215 research outputs found

    Filament eruption connected to protospheric activity

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    Two cases of activation of filaments that occured in regions of intense magnetic activity was studied. The simultaneous observations from Debrecen Observatory (white light and H alpha filtergram), and from Meudon Observatory (magnetogram, MSDP dopplergram and intensity maps in H alpha) gave a complementary set of data from which can be produced evidence of the influence of the photospheric magnetic field on the destabilization process of the filaments. On June 22, 1980, the eruption of the filament is associated with the motion of pores, which are manifestations of emerging flux knots. On September 3, 1980, the twisting motions in the filament are associated to the birth of a pore in its neighborhood. These observations are discussed

    Flux cancellation and the evolution of the eruptive filament of 2011 June 7

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    We investigate whether flux cancellation is responsible for the formation of a very massive filament resulting in the spectacular 2011 June 7 eruption. We analyse and quantify the amount of flux cancellation that occurs in NOAA AR 11226 and its two neighbouring ARs (11227 & 11233) using line-of-sight magnetograms from the Heliospheric Magnetic Imager. During a 3.6-day period building up to the filament eruption, 1.7 x 10^21 Mx, 21% of AR 11226's maximum magnetic flux, was cancelled along the polarity inversion line (PIL) where the filament formed. If the flux cancellation continued at the same rate up until the eruption then up to 2.8 x 10^21 Mx (34% of the AR flux) may have been built into the magnetic configuration that contains the filament plasma. The large flux cancellation rate is due to an unusual motion of the positive polarity sunspot, which splits, with the largest section moving rapidly towards the PIL. This motion compresses the negative polarity and leads to the formation of an orphan penumbra where one end of the filament is rooted. Dense plasma threads above the orphan penumbra build into the filament, extending its length, and presumably injecting material into it. We conclude that the exceptionally strong flux cancellation in AR 11226 played a significant role in the formation of its unusually massive filament. In addition, the presence and coherent evolution of bald patches in the vector magnetic field along the PIL suggests that the magnetic field configuration supporting the filament material is that of a flux rope.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to ApJ in December 2015, accepted in June 201

    Signatures of Interchange Reconnection: STEREO, ACE and Hinode Observations Combined

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    Combining STEREO, ACE and Hinode observations has presented an opportunity to follow a filament eruption and coronal mass ejection (CME) on the 17th of October 2007 from an active region (AR) inside a coronal hole (CH) into the heliosphere. This particular combination of `open' and closed magnetic topologies provides an ideal scenario for interchange reconnection to take place. With Hinode and STEREO data we were able to identify the emergence time and type of structure seen in the in-situ data four days later. On the 21st, ACE observed in-situ the passage of an ICME with `open' magnetic topology. The magnetic field configuration of the source, a mature AR located inside an equatorial CH, has important implications for the solar and interplanetary signatures of the eruption. We interpret the formation of an `anemone' structure of the erupting AR and the passage in-situ of the ICME being disconnected at one leg, as manifested by uni-directional suprathermal electron flux in the ICME, to be a direct result of interchange reconnection between closed loops of the CME originating from the AR and `open' field lines of the surrounding CH.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, accepted Annales Geophysica

    On-disc observations of flux rope formation prior to its eruption

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are one of the primary manifestations of solar activity and can drive severe space weather effects. Therefore, it is vital to work towards being able to predict their occurrence. However, many aspects of CME formation and eruption remain unclear, including whether magnetic flux ropes are present before the onset of eruption and the key mechanisms that cause CMEs to occur. In this work, the pre-eruptive coronal configuration of an active region that produced an interplanetary CME with a clear magnetic flux rope structure at 1 AU is studied. A forward-S sigmoid appears in extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) data two hours before the onset of the eruption (SOL2012-06-14), which is interpreted as a signature of a right-handed flux rope that formed prior to the eruption. Flare ribbons and EUV dimmings are used to infer the locations of the flux rope footpoints. These locations, together with observations of the global magnetic flux distribution, indicate that an interaction between newly emerged magnetic flux and pre-existing sunspot field in the days prior to the eruption may have enabled the coronal flux rope to form via tether-cutting-like reconnection. Composition analysis suggests that the flux rope had a coronal plasma composition, supporting our interpretation that the flux rope formed via magnetic reconnection in the corona. Once formed, the flux rope remained stable for two hours before erupting as a CME

