3,911 research outputs found

    Limit quantum efficiency for violation of Clauser-Horne Inequality for qutrits

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    In this paper we present the results of numerical calculations about the minimal value of detection efficiency for violating the Clauser - Horne inequality for qutrits. Our results show how the use of non-maximally entangled states largely improves this limit respect to maximally entangled ones. A stronger resistance to noise is also found.Comment: Phys. Rev. A in pres

    Nonequilibrium transitions induced by multiplicative noise

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    A new simple model exhibiting a noise-induced ordering transition (NIOT) and a noise-induced disordering transition (NIDT), in which the noise is purely multiplicative, is presented. Both transitions are found in two as well as in one dimension (where they had not been previously reported). We show analytically and numerically that the critical behavior of these two transitions is described by the so called multiplicative noise(MN) universality class. A computation of the set of critical exponents is presented in both d=1d=1, and d=2d=2 (where they have not been previously measured).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Late

    Quantum correlation dynamics in photosynthetic processes assisted by molecular vibrations

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    During the long course of evolution, nature has learnt how to exploit quantum effects. In fact, recent experiments reveal the existence of quantum processes whose coherence extends over unexpectedly long time and space ranges. In particular, photosynthetic processes in light-harvesting complexes display a typical oscillatory dynamics ascribed to quantum coherence. Here, we consider the simple model where a dimer made of two chromophores is strongly coupled with a quasi-resonant vibrational mode. We observe the occurrence of wide oscillations of genuine quantum correlations, between electronic excitations and the environment, represented by vibrational bosonic modes. Such a quantum dynamics has been unveiled through the calculation of the negativity of entanglement and the discord, indicators widely used in quantum information for quantifying the resources needed to realize quantum technologies. We also discuss the possibility of approximating additional weakly-coupled off-resonant vibrational modes, simulating the disturbances induced by the rest of the environment, by a single vibrational mode. Within this approximation, one can show that the off-resonant bath behaves like a classical source of noise

    Role of heat and mechanical treatments in the fabrication of superconducting Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 ex-situ Powder-In-Tube tapes

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    Among the recently discovered Fe-based superconducting compounds, the (K,Ba)Fe2As2 phase is attracting large interest within the scientific community interested in conductor developments. In fact, after some years of development, critical current densities Jc of about 105 A/cm2 at fields up to more than 10 T have been obtained in powder in tube (PIT) processed wires and tapes. Here we explore the crucial points in the wire/tape fabrication by means of the ex-situ PIT method. We focus on scaling up processes which are crucial for the industrial fabrication. We analyzed the effects on the microstructure of the different heat and mechanical treatments. By an extensive microstructural analysis correlated with the transport properties we addressed the issues concerning the phase purity, the internal porosity and crack formation in the superconducting core region. Our best conductors with a filling factor of about 30 heat treated at 800 C exhibited Tc = 38 K the highest value measured in such kind of superconducting tape. The microstructure analysis shows clean and well connected grain boundaries but rather poor density: The measured Jc of about 3 x 10^4 A/cm2 in self-field is suppressed by less than a factor 7 at 7 T. Such not yet optimized Jc values can be accounted for by the reduced density while the moderate in-field suppression and a rather high n-factor confirm the high homogeneity and uniformity of these tapes

    Experimental reconstruction of photon statistics without photon counting

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    Experimental reconstructions of photon number distributions of both continuous-wave and pulsed light beams are reported. Our scheme is based on on/off avalanche photodetection assisted by maximum-likelihood estimation and does not involve photon counting. Reconstructions of the distribution for both semiclassical and quantum states of light are reported for single-mode as well as for multimode beams.Comment: Revised version: in press on PRL. 4 pages, 4 fig

    Toward third order ghost imaging with thermal light

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    Recently it has been suggested that an enhancement in the visibility of ghost images obtained with thermal light can be achieved exploiting higher order correlations [3]. This paper reports on the status of an higher order ghost imaging experiment carried on at INRIM labs exploiting a pseudo-thermal source and a CCD camera.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of Recent advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Informatio

    Dispersion spreading of polarization-entangled states of light and two-photon interference

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    We study the interference structure of the second-order intensity correlation function for polarization-entangled two-photon light obtained from type-II collinear frequency-degenerate spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). The structure is visualised due to the spreading of the two-photon amplitude as two-photon light propagates through optical fibre with group-velocity dispersion (GVD). Because of the spreading, polarization-entangled Bell states can be obtained without any birefringence compensation at the output of the nonlinear crystal; instead, proper time selection of the intensity correlation function is required. A birefringent material inserted at the output of the nonlinear crystal (either reducing the initial o-e delay between the oppositely polarized twin photons or increasing this delay) leads to a more complicated interference structure of the correlation function.Comment: Extended version of our recent PRL paper. Submitted to PR

    Revealing interference by continuous variable discordant states

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    In general, a pair of uncorrelated Gaussian states mixed in a beam splitter produces a correlated state at the output. However, when the inputs are identical Gaussian states the output state is equal to the input, and no correlations appear, as the interference had not taken place. On the other hand, since physical phenomena do have observable effects, and the beam splitter is there, a question arises on how to reveal the interference between the two beams. We prove theoretically and demonstrate experimentally that this is possible if at least one of the two beams is prepared in a discordant, i.e. Gaussian correlated, state with a third beam. We also apply the same technique to reveal the erasure of polarization information. Our experiments involves thermal states and the results show that Gaussian discordant states, even when they show a positive Glauber P-function, may be useful to achieve specific tasks.Comment: published versio
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