268 research outputs found

    Steppe, Felssteppe, Waldsteppe : Lebensräume im Pribaikalsky Nationalpark am Baikal

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    Seit der Journalist Klaus Bednarz in Film und Buch über den Baikal berichtet hat, ist der größte Süßwassersee der Welt in Ostsibirien für die meisten zum Begriff geworden. Osnabrücker Biologen haben schon viele Jahre dort gearbeitet. Doch jeder Besuch fördert neue Überraschungen und Einsichten zu Tage. Die Autoren berichten über eine Expedition und ein internationales russisch-deutsches Forschungslager (vom 3. bis zum 28. August 2003), die sie auch in die Steppenlandschaft am Mittelbaikal in den Pribaikalsky Nationalpark führte


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    With the ongoing “Health Check” and the decisions needed for after 2013, the Common Agricultural Policy is likely to see another major reform and an increase in compulsory modulation. By employing a regional model, this paper compares the long-term impact of spending along the Pillar 2 Axes in NUTS3 areas on selected indicators of sustainability in several peripheral areas across Europe. The four case study areas are: Pinzgau-Pongau (a tourism-dominated alpine area in Austria), the Wetterau (an urbanised industrial area in Germany), Gorenjska (a tourism and manufacturing dominated area in Slovenia) and Caithness-Sutherland (a remote area in Scotland). The results suggest although devolution in European rural development policy has taken over the last 10 years, there is further need to restore place-based stewardship of public goods and services as well as private investments across rural areas in the European Union. Increasing the importance of Axis 2 and Axis 3 measures (part of CAP Pillar 2) therefore seems an obvious choice for the future. Furthermore, it is clear that the effects of wider societal trends such as the decreasing importance of agriculture, commuting and migration, can be weakened or amplified by EU funding but can not be reversed or significantly changed.CAP, Pillar 2, rural development, Agricultural and Food Policy, R15, Q18, Q01,

    2D mapping of young stars in the inner 180 pc of NGC 1068: correlation with molecular gas ring and stellar kinematics

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    We report the first two-dimensional mapping of the stellar population and non-stellar continua within the inner 180 pc (radius) of NGC 1068 at a spatial resolution of 8 pc, using integral field spectroscopy in the near-infrared. We have applied the technique of spectral synthesis to data obtained with the instrument NIFS and the adaptive optics module ALTAIR at the Gemini North Telescope. Two episodes of recent star formation are found to dominate the stellar population contribution: the first occurred 300 Myr ago, extending over most of the nuclear region; the second occurred just 30 Myr ago, in a ring-like structure at ~100 pc from the nucleus, where it is coincident with an expanding ring of H2 emission. Inside the ring, where a decrease in the stellar velocity dispersion is observed, the stellar population is dominated by the 300 Myr age component. In the inner 35 pc, the oldest age component (age > 2Gyr) dominates the mass, while the flux is dominated by black-body components with temperatures in the range 700 < T < 800 K which we attribute to the dusty torus. We also find some contribution from black-body and power-law components beyond the nucleus which we attribute to dust emission and scattered light.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Compact molecular disc and ionized gas outflows within 350 pc of the active nucleus of Mrk 1066

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    We present stellar and gaseous kinematics of the inner 350 pc radius of the Seyfert galaxy Mrk1066 derived from J and Kl bands data obtained with the Gemini NIFS at a spatial resolution of 35 pc. The stellar velocity field is dominated by rotation in the galaxy plane but shows an S-shape distortion along the galaxy minor axis which seems to be due to an oval structure seen in an optical continuum image. Along this oval, between 170 and 280 pc from the nucleus we find a partial ring of low sigma (~50 km/s) attributed to an intermediate age stellar population. Fro measurements of the emission-line fluxes and profiles ([PII]1.19um, [FeII]1.26um, Pa-beta and H2 2.12um), we have constructed maps for the gas centroid velocity, velocity dispersion, as well as channel maps. The velocity fields for all emission lines are dominated by a similar rotation pattern to that observed for the stars, but are distorted by the presence of two structures: (i) a compact rotating disc with radius r~70 pc; (ii) outflows along the radio jet which is oriented approximately along the galaxy major axis. The compact rotating disc is more conspicuous in the H2 emitting gas, which presents the smallest sigma values and most clear rotation pattern, supporting a location in the galaxy plane. We estimate a gas mass for the disc of ~10^7Msun. The H2 kinematics further suggests that the nuclear disc is being fed by gas coming from the outer regions. The outflow is more conspicuous in the [FeII] emitting gas, which presents the highest sigma values (up to 150 km/s) and the highest blue and redshifts of up to 500 km/s, while the highest stellar rotation velocity is only 130 km/s. We estimate a mass-outflow rate in ionized gas of 0.06 Msun/yr. The derived kinematics for the emitting gas is similar to that observed in previous studies supporting that the H2 is a tracer of the AGN feeding and the [FeII] of its feedback.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS; 18 pages; 15 figue

