87 research outputs found

    Social Representation of Religion by University Faculty.

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    Do university faculty have a social representation (SR) of religion and of the relationship between science and religion? 26 advanced scientists from the exact, biological and human sciences, of University of São Paulo, Brazil, were interviewed about the relationships they establish, or fail to establish, between science and religion. The results showed no conscious conflict between science and religion; little or no intersection between science and religion; rejection of the dogmatic character of Christianity and of the unlimited claims of science; respect toward historical religions, and openness to other forms of religiosity. The results are discussed through Moscovici’s concept of the social representation.Terão os docentes-pesquisadores universitários uma representação social (RS) da religião e das relações entre religião e ciência? Foram entrevistados cientistas avançados das áreas de ciências exatas, biológicas e humanas, da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil, acerca das relações que estabelecem, ou não, entre ciência e religião. Os resultados mostraram inexistência de conflito consciente entre ciência e religião; pouca ou nenhuma intersecção entre ambas; rejeição tanto do caráter dogmático do cristianismo como das pretensões ilimitadas da ciência; respeito pelas religiões históricas e abertura para novas formas de religiosidade. Os resultados são discutidos com o conceito de RS, de Moscovici

    O Estado e a educação religiosa: observações a partir da psicologia

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    Religious education offered by the State is dealt with from the point of view of the adequate psychological conditions to be efficiently provided: interpersonal relations in a small group, distinctiveness of stimuli, and insertion into a broader reference group. As a philosophical basis, necessary to the psychological point of view, it presents Habermas’ and Ratzinger’s concept of democratic State, whose function is not only to tolerate but to promote cultural diversity of its component groups, according to the assumption of communicative action or dialog.O tema da educação religiosa oferecida pelo Estado é tratado do ponto de vista das condições psicológicas adequadas sua eficiente ministração, a saber, estabelecimento de relações interpessoais no pequeno grupo, nitidez na apresentação das informações e inserção num grupo de referência mais abrangente. Como base filosófica, necessária ao ponto de vista psicológico, é apresentada a visão de Habermas e Ratzinger do Estado democrático, cuja função é não só tolerar, mas promover a diversidade cultural dos grupos que o compõem, sobre o pressuposto da ação comunicativa ou do diálogo

    AIDS, Psicologia e Religião:: O Estado da Questão na Literatura Psicológica

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    Some relationships between health and religion were studied through a critical examination of recent psychologicalliterature. Health, and its correlate disease, was considered as dependent on the immune system; religion was meant asa way of coping. Theoretical and empirical literature, especially Jenkins' research (1995) on the relation between religion andAIDS, were discussed. Some hints were drawn from the available literature, concerning personal and institutional religiouscoping for AIDS' patients.Estudaram-se algumas relações entre saúde e religião, por meio de levantamento crítico da literatura psicológica recente. Considerou-se a saúde, e seu correlato a doença, particularmente enquanto dependente do sistema imunológico; entendeu-se a religião como forma de enfrentamento. Foram examinadas tanto a literatura teórica quanto as pesquisas empíricas disponíveis, com destaque da pesquisa específica de Jenkins (1995) sobre religião e a síndrome da imuno-deficiência adquirida (AIDS). Os estudos examinados ensejaram algumas sugestões relativas ao enfrentamento religioso, pessoal e eventualmente institucional, no caso da referida síndrome

    Classic Religiousness, Contemporary Spirituality and Quality of Life: A Psychological Discussion

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    Religiosity, Spirituality and Quality of Life are conceptually defined and some of their relationships are discussed. Leading psychological references guiding this dicussion are emotion, corporality, identity, group belonging, and factors of personality. Their comparison, based on experimental research from psychological literature, demonstrates how spirituality and religiosity acquire different modalities or degrees in these psychological variables, according to the culture and age of the subjects and to the manner of presentation of the questions in the instrument. The contribution of Religiosity and Spirituality to Quality of Life are pointed out.Definem-se os conceitos de religiosidade, espiritualidade e qualidade de vida e discutem-se algumas relações entre qualidade de vida e, de um lado, religiosidade e, de outro, espiritualidade. As referências psicológicas utilizadas nessa discussão incluem emoção, corporalidade, identidade, pertença grupal e fatores de personalidade. Na comparação, lastreada em estudos experimentais da literatura psicológica, religiosidade e espiritualidade revelam modalidades ou gradações diferentes nessas variáveis psicológicas, dependentes da cultura e da faixa etária dos sujeitos e da maneira como lhes são propostos os quesitos no instrumento. Apontam-se as contribuições que religiosidade e espiritualidade podem oferecer para a qualidade de vida

    Ciência, religião, psicologia: conhecimento e comportamento

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    Comparam-se as respostas ao Questionário de Leuba relativo à crença dos cientistas num Deus pessoal e na imortalidade pessoal, obtidas em 1916, 1933, 1996 e 1998, as quais não apresentam grande variedade estatística. Apresentam-se, a seguir, algumas tentativas recentes de entendimento mútuo entre ciência e religião, com destaque das posições de Barbour, Haught e Hefner, que propõem a superação do confronto e da indiferença pelo diálogo e pela integração. Finalmente, discute-se a relação do cientista com a religião do ponto de vista não mais epistemológico, mas psicológico, com base em pesquisa com pesquisadores universitários das áreas das ciências físicas, biológicas e humanas.<br>Answers given by scientists in 1916, 1933, 1996, and 1998 to Leuba's Questionnaire about their beliefs in God and personal immortality are compared. Some recent proposals of mutual acknowledgment between science and religion follow, with emphasis on Barbour's, Haught's, and Hefner's analyses, that suggest overcoming confrontation and indifference with dialogue and integration. Finally, scientists' personal relations to religion are discussed from a psychological, not epistemological, perspective based on an empirical study with Brazilian researchers in the areas of physical, biological and human sciences

