19 research outputs found

    Electron-Phonon Interactions and the Intrinsic Electrical Resistivity of Graphene

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    We present a first-principles study of the temperature- and density-dependent intrinsic electrical resistivity of graphene. We use density-functional theory and density-functional perturbation theory together with very accurate Wannier interpolations to compute all electronic and vibrational properties and electron-phonon coupling matrix elements; the phonon-limited resistivity is then calculated within a Boltzmann-transport approach. An effective tight-binding model, validated against first-principles results, is also used to study the role of electron-electron interactions at the level of many-body perturbation theory. The results found are in excellent agreement with recent experimental data on graphene samples at high carrier densities and elucidate the role of the different phonon modes in limiting electron mobility. Moreover, we find that the resistivity arising from scattering with transverse acoustic phonons is 2.5 times higher than that from longitudinal acoustic phonons. Last, high-energy, optical, and zone-boundary phonons contribute as much as acoustic phonons to the intrinsic electrical resistivity even at room temperature and become dominant at higher temperatures.Comment: 7 pages 5 figure

    Fermi-Energy-Dependent Structural Deformation of Chiral Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    In this work, we use an extended tight-binding approach for calculating the Fermi-energy dependence of the structural deformation of chiral single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). We show that, in general, nanotube strains occur in such a way as to avoid a net charge from being accumulated on the nanotube. We also investigate the effect of the Fermi-energy-induced strains on the electronic structure of SWNTs, showing that the optical transition energies change by up to 0.5 eV due to the induced strains and that this change is nearly independent of how the nanotube is deformed. Finally, we also consider the contribution of the electron-electron Coulomb repulsion to the total energy by using an effective regularized potential energy model. We show that the inclusion of the Coulomb repulsion leads to larger strains and smaller net charges transferred to the nanotube.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DMR-1004147

    Coulomb-hole summations and energies for GW calculations with limited number of empty orbitals: a modified static remainder approach

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    Ab initio GW calculations are a standard method for computing the spectroscopic properties of many materials. The most computationally expensive part in conventional implementations of the method is the generation and summation over the large number of empty orbitals required to converge the electron self energy. We propose a scheme to reduce the summation over empty states by the use of a modified static-remainder approximation, which is simple to implement and yields accurate self energies for both bulk and molecular systems requiring a small fraction of the typical number of empty orbitals

    Role of solvent-anion charge transfer in oxidative degradation of battery electrolytes

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    Electrochemical stability windows of electrolytes largely determine the limitations of operating regimes of lithium-ion batteries, but the degradation mechanisms are difficult to characterize and poorly understood. Using computational quantum chemistry to investigate the oxidative decomposition that govern voltage stability of multi-component organic electrolytes, we find that electrolyte decomposition is a process involving the solvent and the salt anion and requires explicit treatment of their coupling. We find that the ionization potential of the solvent-anion system is often lower than that of the isolated solvent or the anion. This mutual weakening effect is explained by the formation of the anion-solvent charge-transfer complex, which we study for 16 anion-solvent combinations. This understanding of the oxidation mechanism allows the formulation of a simple predictive model that explains experimentally observed trends in the onset voltages of degradation of electrolytes near the cathode. This model opens opportunities for rapid rational design of stable electrolytes for high-energy batteries

    BerkeleyGW: A Massively Parallel Computer Package for the Calculation of the Quasiparticle and Optical Properties of Materials and Nanostructures

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    BerkeleyGW is a massively parallel computational package for electron excited-state properties that is based on the many-body perturbation theory employing the ab initio GW and GW plus Bethe-Salpeter equation methodology. It can be used in conjunction with many density-functional theory codes for ground-state properties, including PARATEC, PARSEC, Quantum ESPRESSO, OCTOPUS and SIESTA. The package can be used to compute the electronic and optical properties of a wide variety of material systems from bulk semiconductors and metals to nanostructured materials and molecules. The package scales to 10,000's of CPUs and can be used to study systems containing up to 100's of atoms

    Quantum-centric Supercomputing for Materials Science: A Perspective on Challenges and Future Directions

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    Computational models are an essential tool for the design, characterization, and discovery of novel materials. Hard computational tasks in materials science stretch the limits of existing high-performance supercomputing centers, consuming much of their simulation, analysis, and data resources. Quantum computing, on the other hand, is an emerging technology with the potential to accelerate many of the computational tasks needed for materials science. In order to do that, the quantum technology must interact with conventional high-performance computing in several ways: approximate results validation, identification of hard problems, and synergies in quantum-centric supercomputing. In this paper, we provide a perspective on how quantum-centric supercomputing can help address critical computational problems in materials science, the challenges to face in order to solve representative use cases, and new suggested directions.Comment: 60 pages, 14 figures; comments welcom