431 research outputs found

    Beans ( Phaseolus spp.) - model food legumes

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    Globally, 800 million people are malnourished. Heavily subsidised farmers in rich countries produce sufficient surplus food to feed the hungry, but not at a price the poor can afford. Even donating the rich world's surplus to the poor would not solve the problem. Most poor people earn their living from agriculture, so a deluge of free food would destroy their livelihoods. Thus, the only answer to world hunger is to safeguard and improve the productivity of farmers in poor countries. Diets of subsistence level farmers in Africa and Latin America often contain sufficient carbohydrates (through cassava, corn/maize, rice, wheat, etc.), but are poor in proteins. Dietary proteins can take the form of scarce animal products (eggs, milk, meat, etc.), but are usually derived from legumes (plants of the bean and pea family). Legumes are vital in agriculture as they form associations with bacteria that 'sfix-nitrogen' from the air. Effectively this amounts to internal fertilisation and is the main reason that legumes are richer in proteins than all other plants. Thousands of legume species exist but more common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are eaten than any other. In some countries such as Mexico and Brazil, beans are the primary source of protein in human diets. As half the grain legumes consumed worldwide are common beans, they represent the species of choice for the study of grain legume nutrition. Unfortunately, the yields of common beans are low even by the standards of legumes, and the quality of their seed proteins is sub-optimal. Most probably this results from millennia of selection for stable rather than high yield, and as such, is a problem that can be redressed by modern genetic techniques. We have formed an international consortium called Phaseomics' to establish the necessary framework of knowledge and materials that will result in disease-resistant, stress-tolerant, high-quality protein and high-yielding beans. Phaseomics will be instrumental in improving living conditions in deprived regions of Africa and the Americas. It will contribute to social equity and sustainable development and enhance inter- and intra-cultural understanding, knowledge and relationships. A major goal of Phaseomics is to generate new common bean varieties that are not only suitable for but also desired by the local farmer and consumer communities. Therefore, the socio-economic dimension of improved bean production and the analysis of factors influencing the acceptance of novel varieties will be an integral part of the proposed research (see Figure 1). Here, we give an overview of the economic and nutritional importance of common beans as a food crop. Priorities and targets of current breeding programmes are outlined, along with ongoing efforts in genomics. Recommendations for an international coordinated effort to join knowledge, facilities and expertise in a variety of scientific undertakings that will contribute to the overall goal of better beans are given. To be rapid and effective, plant breeding programmes (i.e., those that involve crossing two different 'sparents') rely heavily on molecular 'smarkers'. These genetic landmarks are used to positio

    Stem cell transplantation for type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of stem cells to treat type 1 diabetes mellitus has been proposed for many years, both to downregulate the immune system and to provide β cell regeneration.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>High dose immunosuppression followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is able to induce complete remission (insulin independence) in most patients with early onset type 1 diabetes mellitus.</p

    Determinants of exocrine pancreatic function as measured by fecal elastase-1 concentrations (FEC) in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>Recently it has been shown that there is not only endocrine insufficiency in diabetic patients, but a frequent co-morbidity of both, the endocrine and exocrine pancreas. The present study was performed to further analyse the determinants of exocrine pancreatic function in patients with diabetes mellitus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The records of 1992 patients with diabetes mellitus who had been treated in our hospital during a 2-year period were re-evaluated. Defined parameters were documented in standardized data sheets. Records were further checked for the results of imaging procedures of the pancreas. In 307 patients FEC had been performed and documented. Only these patients were included in further evaluation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>FEC was inversely correlated with diabetes duration and HbA1c-levels but not with age. C-peptide levels correlated positively with FEC. BMI and FEC were also significantly correlated. There was no correlation between diabetes therapy and exocrine pancreatic function as there was no correlation with any concomitant medication. The presence of diabetes-associated antibodies was not related to FEC. According to the documented data 38 were classified as type-1 diabetes (12.4%), 167 as type-2 (54.4%), and 88 patients met the diagnostic criteria of type-3 (28.7%). Fourteen patients could not be classified because of lacking information (4.6%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Exocrine insufficiency might be explained as a complication of diabetes mellitus. However, it is more likely that type-3 diabetes is much more frequent than previously believed. Consequently the evaluation of exocrine function and morphology should be included into the clinical workup of any diabetic patient at least at the time of manifestation.</p

