187 research outputs found

    Magnetic fields of low-mass main sequences stars: Nonlinear dynamo theory and mean-field numerical simulations

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    Our theoretical and numerical analysis have suggested that for low-mass main sequences stars (of the spectral classes from M5 to G0) rotating much faster than the sun, the generated large-scale magnetic field is caused by the mean-field α2Ω\alpha^2\Omega dynamo, whereby the α2\alpha^2 dynamo is modified by a weak differential rotation. Even for a weak differential rotation, the behaviour of the magnetic activity is changed drastically from aperiodic regime to nonlinear oscillations and appearance of a chaotic behaviour with increase of the differential rotation. Periods of the magnetic cycles decrease with increase of the differential rotation, and they vary from tens to thousand years. This long-term behaviour of the magnetic cycles may be related to the characteristic time of the evolution of the magnetic helicity density of the small-scale field. The performed analysis is based on the mean-field numerical simulations of the α2Ω\alpha^2\Omega and α2\alpha^2 dynamos and a developed nonlinear theory of α2\alpha^2 dynamo.Comment: 13 page

    Fast X-ray Transients and Their Connection to Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Fast X-ray transients (FXTs) with timescales from seconds to hours have been seen by numerous space instruments. We have assembled archival data from Ariel-5, HEAO-1 (A-1 and A-2), WATCH, ROSAT, and Einstein to produce a global fluence-frequency relationship for these events. Fitting the log N-log S distribution over several orders of magnitude to simple power law we find a slope of -1.0. The sources of FXTs are undoubtedly heterogeneous, the -1 power law is an approximate result of the summation of these multiple sources. Two major contributions come from gamma-ray bursts and stellar flares. Extrapolating from the BATSE catalog of GRBs, we find that the fraction of X-ray flashes that can be the X-ray counterparts of gamma-ray bursts is a function of fluence. Certainly most FXTs are not counterparts of standard gamma-ray bursts. The fraction of FXTs from non-GRB sources, such as magnetic stars, is greatest for the faintest FXTs. Our understanding of the FXT phenomenon remains limited and would greatly benefit from a large, homogeneous data set, which requires a wide-field, sensitive instrument.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure

    A Spectroscopic Survey of a Sample of Active M Dwarfs

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    A moderate resolution spectroscopic survey of Fleming's sample of 54 X-ray selected M dwarfs with photometric distances less than 25 pc is presented. Radial and rotation velocities have been measured by fits to the H-alpha profiles. Radial velocities have been measured by cross correlation. Artificial broadening of an observed spectrum has produced a relationship between H-alpha FWHM and rotation speed, which we use to infer rotation speeds for the entire sample by measurement of the H-alpha emission line. We find 3 ultra-fast rotators (UFRs, vsini > 100km/s), and 8 stars with 30 < vsini < 100 km/s. The UFRs have variable emission. Cross-correlation velocities measured for ultra-fast rotators (UFRs) are shown to depend on rotation speed and the filtering used. The radial velocity dispersion of the sample is 17 km/s. A new double emission line spectroscopic binary with a period of 3.55 days has been discovered, and another known one is in the sample. Three other objects are suspected spectroscopic binaries, and at least six are visual doubles. The only star in the sample observed to have significant lithium is a known TW Hya Association member, TWA 8A. These results show that there are a number of young (< 10^8 yr) and very young (< 10^7 yr) low mass stars in the immediate solar neighbourhood. The H-alpha activity strength does not depend on rotation speed. Our fast rotators are less luminous than similarly fast rotators in the Pleiades. They are either younger than the Pleiades, or gained angular momentum in a different way.Comment: 38 pages incl. 14 figures and 4 tables, plus 12 pages of table for electronic journal only; LaTeX, aastex.cls. Accepted 07/18/02 for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Statistical properties of SGR 1900+14 bursts

