4 research outputs found

    FörhÄllande mellan fixationsdisparitet och dissocierad fori

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    Syfte: Studiens syfte var att ta reda pĂ„ om det finns nĂ„gon korrelation mellan fixationsdisparitet och dissocierad fori pĂ„ nĂ€ra hĂ„ll samt deras korrelation till symtom.   Metod: MĂ€tningarna utfördes pĂ„ totalt 57 personer mellan 12-45 Ă„r. De deltagare som hade nĂ„gon form av tropi eller ett stereoseende sĂ€mre Ă€n 100 bĂ„gsekunder uteslöts. MĂ€tningarna utfördes pĂ„ 40 cm avstĂ„nd och för att mĂ€ta den dissocierade forin anvĂ€ndes Modifierad Thorington. För att mĂ€ta fixationsdispariteten anvĂ€ndes Saladin kort. Deltagarna fick fylla i en symtomenkĂ€t som bestod av 15 frĂ„gor och med hjĂ€lp av denna kunde man avgöra om deltagarna var symtomatiska eller ej.   Resultat: Det fanns en svag men positiv statistisk signifikant korrelation mellan fixationsdisparitet och dissocierad fori (r = 0,35; p <0,001). TvĂ„ av deltagarna hade motsatt riktning pĂ„ den dissocierade forin och fixationsdispariteten, dessa hade exofori med eso fixationsdisparitet. Varken forier eller fixationsdisparitet hade nĂ„gon korrelation till symtom, men deltagarna med en högre poĂ€ng pĂ„ symtomenkĂ€ten hade exofori.   Slutsats: Det finns en svag positiv korrelation mellan dissocierad fori och fixationsdisparitet. Det kunde inte hittas nĂ„gon korrelation mellan fixationsdisparitet och symtom eller mellan forier och symtom, detta kan bero pĂ„ att en grupp som var relativt asymtomatisk undersöktes.The aim of this study was to investigate if there is any correlation between fixation disparity and dissociated phoria at near. Additionally a second aim was to evaluate if correlation between symptom questionnaire (CISS), dissociated phoria and fixation disparity exists.   The measurements were performed on a total of 57 people between the ages of 12-45 years old. The participants with any tropia and stereopsis less than 100 sec of arc were excluded. A subjective refraction was performed to make sure that the subjects were fully corrected. Modified Thorington was used to measure the dissociated phoria and the fixation disparity was measured with a Saladin card. All measurements were performed at a distance of 40 cm. To evaluate subject’s symptoms, a symptom questionnaire (CISS) with 15 questions was used.   A regression analysis showed a weak but statistically significant positive correlation between dissociated phoria and fixation disparity (r = 0.35; p <0.001). Two of the participants had a opposite direction on the dissociated phoria and the fixation disparity, they had exophoria and eso fixation disparity. Neither dissociated phorias or fixation disparity were correlated to symptoms. The subjects with higher points on the symptom questionnaire were shown to have exophoria.   There was a weak positive correlation between dissociated phoria and fixation disparity at near. A similar correlation between fixation disparity and symptoms could not be found, between neither dissociated phoria and symptoms or fixation disparity and symptoms. This could be because a relatively asymptomatic group was examined.

    FörhÄllande mellan fixationsdisparitet och dissocierad fori

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    Syfte: Studiens syfte var att ta reda pĂ„ om det finns nĂ„gon korrelation mellan fixationsdisparitet och dissocierad fori pĂ„ nĂ€ra hĂ„ll samt deras korrelation till symtom.   Metod: MĂ€tningarna utfördes pĂ„ totalt 57 personer mellan 12-45 Ă„r. De deltagare som hade nĂ„gon form av tropi eller ett stereoseende sĂ€mre Ă€n 100 bĂ„gsekunder uteslöts. MĂ€tningarna utfördes pĂ„ 40 cm avstĂ„nd och för att mĂ€ta den dissocierade forin anvĂ€ndes Modifierad Thorington. För att mĂ€ta fixationsdispariteten anvĂ€ndes Saladin kort. Deltagarna fick fylla i en symtomenkĂ€t som bestod av 15 frĂ„gor och med hjĂ€lp av denna kunde man avgöra om deltagarna var symtomatiska eller ej.   Resultat: Det fanns en svag men positiv statistisk signifikant korrelation mellan fixationsdisparitet och dissocierad fori (r = 0,35; p <0,001). TvĂ„ av deltagarna hade motsatt riktning pĂ„ den dissocierade forin och fixationsdispariteten, dessa hade exofori med eso fixationsdisparitet. Varken forier eller fixationsdisparitet hade nĂ„gon korrelation till symtom, men deltagarna med en högre poĂ€ng pĂ„ symtomenkĂ€ten hade exofori.   Slutsats: Det finns en svag positiv korrelation mellan dissocierad fori och fixationsdisparitet. Det kunde inte hittas nĂ„gon korrelation mellan fixationsdisparitet och symtom eller mellan forier och symtom, detta kan bero pĂ„ att en grupp som var relativt asymtomatisk undersöktes.The aim of this study was to investigate if there is any correlation between fixation disparity and dissociated phoria at near. Additionally a second aim was to evaluate if correlation between symptom questionnaire (CISS), dissociated phoria and fixation disparity exists.   The measurements were performed on a total of 57 people between the ages of 12-45 years old. The participants with any tropia and stereopsis less than 100 sec of arc were excluded. A subjective refraction was performed to make sure that the subjects were fully corrected. Modified Thorington was used to measure the dissociated phoria and the fixation disparity was measured with a Saladin card. All measurements were performed at a distance of 40 cm. To evaluate subject’s symptoms, a symptom questionnaire (CISS) with 15 questions was used.   A regression analysis showed a weak but statistically significant positive correlation between dissociated phoria and fixation disparity (r = 0.35; p <0.001). Two of the participants had a opposite direction on the dissociated phoria and the fixation disparity, they had exophoria and eso fixation disparity. Neither dissociated phorias or fixation disparity were correlated to symptoms. The subjects with higher points on the symptom questionnaire were shown to have exophoria.   There was a weak positive correlation between dissociated phoria and fixation disparity at near. A similar correlation between fixation disparity and symptoms could not be found, between neither dissociated phoria and symptoms or fixation disparity and symptoms. This could be because a relatively asymptomatic group was examined.