1,048 research outputs found

    Activity of human macrophages when exposed to visceral and cutaneous species of Leishmania spp.

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    As leishmanioses são doenças parasitárias que têm como agente etiológico um protozoário do género Leishmania. São transmitidas através da picada de insetos vetores, pertencentes à família Phlebotominae. É considerada um problema de saúde pública em vários países, e dependendo da espécie infetante origina diversas manifestações clínicas. O sistema imunitário é um importante componente do nosso organismo que tem a capacidade de identificar, inativar e eliminar os agentes patogénicos. Contudo, após ser fagocitado por macrófagos (MØ) Leishmania sobrevive, multiplica-se e estabelece uma infeção crónica no hospedeiro mamífero, subvertendo a atividade desta célula da imunidade inata que é também responsável pela apresentação antigénica e pela ligação à imunidade adquirida. Deste modo, é importante explorar a atividade macrofágica na presença de diferentes estirpes de Leishmania spp., tendo em vista a identificação de novos alvos profiláticos e terapêuticos, sobretudo que possibilitem novas soluções para colmatar a resistência aos fármacos antileishmania. No presente estudo foram avaliadas as taxas de infeção em macrófagos humanos expostos a promastigotas de L. infantum e de especies cutâneas de Leishmania. Adicionalmente, outros parâmetros importantes para a caracterização destas infeções, nomeadamente a produção do óxido nítrico (NO), análiseda libertação de armadilhas extracelulares por macrófagos (MET) e a capacidade de apresentarem antigénios através de moléculas do complexo maior de histocompatibilidade (MHC) foram investigados. Foi verificado que as espécies cutâneas originaram maiores taxas de infeção face à espécie visceral, o que conduziu a uma maior intensidade de infeção dos MØ. Foi também possível descrever pela primeira vez a libertação de MET na presença de L. infantum, ainda que aparentemente de uma forma controlada, e seguir o percurso da histona H1 desde o núcleo até ao espaço extracelular. As espécies de Leishmania analisadas induziram a expansão das subpopulações de MØMHCI+ e MHCII+ e o aumento destas moléculas na superfície dos MØ, indicando a existência de apresentação antigénica e a possibilidade de ocorrer a estimulação quer dos linfócitos T helper quer dos linfócitos T citotóxicos. Apesar de o MØ dispor de um conjunto de mecanismos de controlo directo da infeção e de poder activar a resposta imune mediada por células, o parasita parece modelar estes mecanismos, provavelmente conduzindo a seleção dos parasitas mais virulentos, capazes de estabelecer a infeção e causar doença do hospedeiroLeishmaniasis is a parasitic disease caused by an intracellular protozoan of genus Leishmania and is transmitted by the bite of an insect vector, the phlebotomine sand fly. It is considered a Public Health problem in numerous countries and depending on the infecting species, the disease can present multiple clinical manifestations; cutaneous, visceral and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. Cutaneous leishmaniasis can be produced by L. amazonensis, L. shawi and L. guyanensis among many other species. Leishmania infantum is the agent responsible for zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis, considered the most severe form that can be fatal if not treated. The mammal immune response is an important barrier that can prevent the establishment of a long-lasting chronic infection. Macrophages (MØ) play an important role being phagocytic and antigenic presenting cells, and moreover the definitive host cells of Leishmania parasite. It is important to analyze the activity of human MØ in presence of visceral and cutaneous species of Leishmania spp. in order to better understand the strategies used by the parasite to subvert MØ mechanisms of defense. This information is relevant to find new targets for the development of prophylactic and therapeutic tools, mainly the establishment of new anti-Leishmania therapeutics, since drug resistance has been reported. Having that in mind, the behavior of human MØ exposed to Leishmania promastigotes was investigated. Infection levels, oxidative burst, release of extracellular traps (MET) and antigenic presentation by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) were in vitro evaluated. It was found that the cutaneous species have a higher rate of infection, which drive a higher infection intensity. It was also possible to describe for the first time that L. infantum parasites induce the release of MET, although apparently in a controlled way, and to follow the histone H1 from the nucleus to the extracellular environment. The four species of Leishmania induced the expansion of MHCI+MØ and of MHCII+MØ subsets as well as the increase of these molecules at MØ surface, pointing towards the existence of antigenic presentation and the possibility of stimulation of both helper and cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Although MØ has a set of mechanisms that can control the infection and be able to induce the activation of cell-mediated immune response, the parasite seems to negatively modulate these mechanisms, probably directing the selection of the most virulent parasites able to establish infection in the host and promote disease development

    Reward sensitivity in ADHD:what do we know and how can we use it?

