1,022 research outputs found

    Avalanche et territoires touristiques de montagne, pour une prise en compte des facteurs actifs de vulnérabilité propres aux modalités de réponse au problème « risque ».

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    Les risques qualifiés de « naturels » sont majoritairement appréhendés sous l'angle de la menace externe. Cette conception du risque est associée à une gestion de type « aléa-centrée ». Elle amalgame parfois le traitement de l'aléa (phénomènes naturels) avec ce que recouvre plus largement la gestion du risque. Nous proposons ici, sur la base d'une recherche menée dans le champ du risque d'avalanche, d'endogénéiser l'approche du risque, en mettant l'accent sur les facteurs actifs de vulnérabilité propres aux modalités de gestion

    Virtual Interactive Tablet to Support Vocational Training in Immersive Environment

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    International audienceThis paper presents a tool designed to assist a virtual reality learner in a vocational training context. The benefits of VR are spreading outside the video-games and research field, leading the vocational education institutions to consider using this technology for training purposes. By simulating emblematic professional situations, teachers can train students in good conditions regarding safety, logistics and financial resources. In the French vocational training system, VR is just at its beginnings and the lack of experiments with this training context highlighted the need for new tools allowing teachers to use VR with their students. The work presented in this paper is part of a global project aiming to create, design and assess new VR tools and methodologies for this specific context. In order to guide, inform and assist the user, we are presenting a generic tool that can ease VR sessions by proposing embedded tools within easy reach of the immersed user, such as a camera, an inventory, a printer or stock management. This tool is a virtual tablet that can be grabbed by the immersed user allowing her/him to interact efficiently with the virtual environment

    Simulation Tools for the Design of Virtual Training Environments

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    International audienceVirtual Reality (VR) for Education is spreading around and more and more training centers want to provide digital training, especially using VR technologies. The VR market is in full growth and many companies, startups and research teams are working on developing VR for Education on a large scale. Many domains are concerned by this learning digitalization, like science (Oliveira et al., 2019), military (Taupiac, 2018) and so on. The benefits of VR for education are numerous (Mano, 2019) and deeply investigated since the beginning of VR. There are many approaches in the process of training with VR, particularly since the commercialization of new VR headsets like HTC Vive™ and Oculus Rift™. Those headsets allow room scale tracking and are shipped with 3D space tracked controllers, granting a better user experience and a higher diversity in virtual training situations. New headsets are also affordable and so not only reserved for industrials, research or military, leading to new use of VR. In the VR industry, we have noticed some approaches used for the design of scenario. One classic approach is "serious game" that mainly consists in cloning classical educational games to VR, like point and clicks, 360° videos (Rupp et al., 2016) or dialog tree situations. The main interest of this category relies on existing projects and previous experiences with "standard serious games". The drawback is about the freshness of VR: it may not be suitable for those existing projects that were working nicely on a 2D screen. This kind of transposition could lead to atrocious user experiences and the underuse of the potential of VR. For educational purposes, other developers have followed another path: replicate reality. The main purpose is to provide situations that mimic real life situations. With this, training users with a high degree of realism eases skills transfer from VR to real situations. Realism can be achieved i

    L'outil-frise : une expérimentation interdisciplinaire: Comment représenter des processus de changements en territoires de montagne ?

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    Ont également contribué à cette publication : Denis Laforgue ; Sandrine Tolazzi ; Sophie Madelrieux ; Pénélope Lamarque ; Sabine Girard ; Mélanie Duval ; Suzanne Berthier-Foglar ; Philippe Bourdeau ; Anouk Bonnemains ; Hugues FrançoisInternational audienceLe LabEx Innovation et Territoires de Montagne a pour ambition de construire une communauté de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales travaillant sur la montagne. Dans cette dynamique, un collectif de chercheurs issus de différents champs disciplinaires et de parcours variés s’est proposé de développer une démarche de recherche qui dépasse les clivages disciplinaires par la formalisation d’un outil de dialogue sur le changement territorial. Ce carnet expose la construction, les enjeux et les résultats d’une telle démarche. Celle-ci a conduit à la mise en place d’un dispositif comprenant l’élaboration de documents-ressources, l’expérimentation collective d’une méthode sur différents systèmes territoriaux de montagne, l’échange en séminaires, ainsi que les retours critiques individuels et collectifs sur les apports d’une telle expérimentation. Au cœur de ce dispositif, « l’outil-frise », un outil de représentation synthétique et globale des changements territoriaux, qui permet de visualiser les co-évolutions et les interactions des composantes d’un processus complexe. Il implique une mise en perspective processuelle de l’objet d’étude, à savoir l’identification de la nature des mouvements et des moteurs facteurs de changements. Les enjeux épistémologiques et méthodologiques des différentes approches disciplinaires du changement ont ainsi pu être abordés, et notamment les concepts de rupture, de bifurcation, d’adaptation ou de transition territoriales

