296 research outputs found

    República: Año III Número 387 - (14/11/33)

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of 26 inflammatory biomarkers (acute phase proteins, cytokines, chemokines) and renal markers with coronary lipid core burden index (LCBI) assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) imaging, as well as the association of these biomarkers with long-term cardiovascular outcome. RECENT FINDINGS: NIRS-derived LCBI has recently been shown to be an independent predictor of major adverse cardiac events (MACE). However, studies on the association between circulating biomarkers and NIRS-derived characteristics have not yet been performed. Between 2008 and 2011, 581 patients underwent diagnostic coronary angiography or percutaneous coronary intervention for stable angina pectoris or acute coronary syndrome (ACS). NIRS of a non-culprit vessel was performed in a subset of 203 patients. In multivariable analyses, TNF-alpha tended to be associated with higher LCBI (beta 0.088 ln (pg/ml) increase per unit LCBI; 95% CI 0.000-0.177, p = 0.05) after adjustment for clinical characteristics. However, this association did not persist after Bonferroni correction (statistical threshold 0.0019). Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were registered in 581 patients during a median follow-up time of 4.7 years (IQR: [4.2-5.6] years). After adjustment for clinical characteristics and Bonferroni correction, IL-8 (HR 1.60; 95% CI [1.18-2.17] per ln (pg/ml), p = 0.002) was borderline associated with MACE and significantly associated with all-cause mortality or ACS (HR 1.75; 95% CI [1.24-2.48] per ln (pg/ml), p = 0.0015). In conclusion, we found that IL-8 was independently associated with clinical outcome, but altogether, the multiplex panel we investigated here did not render a useful blood biomarker of high LCBI

    P2Y12 blocker monotherapy after percutaneous coronary intervention

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    For secondary prevention of coronary artery disease (CAD) antiplatelet therapy is essential. For patients undergoing a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) temporary dual antiplatelet platelet therapy (DAPT: aspirin combined with a P2Y12 blocker) is mandatory, but leads to more bleeding than single antiplatelet therapy with aspirin. Therefore, to reduce bleeding after a PCI the duration of DAPT is usually kept as short as clinically acceptable; thereafter aspirin monotherapy is administered. Another option to reduce bleeding is to discontinue aspirin at the time of DAPT cessation and thereafter to administer P2Y12 blocker monotherapy. To date, five randomised trials have been published comparing DAPT with P2Y12 blocker monotherapy in 32,181 stented patients. Also two meta-analyses addressing this novel therapy have been presented. P2Y12 blocker monotherapy showed a 50-60% reduction in major bleeding when compared to DAPT without a significant increase in ischaemic outcomes, including stent thrombosis. This survey reviews the findings in the current literature concerning P2Y12 blocker monotherapy after PCI

    One-year efficacy and safety of routine prasugrel in patients with acute coronary syndromes treated with percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Objective: To investigate 1‑year outcomes with routine prasugrel treatment after acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in a large-scale registry. Methods: The Rijnmond Collective Cardiology Research registry is a prospective, observational study that enrolled 4,258 consecutive ACS patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with 1‑year follow-up. Patients received prasugrel as first-choice antiplatelet agent, except for increased bleeding risk patients in which clopidogrel was recommended. Events were validated by an independent clinical endpoint committee. Results: A total number of 2,677 patients received prasugrel at discharge after the index event. Eighty-one percent of the target population was on prasugrel treatment at hospital discharge. At 1 year, the primary endpoint, a composite of all-cause mortality and myocardial infarction, occurred in 2.4% of patients receiving prasugrel. All-cause mortality occurred in 1.0%, myocardial infarction in 1.5%, target-vessel revascularisation in 3.1%, stent thrombosis in 0.6%, and stroke in 0.5% of the patients treated with prasugrel. Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction defined major bleeding episodes not related to coronary artery bypass grafting were observed in 1.4% of patients receiving prasugrel. Conclusions: In routine practice, a tailored approach of prasugrel prescription in ACS patients undergoing PCI, resulted in low ischaemic and low bleeding rates up to 1 year post PCI

    Current discharge management of acute coronary syndromes: data from the Rijnmond Collective Cardiology Research (CCR) study

