143 research outputs found

    Decreto-lei n.681 - de 13 de Setembro 1938

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    Cria na Faculdade de Medicina de Porto Alegre, uma publicação periódica, e dá outras providências

    Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Comparative Analysis of Resilience by Supply Network Structure

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    This research applies Kim, et al.’s (2015) supply network structure archetypes to case data related to two disruptions in three industries in Brazil. A total of seven supply networks were studied, through in-depth interviews and archival documents. The findings suggest that there may be additional supply network structures that are relevant. Centralization appears to be a function of the size of the focal firm. There was evidence of an evolution of supply network structures with focal firm size

    Decreto-Lei nº 311, de 2 de Março de 1938

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    O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA, usando da atribuição que lhe confere o art. 190 da Constituição: CONSIDERANDO que o art. 15 da Constituição confere à União a competência de resolver definitivamente sobre os limites do território nacional e fazer o recenseamento geral da população; CONSIDERANDO que essa faculdade implica a de promover a delimitação uniforme das circunscrições territoriais; CONSIDERANDO, ainda, os compromissos assumidos nas cláusulas XIV e XV da Convenção Nacional de Estatística,..

    The Right to Communicate in Brazil: Historical Development and Current Challenges

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    Abstract This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced in Brazil for the development and consolidation of the right to communicate. For this purpose, it critically examines the existing legal and constitutional framework and brings concrete issues into the debate, by analyzing the historical aspects of media development in Brazil and exploring the way political practices have shaped the right to communicate in this country. The paper focuses on one of the main aspects of the right to communicate, namely civil society access to traditional mass media in Brazil

    Work, Study, Both or Neither? Time Allocation of Brazilian Teenagers

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    Abstract Labor force participation among youth is extremely high in Brazil when compared to countries with a similar economic background. In Argentina and Chile labor force participation, among those with 10 to 14 years old, is around 1% while in Brazil this rate is as high as 17 %. For the those between 15 and 19 years old these figures are around 10% in Chile, 15% in Argentina and 53% in Brazil. On the other hand the data on school attendance give a more optimistic picture. The percentage of children, between 10 and 14 years old, enrolled in school increased steadily from 79% to 95% from 1981 to 1998 and with age between 15 and 19, from 46% to 66% in the same period. These figures are close to the ones presented by Chile and Argentina. around 99% among the youngest group and around 70% for the 15 to 19 years old group. The objective of the paper is to understand the determinants of the time allocation decision of the Brazilian youth during the last twenty years. Using a multinomial logit regression we investigate the conditional effect of various micro and macro variables on the time allocation decision for the 1991 to 1998 period. Our main findings are: working and studying became the most likely allocation among the youngest in the poor rural areas and, in general, to study, whether working or not, became less dependent on family background for the youngest group but not for the older. JEL Classification J22.
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