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    We study the statistics of soft gamma repeater (SGR) bursts, using a data base of 187 events detected with BATSE and 837 events detected with RXTE PCA, all from SGR 1900+14 during its 1998-1999 active phase. We find that the fluence or energy distribution of bursts is consistent with a power law of index 1.66, over 4 orders of magnitude. This scale-free distribution resembles the Gutenberg-Richter Law for earthquakes, and gives evidence for self-organized criticality in SGRs. The distribution of time intervals between successive bursts from SGR 1900+14 is consistent with a log-normal distribution. There is no correlation between burst intensity and the waiting times till the next burst, but there is some evidence for a correlation between burst intensity and the time elapsed since the previous burst. We also find a correlation between the duration and the energy of the bursts, but with significant scatter. In all these statistical properties, SGR bursts resemble earthquakes and solar flares more closely than they resemble any known accretion-powered or nuclear-powered phenomena. Thus our analysis lends support to the hypothesis that the energy source for SGR bursts is internal to the neutron star, and plausibly magnetic.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    A stellar flare during the transit of the extrasolar planet OGLE-TR-10b

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    We report a stellar flare occurring during a transit of the exoplanet OGLE-TR-10b, an event not previously reported in the literature. This reduces the observed transit depth, particularly in the u'-band, but flaring could also be significant in other bands and could lead to incorrect planetary parameters. We suggest that OGLE-TR-10a is an active planet-hosting star and has an unusually high X-ray luminosity

    Magnetic fields of low-mass main sequences stars: non-linear dynamo theory and mean-field numerical simulations

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    Our theoretical and numerical analysis have suggested that for low-mass main sequences stars (of the spectral classes from M5 to G0) rotating much faster than the Sun, the generated large-scale magnetic field is caused by the mean-field α2 dynamo, whereby the α2 dynamo is modified by a weak differential rotation. Even for a weak differential rotation, the behaviour of the magnetic activity is changed drastically from aperiodic regime to non-linear oscillations and appearance of a chaotic behaviour with increase of the differential rotation. Periods of the magnetic cycles decrease with increase of the differential rotation, and they vary from tens to thousand years. This long-term behaviour of the magnetic cycles may be related to the characteristic time of the evolution of the magnetic helicity density of the small-scale field. The performed analysis is based on the mean-field simulations (MFS) of the α2 and α2 dynamos and a developed non-linear theory of α2 dynamo. The applied MFS model was calibrated using turbulent parameters typical for the solar convective zone. © 2023 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 21-72-20067The work of NK and NS was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant 21-72-20067). IR acknowledges the hospitality of NORDITA

    Lucky Imaging survey for southern M dwarf binaries

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    While M dwarfs are the most abundant stars in the Milky Way, there is still large uncertainty about their basic physical properties (mass, luminosity, radius, etc.) as well as their formation environment. Precise knowledge of multiplicity characteristics and how they change in this transitional mass region, between Sun-like stars on the one side and very low mass stars and brown dwarfs on the other, provide constraints on low mass star and brown dwarf formation. In the largest M dwarf binary survey to date, we search for companions to active, and thus preferentially young, M dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood. We study their binary/multiple properties, such as the multiplicity frequency and distributions of mass ratio and separation, and identify short period visual binaries, for which orbital parameters and hence dynamical mass estimates can be derived in the near future. The observations are carried out in the SDSS i' and z' band using the Lucky Imaging camera AstraLux Sur at the ESO 3.5 m New Technology Telescope. In the first part of the survey, we observed 124 M dwarfs of integrated spectral types M0-M6 and identified 34 new and 17 previously known companions to 44 stars. We derived relative astrometry and component photometry for these systems. More than half of the binaries have separations smaller than 1 arcsec and would have been missed in a simply seeing-limited survey. Correcting our sample for selection effects yields a multiplicity fraction of 32+/-6% for 108 M dwarfs within 52 pc and with angular separations of 0.1-6.0 arcsec, corresponding to projected separation 3-180 AU at median distance 30 pc. Compared to early-type M dwarfs (M>0.3M_Sun), later type (and hence lower mass) M dwarf binaries appear to have closer separations, and more similar masses.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. Minor corrections and changes. Revised to match accepted A&A versio