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    BACKGROUND: Medical discharge management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) remains suboptimal outside randomised trials and constitutes an essential quality benchmark for ACS. We sought to evaluate the rates of key guideline-recommended pharmacological agents after ACS and characteristics associated with optimal treatment at discharge. METHODS: The Rijnmond Collective Cardiology Research (CCR) registry is an ongoing prospective, observational study in the Netherlands that aims to enrol 4000 patients with ACS. We examined discharge and 1-month follow-up medication use among the first 1000 patients enrolled in the CCR registry. Logistic regression was performed to identify patient and hospital characteristics associated with collective guideline-recommended pharmacotherapy at hospital discharge. RESULTS: At discharge, 94 % of patients received aspirin, 100 % thienopyridines, 80 % angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin-II receptor blockers, 87 % β-blockers, 96 % statins, and 65 % the combination of all 5 agents. ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, and enrolment in an interventional centre were positive independent predictors of 5-drug combination therapy at discharge. Negative independent predictors were unstable angina and advanced age. CONCLUSION: Current data from the CCR registry reflect a high quality of care for ACS discharge management in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond region. However, potential still remains for further optimisation

    Peluang Peningkatan Tipe Terminal di Kecamatan Banyumaik (Analisis Demand dan Supply)

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    Kecamatan Banyumanik merupakan kecamatan yang terus mengalami perkembangan baik dari jumlah penduduk maupun pelayanan kotanya. Kecamatan ini juga berbatasan langsung dengan kabupaten Semarang dan menjadi gerbang koridor semarang atas atau semarang bagian Selatan sehingga memiliki pergerakan yang tinggi sebagai jalur keluar masuknya kota Semarang. Pergerakan yang tinggi tersebut tidak diimbangi dengan ketersediaan fasilitas transportasi pendukung yaitu terminal. Terminal merupakan salah satu fasilitas utama yang memiliki peran penting dalam sistem transportasi. Menurut keputusan menteri nomor 35 tahun 2003 pengertian terminal adalah prasarana transportasi jalan untuk keperluan memuat dan menurunkan orang dan/atau barang serta mengatur kedatangan dan pemberangkatan kendaraan umum, yang merupakan salah satu wujud simpul jaringan transportasi. Terminal juga memiliki peran yang penting sebagai unsur tata ruang dalam kaitannya untuk meningkatkan mobilitas dan efisiensi kehidupan kota. Terminal merupakan tempat untuk mengurangi kemacetan dimana dapat mengatur lokasi pergantian moda transportasi menjadi lebih teratur. Lokasi sebuah terminal harus sesuai dengan rencana tata ruang wilayah (RTRW) dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat Di kecamatan Banyumanik hanya memiliki sub terminal atau terminal bantu yang berfungsi sebagai tempat transit dan pergantian moda. Demand yang tinggi terhadap fasilitas transportasi tersebut tidak sebanding dengan supply fasilitas terminal yang tersedia sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya titik-titik baru yang digunakan masyarakat untuk menunggu angkutan yaitu terminal bayangan. Terminal bayangan ini muncul karena adanya demand yang tinggi dari mayarakat banyumanik terhadap kebutuhan sarana transportasi dan efisiensi waktu. Ketidakseimbangan antara demand dan supply ini mengakibatkan berbagai dampak makro maupun mikro terhadap lalu lintas maupun jaringan angkutan di Kecamatan Banyumanik dan kota Semarang

    Recovery of left ventricular function after primary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction.

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    AIMS: To study recovery of segmental wall thickening (SWT), ejection fraction (EF), and end-systolic volume (ESV) after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in patients who underwent primary stenting with drug-eluting stents. Additionally, to evaluate the predictive value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based myocardial perfusion and delayed enhancement (DE) imaging. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twenty-two patients underwent cine-MRI, first-pass perfusion, and DE imaging 5 days after successful placement of a drug-eluting stent in the infarct-related coronary artery. Regional myocardial perfusion and the transmural extent of DE were evaluated. A per patient perfusion score was calculated and consisted of a summation of all segmental scores. Myocardial infarct size was quantified by measuring the volume of DE. At 5 months after AMI, cine-MRI was performed and SWT, EF, and ESV were quantified. EF increased from 48+/-11 to 55+/-9% (P<0.01). SWT at 5 months was inversely related to baseline segmental DE scores (P<0.001) and segmental perfusion scores (P<0.001). EF and ESV at 5 months were related to acute infarct size (R(2)=0.65; P<0.001 and R(2)=0.78; P<0.001, respectively) and the calculated perfusion score (R(2)=0.23; P=0.02 and R(2)=0.14; P=0.09, respectively) at baseline. CONCLUSION: Marked recovery of left ventricular function was observed in patients receiving a drug-eluting stent for AMI. DE imaging appears to be a better prognosticator than perfusion imaging

