26 research outputs found

    The Impact of MicroRNA Gene Polymorphisms on Immune Response to Diphtheria Vaccine in Iraqi Children and Adolescents

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    منذ ان تم اختراعه في الربع الاول من القرن الماضي استخدم ذيفان الدفتريا المقتول بنجاح في التلقيح ضد مرض الخناق ومع ذلك فقد سجلت حالات فردية بل وحتى اوبئة في اجزاء عديدة من العالم من ما يشير الى وجود عوامل وراثية توثر على الاستجابة المناعية لهذا اللقاح. هدفت الدراسة الحالية الى تقييم دور ثلاث تغايرات جينية (miRNA-146aG>C ،  miRNA-149T>G، (miRNA-1962aC>Tفي جين  MicroRNA في الاستجابة المناعية ضد لقاح الدفتريا. استخدمت هذه الدراسة 68 طفلا ومراهقا ممن تلقوا ثلاث جرع من لقاح الدفتريا . تم عزل من خلايا ومضاعفة جين MicroRNAالمناظر للتغايرات الجينية المطلوبة ، ومن ثم اجراء اختبار تتابع القواعد . حددت المستويات المصلية للاجسام المضادة بطريقة الادمصاص المناعي الانزيمي وعلى ضوء ذلك صنفت الاستجابة المناعية الى جيدة , متوسطة او منخفضة ، وتم تحديد علاقة الانماط الجينية والاليلات المختلفة بمستوى المناعة باستخدام الطرائق الاحصائية . ارتبطت المناعة الجيدة ضد لقاح الدفتريا معنويا بالاليل C للتغاير الجيني MicroRNA , ومن بين 14 فردا يحملون النمط الجينيCG اظهر 11 ((%78.57 استجابة مناعية جيدة مقارنة ﺑ %48.15 فقط مما يحملون النمط الجيني GG (P=0.039) وكان الاليل الطافر(G) للتغاير الجيني miRNA-149T>G اكثر اتشارا من الاليلT   بين الافراد ذوي المناعة الجيني الا ان الفرق لم يكن معنويا . اما توزيع الانماط الجينية والاليلات للتغاير فقد كان متقاربا جدا في الحالات المناعية المختلفة . تشير نتائج الدراسة الحالية إلى دور مهم لتغاير جين  miRNA-146aG>C ودور غير مهم لكلا من تغايرات جين  miRNA-149 T>G و miRNA-196a2 C>T في الاستجابة المناعية للقاح الدفثريا , ويجب إجراء المزيد من الدراسات للكشف عن علاقة التغايرات الجينية المختلفة في جينات MicroRNA مع الاستجابة المناعية للقاحات المختلفة.Background: Since its invention in the first quarter of the last century, diphtheria toxoid was successfully used for vaccination against diphtheria. However, sporadic case and even an epidemic have been recorded in many parts of the world, suggesting the presence of genetic factors influencing the immune response to this vaccine. Aim: To assess the role of three single nucleotide polymorphisms(miRNA-146a G> C, miRNA-49 T> G and miRNA-196a2 C> T) in miRNA genes in immune response to diph- theria vaccine. Subjects and Methods: This study recruited 68 children and adolescents who received three doses of diphtheria toxoid. DNA was isolated from the blood lymphocytes and miRNA- 146a,miRNA-149 and miRNA-196a2 genes were amplified, and then directly sequenced. Serum levels of anti-diphtheria toxoids IgG antibodies were determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, and accordingly the immune response was categorized into good, moderate and low immunity .The association of different genotypes and alleles with immune status was illustrated statistically. Results: Good immune response to diphtheria vaccine was significantly associated with the C allele of the polymorphism miRNA-146a G> C. Out of 14 carriers of GG geno- type,11(78.57%)showed good immunity compared to only 48.15% of GG carriers who had such immunity (P=0.039).The mutant allele of miR-149 T> G was more prevalent than wild type allele G among subjects with good immunity .However, the difference was insignificant .Genotypes and allele frequencies of the SNP miR-196a2 C> T were very close in different immunological statuses. Conclusion: The results of the current study suggest the significant role of miRNA-146a G> C gene polymorphism and the insignificant role of both miRNA-149 T>G and miRNA- 196a2 C>T gene polymorphisms in response to diphtheria toxoids vaccine. More studies are required to find out the associations of different polymorphisms in miRNA genes with immune response for different vaccines

    Phytochemistry, Antioxidant, Antibacterial Activity, and Medicinal Uses of Aromatic (Medicinal Plant Rosmarinus officinalis)

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    Rosemary is a well-known aromatic and medicinal plant whose consumption serves to remedy the number of disorders. Its essential oil (EO) constitutes an important ingredient for well-being feeling improvement through beauty products such as soaps, perfumes, and deodorants. The identification of phytochemical compounds is based on the peak area, retention time molecular weight, molecular formula, chemical structure, and pharmacological actions. It contains chemical constitutions, which may be useful for various herbal formulations as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, cardiac tonic, and antiasthmatic. Therefore, this chapter reviews the phytochemical compounds of Rosmarinus officinalis, using methanolic extraction. The phytochemical compound is screened by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method and the evaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oils

    The Effect of Resveratrol on Swarming Differentiation and the Expression of Some Virulence Factors in Proteus vulgaris