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    Children and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience concentration problems and/or excessive impulsivity and restlessness. Worldwide, there has already been a lot of research conducted on the role of sensitivity to reward in ADHD. Therefore, this thesis includes systematic literature reviews to summarize knowledge about several aspects of reward sensitivity in ADHD. In the first literature review, we found evidence that children and adolescents with ADHD take more risks on gambling tasks than peers without ADHD, in which they often prefer a less likely, large reward over a more likely, smaller reward. This evidence is weaker for adults with ADHD. A second literature review revealed that children with ADHD often respond in the same way to social rewards than other children and are sometimes even hyperresponsive to social rewards. Thus, children with ADHD may have more difficulty estimating risks but do not necessarily differ in their sensitivity to social rewards. The third literature review concerned a meta-analysis based on 40 years of educational research, assessing the effectiveness of classroom interventions for ADHD. This review showed that classroom interventions using rewards (linked to desired behavior) result in large improvements in behavior of students with symptoms of ADHD. Finally, a survey study among teachers provided important insights into Dutch teachers’ experiences with such evidence-based effective classroom interventions for ADHD. These findings emphasize the need for (the development of) adequate teacher support and for bridging the gap between science and practice

    Preferensi Manajemen Laba Akrual Atau Manajemen Laba Riil Dalam Aktivitas Tax Shelter

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    This study aims to examine the effect of accrual or real earnings management on the possibility of companies involved in tax shelter activities by using Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar (notice of tax deficiency) as a proxy to measure the tax shelter. By using a sample of companies who received Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar (notice of tax deficiency) in manufacturing industry and listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2001-2010, this study finds that the company tends to favor accrual earnings management for decreasing possibility of aggressive tax shelter activities. This finding is not supporting the hyphotesis. Real earnings management via abnormal operating cash flows and abnormal discretionary production increasing possibility of aggressive tax shelter activities. Both findings are supporting the hypothesis. This study also finds that both practices of accrual earnings management or real earnings management have substitute effect in explaining the possibility of companies involved in tax shelter activities.Keywords: tax shelter, notice of tax deficiency, tax penalty, accrual earnings management, real earnings management---Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh manajemen laba akrual atau manajemen laba riil terhadap kemungkinan Perusahaan terlibat dalam aktivitas tax shelter dengan menggunakan sanksi pajak berdasarkan Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar (SKPKB) untuk mengidentifikasi Perusahaan yang terindikasi melakukan aktivitas tax shelter. Dengan menggunakan sampel Perusahaan yang menerima dan mendapatkan ketetapan final SKPKB pada Perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2001-2010, hasil penelitian menunjukkan Perusahaan cenderung menggunakan manajemen laba akrual untuk menurunkan kemungkinan Perusahaan terlibat dalam kegiatan tax shelter. Temuan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan dugaan penelitian. Temuan yang sesuai dengan dugaan penelitian adalah manajemen laba riil melalui diskresi arus kas operasi dan biaya produksi menaikkan kemungkinan Perusahaan terlibat dalam kegiatan tax shelter. Studi ini juga menemukan bahwa penggunaan manajemen laba akrual atau riil dalam aktivitas tax shelter dapat saling bersubstitusi

    An improved Architecture for a Telecommunications Organization Information Systems: As is – To be