    The impact of plaque type on strut embedment/protrusion and shear stress distribution in bioresorbable scaffold

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    AIMS: Scaffold design and plaque characteristics influence implantation outcomes and local flow dynamics in treated coronary segments. Our aim is to assess the impact of strut embedment/protrusion of bioresorbable scaffold on local shear stress distribution in different atherosclerotic plaque types. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifteen Absorb everolimus-eluting Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds were implanted in human epicardial coronary arteries. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was performed post-scaffold implantation and strut embedment/protrusion were analysed using a dedicated software. OCT data were fused with angiography to reconstruct 3D coronary anatomy. Blood flow simulation was performed and wall shear stress (WSS) was estimated in each scaffolded surface and the relationship between strut embedment/protrusion and WSS was evaluated. There were 9083 struts analysed. Ninety-seven percent of the struts (n = 8840) were well-apposed and 243 (3%) were malapposed. At cross-section level (n = 1289), strut embedment was significantly increased in fibroatheromatous plaques (76 ± 48 µm) and decreased in fibrocalcific plaques (35 ± 52 µm). Compatible with strut embedment, WSS was significantly higher in lipid-rich fibroatheromatous plaques (1.50 ± 0.81 Pa), whereas significantly decreased in fibrocalcified plaques (1.05 ± 0.91 Pa). After categorization of WSS as low (<1.0 Pa) and normal/high WSS (≥1.0 Pa), the percent of low WSS in the plaque subgroups were 30.1%, 31.1%, 25.4%, and 36.2% for non-diseased vessel wall, fibrous plaque, fibroatheromatous plaque, and fibrocalcific plaque, respectively (P-overall < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The composition of the underlying plaque influences strut embedment which seems to have effect on WSS. The struts deeply embedded in lipid-rich fibroatheromas plaques resulted in higher WSS compared with the other plaque types

    Reproducibility of intravascular ultrasound radiofrequency data analysis: Implications for the design of longitudinal studies

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess in vivo the reproducibility of tissue characterization using spectral analysis of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) radiofrequency data (IVUS-VH). Background: Despite the need for reproducibility data to design longitudinal studies, such information remains unexplored. Methods and results: IVUS-VH (Volcano Corp., Rancho Cordova, USA) was performed in patients referred for elective percutaneous intervention and in whom a non-intervened vessel was judged suitable for a safe IVUS interrogation. The IVUS catheters used were commercially available catheters (20 MHz, Volcano Corp., Rancho Cordova, USA). Following IVUS-VH acquisition, and after the disengagement and re-engagement of the guiding catheter, an additional acquisition was performed using a new IVUS catheter. Fifteen patients with 16 non-significant lesions were assessed by 2 independent observers. The relative inter-catheter differences regarding geometrical measurements were negligible for both observers. The inter-catheter relative difference in plaque cross-sectional area (CSA) was 3.2% for observer 1 and 0.5% for observer 2. The limits of agreement for (observer 1 measurements) lumen, vessel, plaque and plaque burden measurements were 0.82, -1.10 mm 2;0.80, -0.66 mm2;1.08, -0.66 mm2; and 5.83, -3.89%; respectively. Limits of agreement for calcium, fibrous, fibrolipidic and necrotic core CSA measurements were 0.22, -0.25 mm2;1.02, -0.71 mm2;0.61, -0.65 mm2; and 0.43, -0.38 mm2 respectively. Regarding the inter-observer agreement, the limits of agreement for lumen, vessel, plaque and plaque burden measurements were 2.61, -2.09 mm2;2.20-3.03 mm2;1.70, -3.04 mm2; and 9.16, -16.41%; respectively, and for calcium, fibrous, fibrolipidic and necrotic core measurements of 0.08, -0.09 mm2;0.89, -1.28 mm2;0.74, -1.06 mm2; and 0.16, -0.20 mm2; respectively. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates that the geometrical and compositional output of IVUS-VH is acceptably reproducible
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