calcium homeostasis as demonstrated by an increase in FKBP 12.6, a regulatory protein of the ryanodine receptor. These data represent potential pharmacological targets for the development of new protective strategies against the cardiac lesions induced by schemia/reperfusion.PARIS12-CRETEIL BU Multidisc. (940282102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Cardioprotection du myocarde ischémique à la phase aiguë de l'infarctus et au cours du remodelage précoce du ventricule gauche

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    Ce travail s est intéressé à différentes stratégies cardioprotectrices contre les conséquences lésionnelles et fonctionnelles d une ischémie myocardique expérimentale réalisée chez le chien et le lapin. Nous avons étudié des stratégies appliquées au moment de la reperfusion post-ischémique telles que le postconditionement ischémique ou pharmacologique. A titre d exemple, la premiÚre de ces approches était incapable d améliorer la sidération myocardique alors qu elle réduisait la taille de l infarctus. Enfin, nous avons montré que la diminution de la fréquence cardiaque par l administration chronique d ivabradine améliorait la contractilité globale et régionale du ventricule gauche durant les trois semaines suivant une ischémie-reperfusion chez le lapin. Le concept de cardioprotection à la reperfusion ne doit donc plus rester confiné à la phase aigue de l infarctus mais également viser l amélioration de la fonction contractile lors du remodelage précoce du myocarde.In this work, we have investigated different cardioprotective strategies against the lesional and functional consequences of experimental myocardial ischemia in dogs and rabbits. We focused on strategies instituted during the post-ischemic reperfusion, such as ischemic postconditioning. As example, ischemic postconditioning was unable to improve myocardial stunning but significantly reduced the infarct size. Finally, we showed that heart rate reduction by chronic administration of ivabradine improved global and regional contractility of the left ventricle during the three weeks following ischemia-reperfusion in rabbits. The concept of cardioprotection at reperfusion should not be restrained to the acute phase of myocardial infarction but also to the improvement of the contractile function during early myocardial remodellingCHATENAY M.-PARIS 11-BU Pharma. (920192101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Monoxyde d’azote et prĂ©conditionnement du myocarde ischĂ©mique par Bijan Ghaleh, Renaud Tissier & Alain Berdeaux

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    Le prĂ©conditionnement est un mĂ©canisme cardioprotecteur endogĂšne et transitoire Ă  l’ischĂ©mie acquise par le myocarde Ă  la suite d’une ischĂ©mie brĂšve prĂ©alable et il se manifeste par une limitation de la taille de l’infarctus provoquĂ© par une occlusion coronaire prolongĂ©e. La cinĂ©tique d’apparition du prĂ©conditionnement myocardique est biphasique. La phase initiale ou « prĂ©conditionnement immĂ©diat » s’exprime immĂ©diatement et persiste 1 Ă  3 heures aprĂšs la premiĂšre ischĂ©mie prĂ©conditionnante. En revanche, une seconde phase plus tardive ou « prĂ©conditionnement tardif » se dĂ©veloppe dans les 24- 48 heures. Si le prĂ©conditionnement tardif vis-Ă -vis de la sidĂ©ration est bien Ă©tabli, son pouvoir de protection Ă  l’encontre de l’infarctus est encore discutĂ©. S’il semble que le monoxyde d’azote ne joue pas de rĂŽle dans le prĂ©conditionment immĂ©diat, il constitue par contre un Ă©lĂ©ment initiateur quasi certain du prĂ©conditionnement tardif en activant la voie de la protĂ©ine kinase C par l’intermĂ©diaire de la formation de radicaux libres oxygĂ©nĂ©s. Secondairement l’intervention des tyrosines kinases aboutit Ă  l’activation d’un facteur, le NFKB, qui active la transcription nuclĂ©aire du gĂšne codant pour la NO synthase inductible. Le NO joue Ă©galement le rĂŽle de mĂ©diateur du prĂ©conditionnement tardif. Cependant les effecteurs finaux de cette cardioprotection restent Ă  dĂ©couvrir. La comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes intimes du prĂ©conditionnement devrait permettre d’identifier des cibles pharmacologiques dont l’activation ou le blocage pourrait mimer cette cardioprotection endogĂšne. A ce titre, il est intĂ©ressant de constater que les dĂ©rivĂ©s nitrĂ©s miment ce prĂ©conditionnement tardif

