120 research outputs found

    Соціально-психологічні детермінанти бродяжництва підлітків

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    Геращенко, О. В. Соціально-психологічні детермінанти бродяжництва підлітків / О. В. Геращенко // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 4 (59). - С. 147–150.Gerashchenko, O.V. (201 5), “Social and psychological determinants of teenagers’ vagrancy” [“Sotsialnopsykholohichni determinanty brodiazhnytstva pidlitkiv”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 4, pp. 1 47–1 50.Розглянуто теоретичні аспекти проблеми бездоглядності та бродяжництва підлітків. Показано, що бродяжництво – мультифакторний феномен, в основі якого лежать соціально-економічні, соціально-психологічні та психологічні чинники, які результуються у переживанні підлітком безпосередніх причин самовільного залишення домівки. Наведено результати емпіричного дослідження причин бродяжництва юнаків та дівчат.Theoretical aspects of the problem of teenagers’ homelessness and vagrancy are considered. It is shown that the real number of street children in the country is unknown and it can exceed official statistical data in many times. Vagrancy of teenagers is considered as a multifactorial phenomenon, the basis of which are different groups of reasons like: social and economic, which break or considerably change life-way of the society (processes of urbanization, globalization, economic and social instability of the society and financial instability of families), psycho-social (negative situations of communication with adults and contemporaries) and psychological (psychophysical anomalies, character accentuation, personal features). It is shown that escapes ofteenagers from homes are the main immediate causes oftheir vagrancy. Results of empirical research of the reasons of the vagrancy of young men and girls are provided. It is revealed that the reasons of the escape of young men are mainly impunitive and emancipational, and concerning the girls – emancipational and demonstrative.Рассмотрены теоретические аспекты проблемы беспризорности и бродяжничества подростков. Показано, что бродяжничество – мультифакторный феномен, в основе которого лежат социально-экономические, социально-психологические и психологические условия, которые результируются в переживании подростком непосредственных причин его самовольного ухода из дома. Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования причин бродяжничества юношей и девушек

    Lecture Course “Modern Physics”

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    In the paper, the structure of the lecture course “Modern Physics” is described in detail. The course is based on a logical presentation of modern ideas about quantum-, atomic-, nuclear-, and molecular physics as well as astrophysics. A special attention is paid to a relatively new interdisciplinary research field, namely the physics of open systems, and to the study of clusters as one of the most promising scientific areas. Separate chapters of the textbook are devoted to nonlinear optics, quantum information, structure and dynamics of molecules. The fundamental laws and concepts of modern physics, their relationship and origin are comprehensively discussed. It is underlined that this lecture course is intended, first of all, for students of technical universities, postgraduate students of relevant specialties, as well as professors of vocation-related subjects. The inclusion of new sections of physics in the curricula of universities is rationalized, in particular, by the fact that physics is closely related to engineering. Due to this fact, the important role that physics plays in society becomes especially evident. The paper may also be of interest to those who are fond of physics and its state-of-the art

    Психологічні чинники підліткового бродяжництва

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    Геращенко, О. В. Психологічні чинники підліткового бродяжництва / Олег Володимирович Геращенко // Бочаровські читання : матеріали наук.-практ. конф. [з міжнар. участю], присвяч. пам’яті проф. С. П. Бочарової (м. Харків, 18 берез. 2016 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2016. – С. 170-172.Розглянуто теоретичні аспекти проблеми бездоглядності та бродяжництва підлітків. Показано, що бродяжництво – мультифакторний феномен, в основі якого лежать соціально-економічні, соціально-психологічні та психологічні чинники, які результуються у переживанні підлітком безпосередніх причин самовільного залишення домівки.Theoretical aspects of the problem of neglect and vagrancy are considered teenagers It is shown that vagrancy is a multifactorial phenomenon, the basis of which there are socio-economic, socio-psychological and psychological factors that result in the adolescent experiencing the immediate causes of voluntary abandonment homes.Рассмотрены теоретические аспекты проблемы безнадзорности и бродяжничества подростков. Показано, что бродяжничество – мультифакторный феномен, в основе которого лежат социально-экономические, социально-психологические и психологические факторы, которые результируются в переживании подростком непосредственных причин самовольного ухода дома

    Fusion expression of recombinant human beta-defensin-3 and analysis of its biological activity

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    Human beta-defensins (hBDs) are small cationic antimicrobial peptides with multiple biologic activities. The aim of the study was cloning, expression in E.coli, purification and in vitro analysis of biological activity of recombinant human beta-defensin-3 (rec-hBD-3). hBD-3 cDNA was cloned into pGEX-2T vector, and recombinant plasmid was transformed into E.coli BL21(DE3) cells. Rec-hBD-3 was expressed in bacterial cells as GST-hBD-3 fusion protein, and purified by 3-step procedure via affine chromatography on glutathione-agarose, cleavage of fusion protein by thrombin, and reverse phase chromatography on Sep-Pack C18. Analysis of biological activity of rec-hBD-3 has shown that the peptide is active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in micromolar concentrations in radial diffusion test. Rec-hBD-3 did not affect proliferation and viability of cultured human cancer cells of A431, A549, and TPC-1 lines, but was capable to potentiate cytotoxic effects of rec-hBD-2 and docetaxel in vitro

    Realization of the Vilnius photometric system for CCD-observations of selected sky areas at the Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory

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    We describe a set of glass UPXYZVS filters of the Vilnius photometric system of the Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory in Zhytomyr Region (Ukraine) [7]. They are installed at the Zeiss-600 Cassegrain reflector together with the 15-bit 1024×1024 CCD-camera S1C-017. The response curves of instrumental photometric systems are presented and a comparison of them with a standard system are analysed. Test observations in the Vilnius system of the star cluster IC 4665 with the Andrushivka filters were carried out in May–June 2003. The MIDAS/ROMAFOT and ASTROIMAGE software is adapted for digital processing of CCD-images of stellar fields. Comprehensive ground-based observations are being planned to design a catalogue of primary UPXYZVS CCD-standards in selected areas of the sky where are with radio sources, globular and open clusters, etc

    Involvement of human beta-defensin-2 in regulation of malignant potential of cultured human melanoma cells

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    Background and Aim: Human beta-defensin-2 (hBD-2) is an antimicrobial cationic peptide capable to control human carcinoma cell growth via cell cycle regulation. The present study was aimed on determination of hBD-2 influence on the growth patterns and malignant potential of cultured human melanoma cells. Methods: The study was performed on cultured human melanoma cells of mel Z and mel Is lines treated with recombinant hBD-2 (rec-hBD-2); cell viability, proliferation, cell cycle distribution, and anchorage-independent growth were analyzed using MTT test, direct cell counting, flow cytometry, and colony forming assay respectively. Expression and/or phosphorylation levels of proteins involved in cell cycle control were evaluated by Western blotting. Results: The treatment of mel Z and mel Is cells with rec-hBD-2 in a concentration range of 100–1000 nM resulted in a concentration-dependent suppression of cell proliferation, viability, and colony forming activity. It has been shown that rec-hBD-2 exerts its growth suppression effects via significant downregulation of B-Raf expression, activation of pRB and upregulation of p21WAF1 expression, downregulation of cyclin D1 and cyclin E resulting in cell cycle arrest at G1/S checkpoint. Conclusion: According to obtained results, hBD-2 exerts its growth suppression effect toward human melanoma cells via downregulation of B-Raf, cyclin D1 and cyclin E expression, upregulation of p21WAF1 expression and activation of pRB. Key Words: human beta-defensin-2, melanoma, proliferation, viability, cell cycle, B-Raf, anchorage-independent growth

    Використання ефекту мікрокоагуляції для керування зв'язуванням води у гетерогенній системі поліметилсилоксан/кремнезем/вода

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    The binding of water in heterogeneous systems containing polymethylsiloxane (PMS) pyrogenic nanosilica (A-300) water and the surface-active substance decametoxin (DMT) was studied. Composite systems were created using metered mechanical loads. The low-temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy was used to measure the structural and thermodynamic parameters of bound water. It is shown that when filling PMS interparticle gaps with hydrocompaction, the interfacial energy of water in the interparticle gaps of hydrophobic PMS with the same hydration is twice as large as the interfacial energy of water in hydrophilic silica A-300. This is due to the smaller linear dimensions of the interparticle gaps in the ICP compared with the A-300. In the composite system, A-300/PMS/DMT/H2O, a non-additive growth of water binding energy is observed, which is likely due to the formation, under the influence of mechanical load in the presence of water, of microheterogeneous sites, consisting mainly of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic components (microcoagulation). Thus, using mechanical loads, you can control the adsorption properties of composite systems.Вивчено зв'язування води в гетерогенних системах, що містять поліметилсилоксан, високодисперсний аморфний кремнезем, воду і поверхнево-активну речовину – декаметоксин. Композитні системи створювалися при використанні дозованих механічних навантажень. Методом низькотемпературної 1Н ЯМР-спектроскопії вимірювалися структурні і термодинамічні параметри зв'язаної води. Показано, що при заповненні міжчастинкових зазорів поліметилсилоксану способом гідроущільнення, міжфазна енергія води при однаковій гідратованості вдвічі перевищує міжфазну енергію води в гідрофільному кремнеземі. Це пов'язано з меншими лінійними розмірами міжчастинкових зазорів в поліметилсилоксані порівняно з кремнеземом. В композитній системі, кремнезем/поліметилсилоксан/декаметоксин/вода спостерігається неадитивне зростання енергії зв'язування води, яке, ймовірно, обумовлене формуванням, під впливом механічного навантаження в присутності води, мікрогетерогенних ділянок, що складаються переважно з гідрофобної і гідрофільної компонент (мікрокоагуляція). Таким чином, за допомогою механічних навантажень можна керувати адсорбційними властивостями композитних систе

    Aberrant expression of selenium-containing glutathione peroxidases in clear cell renal cell carcinomas

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    Aim: To find putative diagnostic markers for clear cell renal cell carcinomas (ccRCC). Material and methods: Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR), bisulfite treatment, methylation-specific PCR, analysis on cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics. Results: We have found that expression of GPX 1, GPX3, and GPX4 genes was decreased in ccRCC. We have shown that the number of alanine (GCG) repeats at the amino terminus of the GPX1 protein is variable. It was reported earlier that an allele that possess 5 alanine repeats is associated with the increased cancer risk. According to the obtained data, the allele with the 5 alanine repeats was also present in a group of healthy donors. Moreover, the frequency of alleles with repeats was similar among ccRCC patients and healthy individuals. We found that decreased expression of GPXs genes was not associated with promoter methylation. To provide other explanation, an analysis on the gene copy number was performed. We have found the heterozygous deletions for GPX1 gene, amplification for GPX3 gene, and no change in gene copy number for GPX4. Conclusions: Our data support the hypothesis that GPX1, GPX3, and GPX4 genes may play a role in ccRCC cancerogenesis and therefore they might be considered as putative diagnostic markers for ccRCC. Key Words: clear cell renal cell carcinomas, selenium-containing GPXs, genetic and epigenetic regulation