    Criteria for Flux Rope Eruption: Non Equilibrium versus Torus Instability

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    The coronal magnetic configuration of an active region typically evolves quietly during few days before becoming suddenly eruptive and launching a coronal mass ejection (CME). The precise origin of the eruption is still debated. Among several mechanisms, it has been proposed that a loss of equilibrium, or an ideal magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instability such as the torus instability, could be responsible for the sudden eruptivity. Distinct approaches have also been formulated for limit cases having circular or translation symmetry. We revisit the previous theoretical approaches, setting them in the same analytical framework. The coronal field results from the contribution of a non-neutralized current channel added to a background magnetic field, which in our model is the potential field generated by two photospheric flux concentrations. The evolution on short Alfvenic time scale is governed by ideal MHD. We show analytically first that the loss of equilibrium and the stability analysis are two different views of the same physical mechanism. Second, we identify that the same physics is involved in the instability of circular and straight current channels. Indeed, they are just two particular limiting case of more general current paths. A global instability of the magnetic configuration is present when the current channel is located at a coronal height, h, large enough so that the decay index of the potential field, (d ln |Bp|) / (d ln h) is larger than a critical value. At the limit of very thin current channels, previous analysis found a critical decay index of 1.5 and 1 for circular and straight current channels, respectively. However, with current channels being deformable and as thick as expected in the corona, we show that this critical index has similar values for circular and straight current channels, typically in the range [1.1,1.3].Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    How Can Active Region Plasma Escape into the Solar Wind from below a Closed Helmet Streamer?

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    Recent studies show that active-region (AR) upflowing plasma, observed by the EUV-Imaging Spectrometer (EIS), onboard Hinode, can gain access to open field-lines and be released into the solar wind (SW) via magnetic-interchange reconnection at magnetic null-points in pseudo-streamer configurations. When only one bipolar AR is present on the Sun and it is fully covered by the separatrix of a streamer, such as AR 10978 in December 2007, it seems unlikely that the upflowing AR plasma can find its way into the slow SW. However, signatures of plasma with AR composition have been found at 1 AU by Culhane et al. (2014) apparently originating from the West of AR 10978. We present a detailed topology analysis of AR 10978 and the surrounding large-scale corona based on a potential-field source-surface (PFSS) model. Our study shows that it is possible for the AR plasma to get around the streamer separatrix and be released into the SW via magnetic reconnection, occurring in at least two main steps. We analyse data from the Nan\c{c}ay Radioheliograph (NRH) searching for evidence of the chain of magnetic reconnections proposed. We find a noise storm above the AR and several varying sources at 150.9 MHz. Their locations suggest that they could be associated with particles accelerated during the first-step reconnection process and at a null point well outside of the AR. However, we find no evidence of the second-step reconnection in the radio data. Our results demonstrate that even when it appears highly improbable for the AR plasma to reach the SW, indirect channels involving a sequence of reconnections can make it possible.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures. appears in Solar Physics, 201

    Parallel Evolution of Quasi-separatrix Layers and Active Region Upflows

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    Persistent plasma upflows were observed with Hinode's EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) at the edges of active region (AR) 10978 as it crossed the solar disk. We analyze the evolution of the photospheric magnetic and velocity fields of the AR, model its coronal magnetic field, and compute the location of magnetic null-points and quasi-sepratrix layers (QSLs) searching for the origin of EIS upflows. Magnetic reconnection at the computed null points cannot explain all of the observed EIS upflow regions. However, EIS upflows and QSLs are found to evolve in parallel, both temporarily and spatially. Sections of two sets of QSLs, called outer and inner, are found associated to EIS upflow streams having different characteristics. The reconnection process in the outer QSLs is forced by a large-scale photospheric flow pattern which is present in the AR for several days. We propose a scenario in which upflows are observed provided a large enough asymmetry in plasma pressure exists between the pre-reconnection loops and for as long as a photospheric forcing is at work. A similar mechanism operates in the inner QSLs, in this case, it is forced by the emergence and evolution of the bipoles between the two main AR polarities. Our findings provide strong support to the results from previous individual case studies investigating the role of magnetic reconnection at QSLs as the origin of the upflowing plasma. Furthermore, we propose that persistent reconnection along QSLs does not only drive the EIS upflows, but it is also responsible for a continuous metric radio noise-storm observed in AR 10978 along its disk transit by the Nan\c{c}ay Radio Heliograph.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Initiation of coronal mass ejections by sunspot rotation