    Fréquence cardiaque et ischémie myocardique expérimentale

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    Toute Ă©lĂ©vation de la frĂ©quence cardiaque est un facteur de mauvais pronostic en cardiologie et de multiples arguments permettent de penser aujourd'hui que la rĂ©duction de la frĂ©quence doit ĂȘtre un objectif thĂ©rapeutique primordial. En comparant les effets pharmacologiques des inhibiteurs des courants If comme la zatĂ©bradine et plus rĂ©cemment l'ivabradine (ProcoralanÂź) aux ÎČ-bloquants, il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© expĂ©rimentalement que la rĂ©duction de la frĂ©quence et de l'inotropisme cardiaques concouraient Ă  peu prĂšs autant Ă  la diminution de la consommation en oxygĂšne du myocarde sain. A l'inverse, Ă  rĂ©duction identique de la frĂ©quence cardiaque, l'absence d'effet inotrope nĂ©gatif de l'ivabradine par rapport aux ÎČ-bloquants permet d'obtenir des durĂ©es de perfusion diastolique plus longues. La prĂ©sence d'un effet inotrope nĂ©gatif est donc un dĂ©savantage lorsque l'on cherche Ă  augmenter les apports en oxygĂšne au myocarde. En pratique, si les effets anti-ischĂ©miques apportĂ©s par la rĂ©duction sĂ©lective de la frĂ©quence cardiaque par les inhibiteurs des courants If peuvent grossiĂšrement se comparer Ă  ceux des ÎČ-bloquants selon les modĂšles expĂ©rimentaux utilisĂ©s, ces nouveaux "ralentisseurs sĂ©lectifs de la frĂ©quence cardiaque" amĂšnent en revanche un rĂ©el bĂ©nĂ©fice thĂ©rapeutique dans les suites de la reperfusion post-ischĂ©mique, notamment dans la sidĂ©ration myocardique

    Opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore in cardiomyocytes: is ferutinin a suitable tool for its assessment?

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    International audienceMitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening is a critical event leading to cell injury during myocardial ischemia-reperfusion but having a reliable cellular model to study the effect of drugs targeting mPTP is an unmet need. This study evaluated whether the Ca2+ electrogenic ionophore ferutinin is a relevant tool to induce mPTP in cardiomyocytes. mPTP opening was monitored using the calcein/cobalt fluorescence technique in adult cardiomyocytes isolated from wild-type and cyclophylin D (CypD) knock-out mice. Concomitantly, the effect of ferutinin was assessed in isolated myocardial mitochondria. Our results confirmed the Ca2+ ionophoric effect of ferutinin in isolated mitochondria and cardiomyocytes. Ferutinin induced all the hallmarks of mPTP opening in cells (loss of calcein, of mitochondrial potential and cell death), but none of them could be inhibited by CypD deletion or cyclosporine A, indicating that mPTP opening was not the major contributor to the effect of ferutinin. This was confirmed in isolated mitochondria where ferutinin acts by different mechanisms dependent and independent of the mitochondrial membrane potential. At low ferutinin/mitochondria concentration ratio, ferutinin displays protonophoric-like properties, lowering the mitochondrial membrane potential and limiting oxidative phosphorylation without mitochondrial swelling. At high ferutinin/mitochondria ratio, ferutinin induced a sudden Ca2+ independent mitochondrial swelling, which is only partially inhibited by cyclosporine A.Together, these result show that ferutinin is not a suitable tool to investigate CypD-dependent mPTP opening in isolated cardiomyocytes because it possesses other mitochondrial properties such as swelling induction and mitochondrial uncoupling properties which impede its utilization

    Evidence for a Ceiling of Cardioprotection with a Nitric Oxide Donor-Induced Delayed Preconditioning in Rabbits

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