Let M be a smooth, compact, connected, oriented Riemannian manifold, and
let :M→Rd be an isometric embedding. We show that a
Sobolev map f:M→M which has the property that the differential df(q)
is close to the set SO(TqM,Tf(q)M) of orientation preserving
isometries (in an Lp sense) is already W1,p close to a global isometry
of M. More precisely we prove for p∈(1,∞) the optimal linear
estimate ϕ∈Isom+(M)inf∥∘f−∘ϕ∥W1,pp≤CEp(f) where Ep(f):=∫Mdistp(df(q),SO(TqM,Tf(q)M))dvolM and where Isom+(M) denotes
the group of orientation preserving isometries of M.
This extends the Euclidean rigidity estimate of Friesecke-James-M\"uller
[Comm. Pure Appl. Math. {\bf 55} (2002), 1461--1506] to Riemannian manifolds.
It also extends the Riemannian stability result of Kupferman-Maor-Shachar
[Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. {\bf 231} (2019), 367--408] for sequences of maps
with Ep(fk)→0 to an optimal quantitative estimate.
The proof relies on the weak
Riemannian Piola identity of Kupferman-Maor-Shachar, a uniform C1,α
approximation through the harmonic map heat flow, and a linearization argument
which reduces the estimate to the well-known Riemannian version of Korn's