176 research outputs found

    Lex Orandi, Lex Legendi: A Correlation of the Roman Canon and the Fourfold Sense of Scripture

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    While the correlation between the liturgy and the Bible was vital in the patristic-medieval period, a dichotomy grew up between them in modern times. Starting with the assumption that a fuller retrieval of the correlation today requires forms of engaging texts which are not exclusively linear or historico-critical, the dissertation argues that the dichotomy between liturgy and Bible is overcome within a correlation of the Eucharist and spiritual exegesis that retrieves a typological reading of Scripture and that attends to the liturgical relationships memorial, presence, and anticipation. The structure of reading the Bible parallels the structure of praying within the liturgy. In order to make a theological correlation between Eucharist and spiritual exegesis, the study first seeks to establish the supra-linear nature of each. In regard to the Eucharist, this study presents an analysis of the text of the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I in the current Roman Missal), demonstrating that it has the structure of a chiasmus, requiring a helical reading. This anaphora\u27s chiasmus and its rhetorical helix convey a rich eucharistic theology of exchange and communion. With respect to spiritual exegesis, this study establishes a supra-linear approach to Scripture by developing insights of Henri de Lubac into the reciprocal interiority of the four senses of Scripture. An analysis of the fourfold sense reveals that spiritual exegesis is governed by the two ways figure and fulfillment are perichoretically related; this mutual indwelling is displayed in the figural trading of idioms. The final part of the study brings together eucharistic exchange and communion exemplified by the Roman Canon, on the one hand, and the communal immanence and exchange of idioms exhibited by the two cycles of spiritual exegesis in the fourfold sense of Scripture, on the other hand. It concludes that the admirabile commercium et connubium between head, body, and members in the earthly and heavenly dimensions of the totus Christus lies at the heart of the theological correlation between Eucharist and spiritual exegesis

    Taxis Toward Hydrogen Gas by Methanococcus Maripaludis

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    Knowledge of taxis (directed swimming) in the Archaea is currently expanding through identification of novel receptors, effectors, and proteins involved in signal transduction to the flagellar motor. Although the ability for biological cells to sense and swim toward hydrogen gas has been hypothesized for many years, this capacity has yet to be observed and demonstrated. Here we show that the average swimming velocity increases in the direction of a source of hydrogen gas for the methanogen, Methanococcus maripaludis using a capillary assay with anoxic gas-phase control and time-lapse microscopy. The results indicate that a methanogen couples motility to hydrogen concentration sensing and is the first direct observation of hydrogenotaxis in any domain of life. Hydrogenotaxis represents a strategy that would impart a competitive advantage to motile microorganisms that compete for hydrogen gas and would impact the C, S and N cycles

    Algal amendment enhances biogenic methane production from coals of different thermal maturity

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    The addition of small amounts of algal biomass to stimulate methane production in coal seams is a promising low carbon renewable coalbed methane enhancement technique. However, little is known about how the addition of algal biomass amendment affects methane production from coals of different thermal maturity. Here, we show that biogenic methane can be produced from five coals ranging in rank from lignite to low-volatile bituminous using a coal-derived microbial consortium in batch microcosms with and without algal amendment. The addition of 0.1 g/l algal biomass resulted in maximum methane production rates up to 37 days earlier and decreased the time required to reach maximum methane production by 17–19 days when compared to unamended, analogous microcosms. Cumulative methane production and methane production rate were generally highest in low rank, subbituminous coals, but no clear association between increasing vitrinite reflectance and decreasing methane production could be determined. Microbial community analysis revealed that archaeal populations were correlated with methane production rate (p = 0.01), vitrinite reflectance (p = 0.03), percent volatile matter (p = 0.03), and fixed carbon (p = 0.02), all of which are related to coal rank and composition. Sequences indicative of the acetoclastic methanogenic genus Methanosaeta dominated low rank coal microcosms. Amended treatments that had increased methane production relative to unamended analogs had high relative abundances of the hydrogenotrophic methanogenic genus Methanobacterium and the bacterial family Pseudomonadaceae. These results suggest that algal amendment may shift coal-derived microbial communities towards coal-degrading bacteria and CO2- reducing methanogens. These results have broad implications for understanding subsurface carbon cycling in coal beds and the adoption of low carbon renewable microbially enhanced coalbed methane techniques across a diverse range of coal geology

    Effectiveness of parathyroid hormone (PTH) analogues on fracture healing: a meta-analysis

