295 research outputs found

    Telegram from Frank Meehan, President, UFCW Local 1500, to Geraldine Ferraro

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    Telegram from Frank Meehan, President, UFCW Local 1500, to Geraldine Ferraro. Meehan offer congratulations and support of the union local. Includes data entry form.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_new_york/1001/thumbnail.jp

    An Intriguing Monument

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    Employee Financial Wellness Programs: A Review of the Literature and Directions for Future Research

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    This is a literature review of studies that have examined the implementation of financial wellness programs in the workplace. The review suggests that employee financial wellness programs (EFWPs) have drawn on both existing and new methods to improve the financial security of employees. Although a number of studies have been conducted on employer-based financial education and retirement planning, evidence concerning the efficacy of EFWPs is limited. Moreover, the methodological shortcomings of studies in the workplace financial wellness field have limited evidence concerning returns on investment and impeded efforts to make best-practice recommendations. Thus, researchers should consider strengthening the evidence base for EFWPs by using experimental evaluation designs, improving measurement, and enhancing the use of administrative data. By better understanding the features, attractiveness, and benefits of EFWPs, researchers can develop and rigorously evaluate well-designed programs with the potential for large-scale implementation

    Employee Financial Wellness Programs: Differences in Reach by Race and Ethnicity

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    Employee Financial Wellness Programs (EF-WPs) consist of a wide array of workplace-based services and benefits that aim to enhance em-ployees’ financial well-being, such as in-person financial coaching, online financial management tools, and payroll advances or short-term loans. EFWP provision varies across employers with few organizations offering the same set of services. The recently released Employee Financial Well-ness Programs Project: Comprehensive Report of Findings notes that EFWP utilization rates and employee self-reported benefits also vary widely. This report continues the examination of varia-tion in EFWP trends by breaking down measures of EFWP reach by employee race and ethnicity. We examine three measures of differences in EFWP reach: awareness of, use of, and self-reported benefits from EFWP services. By examining these three measures by employee race and ethnicity, we hope to determine whether any group of em-ployees has a substantially different experience with EFWPs than others

    Employee Financial Wellness Programs Project: Comprehensive Report of Findings

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    Using insights from employers and employees to generate evidence on employee financial wellness programs (EFWPs), this research report illustrates findings from a mixed-methods study assessing the potential of these programs to increase the financial stability of American workers. The research team surveyed employers that offered or were interested in offering an EFWP and subsequently conducted in-depth interviews with a subsample of those employers to acquire a greater understanding of survey responses. Further, the research team conducted intensive case studies, examining the relationship between EFWP providers and their clients as well as the dynamics of program delivery. These case studies benefitted from administrative data on employees’ participation in their employer’s EFWP. Lastly, as part of a module within the Household Financial Survey of the Refund to Savings Initiative, the research team gathered individual-level survey data from low- and moderate-income employees to understand their interests in and experiences with EFWPs

    COVID-19: How important is education for social distancing and remote work

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    Public health interventions such as occupational social distancing and remote working, while critical to slow the spread of the coronavirus, are severely disrupting labour markets. We examine the impact of educational attainment on a worker’s potential to engage in both occupational social distancing in the workplace and working from home requirements for the Irish case. We identify that remote working has a more significant economic effect on labour market inequalities than occupational social distancing. In fact, the results indicate the relationship between occupational social distancing and differences in worker demographics are small. Remote working inequalities are primarily related to differences in individual education levels and a worker’s gender

    Employee Financial Wellness Programs: Differences in Reach by Financial Circumstances

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    Workplace-based Employee Financial Wellness Programs (EFWPs) aim to strengthen employees’ financial well-being through services such as financial coaching, payroll advances and short-term installment loans, credit counseling, debt management, and online financial management tools. Although EFWPs are a fast-growing part of employee benefit packages, offerings vary widely in service type and delivery method across em-ployers, and little research has assessed their efficacy and reach.1 Our prior research2 indicates significant differences among employees, includ-ing by race/ethnicity3, regarding their awareness, utilization, and self-reported benefits from EFWP services. This brief adds to this research by exam-ining these differences in EFWP reach by employ-ees’ financial circumstance

