1,527 research outputs found

    A single radio-emitting nucleus in the dual AGN candidate NGC 5515

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    The Seyfert galaxy NGC 5515 has double-peaked narrow-line emission in its optical spectrum, and it has been suggested that this could indicate that it has two active nuclei. We observed the source with high resolution Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) at two radio frequencies, reduced archival Very Large Array data, and re-analysed its optical spectrum. We detected a single, compact radio source at the position of NGC 5515, with no additional radio emission in its vicinity. The optical spectrum of the source shows that the blue and red components of the double-peaked lines have very similar characteristics. While we cannot rule out unambiguously that NGC 5515 harbours a dual AGN, the assumption of a single AGN provides a more plausible explanation for the radio observations and the optical spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Gravitational radiation reaction in compact binary systems: Contribution of the quadrupole-monopole interaction

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    The radiation reaction in compact spinning binaries on eccentric orbits due to the quadrupole-monopole interaction is studied. This contribution is of second post-Newtonian order. As result of the precession of spins the magnitude LL of the orbital angular momentum is not conserved. Therefore a proper characterization of the perturbed radial motion is provided by the energy EE and angular average Lˉ\bar{L}. As powerful computing tools, the generalized true and eccentric anomaly parametrizations are introduced. Then the secular losses in energy and magnitude of orbital angular momentum together with the secular evolution of the relative orientations of the orbital angular momentum and spins are found for eccentric orbits by use of the residue theorem. The circular orbit limit of the energy loss agrees with Poisson's earlier result.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The geometry of the Barbour-Bertotti theories II. The three body problem

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    We present a geometric approach to the three-body problem in the non-relativistic context of the Barbour-Bertotti theories. The Riemannian metric characterizing the dynamics is analyzed in detail in terms of the relative separations. Consequences of a conformal symmetry are exploited and the sectional curvatures of geometrically preferred surfaces are computed. The geodesic motions are integrated. Line configurations, which lead to curvature singularities for N3N\neq 3, are investigated. None of the independent scalars formed from the metric and curvature tensor diverges there.Comment: 16 pages, 2 eps figures, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Gravitational radiation reaction in compact binary systems: Contribution of the magnetic dipole-magnetic dipole interaction

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    We study the gravitational radiation reaction in compact binary systems composed of neutron stars with spin and huge magnetic dipole moments (magnetars). The magnetic dipole moments undergo a precessional motion about the respective spins. At sufficiently high values of the magnetic dipole moments, their interaction generates second post-Newtonian order contributions both to the equations of motion and to the gravitational radiation escaping the system. We parametrize the radial motion and average over a radial period in order to find the secular contributions to the energy and magnitude of the orbital angular momentum losses, in the generic case of \textit{eccentric} orbits. Similarly as for the spin-orbit, spin-spin, quadrupole-monopole interactions, here too we deduce the secular evolution of the relative orientations of the orbital angular momentum and spins. These equations, supplemented by the evolution equations for the angles characterizing the orientation of the dipole moments form a first order differential system, which is closed. The circular orbit limit of the energy loss agrees with Ioka and Taniguchi's earlier result

    Proof of Kolmogorovian Censorship

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    Many argued (Accardi and Fedullo, Pitowsky) that Kolmogorov's axioms of classical probability theory are incompatible with quantum probabilities, and this is the reason for the violation of Bell's inequalities. Szab\'o showed that, in fact, these inequalities are not violated by the experimentally observed frequencies if we consider the real, ``effective'' frequencies. We prove in this work a theorem which generalizes this result: ``effective'' frequencies associated to quantum events always admit a Kolmogorovian representation, when these events are collected through different experimental set ups, the choice of which obeys a classical distribution.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    Quantum Magnetic Impurities in Magnetically Ordered Systems

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    We discuss the problem of a spin 1/2 impurity immersed in a spin S magnetically ordered background. We show that the problem maps onto a generalization of the dissipative two level system (DTLS) with two independent heat baths, associated with the Goldstone modes of the magnet, that couple to different components of the impurity spin operator. Using analytical perturbative renormalization group (RG) methods and accurate numerical renormalization group (NRG) we show that contrary to other dissipative models there is quantum frustration of decoherence and quasi-scaling even in the strong coupling regime. We make predictions for the behavior of the impurity magnetic susceptibility that can be measured in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. Our results may also have relevance to quantum computation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Positive tension 3-branes in an AdS5AdS_{5} bulk

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    In this work, we review and extend the so-called consistency conditions for the existence of a braneworld scenario in arbitrary dimensions in the Brans-Dicke (BD) gravitational theory. After that, we consider the particular case of a five-dimensional scenario which seems to have phenomenological interesting implications. We show that, in the BD framework, it is possible to achieve necessary conditions pointing to the possibility of accommodating branes with positive tensions in an AdS bulk by the presence of the additional BD scalar field, avoiding in this way the necessity of including unstable objects in the compactification scheme. Furthermore, in the context of time variable brane tension, it is shown that the brane tension may change its sign, following the bulk cosmological constant sign.Comment: 15 pages, new version to appear in JHE

    Spinning compact binary inspiral II: Conservative angular dynamics

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    We establish the evolution equations of the set of independent variables characterizing the 2PN rigorous conservative dynamics of a spinning compact binary, with the inclusion of the leading order spin-orbit, spin-spin and mass quadrupole - mass monopole effects, for generic (noncircular, nonspherical) orbits. More specifically, we give a closed system of first order ordinary differential equations for the orbital elements of the osculating ellipse and for the angles characterizing the spin orientations with respect to the osculating orbit. We also prove that (i) the relative angle of the spins stays constant for equal mass black holes, irrespective of their orientation, and (ii) the special configuration of equal mass black holes with equal, but antialigned spins, both laying in the plane of motion (leading to the largest recoil found in numerical simulations) is preserved at 2PN level of accuracy, with leading order spin-orbit, spin-spin and mass quadrupolar contributions included.Comment: v2: 19 pages, extended, improved, published versio

    Inflation and late time acceleration in braneworld cosmological models with varying brane tension

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    Braneworld models with variable brane tension λ\lambda introduce a new degree of freedom that allows for evolving gravitational and cosmological constants, the latter being a natural candidate for dark energy. We consider a thermodynamic interpretation of the varying brane tension models, by showing that the field equations with variable λ\lambda can be interpreted as describing matter creation in a cosmological framework. The particle creation rate is determined by the variation rate of the brane tension, as well as by the brane-bulk energy-matter transfer rate. We investigate the effect of a variable brane tension on the cosmological evolution of the Universe, in the framework of a particular model in which the brane tension is an exponentially dependent function of the scale factor. The resulting cosmology shows the presence of an initial inflationary expansion, followed by a decelerating phase, and by a smooth transition towards a late accelerated de Sitter type expansion. The varying brane tension is also responsible for the generation of the matter in the Universe (reheating period). The physical constraints on the model parameters, resulted from the observational cosmological data, are also investigated.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Renormalized spin coefficients in the accumulated orbital phase for unequal mass black hole binaries

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    We analyze galactic black hole mergers and their emitted gravitational waves. Such mergers have typically unequal masses with mass ratio of the order 1/10. The emitted gravitational waves carry the inprint of spins and mass quadrupoles of the binary components. Among these contributions, we consider here the quasi-precessional evolution of the spins. A method of taking into account these third post-Newtonian (3PN) effects by renormalizing (redefining) the 1.5 PN and 2PN accurate spin contributions to the accumulated orbital phase is developed.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in Class. Quantum Grav. GWDAW13 Proceedings Special Issue, v2: no typos conjectur