17 research outputs found

    p53 regulates diverse tissue-specific outcomes to endogenous DNA damage in mice

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    DNA repair deficiency can lead to segmental phenotypes in humans and mice, in which certain tissues lose homeostasis while others remain seemingly unaffected. This may be due to different tissues facing varying levels of damage or having different reliance on specific DNA repair pathways. However, we find that the cellular response to DNA damage determines different tissue-specific outcomes. Here, we use a mouse model of the human XPF-ERCC1 progeroid syndrome (XFE) caused by loss of DNA repair. We find that p53, a central regulator of the cellular response to DNA damage, regulates tissue dysfunction in Ercc1-/- mice in different ways. We show that ablation of p53 rescues the loss of hematopoietic stem cells, and has no effect on kidney, germ cell or brain dysfunction, but exacerbates liver pathology and polyploidisation. Mechanistically, we find that p53 ablation led to the loss of cell-cycle regulation in the liver, with reduced p21 expression. Eventually, p16/Cdkn2a expression is induced, serving as a fail-safe brake to proliferation in the absence of the p53-p21 axis. Taken together, our data show that distinct and tissue-specific functions of p53, in response to DNA damage, play a crucial role in regulating tissue-specific phenotypes

    Primordial germ cell DNA demethylation and development require DNA translesion synthesis

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    Mutations in DNA damage response (DDR) factors are associated with human infertility, which affects up to 15% of the population. The DDR is required during germ cell development and meiosis. One pathway implicated in human fertility is DNA translesion synthesis (TLS), which allows replication impediments to be bypassed. We find that TLS is essential for pre-meiotic germ cell development in the embryo. Loss of the central TLS component, REV1, significantly inhibits the induction of human PGC-like cells (hPGCLCs). This is recapitulated in mice, where deficiencies in TLS initiation (Rev1-/- or PcnaK164R/K164R) or extension (Rev7 -/-) result in a > 150-fold reduction in the number of primordial germ cells (PGCs) and complete sterility. In contrast, the absence of TLS does not impact the growth, function, or homeostasis of somatic tissues. Surprisingly, we find a complete failure in both activation of the germ cell transcriptional program and in DNA demethylation, a critical step in germline epigenetic reprogramming. Our findings show that for normal fertility, DNA repair is required not only for meiotic recombination but for progression through the earliest stages of germ cell development in mammals

    Mouse SLX4 Is a Tumor Suppressor that Stimulates the Activity of the Nuclease XPF-ERCC1 in DNA Crosslink Repair

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    SLX4 binds to three nucleases (XPF-ERCC1, MUS81-EME1, and SLX1), and its deficiency leads to genomic instability, sensitivity to DNA crosslinking agents, and Fanconi anemia. However, it is not understood how SLX4 and its associated nucleases act in DNA crosslink repair. Here, we uncover consequences of mouse Slx4 deficiency and reveal its function in DNA crosslink repair. Slx4-deficient mice develop epithelial cancers and have a contracted hematopoietic stem cell pool. The N-terminal domain of SLX4 (mini-SLX4) that only binds to XPF-ERCC1 is sufficient to confer resistance to DNA crosslinking agents. Recombinant mini-SLX4 enhances XPF-ERCC1 nuclease activity up to 100-fold, directing specificity toward DNA forks. Mini-SLX4-XPF-ERCC1 also vigorously stimulates dual incisions around a DNA crosslink embedded in a synthetic replication fork, an essential step in the repair of this lesion. These observations define vertebrate SLX4 as a tumor suppressor, which activates XPF-ERCC1 nuclease specificity in DNA crosslink repairope

    Endogenous formaldehyde is a hematopoietic stem cell genotoxin and metabolic carcinogen

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    Endogenous formaldehyde is produced by numerous biochemical pathways fundamental to life, and it can crosslink both DNA and proteins. However, the consequences of its accumulation are unclear. Here we show that endogenous formaldehyde is removed by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase 5 (ADH5/GSNOR), and Adh5−/− mice therefore accumulate formaldehyde adducts in DNA. The repair of this damage is mediated by FANCD2, a DNA crosslink repair protein. Adh5−/−Fancd2−/− mice reveal an essential requirement for these protection mechanisms in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), leading to their depletion and precipitating bone marrow failure. More widespread formaldehyde-induced DNA damage also causes karyomegaly and dysfunction of hepatocytes and nephrons. Bone marrow transplantation not only rescued hematopoiesis but, surprisingly, also preserved nephron function. Nevertheless, all of these animals eventually developed fatal malignancies. Formaldehyde is therefore an important source of endogenous DNA damage that is counteracted in mammals by a conserved protection mechanism