    Evaluación de la adición del aditivo superplastificante en los concretos de resistencia f¨c 210 convencional en Jaén 2021

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    Al investigar temas de ingeniería, en acorde con la tecnología y mejorando las estructuras que contempla el ámbito de la construcción, siempre es necesario tener en cuenta los parámetros permisibles de la normatividad vigente, especificaciones técnicas, como un buen control de calidad, sobre todo en los procesos constructivos, donde se parte la presente investigación denominada; “Evaluación del Aditivo Superplastificante en los Concreto de Resistencia f’c=210 convencional en Jaén – 2021”, teniendo como objetivo general evaluar la adición de aditivo superplastificante en un concreto convencional, planteando realizar el diseño de mezclas para producir un concreto convencional, verificar si el concreto convencional llega a su resistencia requerida y determinar las propiedades físicas y mecánicas del concreto convencional elaborado. Se consideró ensayos de tecnología del concreto, dentro de ello el diseño de mezclas como factor importante para el proporcionamiento, donde se requirió un concreto f’c=210kg/cm2, luego se le adiciono aditivo superplastificante en porcentajes de 2%, 4% y 6%, verificando si mejora la resistencia. Se realizaron probetas de 6” x 12”, cuyos especímenes sirven para realizar el ensayo a la comprensión uniaxial, con la relación carga aplicada sobre el área, aplicadas a los 7, 14 y 28 días, donde los resultados fueron satisfactorios para las tres combinaciones, se verifico que el aditivo superplastificante mejora sus propiedades físicas-mecánicas y sobre todo la resistencia. El aditivo que se utilizo es Superplastificante SIKA CEM, de acuerdo con las normas ASTM C 494, Tipo “A” y Tipo “D” (CEM, 2021). Con la adición del aditivo en los porcentajes considerados, se indica que al 2% aumenta la resistencia del concreto, de igual manera los demás porcentajes, pero se considera el primer resultado por ser más económico y eleva la resistencia, por lo tanto, sería el porcentaje óptimo a utilizar

    In-house or outsourcing skills: how best to manage for innovation?

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    Innovation is essential for driving business survival, development, and growth. Today, managers within firms continuously search for new ways to gain competitive advantage. In many cases, this comes from the effective use of intangible assets such as workplace skills and abilities. Despite this, little is known about what types of skills are required for innovation, whether these vary by innovation-type, or whether it matters if these skills are outsourced. This paper addresses these issues using data collected on eight skill types as part of the 2008–2010 Irish Community Innovation Survey. We find that there is substantial heterogeneity in the effectiveness of skills at generating different kinds of innovation. In addition, for some types of innovation, it is best to develop the skills in-house (e.g., Engineering skills for product innovation) while for others it is best to outsource the skills (e.g., Multimedia skills for process and organisational innovation)

    Employee Financial Wellness Programs: Promising New Benefit for Frontline Workers?

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    Interest among employers is growing in Employee financial wellness programs (EFWPs), a new type of benefit to address financial stress among employees. EFWPs benefits include financial counseling, small-dollar loans, and savings programs that address employees\u27 non-retirement financial needs. Little evidence exists concerning the availability and use of and outcomes associated with EFWPs, especially among low- and moderate-income (LMI) workers who may be in greatest need of these benefits. We present findings concerning awareness and use of EFWPs from a national survey of LMI workers (N=16,650). Availability of different EFWP benefits ranged from 11 to 15% and over a third of workers were unaware of whether their employer offered an EFWP. Experiencing financial difficulties predicted both EFWP awareness and use suggesting that employers take time to assess employees\u27 specific financial challenges to select benefits. Yet use of EFWPs by LMI workers may suggest the need for better compensation and work conditions
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