    Evaluating the Tribological Behaviour in Cutting Operations Using a Modified Ball-on-Disc Open Tribotester

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    Predicting the tribological behaviour in the secondary shear zone in the metal-cutting processes is considered a significant challenge in contemporary research. This work investigated the frictional performance in the secondary shear zone of a planing process using a modified ball-on-disc open tribometer. The values of the coefficient of friction (COF) were tracked between an AISI4140 + QT disc (chip) and a cemented carbide ball (cutting tool) coated with TiAlN under three contact pressures of 0.5, 1, and 2 GPa at a range of sliding speeds starting from 0.2 m/s to 1.6 m/s. The tests were conducted under both dry and lubricated conditions using three commercial cutting fluids of CSF 35 straight oil, Vasco 6000, and Zubora 67H emulsions. Also, the MWFs were tested for their rheological properties and wettability. The tribometer results validated the same COF trend as that in the actual metal-cutting experiments, particularly at 0.5 and 1 GPa in dry conditions. Moreover, Zubora 67H emulsion is proven to be the optimal choice due to it reducing the COF between the rubbing contacts by up to 78%. Furthermore, it showed the lowest contact angle and viscosity index, revealing its ability to easily penetrate, especially at higher temperatures, within the secondary cutting zone

    Повышение урожайности в АПК с учетом инноваций и других факторов

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    В статье подняты актуальные вопросы продовольственной безопасности страны при существующих санкциях. Трудности импортозамещения рассмотрены в рамках российского агропромышленного комплекса (АПК). Обозначены существующие проблемы в сельскохозяйственном секторе экономике и предложены пути их преодоления. Исследованы направления инноваций в сельском хозяйстве, эффективные технологии в АПК, а также факторы, сдерживающие их внедрение в производство. Даны рекомендации доведения инноваций до производства.The article raised topical issues of food security of the country under existing sanctions. Difficulties of import substitution were considered within the framework of the Russian agroindustrial complex (AIC). The article identified the existing problems in the agricultural sector of the economy and proposed ways to overcome them. The directions of innovations in agriculture, effective technologies in the agroindustrial complex, as well as the factors that inhibit their introduction into production are studied. There are given recommendations for bringing innovations to production

    Neue Unkrautbekämpfungsstrategien im Mais unter Beachtung enger Maisfruchtfolgen, zunehmender ALS-Resistenzen bei typischen Unkräutern und wirkstoffspezifischer Applikationseinschränkungen

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    Für die Unkrautbekämpfung im Mais steht eine Reihe von Herbiziden mit unterschiedlicher HRAC-Einstufung zur Verfügung. Infolge der engen Maisfruchtfolgen insbesondere durch die Maismonokulturen werden die sommeranuellen, an die Maiskultur angepassten und zunehmend neueren wärmeliebenden Unkrautarten gefördert. Andererseits zeigen die neuen Nachweise von Acetolactatsynthase (ALS)-Target-Site Resistenz bei Echinochloa crus-galli (Hühnerhirse) und Amaranthus retroflexus (Zurückgebogener Amarant) in Brandenburg, Stellaria media (Vogelmiere) in Sachsen sowie Matricaria recutita (Echte Kamille) und Tripleurospermum perforatum (Geruchlose Kamille) in Brandenburg und Thüringen, dass insbesondere der Einsatz von Sulfonylharnstoffen in Zukunft nur im Rahmen einer Anti-Resistenzstrategie erfolgen darf, um die Selektion resistenter Biotypen nicht weiter zu fördern. Weiterhin besteht zumindest in wassersensiblen Gebieten die Forderung, den Einsatz von bestimmten Wirkstoffen, wie z. B. Terbuthylazin oder Bentazon zu minimieren bzw. zu substituieren. Die Bekämpfung von E. crus-galli und Polygonum convolvulus (Windenknöterich) mit Sulfonylharnstoff- oder/und Terbuthylazin-freien Herbiziden wird diskutiert.Stichwörter: ALS-Target-Site-Resistenz, Herbizide, Sulfonylharnstoffe, Terbuthylazin, UnkrautbekämpfungNew weed control strategies in maize considering narrow crop rotations with maize, greater ALSresistance in common weeds and application restrictions with regard to active substanceAbstractMany herbicides with different HRAC-groups are available for weed control in maize. Because of narrow maize crop rotation summer weeds and warmth loving weeds are encouraged. On the other hand the new confirmed cases of an ALS target site resistance in the weed species Echinochloa crus-galli and Amaranthus retroflexus in Brandenburg, Stellaria media in Saxony and Matricaria recutita and Tripleurospermum perforatum in Brandenburg and Thuringia, warn that in the future the sulfonylureas must be used only according to the management of herbicide resistance. In this way the selection of resistant weed biotypes will be prevented. Moreover in protected water areas it may be a requirement to reduce and to substitute the input of some active substances, for example terbuthylazine and bentazon. The control of E. crus-galli and P. convolvulus with non-sulfonylurea or/and non-terbuthylazine herbicides according to management of herbicide resistance will be discussed.Keywords: ALS-target-site resistance, herbicides, sulfonylureas, terbuthylazine, weed contro

