495 research outputs found

    Development and Certification of a New Stall Warning and Avoidance System

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    Several methods may be employed to improve natural stall characteristics. The method employed on all learjets to obtain improved stall characteristics is a stall warning and avoidance system that employs angle of attack vanes, an electronic computer, a control column shaker motor, and a torquer which drives the control column in a pusher mode to avoid unwanted further buildup of angle of attack. The new system was developed with changes that improve system response with no performance penalty or increase in turbulence sensitivity. The following changes were made included modified system time constants and (alpha) time rate of change of vane angle dead zone and the addition of an alpha signal limiter and an alpha cut out below a specified angle of attack

    A Study to Determine the Order in Which Major Tools are Desired by Industrial Arts Instructors in South Dakota

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    The primary objective of this study was to formulate a guide for school administrators or industrial arts instructors to consult when deciding which major tools are necessary for an industrial arts program. The study concerned the following factors: the order of preference of major tools, the size of tools desired

    Factors affecting the development of collaborative improvement with strategic suppliers

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    The research presented in this paper was aimed at increasing the current understanding of the process of developing collaborative improvement in Extended Manufacturing Enterprises (EME). Theory suggests a number of factors to affect that process, including shared sense of direction (i.e. vision), trust, power, and commitment. Based on action research of three EMEs involving a total of thirteen companies from five European countries, the present study identifies a number of additional factors. Factors exogenous to, but impacting, the collaboration are joint history and culture. Endogenous factors are approach to establishing the collaboration, project organisation, change and improvement competence, ways and modes of communicating, and political behaviour. Not only do these factors influence each other, they also strongly affect the development of collaborative improvement

    Problems of Social Rights Enjoyment by Persons Diagnosed with Epilepsy: Legal Aspect

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    Epilepsy is a disease that creates many problems for people with such a diagnosis in the enjoyment of their social rights. Despite the existing regulatory legal acts governing the protection of health and the social rights enjoyment by citizens with epilepsy, there are many questions on this topic both regarding accessibility of these norms to people with epilepsy and in terms of compliance of the current legislation with the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In this article, we tried to reflect the basic norms of the current legislation in the Russian Federation governing the provision of medical care to people with epilepsy, providing them with free medications, admission of patients with epilepsy and epileptic syndrome to various types of work, education, military service, possession of weapons, driving, and pay attention to the problems of people diagnosed with epilepsy

    Implementing collaborative improvement, top-down, bottom-up, or both?

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    The research presented in this paper was aimed at increasing the current understanding of the process of developing collaborative improvement in Extended Manufacturing Enterprises (EME). Based on action research and action learning of three EMEs involving a total of thirteen companies from five European countries, the present study identifies three different approaches to collaborative improvement (CoI), that is, inter-organisational continuous improvement. One approach to CoI focuses on learning at a practical level, developing this knowledge into strategic and theoretical knowledge. We call this the bottom-up learning-bydoing approach. Another approach focuses on goal alignment and assessment to provide a foundation for improvement before actually improving. We call this the top-down directive approach. Yet another approach focuses on shared goals/vision and meeting on equal terms, and joint work in a non-directive matter. This is the laissez-faire approach. The different approaches influence the collaborative improvement results achieved, and how and why they do so is the question addressed this article

    Measuring the performance of a regional cluster in innovation facilitation

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    Regional industry clusters have been promoted for several years as effective mechanisms to assist firms become more innovative and more competitive. But do they really achieve this goal, and more importantly, just how should an assessment of cluster performance in supporting and facilitating innovation within its members, be undertaken? In this paper we report on a study of a regional IT cluster in Western Sydney, Australia, develop some criteria for assessing the innovation facilitation performance of industry clusters, and discuss the cluster in relation to these criteria. We suggest that engagement with a cluster may enhance the innovation capacity of a firm, and the type of required innovation support varies significantly with the maturity and absorptive capacity of individual firms.<br /
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