    Pancreatic alpha cell mass in European subjects with type 2 diabetes

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Type 2 diabetes is a bi-hormonal disease characterised by relative hypoinsulinaemia and hyperglucagonaemia with elevated blood glucose levels. Besides pancreatic beta cell defects, a low number of beta cells (low beta cell mass) may contribute to the insufficient secretion of insulin. In this study our aim was to determine whether the alpha cell mass is also altered. METHODS: Using a point counting method, we measured the ratio of alpha to beta cell areas in pancreas samples obtained at autopsy from 50 type 2 diabetic subjects, whose beta cell mass had previously been found to be 36% lower than that of 52 non-diabetic subjects. RESULTS: The topography of alpha and beta cells was similar in both groups: many alpha cells were localised in the centre of the islets and the ratio of alpha/beta cell areas increased with islet size. The average ratio was significantly higher in type 2 diabetic subjects (0.72) than in non-diabetic subjects (0.42), with, however, a large overlap between the two groups. In contrast, the alpha cell mass was virtually identical in type 2 diabetic subjects (366 mg) and non-diabetic subjects (342 mg), and was not influenced by sex, BMI or type of diabetes treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The higher proportion of alpha to beta cells in the islets of some type 2 diabetic subjects is due to a decrease in beta cell number rather than an increase in alpha cell number. This imbalance may contribute to alterations in the normal inhibitory influence exerted by beta cells on alpha cells, and lead to the relative hyperglucagonaemia observed in type 2 diabete

    Identification of a Simple Sequence Repeat molecular-marker set for large-scale analyses of pear germplasm

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    Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) are molecular markers suitable to assess the genetic variation of germplasm resources; however, large-scale SSR use requires protocol optimization. The present work aimed to identify SSR markers, developed for pear and other fruit species that are effective in characterizing pear germplasm collections and in demonstrating their use in providing support for genetic breeding programs. From a total of 62 SSR markers investigated, 23 yielding reproducible and polymorphic patterns were used to genotype a sample of 42 pear accessions of the Brazilian Pear Germplasm Bank (PGB). When compared to these 23 SSR markers, a subset of eleven markers, selected based on He, PIC and PId, was used to distinguish individual accessions and perform cluster analysis with similar efficacy. Genetic diversity analysis clustered the European, Japanese and Chinese accessions in distinct groups. This markers subset constitutes a valuable tool for several applications related to pear genetic resources management and breeding


