7 research outputs found

    Education for Sustainable Airports

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    AbstractInternational and national airport industry and all its relevant institutions have been adopting more holistic sustainability approaches. By doing so, they aim at achieving the full integration of economic viability, operational efficiency, livability, natural resource conservation and social responsibility. All these bring to the stage a new concept: Environmental bioethics, - which asserts that “all other living species, ecosystems and the entire sphere should constitute focus of ethical concern” and which therefore is” a naturalistic ethics”- creates a unique ethics branch as it transcends the short-term interests of the human beings and becomes a concept on which we build our values to ensure realization of “biopolitics” for the sustainable airports. Therefore there will certainly be a need for structural, long-lasting and international “biopolitics” that will be developed in line with “environmental bioethics”. Sustainable airports should set an example and be the leader within the transition of environmental bioethics of the region that they belong to. Therefore environmental education is not just environmental protection - but environmental bioethics education is essential to understand and tackle environmental problems of sustainable airports. The purpose of this paper is to describe environmental education in the context of environmental bioethics for the sustainable airports planning, construction and operational initiatives

    Halk Eğitimi ve Toplum Kalkınması Açısından Köy Enstitüleri

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    Köy Enstitüleri hareketi, yalnızca bir ilköğretim seferberliği ve ilkokul öğretmeni yetiştirme girişimi olmaktan öte, kırsal yaşamda istenen kalkınmanın dizgeli bir halk eğitimi ve toplum eğitimi yaklaşımı olarak toplum kalkınmasının eğitsel boyutunu oluşturmuştur. Yerel girişkenliğin ve önderliğin halkın çabalarını örgütlemede, özellikle kooperatifçilik yoluyla ekonomik sorunlara çözüm getirmede Köy Enstitüleri girişiminden alınacak dersler vardır

    Türkiyede göçmen hareketleri ve göçmenlerin yerleştirilmesi.

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from : Amme İdaresi Dergisi, Cilt 3, Sayı 4, Aralık 1970

    Vefatının 23. yıldönümünde büyük Ata'yı anarken:Milli Eğitim davamız ve Atatürk

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya Adı: 1939-2000 Atatürk'ü Anma Törenler