15 research outputs found

    Does Planck mass run on the cosmological horizon scale?

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    Einstein's theory of general relativity, which contains a universal value of the Planck mass, has been so far successfully invoked to explain gravitational dynamics from sub-millimeter scales to the scale of the cosmological horizon. However, one may envisage that in alternative theories of gravity, the effective value of the Planck mass (or Newton's constant), which quantifies the coupling of matter to metric perturbations, can run on the cosmological horizon scale. In this letter, we study the consequences of a glitch in the Planck mass from sub-horizon to super-horizon scales. We first give three examples of models that naturally exhibit this feature, and then show that current cosmological observations severely constrain this glitch to less than 1.2%. This is the strongest constraint to date, on natural (i.e. non-fine-tuned) deviations from Einstein gravity on the cosmological horizon scale.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Properties of Quintessence

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    We study cosmological models with quintessence, a form of energy that is dis- tributed almost homogeneously in the Universe, and today makes up about three fourths of its energy density. We use observational data in order to infer upper bounds for the energy density of quintessence also during early times, and analyze the impact of this early quintessence on the interpretation of observa- tional data. Furthermore, we investigate deviations from the law of gravity as described by the theory of General Relativity on very large scales. Finally, we consider models in which the mass of the dark matter or of neutrinos depends on the quintessence field, and present extensions of the software Cmbeasy, that allow to compute the cosmological predictions of these models

    Phenomenology of Gravitational Aether as a solution to the Old Cosmological Constant Problem

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    One of the deepest and most long-standing mysteries in physics has been the huge discrepancy between the observed vacuum density and our expectations from theories of high energy physics, which has been dubbed the Old Cosmological Constant problem. One proposal to address this puzzle at the semi-classical level is to decouple quantum vacuum from space-time geometry via a modification of gravity that includes an incompressible fluid, known as Gravitational Aether. In this paper, we discuss classical predictions of this theory along with its compatibility with cosmological and experimental tests of gravity. We argue that deviations from General Relativity (GR) in this theory are sourced by pressure or vorticity. In particular, the theory predicts that the gravitational constant for radiation is 33% larger than that of non-relativistic matter, which is preferred by (most) cosmic microwave background (CMB), Lyman-Alpha forest, and Lithium-7 primordial abundance observations, while being consistent with other cosmological tests at ~2-sigma level. It is further shown that all Parametrized Post-Newtonian (PPN) parameters have the standard GR values aside from the anomalous coupling to pressure, which has not been directly measured. A more subtle prediction of this model (assuming irrotational aether) is that the (intrinsic) gravitomagnetic effect is 33% larger than GR prediction. This is consistent with current limits from LAGEOS and Gravity Probe B at ~2-sigma level

    Reconstructing signals from noisy data with unknown signal and noise covariance

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    We derive a method to reconstruct Gaussian signals from linear measurements with Gaussian noise. This new algorithm is intended for applications in astrophysics and other sciences. The starting point of our considerations is the principle of minimum Gibbs free energy which was previously used to derive a signal reconstruction algorithm handling uncertainties in the signal covariance. We extend this algorithm to simultaneously uncertain noise and signal covariances using the same principles in the derivation. The resulting equations are general enough to be applied in many different contexts. We demonstrate the performance of the algorithm by applying it to specific example situations and compare it to algorithms not allowing for uncertainties in the noise covariance. The results show that the method we suggest performs very well under a variety of circumstances and is indeed qualitatively superior to the other methods in cases where uncertainty in the noise covariance is present.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; 1D example added; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Shifting the Universe: Early Dark Energy and Standard Rulers

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    The presence of dark energy at high redshift influences both the cosmic sound horizon and the distance to last scattering of the cosmic microwave background. We demonstrate that through the degeneracy in their ratio, early dark energy can lie hidden in the CMB temperature and polarization spectra, leading to an unrecognized shift in the sound horizon. If the sound horizon is then used as a standard ruler, as in baryon acoustic oscillations, then the derived cosmological parameters can be nontrivially biased. Fitting for the absolute ruler scale (just as supernovae must be fit for the absolute candle magnitude) removes the bias but decreases the leverage of the BAO technique by a factor 2.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Early Dark Energy Cosmologies