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    Multiple co-infections by different pathogens on common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) affect its productivity and cause complete crop loss in susceptible varieties. Therefore, gene pyramiding using marker assisted selection (MAS) and backcrossing, provide alternative cost-effective control measures to bean diseases. However, in the process of developing pyramids, linkage drags were likely to affect the qualities of progeny lines, hence, special attention was paid to this situation. The objective of this study was thus to assess the agronomic qualities of advanced genetic pyramids developed from a four-way cross for multiple disease resistance. The disease resistance genes (R) pyramided from four parents were: Co42 and Co-5 from G2333; Phg-2 from MEX54; Pythium ultimum Dennis from MLB49-89A and I &amp; bc3 from MCM5001. The progeny lines were planted in an incomplete block design, and replicated thrice for two seasons (2015A and 2015B) in fields at CIAT, Kawanda in Uganda. Agronomic traits were highly heritable (0.6), except number of pods per plant (&lt; 0.3). Backcrossing generated high-yielding bean lines, with 270 - 290 seed per plant and early maturity (95-100 days). Nine superior lines with desirable qualities, such as earliness (95 days), high seed rate (290 seeds per plant), and climbing ability, were obtained. Pyramiding R genes did not affect yield traits, except time to flowering and number of flower buds per plant due to transgressive segregation.Les co-infections multiples par de diff\ue9rents pathog\ue8nes sur le haricot commun ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) affectent sa productivit\ue9 et causent la perte totale des vari\ue9t\ue9s susceptibles de la culture. Par cons\ue9quent, la pyramide des g\ue8nes en utilisant la s\ue9lection assist\ue9e par des marqueurs (MAS) et le r\ue9trocroisement, fournissent des mesures alternatives de contr\uf4le moins ch\ue8res des maladies du haricot. N\ue9anmoins, dans le processus du d\ue9veloppement des pyramides, les poids des liaisons affectent probablement les qualit\ue9s des lign\ue9es de prog\ue9nitures, de ce fait, une attention particuli\ue8re \ue9tait port\ue9e \ue0 cette situation. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer les qualit\ue9s agronomiques des pyramides g\ue9n\ue9tiques avanc\ue9es d\ue9velopp\ue9es d\u2019un croisement de quatre parents pour la r\ue9sistance aux maladies multiples. Les g\ue8nes pyramid\ue9s de r\ue9sistance (R) \ue0 la maladie de quatre parents \ue9taient\ua0: Co42 et Co-5 de G2333; Phg-2 de MEX54; Pythium ultimum Dennis de MLB49-89A et I &amp; bc3 de MCM5001. Les lign\ue9es de prog\ue9nitures \ue9taient plant\ue9es en arrangement de block incomplet et r\ue9pliqu\ue9 trois fois pendant deux saisons (2015A et 2015B) dans les champs \ue0 CIAT, Kawanda en Ouganda. Les traits agronomiques \ue9taient hautement h\ue9ritables (0,6), \ue0 l\u2019exception du nombre de gousses par plant (&lt;0.3). Le r\ue9trocroisement a g\ue9n\ue9r\ue9 des lign\ue9es d\u2019haricot \ue0 haut rendement, avec 270-290 graines par plant et \ue0 maturit\ue9 pr\ue9coce (95-100 jours). Neuf lign\ue9es sup\ue9rieures avec des qualit\ue9s d\ue9sirables, telles que la pr\ue9cocit\ue9 (95 jours), taux de graines \ue9lev\ue9s (290 graines par plant) et l\u2019habilit\ue9 grimpante, \ue9taient obtenues. La pyramide des g\ue8nes R n\u2019avait pas affect\ue9 les traits li\ue9s au rendement, \ue0 l\u2019exception de la p\ue9riode de floraison et le nombre de bougeons de fleurs par plant d\ufb \ue0 la s\ue9gr\ue9gation transgressive

    Age-Corrected Beta Cell Mass Following Onset of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Correlates with Plasma C-Peptide in Humans

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    The inability to produce insulin endogenously precipitates the clinical symptoms of type 1 diabetes mellitus. However, the dynamic trajectory of beta cell destruction following onset remains unclear. Using model-based inference, the severity of beta cell destruction at onset decreases with age where, on average, a 40% reduction in beta cell mass was sufficient to precipitate clinical symptoms at 20 years of age. While plasma C-peptide provides a surrogate measure of endogenous insulin production post-onset, it is unclear as to whether plasma C-peptide represents changes in beta cell mass or beta cell function. The objective of this paper was to determine the relationship between beta cell mass and endogenous insulin production post-onset.Model-based inference was used to compare direct measures of beta cell mass in 102 patients against contemporary measures of plasma C-peptide obtained from three studies that collectively followed 834 patients post-onset of clinical symptoms. An empirical Bayesian approach was used to establish the level of confidence associated with the model prediction. Age-corrected estimates of beta cell mass that were inferred from a series of landmark pancreatic autopsy studies significantly correlate (p>0.9995) with contemporary measures of plasma C-peptide levels following onset.Given the correlation between beta cell mass and plasma C-peptide following onset, plasma C-peptide may provide a surrogate measure of beta cell mass in humans. The clinical relevance of this study is that therapeutic strategies that provide an increase in plasma C-peptide over the predicted value for an individual may actually improve beta cell mass. The model predictions may establish a standard historical "control" group - a prior in a Bayesian context - for clinical trials