103 research outputs found

    Mapping Memory. Die Digitale Erinnerungslandkarte DERLA als Beispiel fĂĽr zeitgeschichtliches Forschen / Sammeln / Lernen im virtuellen Raum

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    Die Autoren zeigen in ihrem Projekt, wie die Möglichkeiten der georeferentiellen Visualisierung eingesetzt werden können, um Erinnerungsorte und -zeichen an den Terror und die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus erschließen und sichtbar machen zu können. Im Beitrag wird hierfür, auf Basis von Konzepten des deep und digital mapping, beispielhaft auf das Dokumentations- und Vermittlungsprojekt „Digitale Erinnerungslandkarte Österreich“ (DERLA) verwiesen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Long-Term Teduglutide for the Treatment of Patients With Intestinal Failure Associated With Short Bowel Syndrome

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    OBJECTIVES: In the pivotal 24-week, phase III, placebo-controlled trial, teduglutide significantly reduced parenteral support (PS) requirements in patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS). STEPS-2 was a 2-year, open-label extension of that study designed to evaluate long-term safety and efficacy of teduglutide. METHODS: Enrolled patients had completed 24 weeks of either teduglutide (TED/TED) or placebo (PBO/TED) in the initial placebo-controlled study or qualified for that study, but were not treated (NT/TED) because of full enrollment. Patients received subcutaneous teduglutide 0.05 mg/kg/day for up to 24 months (NT/TED and PBO/TED) or up to 30 months (TED/TED). Clinical response was defined as 20–100% reduction from baseline in weekly PS volume; baseline was considered the beginning of teduglutide treatment in the initial placebo-controlled study (TED/TED) or STEPS-2 (NT/TED and PBO/TED). Descriptive statistics summarized changes in efficacy and safety variables. RESULTS: Of 88 enrolled patients, 65 (74%) completed STEPS-2. The most common treatment-emergent adverse events were abdominal pain (34%), catheter sepsis (28%), and decreased weight (25%). Mean weight, body mass index, and serum albumin remained stable. In patients who completed the study, clinical response was achieved in 28/30 (93%) TED/TED, 16/29 (55%) PBO/TED, and 4/6 (67%) NT/TED patients. Mean PS volume reductions from baseline were 7.6 (66%), 3.1 (28%), and 4.0 (39%) l/week in the TED/TED, PBO/TED, and NT/TED groups, respectively. Thirteen patients achieved full enteral autonomy. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with SBS, long-term teduglutide treatment resulted in sustained, continued reductions in PS requirements. Overall health and nutritional status was maintained despite PS reductions

    Neurological Symptoms in Patients with Biopsy Proven Celiac Disease

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    Abstract: In celiac disease (CD), the gut is the typical manifestation site but atypical neurological presentations are thought to occur in 6 to 10% with cerebellar ataxia being the most frequent symptom. Most studies in this field are focused on patients under primary neurological care. To exclude such an observation bias, patients with biopsy proven celiac disease were screened for neurological disease. A total of 72 patients with biopsy proven celiac disease (CD) (mean age 51 6 15 years, mean disease duration 8 6 11 years) were recruited through advertisements. All participants adhered to a gluten-free diet. Patients were interviewed following a standard questionnaire and examined clinically for neurological symptoms. Medical history revealed neurological disorders such as migraine (28%), carpal tunnel syndrome (20%), vestibular dysfunction (8%), seizures (6%), and myelitis (3%). Interestingly, 35% of patients with CD reported of a history of psychiatric disease including depression, personality changes, or even psychosis. Physical examination yielded stance and gait problems in about one third of patients that could be attributed to afferent ataxia in 26%, vestibular dysfunction in 6%, and cerebellar ataxia in 6%. Other motor features such as basal ganglia symptoms, pyramidal tract signs, tics, and myoclonus were infrequent. 35% of patients with CD showed deep sensory loss and reduced ankle reflexes in 14%. Gait disturbances in CD do not only result from cerebellar ataxia but also from proprioceptive or vestibular impairment. Neurological problems may even develop despite strict adherence to a gluten-free diet. 2009 Movement Disorder Societ

    Differential association of the Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor (NHERF) family of adaptor proteins with the raft- and the non-raft brush border membrane fractions of NHE3