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThis project endeavors to overhaul and modernize the information systems architecture of “The Organization” to address existing limitations and capitalize on emerging technological advancements. In an era of rapid digital transformation, the current architecture of “The Organization” faces challenges in scalability, integration, and adaptability to dynamic business needs. The project methodology involves a comprehensive assessment of the existing information systems, including business, process, information, application and technology architectures. This assessment phase aims to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas where the current architecture falls short of meeting organizational objectives. Following the assessment, a strategic, transformation plan is formulated to redesign the information systems architecture. This plan incorporates cutting-edge technologies, such as cloud computing, middleware and API-driven integration. The proposed redesigned architecture aims to foster a more agile, scalable, integrated and secure IT environment capable of accommodating future growth and technological advancements. In the transformation plan a careful attention is paid to minimize disruptions to ongoing operations due to the lack of centralized information by proposing a new integrated information systems architecture. A phased roadmap approach with all the information system opportunities including the priorities that need to be taken into account during the execution is adopted to ensure a smooth transition from the legacy systems to the new architecture. Rigorous testing, training programs, and change management strategies must be implemented within the company to ensure a successful adoption by all stakeholders. The anticipated outcomes of this project include company’s efficiency, collaboration, agility, and data-driven decision making by enabling “The Organization” to optimize its processes, drive innovation, and gain a competitive edge in the market. By addressing the inherent challenges of the current information systems architecture, this project contributes to the advancement of technological infrastructure, paving the way for more agile, secure, and efficient systems that are primed to support the evolving needs of contemporary enterprises

    The Spread Fashion: an Explorative Research of Italian Fashion Blog

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    In the collaborative context of the web 2.0 the blogging phenomenon has become one of the most common ways to communicate and share information through its user-generated content. In the blogosphere fashion blogs represent probably one of the liveliest segments. Focusing on fashion brands, fashion products, street style, and personal style, fashion blogs can be written by both fashion professionals and normal people with an interest in the fashion system. This phenomenon has become even more relevant since the fashion brands have recognized the role of fashion bloggers in influencing the final consumers as well as the role of peer – to – peer recommendations in shaping desires and attires of fashion blog users. The paper presents the preliminary results of a netnographic analysis conducted on some of the most popular Italian ‘non-professional’ fashion blogs in order to map the different approach to this grassrooted blog phenomenon, and to categorize and interpret the blog postings and the audience comments concerning fashion product-related information

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    Rehabilitation of the hemiparetic gait by nociceptive withdrawal reflex-based functional electrical therapy: a randomized, single-blinded stud

    Verfassungswandel als Dynamische Verfassungsinterpretation

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    Die Hauptthese dieses Papers geht von dem Konzept der normativen Verfassung der Nachkriegzeit aus und setzt sich kritisch mit dem Konzept des 19. Jahrhunderts „Verfassungswandlung“ auseinander. Das Konzept des Verfassungswandels ist mit der Verfassungsdemokratie inkompatibel. Statt von einem Verfassungswandel zu sprechen, sollte man die Entwicklung des Sinns der Normen in der Zeit als dynamische Interpretation bezeichnen

    Trade-off Antara Manajemen Laba Akrual Dan Riil Pada Bank Konvensional Publik Di Indonesia

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    Earnings management arises from a conflicting goal between agents and principals which basically means as managers' intentions to manipulate accounting figures in the financial statement to achieve their own interests. There are two techniques of earnings management that are usually used by management: accrual earnings management and real earnings management. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of cost of earnings management on accrual and real earnings management and the trade-off relationship between accrual and real earnings management. Using 14 publicly listed banks in the Indonesia Stock Exchange during period 2009-2013, this study shows that costs of accrual and real earnings management have significant effects on accrual and real earnings management. However, this study did not find the evidence that there is a trade-off relationship betweeen accrual earnings management and real earnings management. The findings have implications regarding the use of costs of earnings management in considering type of earnings management's decision in publicly listed banks in Indonesia.---Manajemen laba timbul akibat konflik kepentingan antara agen dan prinsipal yang sering diartikan dengan intensi manajemen untuk melakukan manipulasi angka akuntansi dalam laporan keuangan agar sesuai dengan kepentingan manajemen. Terdapat dua teknik manajemen laba yang umumnya dilakukan oleh manajemen, yaitu manajemen laba akrual dan manajemen laba riil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh biaya manajemen laba terhadap keputusan manajemen laba. Dengan menggunakan 14 bank yang berturut-turut terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2009-2013, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biaya manajemen laba berpengaruh terhadap keputusan manajemen laba. Akan tetapi, penelitian ini tidak menemukan bukti bahwa terdapat tradeoff antara pengambilan keputusan manajemen laba akrual dan manajemen laba riil. Temuan ini memiliki implikasi terkait penggunaan biaya manajemen laba pada bank publik di Indonesia dalam mempertimbangkan keputusan manajemen laba