144 research outputs found

    Earth’s Rotation: A Challenging Problem in Mathematics and Physics

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    A suitable knowledge of the orientation and motion of the Earth in space is a common need in various fields. That knowledge has been ever necessary to carry out astronomical observations, but with the advent of the space age, it became essential for making observations of satellites and predicting and determining their orbits, and for observing the Earth from space as well. Given the relevant role it plays in Space Geodesy, Earth rotation is considered as one of the three pillars of Geodesy, the other two being geometry and gravity. Besides, research on Earth rotation has fostered advances in many fields, such as Mathematics, Astronomy and Geophysics, for centuries. One remarkable feature of the problem is in the extreme requirements of accuracy that must be fulfilled in the near future, about a millimetre on the tangent plane to the planet surface, roughly speaking. That challenges all of the theories that have been devised and used to-date; the paper makes a short review of some of the most relevant methods, which can be envisaged as milestones in Earth rotation research, emphasizing the Hamiltonian approach developed by the authors. Some contemporary problems are presented, as well as the main lines of future research prospected by the International Astronomical Union/International Association of Geodesy Joint Working Group on Theory of Earth Rotation, created in 2013.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish government under Grants AYA2010-22039-C02-01 and AYA2010-22039-C02-02 from Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad (MINECO), the University of Alicante under Grant GRE11-08 and the Generalitat Valenciana, Grant GV/2014/072

    Pilot Pouring in Superimposed Training for Channel Estimation in CB-FMT

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    Cyclic block filtered multi-tone (CB-FMT) is a waveform that can be efficiently synthesized through a filter-bank in the frequency domain. Although the main principles have been already established, channel estimation has not been addressed yet. This is because of assuming that the existing techniques based on pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM), implemented in OFDM-like schemes, can be reused. However, PSAM leads to an undesirable loss of data-rate. In this paper, an alternative method inspired by the superimposed training (ST) concept, namely pilot pouring ST (PPST), is proposed. In PPST, pilots are superimposed over data taking advantage of the particular spectral characteristics of CB-FMT. Exploiting the sub-channel spectrum, the pilot symbols are poured in those resources unused for data transmission. This spectral shaping of pilots is also exploited at the receiver to carry out channel estimation, by enhancing those channel estimates that exhibit a low data interference contribution. Furthermore, a frequency domain resource mapping strategy for the data and poured pilot symbols is proposed to enable an accurate estimation in strongly frequency-selective channels. The parameters of the proposed scheme are optimized to minimize the channel estimation mean squared error (MSE). Finally, several numerical results illustrate the performance advantages of the proposed technique as compared to other alternatives

    Low-complexity power allocation in pilot-pouring superimposed training over CB-FMT

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    Pilot-pouring superimposed training (PPST) is a novel channel estimation technique specially designed for cyclic block filtered multi-tone (CB-FMT), where the pilot symbols are poured into the subcarriers taking advantage of the power left unused by the data symbols. Hence, since this technique is based on superimposed training (ST) principles, the data rate is not reduced, unlike the pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM). Besides, it exploits a weighted average at the receiver side that is capable of minimizing the mean squared error (MSE) of the channel estimation, and then enhancing the performance of the system. However, the existing proposal on PPST is limited to the minimization of the MSE to improve channel estimation for a given power allocation factor, without solving the joint optimization of channel estimation and data detection procedures. With this aim, this work addresses the whole problem to reach the best performance for both tasks, thus taking into account also the power allocation factor in the opt where the pilot symbols are poured into the subcarriers taking advantage of the power left unused by the data symbols. Hence, since this technique is based on superimposed training (ST) principles, the data rate is not reduced, unlike the pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM). Besides, it exploits a weighted average at the receiver side that is capable of minimizing the mean squared error (MSE) of the channel estimation, and then enhancing the performance of the system. However, the existing proposal on PPST is limited to the minimization of the MSE to improve channel estimation for a given power allocation factor, without solving the joint optimization of channel estimation and data detection procedures. With this aim, this work addresses the whole problem to reach the best performance for both tasks, thus taking into account also the power allocation factor in the optimization process, where the spectral efficiency must be maximized through the signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR). Two optimization approaches are proposed, where the first one, referred as pilot-pouring optimization (PPO), is focused on performance at the expense of a high complexity, while the second one, denoted as low-complexity PPO (LPPO), is able to trade-off between performance and execution time. Numerical results are provided in order to show the validity of our proposal, where the different optimization problems are compared in terms of SINR and execution time.This work was supported by Spanish National Projects TERESA-ADA (TEC2017-90093-C3-2-R) (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE), and IRENE-EARTH (PID2020-115323RB-C33 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033). The work of A. M. Tonello was supported by the Chair of Excellence Program of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Phase-domain Injected Training for Channel Estimation in Constant Envelope OFDM

