51 research outputs found

    Numerical Computation of Rank-One Convex Envelopes

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    We describe an algorithm for the numerical computation of the rank-one convex envelope of a function f:\MM^{m\times n}\rightarrow\RR. We prove its convergence and an error estimate in L∞

    Stress-modulated growth in the presence of nutrients -- existence and uniqueness in one spatial dimension

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    Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a class of models for stress-modulated growth is proven in one spatial dimension. The model features the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient FF into an elastic part FeF_e and a growth-related part GG. After the transformation due to the growth process, governed by GG, an elastic deformation described by FeF_e is applied in order to restore the Dirichlet boundary conditions and therefore the current configuration might be stressed with a stress tensor SS. The growth of the material at each point in the reference configuration is given by an ordinary differential equation for which the right-hand side may depend on the stress SS and the pull-back of a nutrient concentration in the current configuration, leading to a coupled system of ordinary differential equations

    Optimal rigidity estimates for maps of a compact Riemannian manifold to itself

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    Let MM be a smooth, compact, connected, oriented Riemannian manifold, and let ı:MRd\imath: M \to \mathbb R^d be an isometric embedding. We show that a Sobolev map f:MMf: M \to M which has the property that the differential df(q)df(q) is close to the set SO(TqM,Tf(q)M)SO(T_q M, T_{f(q)} M) of orientation preserving isometries (in an LpL^p sense) is already W1,pW^{1,p} close to a global isometry of MM. More precisely we prove for p(1,)p \in (1,\infty) the optimal linear estimate infϕIsom+(M)ıfıϕW1,ppCEp(f)\inf_{\phi \in \mathrm{Isom}_+(M)} \| \imath \circ f - \imath \circ \phi\|_{W^{1,p}}^p \le C E_p(f) where Ep(f):=Mdistp(df(q),SO(TqM,Tf(q)M))dvolM E_p(f) := \int_M {\rm dist}^p(df(q), SO(T_q M, T_{f(q)} M)) \, d{\rm vol}_M and where Isom+(M)\mathrm{Isom}_+(M) denotes the group of orientation preserving isometries of MM. This extends the Euclidean rigidity estimate of Friesecke-James-M\"uller [Comm. Pure Appl. Math. {\bf 55} (2002), 1461--1506] to Riemannian manifolds. It also extends the Riemannian stability result of Kupferman-Maor-Shachar [Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. {\bf 231} (2019), 367--408] for sequences of maps with Ep(fk)0E_p(f_k) \to 0 to an optimal quantitative estimate. The proof relies on the weak Riemannian Piola identity of Kupferman-Maor-Shachar, a uniform C1,αC^{1,\alpha} approximation through the harmonic map heat flow, and a linearization argument which reduces the estimate to the well-known Riemannian version of Korn's inequality

    Relaxation of some multi-well problems

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    Mathematical models of phase transitions in solids lead to the variational problem, minimize ∫_ΩW (Du) dx, where W has a multi-well structure, i.e. W = 0 on a multi-well set K and W > 0 otherwise. We study this problem in two dimensions in the case of equal determinant, i.e. for K = SO(2)U_1 ∪...∪ SO(2)U_k or K = O(2)U_1 ∪...∪ O(2)Uk for U_1,...,U_k ∈ M^(2×2) with det U_i = δ in three dimensions when the matrices U_i are essentially two-dimensional and also for K = SO(3)Û_1 ∪...∪ SO(3)Û_k for U_1,...,U_k ∈ M^(3×3) with (adj U_i^TU_i)33 = δ^2, which arises in the study of thin films. Here, Û_i denotes the (3×2) matrix formed with the first two columns of U_i. We characterize generalized convex hulls, including the quasiconvex hull, of these sets, prove existence of minimizers and identify conditions for the uniqueness of the minimizing Young measure. Finally, we use the characterization of the quasiconvex hull to propose 'approximate relaxed energies', quasiconvex functions which vanish on the quasiconvex hull of K and grow quadratically away from it

    Analytical and numerical relaxation results for models in soil mechanics

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    A variational model of pressure-dependent plasticity employing a time-incremental setting is introduced. A novel formulation of the dissipation potential allows one to construct the condensed energy in a variationally consistent manner. For a one-dimensional model problem, an explicit expression for the quasiconvex envelope can be found which turns out to be essentially independent of the original pressure-dependent yield surface. The model problem can be extended to higher dimensions in an empirical manner. Numerical simulation exhibit well-posed behavior showing mesh-independent results.Comment: Submitted to Cont. Mech. Thermody