16 research outputs found

    Inzulin-túlérzékenységi reakció vagy valami más? Tanulságok egy eset kapcsán = Lessons from a case of suspected insulin allergy

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    Today, insulin hypersensitivity reactions are rare side effects of insulin therapy. In two-thirds of the suspected insulin allergy cases, the clinical symptoms are not related to insulin. The authors report the case of a 64-year-old female patient, by whom lymphocyte tarnsformation test (LIT) has been used to elucidate the background of allergic symptoms developed during insulin therapy. The performed LTT did not support hypersensitivity to insulin, however, the positive protamine test raised the suspicion of fish allergy. Complementary immunoserology also highlighted the coexistence of previously unrevealed thyroid disease. To our knowledge, this is the first documented case report in Hungary that attempts to address the real cause of a suspected hypersensitivity reaction to insulin by using LTT

    Atípusos haemorrhagiás bőrtünetek hátterében igazolt hajas sejtes leukaemia poliszenzibilizált betegen

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    A nemszteroid gyulladáscsökkentők (NSAID-ok) lokális és szisztémás formában történő alkalmazása egyre elterjed- tebbé vált, az ezzel kapcsolatos adverz reakciók gyakoriak. A szerzők egy 49 éves férfi beteg esetét ismertetik, aki lábszárak fájdalma miatt etofenamáttartalmú lokális készítményt alkalmazott, majd az alkalmazás helyén, UV-expozíciót követően, haemorrhagiás, atípusos, kontaktdermatitisnek megfelelő bőrtünetek jelentek meg. Tüneteinek rapid terjedése miatt sürgősségi fekvőbeteg-ellátásra szorult. Fizikális vizsgálata során az etofenamátexpozíció helyén, mindkét lábszáron, valamint azon túlmenően a karokon, valamint a törzsön és az arcon bevérzett, konfluáló, erythemás seropapulákat és maculákat láttunk, melyek mellett testszerte és a buccalis nyálkahártyán petechiák voltak megfigyelhetők. A nagy kiterjedésű és aspecifikus bőrtünetek, a fizikális vizsgálattal észlelt splenomegalia, valamint a perifériás vérképeltérés miatt indított onkohematológiai kivizsgálás során hajas sejtes leukaemia diagnózisa igazolódott. Epicutan tesztelés (ET) során az etofenamáttartalmú gélre adott, erősen pozitív reakció mellett fakátrány-, propilén- glikol-, propolisz-, ’fragrance mix I’, metilizotiazolinon-, benzoesav- és perubalzsam-poliszenzibilizáció volt verifi- kálható. Az etofenamát hatóanyaggal elvégzett lymphocytatranszformációs teszt (LTT) és CD69-expresszió-vizsgálat negatív eredményt adott

    Toward Personalized Oral Diagnosis: Distinct Microbiome Clusters in Periodontitis Biofilms

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    Periodontitis is caused by pathogenic subgingival microbial biofilm development and dysbiotic interactions between host and hosted microbes. A thorough characterization of the subgingival biofilms by deep amplicon sequencing of 121 individual periodontitis pockets of nine patients and whole metagenomic analysis of the saliva microbial community of the same subjects were carried out. Two biofilm sampling methods yielded similar microbial compositions. Taxonomic mapping of all biofilms revealed three distinct microbial clusters. Two clinical diagnostic parameters, probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment level (CAL), correlated with the cluster mapping. The dysbiotic microbiomes were less diverse than the apparently healthy ones of the same subjects. The most abundant periodontal pathogens were also present in the saliva, although in different representations. The single abundant species Tannerella forsythia was found in the diseased pockets in about 16–17-fold in excess relative to the clinically healthy sulcus, making it suitable as an indicator of periodontitis biofilms. The discrete microbial communities indicate strong selection by the host immune system and allow the design of targeted antibiotic treatment selective against the main periodontal pathogen(s) in the individual patients

    Complex Events Initiated by Individual Spikes in the Human Cerebral Cortex

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    Synaptic interactions between neurons of the human cerebral cortex were not directly studied to date. We recorded the first dataset, to our knowledge, on the synaptic effect of identified human pyramidal cells on various types of postsynaptic neurons and reveal complex events triggered by individual action potentials in the human neocortical network. Brain slices were prepared from nonpathological samples of cortex that had to be removed for the surgical treatment of brain areas beneath association cortices of 58 patients aged 18 to 73 y. Simultaneous triple and quadruple whole-cell patch clamp recordings were performed testing mono- and polysynaptic potentials in target neurons following a single action potential fired by layer 2/3 pyramidal cells, and the temporal structure of events and underlying mechanisms were analyzed. In addition to monosynaptic postsynaptic potentials, individual action potentials in presynaptic pyramidal cells initiated long-lasting (37 ± 17 ms) sequences of events in the network lasting an order of magnitude longer than detected previously in other species. These event series were composed of specifically alternating glutamatergic and GABAergic postsynaptic potentials and required selective spike-to-spike coupling from pyramidal cells to GABAergic interneurons producing concomitant inhibitory as well as excitatory feed-forward action of GABA. Single action potentials of human neurons are sufficient to recruit Hebbian-like neuronal assemblies that are proposed to participate in cognitive processes

    Predominantly linear summation of metabotropic postsynaptic potentials follows coactivation of neurogliaform interneurons

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    Summation of ionotropic receptor-mediated responses is critical in neuronal computation by shaping input-output characteristics of neurons. However, arithmetics of summation for metabotropic signals are not known. We characterized the combined ionotropic and metabotropic output of neocortical neurogliaform cells (NGFCs) using electrophysiological and anatomical methods in the rat cerebral cortex. These experiments revealed that GABA receptors are activated outside release sites and confirmed coactivation of putative NGFCs in superficial cortical layers in vivo. Triple recordings from presynaptic NGFCs converging to a postsynaptic neuron revealed sublinear summation of ionotropic GABA(A) responses and linear summation of metabotropic GABA(B) responses. Based on a model combining properties of volume transmission and distributions of all NGFC axon terminals, we predict that in 83% of cases one or two NGFCs can provide input to a point in the neuropil. We suggest that interactions of metabotropic GABAergic responses remain linear even if most superficial layer interneurons specialized to recruit GABA(B) receptors are simultaneously active

    Fluoxetine (Prozac) and Serotonin Act on Excitatory Synaptic Transmission to Suppress Single Layer 2/3 Pyramidal Neuron-Triggered Cell Assemblies in the Human Prefrontal Cortex

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    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the most widely prescribed drugs targeting the CNS with acute and chronic effects in cognitive, emotional and behavioral processes. This suggests that microcircuits of the human cerebral cortex are powerfully modulated by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, however, direct measurements of serotonergic regulation on human synaptic interactions are missing. Using multiple whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from neurons in acute cortical slices derived from nonpathological human samples of the prefrontal cortex, we show that neuronal assemblies triggered by single action potentials of individual neurons in the human cortex are suppressed by therapeutic doses of fluoxetine (Prozac). This effect is boosted and can be mimicked by physiological concentrations of serotonin through 5HT-2A and 5HT-1A receptors. Monosynaptic excitatory connections from pyramidal cells to interneurons were suppressed by application of serotonin leaving the monosynaptic output of GABAergic cells unaffected. Changes in failure rate, in paired-pulse ratio, and in the coefficient of variation of the amplitude of EPSPs suggest a presynaptic action of serotonin. In conclusion, activation of neuronal assemblies, which were suggested as building blocks of high order cognitive processes, are effectively downregulated by the acute action of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or serotonin at the site of pyramidal output in human microcircuits