    1011-116 Myocardial Rb Extraction Fraction: Determination in Humans

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    Ouantitation of myocardial blood flow (MBF) with diffusion-limited radiotracers as 82Rb and positron emission tomography (PET) requires knowledge of flow dependence of myocardial 82Rb extraction fraction. To determine this dependence we evaluated 7 patients (mean age (61.0±9.7) years, 4 males, 3 females) who had undergone coronary angiography with exclusion of relevant coronary stenoses and normal left ventricular function. 82Rb-PET clearance was simultaneously assessed with global MBF by the argon (Ar) inert gas method. 82Rb clearance was dynamically measured by a CTI-Siemens ECAT 931-08-12 scanner after i.v. injection of 1–1.2 GBq 82Rb. Ar gas desaturation was obtained by simultaneous arterial and coronary sinus blood sampling. Measurements were performed at rest and during vasodilatation induced by i.v. dipyridamole (0.7mg/kg/4min). Mean 82Rb clearance and Ar flow values were (0.39±0,03)ml/g/min and (0.69±0.14)ml/g/min at rest, respectively, and (0.47±0.09)ml/g/min and (1.48±0.49)ml/g/min during hyperemia. A fit with a two compartment model yielded E=PS/(PS+MBF) with PS=(0.82±0.09)ml/g/min (PS: permeability surface area product). These data (figure) provide for the best of our knowledge the first measured 82Rb extraction fraction in humans and may form the basis for more accurate quantitation of myocardial blood flow with 82Rb-PET

    A torsion balance as a weak-force testbed for novel optical inertial sensors

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    Torsion balances (TBs) are versatile instruments known for their ability to measure tiny forces and accelerations with high precision. We are currently commissioning a new TB facility to support the development and testing of novel optical inertial sensor units for future gravity-related space missions. Here, we report on the status of our apparatus and present first sensitivity curves that demonstrate acceleration and torque sensitivities of 5 ⋅ 10 − 11 m s − 2 and 1 ⋅ 10 − 12 N m H z − 1 at frequencies around 4 m H z , respectively. Capacitive sensors and optical levers measure the dynamics of the system with a displacement sensitivity of down to 9 ⋅ 10 − 10 m H z − 1 for the former and 2 ⋅ 10 − 11 m H z − 1 for the latter. Combining the readout of the suspended inertial member (IM) with environmental sensor signals, the system is characterized, and limiting noise sources are identified. We find that, in particular, the coupling of ambient seismic motion is limiting over a broad frequency range and show that due to its high susceptibility to ground motion, our TB is also a promising platform for exploring ground motion sensing in multiple degrees of freedom. Future upgrades will focus on mitigating seismic noise by controlling the torsion fiber suspension point using piezoelectric actuators and the integration of precision interferometric readout of the IM. These improvements will further increase the sensitivity towards the thermal noise limit which constrains the performance to 1 ⋅ 10 − 13 m s − 2 H z − 1 at 4 m H z

    Effektive Kontrolle von Windhalm (Apera spica-venti (L.) P. B.) in Wintergetreide durch Nutzung von Herbizidbehandlungen mit hohen Wirkungsgraden

