13 research outputs found

    Population heterogeneity and dynamics in starter culture and lag phase adaptation of the spoilage yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii to weak acid preservatives

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    The food spoilage yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii shows great resistance to weak-acid preservatives, including sorbic acid (2, 4-hexadienoic acid). That extreme resistance was shown to be due to population heterogeneity, with a small sub-population of cells resistant to a variety of weak acids, probably caused by a lower internal pH reducing the uptake of all weak acids. In the present paper, it was found that resistant cells were extremely rare in exponential cultures, but increased by up to 8000-fold in stationary phase. Inoculation of media containing sorbic acid with a population of Z. bailii cells gave rise to what appeared to be a prolonged lag phase, suggesting adaptation to the conditions before the cells entered the period of exponential growth. However, the apparent lag phase caused by sorbic acid was largely due to the time required for the resistant sub-population to grow to detectable levels. The slow growth rate of the sub-population was identical to that of the final total population. The non-resistant bulk population remained viable for 3. days but had lost viability by 6. days and, during that time, there was no indication of any development of resistance in the bulk population. The sub-population growing in sorbic acid showed very high population diversity in colony size and internal pH. After removal of sorbic acid, the population rapidly reverted back to the normal, largely non-resistant, population distribution. The data presented suggest that a reevaluation of the lag phase in microbial batch culture is required, at least for the resistance of Z. bailii to sorbic acid. Furthermore, the significance of phenotypic diversity and heterogeneity in microbial populations is discussed more broadly with potential relevance to bacterial "persisters", natural selection and evolution. © 2014

    Multi-parameter flow cytometry and cell sorting reveal extensive physiological heterogeneity in Bacillus cereus batch cultures.

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    Based on two staining protocols, DiOC6(3)/ propidium iodide (PI) and RedoxSensor Green (an indicator of bacterial reductase activity)/PI, multiparameter flow cytometry and cell sorting has identified at least four distinguishable physiological states during batch cultures of Bacillus cereus. Furthermore, dependent on the position in the growth curve, single cells gave rise to varying numbers of colonies when sorted individually onto nutrient agar plates. These growing colonies derived from a single cell had widely different lag phases, inferred fromdifferences in colony size.This further highlights the complex population dynamics of bacterial monocultures and further demonstrates that individual bacterial cells in a culture respond in markedly dissimilar ways to the environment, resulting in a physiologically heterogenous and dynamic population

    Acid Tolerance of Streptococcus macedonicus as Assessed by Flow Cytometry and Single-Cell Sorting

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    An in situ flow cytometric viability assay employing carboxyfluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide was used to identify Streptococcus macedonicus acid tolerance phenotypes. The logarithmic-phase acid tolerance response (L-ATR) was evident when cells were (i) left to autoacidify unbuffered medium, (ii) transiently exposed to nonlethal acidic pH, or (iii) systematically grown under suboptimal acidic conditions (acid habituation). Stationary-phase ATR was also detected; this phenotype was gradually degenerated while cells resided at this phase. Single-cell analysis of S. macedonicus during induction of L-ATR revealed heterogeneity in both the ability and the rate of tolerance acquisition within clonal populations. L-ATR was found to be partially dependent on de novo protein synthesis and compositional changes of the cell envelope. Interestingly, acid-habituated cells were interlaced in lengthier chains and exhibited an irregular pattern of active peptidoglycan biosynthesis sites when probed with BODIPY FL vancomycin. L-ATR caused cells to retain their membrane potential after lethal challenge, as judged by ratiometric analysis with oxonol [DiBAC(4)(3)]. Furthermore, F-ATPase was important during the induction of L-ATR, but in the case of a fully launched response, inhibition of F-ATPase affected acid resistance only partially. Activities of both F-ATPase and the glucose-specific phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system were increased after L-ATR induction, distinguishing S. macedonicus from oral streptococci. Finally, the in situ viability assessment was compared to medium-based recovery after single-cell sorting, revealing that the culturability of subpopulations with identical fluorescence characteristics is dependent on the treatments imposed to the cells prior to acid challenge

    Preprint: Dynamics of IgG seroconversion and pathophysiology of COVID-19 infections

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    We report dynamics of seroconversion to SARS-CoV-2 infections detected by IgG ELISA in 177 individuals diagnosed by RT-PCR. Longitudinal analysis identifies 2-8.5% of individuals who do not seroconvert even weeks after infection. They are younger than seroconverters who have increased co-morbidity and higher inflammatory markers such as C-Reactive Protein. Higher antibody responses are associated with non-white ethnicity. Antibody responses do not decline during follow up almost to 2 months. Serological assays increase understanding of disease severity. Their application in regular surveillance will clarify the duration and protective nature of humoral responses to SARS-CoV-2

    Dietary supplementation with eicosapentaenoic acid, but not with other long-chain n-3 or n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, decreases natural killer cell activity in healthy subjects aged >55 y

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    Background: Animal studies showed that dietary flaxseed oil [rich in the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid {alpha}-linolenic acid (ALA)], evening primrose oil [rich in the n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid {gamma}-linolenic acid (GLA)], and fish oil [rich in the long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)] can decrease natural killer (NK) cell activity. There have been no studies of the effect on NK cell activity of adding these oils to the diet of humans.Objective: Our objective was to determine the effect of dietary supplementation with oil blends rich in ALA, GLA, arachidonic acid (AA), DHA, or EPA plus DHA (fish oil) on the NK cell activity of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.Design: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel study was conducted. Healthy subjects aged 55–75 y consumed 9 capsules/d for 12 wk; the capsules contained placebo oil (an 80:20 mix of palm and sunflower seed oils) or blends of placebo oil and oils rich in ALA, GLA, AA, DHA, or EPA plus DHA. Subjects in these groups consumed 2 g ALA, 770 mg GLA, 680 mg AA, 720 mg DHA, or 1 g EPA plus DHA (720 mg EPA + 280 mg DHA) daily, respectively. Total fat intake from the capsules was 4 g/d.Results: The fatty acid composition of plasma phospholipids changed significantly in the GLA, AA, DHA, and fish oil groups. NK cell activity was not significantly affected by the placebo, ALA, GLA, AA, or DHA treatment. Fish oil caused a significant reduction (mean decline: 48%) in NK cell activity that was fully reversed by 4 wk after supplementation had ceased.Conclusion: A moderate amount of EPA but not of other n-6 or n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can decrease NK cell activity in healthy subjects