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    Resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) is a stilbenoid, a type of natural phenol, and a phytoalexin with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. It is produced naturally by several plants especially the roots of the Japanese Knotweed when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. In this study we have verified that resveratrol has activity against Proteus vulgaris, an important pathogen infecting the urinary tract by investigating its effect on swarming and some virulence factor expression(haemolysin and urease).Swarming inhibition was determined on Luria Bertani agar with and without resveratrol and then bacteria was harvested to assay cell length and the production of haemolysin and urease.  Resveratrol significantly inhibited swarming and virulence factor expression but its effect on growth rate was not significant. Keywords: Resveratrol, Proteus vulgaris, phytoalexin, haemolysin, urease

    Overview on Epidemiology and Management of Myxedema Coma or Crisis

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    The most severe type of hypothyroidism is known as myxedema coma, which can quickly lead to death if not identified and treated aggressively. The condition known as hypothyroidism is easily detected and treated. But if ignored, it might eventually progress to myxedema coma, the most serious form of hypothyroidism. Since the majority of patients do not initially appear in a coma, the term "myxedema coma" is usually regarded as misleading. Lethargy usually progresses to stupor, which then becomes a coma with hypothermia and respiratory failure. only clinical criteria are used for diagnosis because thyroid hormone assays are unable to distinguish between simple hyperthyroidism and thyroid storm. Apart from essential medical interventions, the treatment focuses on preventing thyroid hormone production and secretion as antithyroid medications, and preventing the peripheral effects of thyroid hormone as β-blocker, glucocorticoids. The diagnosis of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in the blood is the same as that of simple hypothyroidism. As soon as a diagnosis is obtained, treatment should start right away. The majority of hospital and commercial laboratories can turnaround a TSH test in a matter of hours

    The impact of diabetes mellitus on the emergence of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis and treatment failure in TB-diabetes comorbid patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BackgroundThe existence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in tuberculosis (TB) patients is very dangerous for the health of patients. One of the major concerns is the emergence of MDR-TB in such patients. It is suspected that the development of MDR-TB further worsens the treatment outcomes of TB such as treatment failure and thus, causes disease progression.AimTo investigate the impact of DM on the Emergence of MDR-TB and Treatment Failure in TB-DM comorbid patients.MethodologyThe PubMed database was systematically searched until April 03, 2022 (date last searched). Thirty studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in this study after a proper selection process.ResultsTuberculosis-Diabetes Mellitus patients were at higher risk to develop MDR-TB as compared to TB-non-DM patients (HR 0.81, 95% CI: 0.60–0.96, p < 0.001). Heterogeneity observed among included studies was moderate (I2 = 38%). No significant change was observed in the results after sub-group analysis by study design (HR 0.81, 95% CI: 0.61–0.96, p < 0.000). In the case of treatment failure, TB-DM patients were at higher risk to experience treatment failure rates as compared to TB-non-DM patients (HR 0.46, 95% CI: 0.27–0.67, p < 0.001).ConclusionThe results showed that DM had a significant impact on the emergence of MDR-TB in TB-diabetes comorbid patients as compared to TB-non-DM patients. DM enhanced the risk of TB treatment failure rates in TB-diabetes patients as compared to TB-non-DM patients. Our study highlights the need for earlier screening of MDR-TB, thorough MDR-TB monitoring, and designing proper and effective treatment strategies to prevent disease progression

    The antimicrobial effect of silver nanoparticles coated with silica against human pathogenic bacteria and fungi

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    The antibacterial property of silver (Ag) has been known since ancient time. It is reported in the literature that silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) exhibit improved antibacterial and antifungal properties in comparison to silver ions of equivalent metallic Ag concentration.A simple method has been used based on solenoid soles for the synthesis of nanoparticles of silver coated on silica. AgNPs were compared positively with silver nitrate solution and ampicillin standard antibiotics at a concentration of 50μg / mL (Table 1 and 2). AgNPs mentioned in the silica activity exhibited more than standard silver nitrate and antibiotics. AgNPs were fairly toxic to Salmonella sp., Neisseria sp., Klebsiella sp., and Pseudomonas sp. with an inhibition zone 21, 24, 16, 23 mm respectively. AgNPs exhibited strong antifungal activity against fungal strains (Candida sp., Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus) in different concentrations such as 30-50 and 60 μg/ml were examined for antifungal activity. AgNPs revealed the highest antifungal activity with the inhibition zone 26, 25 and 22 mm respectively. Results of the present study prevealed that AgNPs have a remarkable potential as antimicrobial agent in treating infectious diseases

    Production of Lipases by Certain Thermo Tolerant Bacteria

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    Lipases are hydrolytic enzymes which hydrolyse triglycerides to free fatty acids and glycerol. Bacterial lipase producers were isolated from certain loamy arid soils. Eight thermotolerant bacteria able to produce lipases were identified down to their species level. Identification studies have revealed that 5 isolates were belonging to Bacillus stearothermophilus, while the others were belonging to B. megaterium; B. licheniformis and B. subtilis. The impact of the incubation period ,medium pH, temperature , the source of carbon for the lipase production was detected. Results have shown that the optimal conditions for Lipases production by most of these bacteria were incubation temperature of 50°C, incubation period of 72 hours, pH 7.0, presence of 0.1% yeast extract, and when sucrose plus tributyrin were supplied as carbon sources. Production of lipases by the used heat resistant bacteria could be of academic and applied importance especially for manufacture of detergents

    Using public schools as shelter for IDPs in Yemen

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