24 research outputs found

    Comparing the Performance of Hyperbolic and Circular Rod Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers with Applied Higher Order Auxiliary Excitation

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    This work applies higher order auxiliary excitation techniques to two types of quadrupole mass spectrometers (QMSs): commercial systems and spaceborne instruments. The operational settings of a circular rod geometry commercial system and an engineering test-bed for a hyperbolic rod geometry spaceborne instrument were matched, with the relative performance of each sensor characterized with and without applied excitation using isotopic measurements of Kr+. Each instrument was operated at the limit of the test electronics to determine the effect of auxiliary excitation on extending instrument capabilities. For the circular rod sensor, with applied excitation, a doubling of the mass resolution at 1% of peak transmission resulted from the elimination of the low-mass side peak tail typical of such rod geometries. The mass peak stability and ion rejection efficiency were also increased by factors of 2 and 10, respectively, with voltage scan lines passing through the center of stability islands formed from auxiliary excitation. Auxiliary excitation also resulted in factors of 6 and 2 in peak stability and ion rejection efficiency, respectively, for the hyperbolic rod sensor. These results not only have significant implications for the use of circular rod quadrupoles with applied excitation as a suitable replacement for traditional hyperbolic rod sensors, but also for extending the capabilities of existing hyperbolic rod QMSs for the next generation of spaceborne instruments and low-mass commercial systems

    Energy Transfer Between Hot Protons and Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in Compressional Pc5 Ultra-low Frequency Waves

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    The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft observed many enhancements of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves in an event in the late afternoon outer magnetosphere. These enhancements occurred mainly in the troughs of magnetic field intensity associated with a compressional ultralow frequency (ULF) wave. The ULF wave had a period of ∌2–5 min (Pc5 frequency range) and was almost static in the plasma rest frame. The magnetic and ion pressures were in antiphase. They are consistent with mirror-mode type structures. We apply the Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer method, which can quantitatively investigate the energy transfer between hot anisotropic protons and EMIC waves, to burst-mode data obtained by the four MMS spacecraft. The energy transfer near the cyclotron resonance velocity was identified in the vicinity of the center of troughs of magnetic field intensity, which corresponds to the maxima of ion pressure in the compressional ULF wave. This result is consistent with the idea that the EMIC wave generation is modulated by ULF waves, and preferential locations for the cyclotron resonant energy transfer are the troughs of magnetic field intensity. In these troughs, relatively low resonance velocity due to the lower magnetic field intensity and the enhanced hot proton flux likely contribute to the enhanced energy transfer from hot protons to the EMIC waves by cyclotron resonance. Due to the compressional ULF wave, regions of the cyclotron resonant energy transfer can be narrow (only a few times of the gyroradii of hot resonant protons) in magnetic local time

    Plasma Sources in Planetary Magnetospheres: Mercury

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    Comparing the performance of hyperbolic and circular rod quadrupole mass spectrometers with applied higher order auxiliary excitation

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    This work applies higher order auxiliary excitation techniques to two types of quadrupole mass spectrometers (QMSs): commercial systems and spaceborne instruments. The operational settings of a circular rod geometry commercial system and an engineering test-bed for a hyperbolic rod geometry spaceborne instrument were matched, with the relative performance of each sensor characterized with and without applied excitation using isotopic measurements of Kr+. Each instrument was operated at the limit of the test electronics to determine the effect of auxiliary excitation on extending instrument capabilities. For the circular rod sensor, with applied excitation, a doubling of the mass resolution at 1% of peak transmission resulted from the elimination of the low-mass side peak tail typical of such rod geometries. The mass peak stability and ion rejection efficiency were also increased by factors of 2 and 10, respectively, with voltage scan lines passing through the center of stability islands formed from auxiliary excitation. Auxiliary excitation also resulted in factors of 6 and 2 in peak stability and ion rejection efficiency, respectively, for the hyperbolic rod sensor. These results not only have significant implications for the use of circular rod quadrupoles with applied excitation as a suitable replacement for traditional hyperbolic rod sensors, but also for extending the capabilities of existing hyperbolic rod QMSs for the next generation of spaceborne instruments and low-mass commercial systems

    Signatures of magnetic separatrices at the borders of a crater flux transfer event connected to an active x-line

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    In this paper, we present Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) observations of a flux transfer event (FTE) characterized by a clear signature in the magnetic field magnitude, which shows maximum at the center flanked by two depressions, detected during a period of stable southward interplanetary magnetic field. This class of FTEs are called “crater‐FTEs” and have been suggested to be connected with active reconnection X line. The MMS burst mode data allow the identification of intense fluctuations in the components of the electric field and electron velocity parallel to the magnetic field at the borders of the FTE, which are interpreted as signatures of the magnetic separatrices. In particular, the strong and persistent fluctuations of the parallel electron velocity at the borders of this crater‐FTE reported for the first time in this paper, sustain the field‐aligned current part of the Hall current system along the separatrix layer, and confirm that this FTE is connected with an active reconnection X line. Our observations suggest a stratification of particles inside the reconnection layer, where electrons are flowing toward the X line along the separatrix, are flowing away from the X line along the reconnected field lines adjacent to the separatrices, and more internally ions and electrons are flowing away from the X line with comparable velocities, forming the reconnection jets. This stratification of the reconnection layer forming the FTE, together with the reconnection jet at the trailing edge of the FTE, suggests clearly that this FTE is formed by the single X line generation mechanism

    Observations of magnetic reconnection in the transition region of quasi-parallel shocks

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    Using observations of Earth's bow shock by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, we show for the first time that active magnetic reconnection is occurring at current sheets embedded within the quasi-parallel shock's transition layer. We observe an electron jet and heating but no ion response, suggesting we have observed an electron-only mode. The lack of ion response is consistent with simulations showing reconnection onset on sub-ion time scales. We also discuss the impact of electron heating in shocks via reconnection.</p

    Bifurcated Current Sheet Observed on the Boundary of Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices

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    On May 5, 2017 MMS observed a bifurcated current sheet at the boundary of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices (KHVs) developed on the dawnside tailward magnetopause. We use the event to enhance our understanding of the formation and structure of asymmetric current sheets in the presence of density asymmetry, flow shear, and guide field, which have been rarely studied. The entire current layer comprises three separate current sheets, each corresponding to magnetosphere-side sunward separatrix region, central near-X-line region, and magnetosheath-side tailward separatrix region. Two off-center structures are identified as slow-mode discontinuities. All three current sheets have a thickness of ∌0.2 ion inertial length, demonstrating the sub-ion-scale current layer, where electrons mainly carry the current. We find that both the diamagnetic and electron anisotropy currents substantially support the bifurcated currents in the presence of density asymmetry and weak velocity shear. The combined effects of strong guide field, low density asymmetry, and weak flow shear appear to lead to asymmetries in the streamlines and the current-layer structure of the quadrupolar reconnection geometry. We also investigate intense electrostatics waves observed on the magnetosheath side of the KHV boundary. These waves may pre-heat a magnetosheath population that is to participate into the reconnection process, leading to two-step energization of the magnetosheath plasma entering into the magnetosphere via KHV-driven reconnection