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    Ergebnisse der Ringversuche der Bundesländer Brandenburg, Hessen, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen von 2001-2011 In den letzten Jahren mehren sich die Resistenznachweise bei Apera spica-venti insbesondere gegenüber ALS-Hemmern und teilweise ACCase-Hemmern auch in den neuen Bundesländern. Eine Konzentration von Wintergetreide und Winterraps in den Fruchtfolgen verbunden mit einer einseitigen Herbizidanwendung haben den Selektionsdruck erhöht. Um einer weiteren Ausbreitung der Resistenzen entgegenzuwirken sind Wirkstoffgruppenwechsel und die Erzielung hoher Wirkungsgrade der Herbizidvarianten neben den ackerbaulichen Aspekten, wie Aussaattermin und Fruchtfolge die Mittel der Wahl.Es wurde ermittelt, mit welchen dikotylen Unkräutern der Windhalm am häufigsten vergesellschaftet vorkommt. Daraus abgeleitet wurden Herbizide bzw. herbizide Tankmischungen hinsichtlich ihrer notwendigen Breitenwirkung geprüft. Im Ergebnis können Varianten empfohlen werden, die sehr hohe Wirkungsgrade gegenüber dem Windhalm einschließlich der am häufigsten vorkommenden dikotylen Unkräuter erzielt haben. Insgesamt wurden 191 Versuchsstandorte mit Windhalmvorkommen in die Auswertung einbezogen. Es werden anhand der HRAC-Einstufung Gruppen gebildet, die entsprechend der achgewiesenen Resistenzsituation des Standortes zur Problemlösung beitragen können.Mit hohen Wirkungsgraden gegen A. spica-venti konnten im Herbst Flufenacet-haltige Herbizide wie Malibu (Flufenacet, Pendimethalin), Herold SC (Flufenacet, Diflufenican), Bacara Forte (Flufenacet, Flurtamone, Diflufenican) sowie Fenikan (Isoproturon, Diflufenican) und Carmina 640 (Chlortoluron, Diflufenican) überzeugen. Aber auch Kombinationen von Herbiziden mit der HRAC Einstufung N und E bereichern die Möglichkeiten bei der Umsetzung von Antiresistenzstrategien z. B. Sumimax + Ciral (Flumioxazin + Metsulfuron, Flupyrsulfuron) oder Boxer (Prosulfocarb) + Diflanil 500 SC (Diflufenican) bzw. Beflex (Beflubutamid). Die zur Bekämpfung von A. spica-venti im Frühjahr eingesetzten Sulfonylharnstoffvarianten wiesen bezüglich der Streuung der Wirkungsgrade größere Unterschiede auf.Stichwörter: Antiresistenzstrategie, Herbizidresistenz, Herbizidwirksamkeit, HRAC-Gruppe, Stetigkeit der Unkräuter, WindhalmbekämpfungEffective control of loose silky-bent (Apera spica-venti (L.) P.B.) in winter cereals using highly efficacious herbicide treatments. Results of comparative trials in the federal states Brandenburg, Hessen, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia from 2001 to 2011In recent years, an increasing occurrence of resistance to Apera spica-venti, especially to ALS inhibitors and partially to ACCase inhibitors has been reported for the new federal states, too. The dominance of winter wheat and winter rape in crop rotations associated with a unilateral application of herbicides has increased the selection pressure. In order to counter further spread of herbicide resistance, the right choice of the mode of action of the herbicide or herbicide combination and highly efficacious herbicide treatments are the methods of choice, of course in addition to the agronomic aspects, such as sowing date and crop rotation.The research determined how and to what extent dicotyledonous weeds are associated with loose silkybentgrass. Based on the results, single herbicides or herbicide tank mixes were tested to achieve the expected level of control. As a result, treatments which have achieved very high level of control against A. spica-venti and the most common dicotyledonous weeds can be recommended. A total of 191 trial sites have been included in the analysis of A. spica-venti. Using the HRAC-classification of herbicides used, groups were formed which might contribute to solving problems specifically linked to the detected resistance situation of the site. In the autumn, flufenacet-containing herbicides, such as Malibu (flufenacet, pendimethalin), Herold SC (flufenacet, diflufenican), Bacara Forte (flufenacet, flurtamone, diflufenican), Carmina 640 (chlortoluron, diflufenican) and Fenikan (isoproturon, diflufenican) demonstrated high efficiency against A. spica-venti. Combinations of herbicides with the HRAC classification of N and E provide further opportunities for the implementation of anti-resistance management strategies, such as Sumimax + Ciral (flumioxazin + metsulfuron, flupyrsulfuron) or Boxer (prosulfocarb) + Diflanil 500 SC (diflufenican) or Beflex (beflubutamid). When applied in spring, significant differences concerning the efficiency and robustness of sulfonylureas for the control of A. spica-venti were observed.Keywords: Anti-resistance management, control of loose silky-bent, frequency of weeds, herbicide efficacy, herbicide resistance, HRAC grou