13 research outputs found

    A standard protocol for liana censuses

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    A recent increase in published studies of lianas has been paralleled by a proliferation of protocols for censusing lianas. This article seeks to increase uniformity in liana inventories by providing specific recommendations for the determination of which taxa to include, the location of diameter measurement points on individual stems, the setting of minimum stem diameter cutoffs, the treatment of multiple-stemmed and rooted clonal groups, and the measurement of noncylindrical stems. Use of more uniform liana censusing protocols may facilitate comparison of independently collected data sets and further our understanding of global patterns in liana abundance, diversity, biomass, and dynamics

    Close relationship between diameters at 30cm height and at breast height (DBH) Relações entre diametros a 30 cm de altura e à altura do peito (DAP)

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    This paper proposes the establishment of a second diameter measuring standard at 30cm shoot extension ('diam30') as input variable for allometric biomass estimation of small and mid-sized plant shoots. This diameter standard is better suited than the diameter at breast height (DBH, i.e. diameter at 1.30m shoot extension) for adequate characterization of plant dimensions in low bushy vegetation or in primary forest undergrowth. The relationships between both diameter standards are established based on a dataset of 8645 tree, liana and palm shoots in secondary and primary forests of central Amazonia (ranging from 1-150mm dbh). Dbh can be predicted from the diam(30) with high precision, the error introduced by diameter transformation is only 2-3% for trees and palms, and 5% for lianas. This is well acceptable for most field study purposes. Relationships deviate slightly from linearity and differ between growth forms. Relationships were markedly similar for different vegetation types (low secondary regrowth vs. primary forests), soils, and selected genera or species. This points to a general validity and applicability of diameter transformations for other field studies. This study provides researchers with a tool for the allometric estimation of biomass in low or structurally heterogeneous vegetation. Rather than applying a uniform diameter standard, the measuring position which best represents the respective plant can be decided on shoot-by-shoot. Plant diameters measured at 30cm height can be transformed to dbh for subsequent allometric biomass estimation. We recommend the use of these diameter transformations only for plants extending well beyond the theoretical minimum shoot length (i.e., >2m height). This study also prepares the ground for the comparability and compatability of future allometric equations specifically developed for small- to mid-sized vegetation components (i.e., bushes, undergrowth) which are based on the diam(30) measuring standard.<br>Este estudo propõe o estabelecimento de um segundo padrão de medição de diâmetro a 30 cm de extensão do tronco ('diam30') para a estimativa alométrica da biomassa de plantas de pequeno até médio porte. Considera-se este padrão de diâmetro mais adequado do que o diâmetro à altura do peito ('DAP', a 1,30m de extensão do tronco) para a caracterização das dimensões de plantas em vegetação baixa ou no sub-bosque da mata primária. O presente trabalho investiga as relações entre os dois padrões de diâmetro, baseado em 8645 troncos de árvores, cipós e palmeiras arbóreas (com diâmetros entre 1 e 150mm DAP) em capoeiras e mata primária da Amazônia Central. Conclui-se que se pode estimar o DAP do diam30 com alta precisão, o erro causado pela transformação dos diâmetros é somente 2-3% para árvores e palmeiras e 5% para os cipós, níveis bem aceitáveis para a maioria dos estudos de campo. As relações entre os diâmetros desviaram levemente da linearidade e são diferentes para os três hábitos de crescimento. No entanto, as equações são bastante similares entre os diferentes tipos de vegetação (capoeira baixa vs. mata primária), solos e gêneros ou espécies, indicando sua aplicabilidade e validade geral para outros estudos de campo. Esse trabalho fornece ao pesquisador de campo uma ferramenta para a estimativa alométrica da biomassa de vegetação baixa ou estruturalmente heterogênea. Em vez de utilizar um único padrão uniforme de diâmetro pode-se escolher livremente e individualmente qual posição de diâmetro melhor representa cada tronco. Os diâmetros a 30 cm de extensão do tronco podem ser transformados para o dap para uma subseqüente estimação alométrica da sua biomassa. Recomenda-se o uso destas transformações de diâmetros somente acima de uma extensão mínima do tronco (>2m de altura). Os resultados do presente trabalho também preparam a base para a comparabilidade e compatibilidade de futuras equações alométricas baseadas no diam(30) para uma melhor estimação da biomassa dos componentes de vegetação baixa e média (arbustos, sub-bosque da mata primária)

    Estimation of biomass and carbon stocks: the case of the Atlantic Forest

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    The main objective of this paper is to present and discuss the best methods to estimate live above ground biomass in the Atlantic Forest. The methods presented and conclusions are the products of a workshop entitled "Estimation of Biomass and Carbon Stocks: the Case of Atlantic Rain Forest". Aboveground biomass (AGB) in tropical forests is mainly contained in trees. Tree biomass is a function of wood volume, obtained from the diameter and height, architecture and wood density (dry weight per unit volume of fresh wood). It can be quantified by the direct (destructive) or indirect method where the biomass quantification is estimated using mathematical models. The allometric model can be site specific when elaborated to a particular ecosystem or general that can be used in different sites. For the Atlantic Forest, despite the importance of it, there are only two direct measurements of tree biomass, resulting in allometric models specific for this ecosystem. To select one or other of the available models in the literature to estimate AGB it is necessary take into account what is the main question to be answered and the ease with which it is possible to measure the independent variables in the model. Models that present more accurate estimates should be preferred. However, more simple models (those with one independent variable, usually DBH) can be used when the focus is monitoring the variation in carbon storage through the time. Our observations in the Atlantic Forest suggest that pan-tropical relations proposed by Chave et al. (2005) can be confidently used to estimated tree biomass across biomes as long as tree diameter (DBH), height, and wood density are accounted for in the model. In Atlantic Forest, we recommend the quantification of biomass of lianas, bamboo, palms, tree ferns and epiphytes, which are an important component in this ecosystem. This paper is an outcome of the workshop entitled "Estimation of Biomass and Carbon Stocks: the Case of Atlantic Rain Forest", that was conducted at Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, between 4 and 8 December 2006 as part of the Brazilian project "Ombrophylus Dense Forest floristic composition, structure and function at the Núcleos Picinguaba and Santa Virginia of the Serra do Mar State Park", BIOTA Gradiente