407 research outputs found

    Multipath/RFI/modulation study for DRSS-RFI problem: Voice coding and intelligibility testing for a satellite-based air traffic control system

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    Analog and digital voice coding techniques for application to an L-band satellite-basedair traffic control (ATC) system for over ocean deployment are examined. In addition to performance, the techniques are compared on the basis of cost, size, weight, power consumption, availability, reliability, and multiplexing features. Candidate systems are chosen on the bases of minimum required RF bandwidth and received carrier-to-noise density ratios. A detailed survey of automated and nonautomated intelligibility testing methods and devices is presented and comparisons given. Subjective evaluation of speech system by preference tests is considered. Conclusion and recommendations are developed regarding the selection of the voice system. Likewise, conclusions and recommendations are developed for the appropriate use of intelligibility tests, speech quality measurements, and preference tests with the framework of the proposed ATC system

    Unusual Headaches After a Concussion in a Basketball Player

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    Shortness of Breath in a Swimming Athlete

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    Juvenile Spondylarthropy in High School Athlete

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    The suitability of the degradation gradient method in arid Namibia

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    Abstract The Degradation Gradient Method (DGM) is a sophisticated technique for the assessment of range condition. It applies multivariate analyses of herbaceous species data to detect subtle degrees of overgrazing. The suitability of this multivariate method was tested in the central Highland Savanna of Namibia by comparing its results against a univariate analysis of herbaceous data in a simple but robust Range-Unit Model. Despite aridity and topographical heterogeneity, the DGM performed unexpectedly well under these conditions. The relative instability of this dry savanna system favoured the applicability of the DGM by promoting a clear grazing gradient. Using species density data only resulted in an incorrect outcome of the multivariate analysis. The sensitivity of the DGM could be improved by combining density and cover data. Key words: aridity, cover and density data, grazing gradient, ordinations, species response curves, topographical heterogeneity Résumé La méthode du gradient en dégradation (DGM) s'avre une technique sophistiquée dans l'évaluation de la condition des habitats. Elle applique des analyses multivariées aux données sur les espces herbacées afin de déceler mme une mesure subtile de surpturage. L'appropriation de cette méthode multivariée fut expérimentée dans la savane des montagnes centrales de la Namibie travers une comparaison des ré-sultats avec une analyse univariée des données sur les espces herbacées dans un modle Habitat-Unité simple mais robuste. Malgré l'aridité et l'hétérogénéité topographique, le DGM a fonctionné étonnamment bien. L'instabilité relative de ce systme de savane sche a favorisé l'applicabilité du DGM travers la promotion d'un gradient de pturage distinct. L'utilisation des données sur la densité d'espces n'a résulté que dans un aboutissement erroné des analyses multivariées. La sensibilité du DGM pourrait tre améliorée en combinant les données de densité et couverture

    A Look at the Effect of Two Extractive Industries on the Economy of Midland Michigan from 1850 to 1949

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)This thesis will investigate the effect of extractive industries on the economy of an average Midwestern town from the mid-1800s until the conclusion of the WWII. Primary and secondary sources were studied to gain an understanding of the effect of extractive industries on the development of Midland Michigan. Due to its complete reliance on extractive industries for its economic welfare Midland suffered extreme economic upheavals. In conclusion Midland’s intensive boom and bust economy mirrors Michigan’s own rocky relationship with extractive industries
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