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    Background/Aims: Trafficking, brush border membrane (BBM) retention, and signal-specific regulation of the Na+/H+ exchanger NHE3 is regulated by the Na+/H+ Exchanger Regulatory Factor (NHERF) family of PDZ-adaptor proteins, which enable the formation of multiprotein complexes. It is unclear, however, what determines signal specificity of these NHERFs. Thus, we studied the association of NHE3, NHERF1 (EBP50), NHERF2 (E3KARP), and NHERF3 (PDZK1) with lipid rafts in murine small intestinal BBM. Methods: Detergent resistant membranes ('lipid rafts') were isolated by floatation of Triton X-incubated small intestinal BBM from a variety of knockout mouse strains in an Optiprep step gradient. Acid-activated NHE3 activity was measured fluorometrically in BCECF-loaded microdissected villi, or by assessment of CO2/HCO3 - mediated increase in fluid absorption in perfused jejunal loops of anethetized mice. Results: NHE3 was found to partially associate with lipid rafts in the native BBM, and NHE3 raft association had an impact on NHE3 transport activity and regulation in vivo. NHERF1, 2 and 3 were differentially distributed to rafts and non-rafts, with NHERF2 being most raft-associated and NHERF3 entirely non-raft associated. NHERF2 expression enhanced the localization of NHE3 to membrane rafts. The use of acid sphingomyelinase-deficient mice, which have altered membrane lipid as well as lipid raft composition, allowed us to test the validity of the lipid raft concept in vivo. Conclusions: The differential association of the NHERFs with the raft-associated and the non-raft fraction of NHE3 in the brush border membrane is one component of the differential and signal-specific NHE3 regulation by the different NHERFs

    Eigenständige Analgesie mit Piritramid durch Notfallsanitäter – retrospektive Auswertung der elektronischen Einsatzdokumentation

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    Hintergrund Schmerzen sind ein häufiger Behandlungsgrund in der prähospitalen Notfallmedizin. In Bayern delegieren die Ärztlichen Leiter Rettungsdienst (ÄLRD) bei subjektiv nichttolerablen Schmerzen nach isoliertem Extremitätentrauma an Notfallsanitäter (NotSan) landesweit einheitlich die Kurzinfusion von 7,5 mg des Opioidanalgetikums Piritramid. Methode Die Routineeinsatzdokumentation aller Einsätze im bayerischen Rettungsdienst mit Heranziehungen des Delegationsalgorithmus „Isolierte Extremitätenverletzung“ der ÄLRD nach § 4 Abs. 2 Nr. 2c Notfallsanitätergesetz wurde über einen 2‑Jahres-Zeitraum ausgewertet. Evaluiert wurden der Effekt auf die Schmerzintensität nach der numerischen Rating-Skala (NRS) und dem Vorliegen nichttolerabler Schmerzen, Auswirkungen auf die Vitalfunktionen sowie die Notwendigkeit von bestimmten weitergehenden Interventionen. Ergebnisse Bei 7151 identifizierten Einsätzen erfolgte in 6097 Fällen eine eigenständige Analgesie durch NotSan entlang der Delegation der ÄLRD. Die Schmerzintensität nach der NRS konnte von im Median 7 (Interquartilsabstand [IQR] 2) auf 3 (IQR 2, p < 0,001) gesenkt und in 96,9 % ein aus Patientensicht tolerables Niveau erreicht werden. In 9,4 % der Fälle wurde ein Notarzt nachgefordert und in 5,0 % eine ergänzende Analgesie verabreicht. Etwa jeder zehnte Patient erhielt Sauerstoff. Atemwegsinterventionen waren in wenigen Einzelfällen notwendig, eine Antagonisierung nur nach höheren als den delegierten Opiatdosen. Schlussfolgerung Eine vom ÄLRD delegierte und von NotSan eigenständig durchgeführte Opiatgabe senkt das Schmerzniveau relevant. Wesentliche Hinweise auf eine Patientengefährdung fanden sich nicht. Durch dieses Verfahren konnten in Bayern jährlich geschätzt ca. 2500 Notarzteinsätze vermieden werden

    Genome-wide association study of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis reveals genomic loci stratified by ANCA status