    Grandparents as Foster Parents: Psychological Distress, Commitment, and Sensitivity to their Grandchildren

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    Grandparents are increasingly solicited to become foster parents. This study aims to describe the psychological distress, parental sensitivity, and parental commitment of a group of Quebec foster grandparents. Forty-eight foster parents were assessed in this study, including 12 grandparents. Psychological distress was assessed using the Symptom Checklist–90–R (SCL–90–R®; Derogatis & Lazarus 1994), parental sensitivity using the short version of the Maternal Behavior Q-Sort (Tarabulsy et al., 2009; Pederson & Moran, 1995) and commitment using a semi-structured interview (This is My Baby; TIMB: Bates & Dozier, 1998). Results indicate no difference between foster parents and grandparents as a function of parental characteristics, sensitivity and commitment. However, results show an association between grandparent status and depressive symptoms even after controlling for family income and child externalization. Challenges faced by foster grandparents are discussed as well as their need of support from child welfare protection

    Nav1.4 Deregulation in Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle Leads to Na+ Overload and Enhanced Cell Death

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a hereditary degenerative disease manifested by the absence of dystrophin, a structural, cytoskeletal protein, leading to muscle degeneration and early death through respiratory and cardiac muscle failure. Whereas the rise of cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations in muscles of mdx mouse, an animal model of DMD, has been extensively documented, little is known about the mechanisms causing alterations in Na+ concentrations. Here we show that the skeletal muscle isoform of the voltage-gated sodium channel, Nav1.4, which represents over 90% of voltage-gated sodium channels in muscle, plays an important role in development of abnormally high Na+ concentrations found in muscle from mdx mice. The absence of dystrophin modifies the expression level and gating properties of Nav1.4, leading to an increased Na+ concentration under the sarcolemma. Moreover, the distribution of Nav1.4 is altered in mdx muscle while maintaining the colocalization with one of the dystrophin-associated proteins, syntrophin α-1, thus suggesting that syntrophin is an important linker between dystrophin and Nav1.4. Additionally, we show that these modifications of Nav1.4 gating properties and increased Na+ concentrations are strongly correlated with increased cell death in mdx fibers and that both cell death and Na+ overload can be reversed by 3 nM tetrodotoxin, a specific Nav1.4 blocker

    Pediatric Pneumococcal Serotypes in 4 European Countries

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    TOC Summary: Non–heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine serotypes have increased in Spain, France, Belgium, and England and Wales

    Snow Reliability and Water Availability for Snowmaking in the Ski resorts of the Isère Département (French Alps), Under Current and Future Climate Conditions

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    This study presents the evolution of the snow reliability in the 24 alpine ski resorts of the Isère département (Northern French Alps, around Grenoble) over the last decades and its projection into the 21st century, taking into account grooming and snowmaking. The water demand for snowmaking is calculated and can be compared with hydrological simulations of water resource availability, under current and future climate conditions. Over the recent period, snowmaking has significantly improved the snow conditions in seasons with a natural snow deficit. For the middle of the 21st century, climate projections indicate that the expected evolution of snowmaking infrastructure by 2025 should make it possible to stabilize the snow reliability in seasons characterized by a deficit of natural snowfall. At a constant equipment rate, the evolution of water demand due to climate change is of the order of +15% on average in Isère between the recent period and the middle of the 21st century. The study shows that the pressure on water resources appears to not be the most critical point for the implementation of snowmaking, at the scale of the catchment basins in which the Isère ski resorts are located