    Novas religiões japonesas e sua inserção no Brasil: discussões a partir da psicologia

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    Informed consent for dentistry in public hospitals, Federal District, Brazil

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    A individualidade e o poder de decisão dos indivíduos devem ser respeitados. A autonomia manifestada por meio do consentimento livre e esclarecido é a fonte de tal respeito. Este trabalho visou levantar dados sobre a realidade no uso do consentimento livre e esclarecido nos hospitais públicos do Distrito Federal. Um questionário foi encaminhado aos dentistas dos hospitais públicos para ser respondido. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que, no início do tratamento, é utilizado o consentimento livre e esclarecido, de forma verbal, na maioria dos hospitais. Observam-se, ainda, equívocos na utilização e conceituação do consentimento livre e esclarecido. Os documentos misturam autorização do uso de imagem, com consentimento livre e esclarecido. Os documentos apresentam poucas informações e não esclarecem aspectos importantes do tratamento. Portanto, os cirurgiões-dentistas atuantes na rede pública hospitalar necessitam de um aprofundamento nos fundamentos bioéticos com o intuito de congregarem, ao princípio da beneficência, já consolidado e normatizado, o princípio da autonomia.Personal powers of decision and individuality must be respected, grounded on autonomy expressed through informed consent. This paper examines data on the actual use of informed consent in public hospitals in Brazil’s Federal District. A questionnaire was completed by dentists in public hospitals, and its findings show that verbal informed consent is obtained at the start of treatment in most of the hospitals. Errors were noted in the use and conceptualization of informed consent. Failing to distinguish between image rights authorization and informed consent, the documents provide little information and do not explain important aspects of the treatment. Dentists practicing in the public hospital network thus need more detailed knowledge of basic bioethics in order to merge the long-consolidated and regulated principle of welfare with the principle of autonomy

    Acute kidney injury and pancreatitis due to scorpion sting: case report and literature review

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    Despite the high number of accidents due to scorpion stings in Brazil, severe cases in adults are seldomly reported. In the Northeast region of Brazil, Tityus stigmurus is the most prevalent species. A 69 year-old woman who was stung by a scorpion attended the emergency room 5 hours after envenomation. She got worse due to abdominal pain. Clinical findings were concordant with class III scorpion envenomation (major systemic manifestations), complicated by acute kidney injury and acute pancreatitis. Intensive supportive therapy was adopted. In the follow-up, 3 months later, she was completely recovered. This report is being brought to recommend the thorough management of victims of scorpion accidents, enabling early diagnosis of severe complications, which could lead to death if aggressive supportive measures are not early and adequately taken

    Effect of two concentrate levels at the beginning of lactation on milk production and reproductive efficiency

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    An experiment was conducted at the "Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Leite"/EMBRAPA, utilizing 24 crossbred Holstein-Zebu cows, to test the following treatments: A) feeding regimen calculated to supply the maintenance requirements of crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) of a 500 kg dairy cow plus 120% of the requirements of these nutrients for an estimated milk production of 12 kg/day during the first twelve weeks of lactation; B) feeding regimen calculated to supply the maintenance requirements of CP and TDN, plus 85% of the requirements of these nutrients for milk production during the same period of  lactation. After this period, all 24 cows were fed according to the National Research Council (1978) standards, to the end of lactation. Milk production was higher (P < 0.05) and weight loss was lower (P < 0.01) in treatment A than in treatment B, during the first twelve weeks of lactation. There were no differences in production or composition of milk from day 85th to the end of lactation period. The interval from parturition to first ovulation was higher (P < 0.05) and the calving interval shorter (P < 0.05) in treatment A than in treatment B. Crossbred dairy cows should be fed according to National Research Council (1978) standards.An experiment was conducted at the "Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Leite"/EMBRAPA, utilizing 24 crossbred Holstein-Zebu cows, to test the following treatments: A) feeding regimen calculated to supply the maintenance requirements of crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) of a 500 kg dairy cow plus 120% of the requirements of these nutrients for an estimated milk production of 12 kg/day during the first twelve weeks of lactation; B) feeding regimen calculated to supply the maintenance requirements of CP and TDN, plus 85% of the requirements of these nutrients for milk production during the same period of  lactation. After this period, all 24 cows were fed according to the National Research Council (1978) standards, to the end of lactation. Milk production was higher (P < 0.05) and weight loss was lower (P < 0.01) in treatment A than in treatment B, during the first twelve weeks of lactation. There were no differences in production or composition of milk from day 85th to the end of lactation period. The interval from parturition to first ovulation was higher (P < 0.05) and the calving interval shorter (P < 0.05) in treatment A than in treatment B. Crossbred dairy cows should be fed according to National Research Council (1978) standards