40 research outputs found

    Community Empowerment through Digital Maternal and Neonatal Care Services in Indonesia

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    Collaborative Community Empowerment is an empowerment strategy by collaborating various actors and stakeholders in empowerment programs. Implementation of the empowerment program is still sectorally and separately, especially in rural areas with centre of poverty. The case in this research is improving the quality of life of people with mental retardation. Thus, a comprehensive approach is needed to collaborate on these sectors. The purpose of this study is to develop a community empowerment model based on Collaborative Community Empowerment. In order to find the right model for collaboration in rural and poor people specially to improve the quality of life of people with mental retardation, this study deepens and understands the empirical pattern of empowerment that has implemented, and analyzed using the Collaborative Community Empowerment theory to create an appropriate collaborative model. The result of this study is the creation of a collaborative model for the society to improve the quality of life the community that gives beneficial impact on increasing quality of life of people with mental retardation and the societ

    Glial Choristoma in the Middle Ear and Mastoid Bone: A Case Report

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    Heterotopic brain tissue usually involves extracranial midline structures of the head and neck such as nose, nasopharynx, and oral cavity. Its occurrence in the non-midline structures, including middle ear, is rare. We described a 50-yr-old-man with heterotopic glial tissue in the middle ear and mastoid bone. The patient presented with progressive hearing loss for 8 yr. There was no history of congenital anomalies, trauma, or ear surgery. Computed tomography revealed a mass-like lesion with soft tissue density occupying the middle ear cavity and mastoid antrum. At the operation, a graywhite fibrotic mass was detected in the epitympanic area. Mesotympanum and ossicles were intact. The patient underwent left simple mastoidectomy with type I tympanoplasty. During operation, definite cranial bone defect or cerebrospinal fluid leakage was not found. Histologically, the lesion was composed of exclusively mature, disorganized glial tissue with fibrovascular elements in a rather loose fibrillary background. Glial tissue showed diffuse positive reaction for glial fibrillar acidic protein and S100 protein on immunohistochemical study

    Ultra-Orthodox Nursing Students’ Cultural Challenges Inside and Outside Their Community during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    In line with findings that nurses from minority groups have an important role in making health services accessible to their community, our study aimed to identify the challenges ultra-Orthodox Jewish nurses faced during COVID-19 in their encounters with patients and health staff from other communities, as well as their own community. The ultra-Orthodox community is a highly religious group that maintains isolation from general society, a phenomenon that affected its member experiences during COVID-19. Our research followed sequential explanatory mixed methods. The quantitative phase included a questionnaire completed by 235 female students (111 ultra-Orthodox and 124 non-ultra-Orthodox), followed by a qualitative phase, which included six focus-groups (n = 15). The quantitative analysis showed that the ultra-Orthodox students felt a higher sense of responsibility toward their community. They used their authority and knowledge to guide their community during the pandemic. The qualitative analysis identified two themes expressed as challenges ultra-Orthodox nursing students encountered within their community and with other sections of Israeli society. Our research shows the important role that transcultural nurses play in mediating updated health information otherwise inaccessible to their community, especially in times of crises. It is important to address dilemmas this group faces inside and outside their respective communities

    Efektifitas Penggunaan Anggaran Melalui Factor Evaluatlon System (FES) Dalam Menentukan Tambahan Penghasilan Pegawai (TPP) di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Surabaya

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    Salah satu agenda besar Reformasi Birokrasi adalah peningkatan kinerja pegawai melalui sistem remunerasi. Namun muncul berbagai masalah dalam menemukan sistem yang tepat. Besaran anggaran pemerintah yang digunakan untuk pegawai tidak dapat menjamin peningkatan kinerja pegawai. Ketidakefektifan pemberian remunerasi dan sistem penggajian justru berdampak buruk bagi organisasi sektor publik. Melalui Factor Evaluation System, Kompensasi berdasarkan evaluasi jabatan kini menjadi altematif dalam pemberian tunjangan kinerja. Penelitian ini berfokus pada efektifitas penggunaan anggaran melalui Factor Evaluation System dalam menentukan tambahan penghasilan pegawai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efektifitas penggunaan anggaran dalam pemberian Tambahan Penghasilan Pegawai. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi keuangan sektor publik, anggaran berbasis kinerja, kompensasi, performance based pay dan Factor Evaluation System (FES). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan tipe deskriptif. HasH penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari segi penggunaan anggaran pemberian Tambahan Penghasilan Pegawai di Kota Surabaya berjalan dengan efektif. Disamping adanya efektifitas, penelitian ini menemukan beberapa kelemahan diantaranya kurangnya feksibilitas penggunaan anggaran dan tidak adanya pengukuran yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Dengan melakukan intepretasi teoritik terhadap anggaran berbasis kinerja dan efektifitas kompensasi. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan anggaran dalam pemberian Tambahan Penghasilan Pegawai berdasarkan Factor Evaluation System terbukti efektif

    Competing Visions of the Jewish State: Promoting and Protecting Freedom of Religion in Israel

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    This Note argues that religion and state cannot be separated in Israel. Part I presents the historical connection between the Jewish nation and the land of Israel and its impact on Israel\u27s legal system. Part I also examines the current legal status of Jewish law in Israel. Part II discusses proposed models for resolving the religion-state conflict in Israel. Part III defends the integration of Jewish law into Israeli law, arguing that incorporating only the national and cultural elements of Judaism into Israeli policy, while ignoring its religious components, is insufficient to sustain the notion of Israel as a Jewish state

    Analisis Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa pada Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Rural Tourism) di Indonesia