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    Purpose: This meta-analysis evaluated the evidence of Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) analogues in fracture healing. The use of PTH analogues to prevent osteoporotic fractures is well investigated and studies are emerging on extended indications. One such indication receiving increasing attention is the effect of PTH in fracture healing; however, the overall degree of efficacy remains inconclusive. Methods: A systematic electronic database search of MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library was conducted for relevant articles in August 2019 with no date restrictions. Randomised controlled trials of adults with acute fractures treated with a PTH analogue were included. PTH was compared with a comparator intervention, placebo, or no treatment. Results: PTH analogue treatment improved functional outcomes in a range of fracture types but did not affect the fracture healing rate or reduce pain. Most trials included in this review were in elderly patients with osteoporosis. There was no evidence that PTH treatment caused harm or impeded fracture healing. Conclusions: Meta-analysis of published data supports the use of PTH analogues to improve functional outcomes but not fracture healing rate or pain for different fracture types. The evidence for PTH analogue use in fracture healing is less clear in younger, nonosteoporotic patient populations. Trial design was heterogeneous and of limited quality justifying further original trials

    Arctic system on trajectory to new state

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    The Arctic system is moving toward a new state that falls outside the envelope of glacial-interglacial fluctuations that prevailed during recent Earth history. This future Arctic is likely to have dramatically less permanent ice than exists at present. At the present rate of change, a summer ice-free Arctic Ocean within a century is a real possibility, a state not witnessed for at least a million years. The change appears to be driven largely by feedback-enhanced global climate warming, and there seem to be few, if any processes or feedbacks within the Arctic system that are capable of altering the trajectory toward this “super interglacial” state


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    AccessRI, a studio team comprised of ten graduate students in the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning at Hunter College, was commissioned by New York State Senator José M. Serrano to identify and provide strategies to address residents’ concerns regarding the quality of life on Roosevelt Island. Roosevelt Island, located between Manhattan and Queens in the East River, is an exceptional place within the varied fabric of New York City. The island provides its residents with an existence apart from the typical hassles associated with urban life, yet its proximity to the rest of the city allows residents to partake in countless amenities. Not only does the island possess a unique geographic location, but its history as a master-planned community has helped to create its distinct character, while simultaneously creating many challenges. Roosevelt Island was virtually abandoned after decades of service as a place for New York’s sick and infirmed. The city, under the Lindsay administration, embarked on an ambitious redevelopment plan. The master plan designed by architects Philip Johnson and John Burgee in 1969, utilized the island’s exceptional views and established a framework for an idealized, “auto-free,” mixed-use development. The development scheme included low and moderate-income housing, a parking garage, the preservation of six historic structures, abundant public spaces and a commercial corridor. The original master plan successfully established a distinctive community that enjoys some of the finest views and greatest amounts of open space that the city has to offer. Yet despite these advantages, the current residents of the island are struggling with a myriad of issues that range from problems caused by aging and neglected infrastructure to demographic and social changes resulting from an influx of residents moving into newly built or renovated residential developments. These concerns are coupled with residents’ perceptions of inadequate governance, that result in the feeling that their concerns are ignored and will never be addressed. Through initial investigation, AccessRI found that the best way to assist residents in improving their quality of life would be to improve access to the facilities and services necessary for well-being

    Sources and resources: importance of nutrients, resource allocation, and ecology in microalgal cultivation for lipid accumulation

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    Regardless of current market conditions and availability of conventional petroleum sources, alternatives are needed to circumvent future economic and environmental impacts from continued exploration and harvesting of conventional hydrocarbons. Diatoms and green algae (microalgae) are eukaryotic photoautotrophs that can utilize inorganic carbon (e.g., CO2) as a carbon source and sunlight as an energy source, and many microalgae can store carbon and energy in the form of neutral lipids. In addition to accumulating useful precursors for biofuels and chemical feed stocks, the use of autotrophic microorganisms can further contribute to reduced CO2 emissions through utilization of atmospheric CO2. Because of the inherent connection between carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in biological systems, macronutrient deprivation has been proven to significantly enhance lipid accumulation in different diatom and algae species. However, much work is needed to understand the link between carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in controlling resource allocation at different levels of biological resolution (cellular versus ecological). An improved understanding of the relationship between the effects of N, P, and micronutrient availability on carbon resource allocation (cell growth versus lipid storage) in microalgae is needed in conjunction with life cycle analysis. This mini-review will briefly discuss the current literature on the use of nutrient deprivation and other conditions to control and optimize microalgal growth in the context of cell and lipid accumulation for scale-up processes
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