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    We study a filament eruption, two-ribbon flare, and coronal mass ejection (CME) that occurred in NOAA Active Region 10898 on 6 July 2006. The filament was located South of a strong sunspot that dominated the region. In the evolution leading up to the eruption, and for some time after it, a counter-clockwise rotation of the sunspot of about 30 degrees was observed. We suggest that the rotation triggered the eruption by progressively expanding the magnetic field above the filament. To test this scenario, we study the effect of twisting the initially potential field overlying a pre-existing flux-rope, using three-dimensional zero-β MHD simulations. We first consider a relatively simple and symmetric system, and then study a more complex and asymmetric magnetic configuration, whose photospheric-flux distribution and coronal structure are guided by the observations and a potential field extrapolation. In both cases, we find that the twisting leads to the expansion of the overlying field. As a consequence of the progressively reduced magnetic tension, the flux-rope quasi-statically adapts to the changed environmental field, rising slowly. Once the tension is sufficiently reduced, a distinct second phase of evolution occurs where the flux-rope enters an unstable regime characterised by a strong acceleration. Our simulations thus suggest a new mechanism for the triggering of eruptions in the vicinity of rotating sunspots

    Commission 10: Solar Activity

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    Commission 10 aims at the study of various forms of solar activity, including networks, plages, pores, spots, fibrils, surges, jets, filaments/prominences, coronal loops, flares, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), solar cycle, microflares, nanoflares, coronal heating etc., which are all manifestation of the interplay of magnetic fields and solar plasma. Increasingly important is the study of solar activities as sources of various disturbances in the interplanetary space and near-Earth “space weather”. Over the past three years a major component of research on the active Sun has involved data from the RHESSI spacecraft. This review starts with an update on current and planned solar observations from spacecraft. The discussion of solar flares gives emphasis to new results from RHESSI, along with updates on other aspects of flares. Recent progress on two theoretical concepts, magnetic reconnection and magnetic helicity is then summarized, followed by discussions of coronal loops and heating, the magnetic carpet and filaments. The final topic discussed is coronal mass ejections and space weather. The discussions on each topic is relatively brief, and intended as an outline to put the extensive list of references in context. The review was prepared jointly by the members of the Organizing Committee, and the names of the primary contributors to the various sections are indicated in parentheses

    Evolution and decay of an active region: Magnetic shear, flare and CME activity

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    Desde abril de 1996 y hasta febrero de 1997, se observó en el disco solar un complejo de actividad. Este complejo exhibió su nivel más alto de actividad durante el nacimiento de la región activa (AR) 7978. Nuestro análisis se extiende a lo largo de seis rotaciones solares, desde la aparición de AR 7978 (julio de 1996) hasta el decaimiento y dispersión de su flujo (noviembre de 1996). Los datos en varias longitudes de onda provistas por los instrumentos a bordo del Solar and heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) y del satélite japonés Yohkoh, nos permiten seguir la evolución de la región desde la fotosfera hasta la corona. Usando los magnetogramas del disco completo obtenidos por el Michelson Doppler Imager (SOHO/MDI) como condiciones de contorno, calculamos el campo magnético coronal y determinamos su apartamiento de la potencialidad ajustando las líneas de campo calculadas a los arcos observados en rayos X blandos. Discutimos la evolución de la torsión del campo magnético coronal y su probable relación con la actividad observada en forma de eyecciones de masa coronal (CMEs) y fulguraciones.An activity complex was observed on the solar disk between April, 1996 and February, 1997 that reached its highest level of activity during the birth of AR 7978. Our observations extend over six solar rotations, from the emergence of AR 7978 (July 1996) until the decay and dispersion of its flux (November 1996). Multi-wavelength observations, provided by instruments aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Japanese spacecraft Yohkoh, follow the evolution of the region from the photosphere to the corona. Using full disk magnetograms obtained by the Michelson Doppler Imager (SOHO/MDI) as boundary condition, we calculate the coronal magnetic field and determine its shear by fitting the computed field lines to the observed soft X-ray loops. We discuss the evolution of the coronal field shear and its probable relation to flare and coronal mass ejection activity.Fil: Mandrini, Cristina Hemilse. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: van Driel Gesztelyi, Lidia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Observatoire de Paris; FranciaFil: Thompson, B.. National Aeronautics And Space Administration; Estados UnidosFil: Plunkett, S. P.. Spece Sciences División. Naval Research Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Démoulin, Pascal. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Observatoire de Paris; FranciaFil: Aulanier, G.. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Observatoire de Paris; Franci