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    Constant envelope orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CE-OFDM) is a multi-carrier waveform with 0 dB peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). This property enables the exploitation of multi-carrier waveforms with non-linear power amplifiers, avoiding the undesirable clipping effects. However, the existing channel estimation techniques designed for OFDM cannot be reused, since the use of a phase modulator makes CE-OFDM a non-linear waveform. Previous works assumed that the channel estimation process relies on the transmission of preambles, and the data symbols are equalized using a frequency domain equalizer (FDE). To avoid the overhead induced by preambles, a phase-domain injected training (PIT) is proposed, where the pilot sequence is embedded in the phase dimension of the data symbols. This novel approach does not waste time and/or frequency resources as in preamble-based schemes. Moreover, it does not require additional power for the training. The received symbols are averaged with a dual procedure, and owing to the particular structure of CE-OFDM, the channel estimates are recovered. Also, the analytical expression of the channel estimation mean squared error (MSE) is derived. Finally, several numerical results illustrate the performance of the proposal, showing that the MSE, bit error rate (BER) and achievable rate are improved, as compared to the existing works.This work was supported by the Spanish National Project IRENE-EARTH under Grant PID2020-115323RBC33/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The work of Andrea M. Tonello was supported in part by the Chair of Excellence Program of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.Publicad

    Vibrio cholerae accessory colonisation factor AcfC: a chemotactic protein with a role in hyperinfectivity.

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    Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor is an aquatic Gram-negative bacterium responsible for the current seventh pandemic of the diarrheal disease, cholera. A previous whole-genome analysis on V. cholerae O1 El Tor strains from the 2010 epidemic in Pakistan showed that all strains contained the V. cholerae pathogenicity island-1 and the accessory colonisation gene acfC (VC_0841). Here we show that acfC possess an open reading frame of 770 bp encoding a protein with a predicted size of 28 kDa, which shares high amino acid similarity with two adhesion proteins found in other enteropathogens, including Paa in serotype O45 porcine enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and PEB3 in Campylobacter jejuni. Using a defined acfC deletion mutant, we studied the specific role of AcfC in V. cholerae O1 El Tor environmental survival, colonisation and virulence in two infection model systems (Galleria mellonella and infant rabbits). Our results indicate that AcfC might be a periplasmic sulfate-binding protein that affects chemotaxis towards mucin and bacterial infectivity in the infant rabbit model of cholera. Overall, our findings suggest that AcfC contributes to the chemotactic response of WT V. cholerae and plays an important role in defining the overall distribution of the organism within the intestine

    The theory of canonical perturbations applied to attitude dynamics and to the Earth rotation. Osculating and nonosculating Andoyer variables

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    The Hamiltonian theory of Earth rotation, known as the Kinoshita-Souchay theory, operates with nonosculating Andoyer elements. This situation parallels a similar phenomenon that often happens (but seldom gets noticed) in orbital dynamics, when the standard Lagrange-type or Delaunay-type planetary equations unexpectedly render nonosculating orbital elements. In orbital mechanics, osculation loss happens when a velocity-dependent perturbation is plugged into the standard planetary equations. In attitude mechanics, osculation is lost when an angular-velocity-dependent disturbance is plugged in the standard dynamical equations for the Andoyer elements. We encounter exactly this situation in the theory of Earth rotation, because this theory contains an angular-velocity-dependent perturbation (the switch from an inertial frame to that associated with the precessing ecliptic of date). While the osculation loss does not influence the predictions for the figure axis of the planet, it considerably alters the predictions for the instantaneous spin-axis' orientation. We explore this issue in great detail

    Limitations of the IAU2000 nutation model accuracy due to the lack of Oppolzer terms of planetary origin

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    [EN] Context. The current IAU2000 nutation model performed different approximations, one of them being that the Oppolzer terms associated to the planetary perturbations of the nutations were assumed to be smaller than 5 μas and thus were neglected. At present, the uncertainties of the amplitudes of individual components of the observed nutations are better, and the conventional nutation model does not fit the accuracy requirements pursued by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). Aims. The objective of this work is to estimate the magnitude of the lacking Oppolzer terms of the planetary nutations and find out whether they are still negligible or not. Methods. The Oppolzer terms resulting from the direct and indirect planetary perturbations of the Earth’s rotation have been computed for a two-layer Earth model following the Hamiltonian theory of the non-rigid-Earth. Results. The planetary Oppolzer terms for the non-rigid Earth are not really negligible as believed, and some of them have amplitudes larger than 10 μas, therefore significantly above the current level of uncertainty of individual harmonic constituents. Conclusions. In the short term, the IAU2000 nutation model must be supplemented with suitable corrections accounting for those missing components; its planetary component must be thoroughly revised in the medium term.SIThis work was partly supported by grant AYA2016-79775-P (AEI/FEDER, UE)
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