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    Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a rare inflammatory disease of unknown cause. 30% of patients have anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) specific for myeloperoxidase (MPO). Here, we describe a genome-wide association study in 676 EGPA cases and 6809 controls, that identifies 4 EGPA-associated loci through conventional case-control analysis, and 4 additional associations through a conditional false discovery rate approach. Many variants are also associated with asthma and six are associated with eosinophil count in the general population. Through Mendelian randomisation, we show that a primary tendency to eosinophilia contributes to EGPA susceptibility. Stratification by ANCA reveals that EGPA comprises two genetically and clinically distinct syndromes. MPO+\u2009ANCA EGPA is an eosinophilic autoimmune disease sharing certain clinical features and an HLA-DQ association with MPO+\u2009ANCA-associated vasculitis, while ANCA-negative EGPA may instead have a mucosal/barrier dysfunction origin. Four candidate genes are targets of therapies in development, supporting their exploration in EGPA

    Randomized-controlled trial of the DIALIVE liver dialysis device vs. standard of care in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute on chronic liver failure (ACLF) is characterized by severe systemic inflammation, multi-organ failure and high mortality rates. Its treatment is an urgent unmet need. DIALIVE is a novel liver dialysis device that aims to exchange d ysfunctional albumin and remove damage- and pathogen-associated molecular patterns. This first-in-man randomized, controlled clinical trial was performed with the primary aim of assessing its safety in ACLF patients with secondary aims to evaluate its clinical effects, device performance and effect on pathophysiologically-relevant biomarkers. METHODS: 32 alcoholic cirrhosis patients with ACLF were included. Patients were treated with DIALIVE for up to 5-days and end points were assessed at Day-10. Safety was assessed in all patients (n=32). The secondary aims were assessed in a pre-specified subgroup that had at least 3-treatment sessions with DIALIVE (n=30). RESULTS: There were no significant differences in 28-day mortality or occurrence of serious adverse events between the groups. Significant reduction in the severity of endotoxemia and improvement in albumin function was observed in DIALIVE group, which translated into a significant reduction in the CLIF-C (Chronic Liver Failure consortium) organ failure (p=0.018) and CLIF-C ACLF scores (p=0.042) at Day-10. Time to resolution of ACLF was significantly faster in DIALIVE group (p=0.036). Biomarkers of systemic inflammation such as IL-8 (p=0.006), cell death [cytokeratin-18: M30 (p=0.005) and M65 (p=0.029)], endothelial function [asymmetric dimethylarginine (p=0.002)] and, ligands for toll-like receptor 4 (p=0.030) and inflammasome (p=0.002) improved significantly in DIALIVE group. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that DIALIVE appears to be safe and impacts positively on prognostic scores and pathophysiologically relevant biomarkers in patients with ACLF. Larger, adequately powered studies are warranted to further confirm its safety and efficacy. LAY SUMMARY: This is the first-in-man clinical trial which tested DIALIVE, a novel liver dialysis device for the treatment of liver cirrhosis and acute on chronic liver failure, a condition associated with severe inflammation, organ failures and a high risk of death. The study met the primary end point confirming DIALIVE system to be safe. Additionally, it reduced inflammation with improved clinical parameters. It did not, however, reduce mortality in this small study and requires further larger clinical trials to re-confirm its safety and evaluate efficacy. CLINICAL TRIAL NUMBER: NCT03065699

    Genome-wide association study of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis reveals genomic loci stratified by ANCA status.

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    Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a rare inflammatory disease of unknown cause. 30% of patients have anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) specific for myeloperoxidase (MPO). Here, we describe a genome-wide association study in 676 EGPA cases and 6809 controls, that identifies 4 EGPA-associated loci through conventional case-control analysis, and 4 additional associations through a conditional false discovery rate approach. Many variants are also associated with asthma and six are associated with eosinophil count in the general population. Through Mendelian randomisation, we show that a primary tendency to eosinophilia contributes to EGPA susceptibility. Stratification by ANCA reveals that EGPA comprises two genetically and clinically distinct syndromes. MPO+ ANCA EGPA is an eosinophilic autoimmune disease sharing certain clinical features and an HLA-DQ association with MPO+ ANCA-associated vasculitis, while ANCA-negative EGPA may instead have a mucosal/barrier dysfunction origin. Four candidate genes are targets of therapies in development, supporting their exploration in EGPA
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