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    We propose a novel parameterization of the dark energy density. It is particularly well suited to describe a non-negligible contribution of dark energy at early times and contains only three parameters, which are all physically meaningful: the fractional dark energy density today, the equation of state today and the fractional dark energy density at early times. As we parameterize Omega_d(a) directly instead of the equation of state, we can give analytic expressions for the Hubble parameter, the conformal horizon today and at last scattering, the sound horizon at last scattering, the acoustic scale as well as the luminosity distance. For an equation of state today w_0 < -1, our model crosses the cosmological constant boundary. We perform numerical studies to constrain the parameters of our model by using Cosmic Microwave Background, Large Scale Structure and Supernovae Ia data. At 95% confidence, we find that the fractional dark energy density at early times Omega_early < 0.06. This bound tightens considerably to Omega_early < 0.04 when the latest Boomerang data is included. We find that both the gold sample of Riess et. al. and the SNLS data by Astier et. al. when combined with CMB and LSS data mildly prefer w_0 < -1, but are well compatible with a cosmological constant.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; references added, matches published versio

    Averaging Robertson-Walker Cosmologies

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    The cosmological backreaction arises when one directly averages the Einstein equations to recover an effective Robertson-Walker cosmology, rather than assuming a background a priori. While usually discussed in the context of dark energy, strictly speaking any cosmological model should be recovered from such a procedure. We apply the Buchert averaging formalism to linear Robertson-Walker universes containing matter, radiation and dark energy and evaluate numerically the discrepancies between the assumed and the averaged behaviour, finding the largest deviations for an Einstein-de Sitter universe, increasing rapidly with Hubble rate to a 0.01% effect for h=0.701. For the LCDM concordance model, the backreaction is of the order of Omega_eff~4x10^-6, with those for dark energy models being within a factor of two or three. The impacts at recombination are of the order of 10^-8 and those in deep radiation domination asymptote to a constant value. While the effective equations of state of the backreactions in Einstein-de Sitter, concordance and quintessence models are generally dust-like, a backreaction with an equation of state w_eff<-1/3 can be found for strongly phantom models.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, ReVTeX. Updated to version accepted by JCA

    Cosmological Backreaction from Perturbations

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    We reformulate the averaged Einstein equations in a form suitable for use with Newtonian gauge linear perturbation theory and track the size of the modifications to standard Robertson-Walker evolution on the largest scales as a function of redshift for both Einstein de-Sitter and Lambda CDM cosmologies. In both cases the effective energy density arising from linear perturbations is of the order of 10^-5 the matter density, as would be expected, with an effective equation of state w ~ -1/19. Employing a modified Halofit code to extend our results to quasilinear scales, we find that, while larger, the deviations from Robertson-Walker behaviour remain of the order of 10^-5.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures; replaced by version accepted by JCA

    Hydrodynamical N-body simulations of coupled dark energy cosmologies

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    If the accelerated expansion of the Universe at the present epoch is driven by a dark energy scalar field, there may well be a non-trivial coupling between the dark energy and the cold dark matter (CDM) fluid. Such interactions give rise to new features in cosmological structure growth, like an additional long-range attractive force between CDM particles, or variations of the dark matter particle mass with time. We have implemented these effects in the N-body code GADGET-2 and present results of a series of high-resolution N-body simulations where the dark energy component is directly interacting with the cold dark matter. As a consequence of the new physics, CDM and baryon distributions evolve differently both in the linear and in the nonlinear regime of structure formation. Already on large scales a linear bias develops between these two components, which is further enhanced by the nonlinear evolution. We also find, in contrast with previous work, that the density profiles of CDM halos are less concentrated in coupled dark energy cosmologies compared with LCDM, and that this feature does not depend on the initial conditions setup, but is a specific consequence of the extra physics induced by the coupling. Also, the baryon fraction in halos in the coupled models is significantly reduced below the universal baryon fraction. These features alleviate tensions between observations and the LCDM model on small scales. Our methodology is ideally suited to explore the predictions of coupled dark energy models in the fully non-linear regime, which can provide powerful constraints for the viable parameter space of such scenarios.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables, title changed, several references added. Revised version accepted for publication in MNRAS. Main conclusions unchange