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    Leadership is an important aspect of sustainable tourism development. A tourist village as one of the potentials for sustainable tourism in Indonesia requires an appropriate leadership style so that sustainable development can be realized. This study aims to analyze leadership styles in the development of sustainable tourism villages in Indonesia and their development in the context of sustainable leadership. The research method used is a qualitative method with the Qualitative Secondary Analysis (QSA) model with a database obtained from Google Solar through a Harzing Publish or Perish (PoP) search. The findings from this study are that most village heads in developing sustainable tourism use a transformative leadership style, besides that there are several variations such as community-based leadership, grassroots leadership, local value-based leadership, innovative, charismatic and democratic leadership. Village head leadership can be developed by carrying out continuous learning, planning for long-term success, developing competencies based on sustainable development and openness to collaborative sustainable developmentAbstraksi: Kepemimpinan merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam pembangunan pariwisata berkelanjutan. Desa wisata sebagai salah satu potensi pariwisata berkelanjutan di indonesia membutuhkan gaya kepemimpinan yang sesuai agar pembangunan berkelanjutan dapat terwujud. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gaya kepemimpinan dalam pengembangan desa wisata berkelanjutan di indonesia dan pengembangannya dalam konteks kepemimpinan berkelanjutan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan model Qualitative Secondary Analysis (QSA) dengan basis data yang diperoleh dari google sholar melalui pencarian Harzing Publish or Perish (PoP). Temuan dari kajian ini yaitu sebagian besar kepala desa dalam mengembangkan pariwisata berkelanjutan menggunakan gaya kepemimpinan transformatif, disamping itu terdapat beberapa variasi misalnya kepemimpinan berbasis masyarakat, kepemimpinan akar rumput, kepemimpinan berbasis nilai lokal, kepemimpinan inovatif, kharismatik dan demokratis. Kepemimpinan kepala desa dapat dikembangkan dengan melakukan pembelajaran berkelanjutan, perencanaan kesuskesan jangka panjang, pengembangan kompetensi berbasis sustainable development dan keterbukaan kolaborasi pembangunan berkelanjuta

    Collaborative Community Empowerment Model to Improve the Living Quality of Poor People Case Study on “Down-Syndrome Village” in Ponorogo Regency

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    Collaborative Community Empowerment is an empowerment strategy by collaborating various actors and stakeholders in empowerment programs. Implementation of the empowerment program is still sectorally and separately, especially in rural areas with centre of poverty. The case in this research is improving the quality of life of people with mental retardation. Thus, a comprehensive approach is needed to collaborate on these sectors. The purpose of this study is to develop a community empowerment model based on Collaborative Community Empowerment. In order to find the right model for collaboration in rural and poor people specially to improve the quality of life of people with mental retardation, this study deepens and understands the empirical pattern of empowerment that has implemented, and analyzed using the Collaborative Community Empowerment theory to create an appropriate collaborative model. The result of this study is the creation of a collaborative model for the society to improve the quality of life the community that gives beneficial impact on increasing quality of life of people with mental retardation and the societ

    The Formation of the New Autonomous Region of Papua and Welfare Guarantees in the Decentralization Policy

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    The instrument for regional structuring, particularly regional expansion leading to new autonomous regions, can be seen as a rational and logical implication of decentralization implementation. Decentralization, in turn, played a pivotal role in shaping the grand design of regional planning (Desertada) up until the imposition of a regional expansion moratorium in late 2009. This research employs a qualitative methodology, a case study approach, chosen due to its adaptability and effectiveness in addressing dynamic and unpredictable social contexts. The focal point of this study revolved around the narratives underlying the formation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua, particularly emphasizing the discourse on welfare. The government has actively promoted narratives of welfare motives and national strategic interests. The government has actively promoted narratives of welfare motives and national strategic interests. Despite the expansion of the Papua region and the implementation of special autonomy, it is observed that these initiatives have not significantly contributed to development. Notably, the expansion process in Papua, marred by alleged procedural and material deficiencies, took place without indigenous Papuans' meaningful participation and consultation

    INTEGRASI PENDEKATAN TOP-DOWN DAN BOTTOM-UP DALAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (Studi pada Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat Kampung Down Syndrome di Kabupaten Ponorogo)

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    Pendekatan top-down dan bottom up dalam community development memiliki model dan penerapan yang berbeda. Faktanya kedua pendekatan tersebut memiliki implikasi yang saling berlawanan. Peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat kampung down syndrome melalui penerapan kedua pendekatan tersebut secara terpisah, belum mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup secara signifikan. Selain sebagai daerah dengan kantong kemiskinan tertinggi masyarakat kampung down syndrome tidak mudah untuk diberdayakan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan pendekatan top-down dan bottom up sehingga tercipta suatu model yang efektif dalam community development. Fokus dalam kajian ini adalah pembahasan tentang pendekatan top-down dan bottom up dalam studi fenomenologi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil dari kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat dengan keterbatasan akses fisik dan mental tidak mampu menerima strategi community development yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah atau pihak lainnya. Disisi lain masyarakat tidak memiliki inisiatif untuk berkembang dan cenderung pasif dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya. Sehingga tercipta ketergantungan pada pemberian bantuan yang bersifat insidental. Integrasi pendekatan top-down dan bottom up memberikan ruang intervensi pada pemerintah untuk mengatur proses community development yang disesuaikan dengan kapasitas dan kebutuhan masyarakat, serta memberikan ruang bebas bagi masyarakat untuk menentukan pola community development yang sesuai.Keywords : top-down, bottom-up, community development, masyarakat miskin, down syndrom


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